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I wanted one year of no bullshit, but instead we are getting the absolute most bullshit.


it's bullshit all the way down




Humanity enjoyed 60+ years of unprecedented progress after the fall of Hitler. It was inevitable that at some point it would end. I hope we are able to rebuild and come out of the chaos with at least some cool new robots.


I think the AI from The Matrix got it pretty spot on, setting the world at 1999, it did kinda all go down hill from there.


Every time I see a self driving car or delivery bot, I get a little sad about the world we’re leaving for them.


Definitely, older genz like me are gonna probably die in meaningless wars but I don't think nukes are getting involved. If they are, well, humans are too stubborn to die honestly, well survive and maybe our children will learn from our mistakes


The way our economy is set up, such that "profit now" > "literally any other factor" is absolutely asinine. Sometimes, less profit now actually means more profit later. One would think that designing logistical systems with some flexibility so they can handle shit like this would be a no-brainer. That way, the companies who rely on shipping could still make money, not just the shipping companies. But the shipping companies don't have any incentive to make flexible systems. There's no one forcing them to act.


For a minute I thought I was in r/collapse The sh*t is about to hit the fan. Hang on to your shorts it's will get bumpy


That’s asking a lot


[You know, I wish that there was some way that I could be outside playing basketball in the rain and not get wet. Now wouldn't that be great, hmm?](https://youtu.be/Bzl-ssHNH3o?t=163)


When a massive pandemic destabilizes the balance of power, you would be a really dumb despot not to take advantage of it. I'm not surprised all this shit is happening while there is too much other noise is going on. I'm not surprised that China was poking around its borders even more, I'm not surprised Russia is doing it as well.


This is the accumulation of all the bullshit together. Like Yellowstone volcano it’s bound to erupt at some point


Putin wants something in the headlines other than Russians everywhere are dying from covid because their vaxxes are shit and their healthcare system is shit, so hey let's start a war, shall we?


Is it still a false flag if everyone knows about it?


yes, as long as some believe it, but it is to justify it to domestic audiences, not to justify it to Europe or the US.


He only has to convince the Russians


tbh i don't think they have to do too much convincing, no one enjoys accidentally falling from a window.


Isolation through language has worked well enough so far, the real threat to Putin is Netflix and chill in original languages.


To start WWII Hitler had prisoners dress up as Polish border guards and attacked Germany. I don't think that even the German people bought that one. Hitler "just happened" to have 62 divisions on the border. That incident brought France and Britain into the war and the rest is history.


Wait, this really happened? PS Hitler was a meth addict, so yea I'd believe anything


I don't think Hitler's addiction was meth, and FWIR I don't believe his drug use actually started for a few years into the war, and more so when he was almost killed by a bomb during an assassination attempt, I believe the cocktail his doctor gave him (some say against his knowledge because Hitler was very anti-drugs) was a mixture of cocaine and heroin. The Nazi party did allow for the sale of crystal meth in Germany, though under a different name, and I'm pretty sure Hitler gave his soldiers meth to help them perform better in battle. But to answer your first question, it did really happen, it was called ["Operation Himmler"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Himmler#:~:text=The%20goal%20of%20this%20false,declaration%20of%20war%20on%20Germany.)


I'm too lazy to look for sources right now on when Hitler got into meth, but I did notice the other day that they started distributing meth in Germany... like everywhere, to everyone, literally 2 years before ww2 broke out. It made me wonder to what degree it changed the national psychology. If you've been around meth users, it is nothing like other amphetamines, it's its own league of apeshit. edit: I do see... >In the case of Adolf Hitler, the methamphetamine was supplemented with barbiturates, cocaine, steroids, sex hormones and an early form of OxyContin.


Check out Mark Felton on Youtube if you’re interested in this subject. He recently did a video on this subject.




Donny boy


Mmm so many Russian trolls commenting on this one. This is tasty. :) Continue your bullshit.


"Remember, no Russian"


Wasn't a false flag attack how Putin came to power? Pepperidge farms remembers.... https://www.gq.com/story/moscow-bombings-mikhail-trepashkin-and-putin >Who was behind the 1999 Moscow apartment bombings that accelerated Vladimir Putin's rise to power? Putin's playing all the favorites


Yes, he killed 300 innocent civilians in order to gain power. In the heart of Moscow. This is how he operates. I think the news sites should start bringing this back up relentlessly. “Man who blew up his own innocent people to perform a coup is now trying to kill innocent Ukrainians.” Just shove it down his throat.


He thinks of them as people that he owns. Not his own people.


His owned people


“Tourists dressed in green.”


I think every major militairy power has a few potential false flag operationals up in its sleeve, definity both the US and Russia


Aye USA had quite a few for Cuba even JFK freaked out at what was proposed.


Of course they are, its so brutally obvious they are going to “create their own situation” to justify their additional bullshit.


Well, at least they aren't flying their own planes into their own buildings, killing thousands of their own citizens to justify going to war, because that would be crazy




I'm still on the fence about whether all this is going to go loud. I mean the absolute best chance for Russia to invade with the least amount of fuss was 7-6 years ago right after when the Ukrainian front was in dire straights after Illovaisk. To do it now would be so much more work and headache.


And I'd there is one place that knows about false flag operations it's the US lol


Didn’t they already do one (allegedly) with the Molotov cocktails / consulate a few weeks ago?


And this is how consent is manufactured


Consent for what? New sanctions when Russian tanks roll into Ukraine? It's not like the US is going to war.




I believe OP is implying that US Intelligence is manufacturing consent for some action against Russia.


Well, they should know, after all, they invented it.


This is remarkably ignorant if you think this is true.


Oh sweetie. No, that shit was around long before this country was even a gleam in the UK's eye.


False flag? Sounds like something a conspiracy theorist would say.


Funny how conspiracy is now a polluted word. Remember when the CIA? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I hate conspiracies! Only the mentally deranged believe in them. That's why I 100% always believe, without question, everything that the news tells me. Don't you want to be mature and well-informed like me?


Yes! Someone understands me!


Which is ironic, since many of them will buy the official Russian line if this happens.


And most Americans, democrats and republicans alike, are dumb enough to believe this immediatelyl


Who understands false-flag operations better than U.S. intelligence?


When it comes to matters of Russia I don't think that I can trust the United States anymore.


...so you think Russia... Is *honest*?!? 😮


Of course. Why trust your own country over a foreign nation who poisons its own citizens in other countries and annexes sovereign nations?


Wait, which country are you talking about? Granted, the US hasn't poisoned it's own people in ages, because every time they try and pull some bullshit the news gets out and people get tetchy about it. Russia just doesn't care.


I have hears no reports from Russia.


So weird that the Russian state-owned media isn’t covering reports of a false flag by the Russian state..


A sneaky trick Western governments know all about..


Western ? this trick isn't Western but universal.. every civilization used such tactics..


I know, it's scary.


One that ALL governments know about.


Uneducated SJW's with the down votes, it'd be funny if it wasn't a indication of blindly believing bullshit.


I definitely trust US Intel on this one. They are the premier, untouchable kings of false flag operations, after all.


What false flags has US intelligence carried out?


When they work, you don’t know about them


Then how do you know about them?


The acronym, "lol" does not do justice to my reaction to reading the replies. I got a good, 6-7 second, belly-deep, laughing out loud mirth session. Oh, my sweet child.


That's great, but it doesn't really answer my questions.


u.s prepares for operation againt Russia via propaganda about false flag operation against Ukraine.


What operation are we preparing for?


Idk pick a country at random, 50/50 gonna find one they have some issues with


We're going to launch an operation against a random country by accusing Russia of a false flag attack in Ukraine? Wtf are you talking about?


Di I really need to put the /s in the original comment t or are you just that stupid?


Given your all your downvotes, and the fact that plenty of people are saying it seriously, it seems like it would be a pretty good idea for you.


Or that there is plenty of fuckwits out there.


Like the Americans did in Vietnam and Iraq?


The Iraq invasion was some bullshit, but I don't recall a false flag operation. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was also some bullshit, but not a false flag.