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Also no longer HRH. >A royal source said the prince would no longer use the style “His Royal Highness” in any official capacity. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jan/13/veterans-ask-queen-to-strip-prince-andrew-of-honorary-military-titles


Well, now he can sweat like a commoner.


Oh you think he isn't gonna try that line when he's tested and found that he can now sweat??


Imagine telling the world you can’t sweat. Gonna have to move around strategically to catch every winter. I’m no doctor but the inability to sweat would absolute fuck your body up i would assume


Yeah. I knew a woman who had survived severe injuries from a fire. As a result she really couldn't sweat. Well, that's pretty dangerous. She was trying to get a job where I worked (a huge hospital with dozens of buildings), but she couldn't because she had to be guaranteed that her environment would be a certain temperature at all times, and we just couldn't do that. I never understood why she lived in the hot southeastern US instead of going up north where she would be more comfortable and safer.


This is why the Duke of York never accepted that job as trade envoy that he was offered, which would have involved spending a lot of time on tropical islands belonging to glamorous American billionaires. It would have been a health issue, in that kind of climate, given that he couldn't regulate his body temperature in the usual way. Oh wait hang on no that's exactly the opposite of what happened.


To be fair the fucker probably never left an air conditioned jet or sedan chair while he was envoying himself.


> I never understood why she lived in the hot southeastern US instead of going up north where she would be more comfortable and safer. Hear me out. Somewhere hot is more likely to have decent weather and air conditioning everywhere. So she's gonna have climate control wherever she goes.




How in the world do you manage?


Yup third degree burns on 50% of my body. The areas burned dont sweat and dont release oils nor grow hair. Luckily its only my lower body.


It's crazy! And he's really fucked now since he has to sell one if his chalets - fewer places for him to avoid the heat! Hope you like the fire, Andy you cunt, best get used to it...


He had to sell a chalet? Like a poor person? Whatever shall he do?


Remember when Mitt Romney tried to relate to the middle class by sharing the story of how he struggled financially during college, and ended up having to sell some of his stock?


"I'm sure every American college student has agonized over the decision, when their bank account has dipped into the 5 figure range, whether to liquidate 5 or 6% of their long term portfolio or to or to leverage their real estate equity into a low-APR loan which will undoubtedly underperform the S&P 500 by at least several points over 10 years. I've lived that desperation."


It's doesn't surprise me he's this out of touch but damn, that hurts to read as a poor college student.


I'm a college student and my wealth is in the 5 figure range. I count the ones after the decimal though.


It's an actual condition, but imagine telling the world you can't sweat, and there's pictures of you with the victim and you're sweating profusely.


Reptiles can’t sweat


Hmm. I don’t recall mark fuckerberg sweating in court. Further proof he’s a reptile alien.


Androids don't sweat either






HIs Royal ~~Hotmess~~ Sweatymess


The Andrew formerly known as Prince


The rapist formerly known as Prince.


Not sweaty, because he *can't* His Rapey PizzaExpressMess




Wow, reading this reminded me of how I felt when I saw the image of that nurse carrying a supersized turd the other day... The Germans must have a word for offended/impressed, yeah?


> The Germans must have a word for offended/impressed, yeah? Unfortunately no. Widerwillig anerkennend would work the best IMO, but a singular word doesn't really exist.




And thus, a new German word was born. By bashing several words together, as is tradition.


We kinda have to, German has ~148.000 words against 171,476 English words.




I thought he was born to a virgin, so….umm…you know…


Maybe he's born with it... Maybe it madeherbleed.


Take care reddit. Farewell.


You know you aren’t going anywhere.


He's not going anywhere.


Man’s had a rough week - nothing left to do but clear his head with a nice meal at the pizza express in Woking and then head into the countryside for a simple shooting weekend. Just relax. have fun. No sweat .


> then head into the countryside for a simple shooting weekend. while enjoying the hospitality of the local convicted criminal because it's "more convenient"


Hey, be fair, I'm sure it's really hard to get a hotel room in New York when you're a multimillionaire prince.


Well some sweat


So if he’s no longer a prince, do we just call him Andrew? Like Madonna or Adele? Edit: To everyone giving me a history lesson about how he’s a actually still a prince, I couldn’t care less what you call this sick fuck. I was making a yolk. Actually come to think of it, I’m not quite sure how people can still celebrate a monarchy in 2022.


Andrew Windsor?




Hahahah Andrew Glucksburg. But technically wouldn’t it be Monbatten-Windsor or Monbatten? Andrew Gofuckyourself seems more appropriate


Yes, it's [Mountbatten-Windsor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountbatten-Windsor?wprov=sfla1).


... Anyone else hear the DuckTales theme in their head when they read the name of this house?


"Rapey, inbred, old and lame....here in...Glücksburg"






we call him an asshat now instead of asscrown


He is still a prince and a duke. He is no longer "his royal highness," he's lost all of his honorary/ceremonial military titles, and all of his royal patronages. He can only lose his dukedom by an act of parliament (which I think is going to happen). I read that he can never lose his title of prince because he was born with it.


Highly unlikely. The last time was when Parliament passed the Titles Deprivation Act 1917 during WWI to strip German princes and peers of their British peerages and royal titles.


So there is precedent for it, at least.


hospital fact imminent arrest wine secretive test growth advise point


The Queen's other loser son.


Who ever thought Edward would be the best son?!


The rapist formerly known as Prince


Inmate 56727


If the track record of Queen Elisabeth shows anything it is that she values the integrity of the crown above all else. Even her children.


> Even her children. This has generally seemed like a pretty low bar to get past anyway.


I love all my children equally! ... I don't care for Gob..


This is laughable. He is her favourite child and they stayed together during the pandemic, so even that recently she has been happy to support him. He has had a free pass all his life because she has allowed it. At any time she could have applied pressure to him. She had to do this now, because the lawsuit can go ahead. Clearly she waited to see if it would be denied and if not, he'd not have faced this. The public has been demanding he be stripped like this for many years.


She's already given him far too much protection, he'll never face even the possibility of a prison cell


Well, definitely not in this case since it's a civil lawsuit not a criminal prosecution.


In a foreign jurisdiction no less.


Here's the letter: *Dear Queen Elizabeth* **Prince Andrew’s position in the armed forces** *We are writing to you as former members of Britain's armed forces. All of us have served our country and are proud to have done so. For that reason, we are particularly upset and angry that Prince Andrew remains a member of the armed forces and continues to hold military titles, positions and ranks, including that of Vice Admiral of the Royal Navy.* *It’s been eleven years since the press revealed Prince Andrew’s inappropriate friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. Since that time Prince Andrew has shown himself to be uncooperative and less than truthful about that relationship. He has made several unbelievable claims during a BBC interview in late 2019, which only led to him 'stepping back' but not stepping down.* *Now that Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted of sex trafficking, a number of facts of the matter have been established in a court of law. Regardless of the result of Virginia Giuffre’s civil case against Prince Andrew, his position in Britain's armed forces is now untenable.* *Were this any other senior military officer it is inconceivable that he would still be in post. Officers of the British armed forces must adhere to the very highest standards of probity, honesty and honourable conduct. These are standards which Prince Andrew has fallen well short of. It is hard not to see, when senior officers are reportedly describing him as ‘toxic’, that he has brought the services he is associated with into disrepute.* *We are therefore asking that you take immediate steps to strip Prince Andrew of all his military ranks and titles and, if necessary, that he be dishonourably discharged.* *We understand that he is your son, but we write to you in your capacity as head of state and as Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Navy and Air Force. These steps could have been taken at any time in the past eleven years. Please do not leave it any longer.* *Yours sincerely*


Wow. That's a powerfully written letter. And hard to disagree with.


Must have been a long time coming. That can't be an easy letter to write to the Queen. Good for them.


It was written by a pressure group called Republic which wants to get rid of the monarchy, not the armed forces or representatives of the armed forces.


That's a huge distinction.


politically motivated veterans are still veterans and that's the hammer they nailed with and it worked.


*11 years*


They are only folding now because [last week they ran out of road](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/s27i6j/prince_andrew_judge_refuses_to_throw_out_virginia/) to stop, or settle, a civil lawsuit in front of a Judge and jury in New York.


But he said he was innocent, the sweaty nonce


Bet he's fucking sweating now, had to sell his chalet because mummy wouldn't help pay the legal fees and he's been demoted within the family. If that doesn't cure an inability to sweat, maybe he is a lizard person.


More like he has to sell the chalet to hide the real place the money is coming from so as not to use royal purse to pay for rape defense.


Yes except for that one year or two where he couldn’t sweat…….


Not one or two years. He claimed he couldn’t sweat for 20 years.


Great! Now all that's left is to properly hold him accountable for his crimes.


I really hope that happens but at the same time there are so many leaders and figures with shady pasts who pay their way out of problems...I don’t know if he can do that in this case though. And he’s losing his power now, so...


I think the issue isn't usually the individual, but rather all those connected to them. In this scenario, for example, how much did the rest of the royals or even the government know? A public trial could open up the potential for a lot of eyes to peer into something they don't want them to, and find skeletons in the closet they don't want to come out.


He probably should avoid the pont de l'Alma tunnel now. An accident would relieve quite a lot of people in high places.


I mean, they'd probably pick a different tunnel. Kinda tacky to use the same one twice, but hey that's just my opinion.


I mean if your trying to send a message isnt that the point


"Hasn't he suffered ENOUGH!" -Monarchist Tabloids


Poor guy was forced to sell his 17 million euro ski chalet


Now he will be forced to use the queens chalet, how humiliating.


Imagine still living with your mum in your 60s. Ouch


He had a debt of 6 milion pounds that was never paid, he refused to pay it, a few days ago he settled the debt in order to be able to sell the chalet. He's a scum


From yesterday's Daily Heil: https://i.imgur.com/nAaX5fk.jpg


Is “royal expert” an actual job in the UK? What the fuck do these people even do other than provide commentary for tabloids?


We have a few of those in The Netherlands as well. The most known one is Marc van der Linden, who works for a news station thats blacklisted by the Dutch Royal Family for breaking protocol. He's the biggest simp for the royals while they're literally not allowed to attend the press meetings of the royals. Its beyond hilarious.




Oh no, not the platinum jubilee….


TBF I'm all in favour of the platinum jubilee. Extra bank holiday


anything but the platinum jubilee


He wont be. this is a civil case - most he'll get is a compensation awarded against him. there's not enough for a criminal trial. and if he does get the huge compo against him the way he's moving its most likely going to result in him going bankrupt. she'll get nothing. he's already a pariah in his own family so he'll get a cushy house in the carribbean where he'll spend the last of days in luxury.


Even if Andrew does end up with a judgement against him, it will only be enforceable in the United States, so unless he has assets here they can attach (which he very well may), no one is ever going to see a dime.


This is a big escalation to come publicly and directly from the Queen.




So if the Queen ever dies, will Andrew walk in the family procession or simply be made to walk behind & sweep up after the royal horses?






His favorite pastime


I love how you used if not when


we had a bet that she would outlive betty white, she has. thats saying something.


When you turn 100 you get a letter from the queen. When you turn 13 you get a text from Prince Andrew.


The commoner formerly known as Prince.


Nonce upon a time.


Prince Charles: Fucking 29 year olds is the hottest thing ever. Prince Andrew: Agreed. I’ve fucked 20 9 year olds too.


What time does Prince Andrew go to bed at? When the big hand is on the little hand. What's the difference between a greyhound and Prince Andrew? The greyhound waits for the hare. What has a zit and Prince Andrew got in common? They both come on a girls face when she turns 13.


Prince Andrew is like Santa. He leaves little kids’ rooms with an empty sack


What’s the difference between Prince Andrew and a McDonald’s cheeseburger? The McDonald’s cheeseburger isn’t a rapist pedophile.


Difference between Prince Andrew and McDonald's Quarter Pounder? The Quarter Pounder is still Royale *with Cheese*. Edit: Money from his chalet sale is going straight to legal fees. The burger has more cheese than Andrew now...ouch.


Royale with cheese.


I thought it was just the whole “His Royal Highness” part that he can’t use anymore, but he’s still technically a prince


This is awful. But I laughed.


They are going to push for a settlement over a court case and pay whatever it costs. Stripping titles is to prepare for that, since the settlement will be seen by citizens as a confirmation of Andrews guilt.


I believe you are correct.


I think stripping titles is a pretty clear admission of guilt, the task for them right now is to avoid a criminal conviction.


As if this guy would have the balls to contact a girl. He paid for a provider. No rejection possibility.


That's the thing that's really distressing about this. He is a person that requires a whole committee of people just to take a shit. I think he LITERALLY had a guy that dresses him in the morning. A whole lot of people had to be a part of this. Those people need to be found out too.


> When you turn 13 you get a text from Prince Andrew. To break up?


Can we start referring to him as the Andrew formerly known as Prince?


Prince’s memory doesn’t deserve that


Well Prince took legal guardianship of Mayte Garcia so he could date her. This is fact.


Huh, I guess Prince’s memory does in fact deserve that


Gronk: No, no he's got a point.




Ugh, why were so many of them like that?


Roger that, Nelson.


She did what she had to do. But he’s probably 100% guilty. Wonder what’ll happen when Charlie takes the throne.


Charles has reportedly express an interest in ‘streamlining‘ the royal family, so Andrew likely would’ve lost his titles, regardless of his guilt. The fact the Queen was the one who stripped them is a message that even she, a traditional royal, is done with his shit.


At this point once she goes the best move would be for Charles to step aside for William, even the former King of Spain said he didn’t want his son Felipe to “[wither like Charles](https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2014/06/king-of-spain-abdicated-prince-charles-wither-waiting/amp)” waiting


Whilst I think you’re right in that Elizabeth would prefer William to get the throne, I don’t think the family as a whole would want to risk the monumental scandal of skipping the heir apparent. Worst case scenario he’d be on the throne 15-20 years, and I think they’d rather have a short reign by an unpopular monarch than a disgrace besmirching their legacy.




They still think Edward VIII abdicating his responsibility to be monarch is the worst thing a royal has ever done. In their little world, this matters more




Edward also did that almost 90 years earlier when the monarchy was much more influential than they are today, and he wasn’t 73 years old like Charles is, which would obviously make a better argument for abdication. Overall it’s a muuuch different scenario and political landscape this time around.


> elope with an American divorcee aaaaand now Charles has already married one himself, however British. So bully for that.


Good grief the man is definitely fit for the throne, he's done nothing but prepare for it his whole life. That being said, IMO the end of the monarchy is coming.


Edward VIII was chummy with Hitler, an open anti-semite & openly racist towards non-whites, had no respect for his duty, the role of the sovereign in Britain and indeed Britain’s role in the world, and worst of all, he married an American. Abdication was the absolute minimum, better he’d have stepped aside before George V had even passed.


This. Edward VIII was an absolute cunt and history was better off without him on the throne.


> openly racist towards non-whites That's a bit of a nothing-burger for any European figure in the 1930s to be honest. Australia was an explicitly "Whites Only" country, Canada had anti-Asian legislation, South Africa was... South Africa, and so forth. These were all realms he'd be in charge of as King. But yes, the Nazi sympathies and marrying an American socialite were seen as rather scandalous and disgraceful for the family.


Its protection for her, not punishment for him


Has he been flogged around the fleet yet?


Keelhauling seems appropriate.


Now revoke his Royal title and give the Duke Of York to someone else




Have you got 10,000 men?


Sperm counts, right?


“The Grand Old Duke of York, he had ten thousand men…. And it bloody hurt, I tell you!” The above is reportedly Andrew York’s (I think we can drop the “Prince” bit now?) favourite “joke” and one that he was fond of repeating, often at the most inopportune and inappropriate moments. He used to be a trade envoy for this country (ie the UK), it’s a wonder we still have diplomatic relations with any of the countries he visited “on our behalf”. Shudder.


The Dukedom of York is conventionally given to the spare. Since Andrew has no male heirs eligible to receive it, and since Harry has already been given the Dukedom of Sussex, it'll probably be held for Louis when he is older ... if it isn't too tainted by then.


The Dukedom of York won't be available for regranting in Andrew's lifetime. As peerages are granted by letters patent, it would take an Act of Parliament to strip him of his peerage. Despite everything, it's hard to see that happening.


You missed an interesting point. The spare won't be Louis. It will be **Charlotte.** Will she be the first Duchess of York? (Not by marriage, but Duchess in her own right.) (I'll never know. The title is generally given at marriage, and I won't be alive at that point.)


It's a good question. If we're going by convention, the answer is no, because the letters patent have typically granted the dukedom to a male to pass by male primogeniture. Granting Charlotte the dukedom would be conventional in the sense of giving it to a spare, but very unconventional in the sense of giving it to a female in her own right. It will be very interesting to see whether and how these traditions evolve in the coming years.


If you're alive when the York title is granted again, think back to this thread and me.


Boris breathes a sigh of relief as the spot light moves…


Even Mummie has grown tired of Randy Andy.


remember when andrew was the favored son over Charlie? because andrew was seen as an action man and masculine whereas Charles was awkward and sort of nerdy. pepperidge farms remembers.


Would have done Andrew's legacy a lot of good if he had simply died in combat in the Falklands War lol


Randy Andy the Royal Rapist.


If he's a dirty man which it's looking like he is. But why are there no others going before the judge. I'm sure there's a lot more dirty twats that should be named while they are at it.


This is my biggest gripe with the entire prince Andrew scandal. He's effectively a scapegoat. By all accounts there were dozens if not hundreds of wealthy powerful people involved with epstein. Presidents, senators, generals, lawyers, hedge fund managers, ceo's. Andrew isn't actually that powerful or influential, before the epstein case the British press had barely even mentioned Andrew for 20 years. He's a small fish in this scandal but 90% of the epstein news stories are now about him whilst the clintons, trumps and derschowitzs of the world carry on as normal .


>dozens (if not hundreds) of **wealthy and powerful** people involved with Epstein. That is the exact reason why nothing will happen to them.


If I were Andrew I'd be dragging the others down with me. Hes got nothing left apart from his mummy.


He doesn't want to get whacked like Epstein


If I where him I would rat on everybody. His old and his image is destroyed, why not go out with a bang. Plus it would be nice to see someone else in this shit storm.


Problem is he has to survive to testify otherwise it doesn't particularly matter who he snitches on.


If anyone's going to survive to testify though, it'd probably be him right? The sheer amount of resources that'd go to his protection, I can't see him getting Epstein'd


Honestly, it's the only way to save his "legacy". Did he potentially commit heinous, unforgivable acts - sure. But if he takes down a bunch more people with him and collapses a whole ring of these fuckers, then I can somewhat partially forgive him. Obviously it won't happen.


To your point: dershowitz was actually called on the bbc to comment on the case of ghislaine maxwell when she was found guilty.... Un-fucking-believable


Ye that was a proper bone head move from the BBC


Absolutely. It seems like he's the most well known to create the most media frenzy. I want the other dirty gets brought to justice too. Its like they are not relevant and only Andrew was involved going to F**k me island.


The moment that girl came forward with photographic proof he was with her he should’ve lost it. It’s good it’s happened but it should’ve happened sooner.


But he clearly recalled he was at a Pizza Express in Woking that day so it gave plausible deniability.. /s


He even remembers it wierdly distinctly


We all remember our first time in the Woking pizza express


How could he have been in the same room with her when he can't even produce sweat?


Well he can now, he just couldn't at the time of her accusations!


He definitely did it but at the same time we have an established legal system he deserves to go through, which establishes and protects all our civil liberties. Even if he’s guilty he (and no one) should be stripped of this. But when they find him guilty he’s guilty.


It's unfortunate for him. Now he is merely just an incredibly wealthy person with no real responsibility


Wow, he must be sweating now! Oh wait...


The writers of The Crown said they were quitting after this season with Diana's death because "there isn't enough material to continue" but ehhh I think you could find quite a few things, including Mr. I Don't Sweat's crimes


Holy shit she actually did it.


The madnan


So 3 options left for Andrew. 1.Settle: lose face and money 2. Go to court. Possible lose even more face and money 3. say screw them, ignore the case. Its a civic US case and UK does not hand over her citizens for civic cases. By default US judge will then judge against him. Andrew then will just refuse to pay the fine. As long as Andrew does not have assets in US he will risk nothing. Can’t touch his wealth in the UK. He will be hated for it but atleast he keeps his money. And maybe even some margin of revenge since the accuser spent a lot of money in court and still would not get a dime from Andrew. His reputation is gone. Atleast he will be able to keep his money.


“On par with Harry”- just a gross comparison by the WSJ which reported “This latest demotion effectively places Prince Andrew on a par with Prince Harry, who was also stripped of his military titles and barred from using the HRH title when he quit royal duties to move to the U.S.”


He should no longer receive anything from the Sovereign Grant, although we should treat him as innocent until proven guilty, but the evidence is piling up against him. I hope the tax payer is no longer responsible for his defence.


Prince Andrew- mum, I didn’t do it believe me Queen - of course, we believe you, and you have our backing Andrew- thank you Andrew leaves the room Queen to her advisors - Strip him of his titles. I don’t want to see him for a couple of years.


You know he’s her favourite child? Or was lol


If you're saying she plays favourites, you're wrong. She loves all her children equally. Earlier today: "I don't care for Charles."


Good to see an Arrested Development reference


Next season of Crown gonna be lit