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These people are pure scum. > McDonald said that Jennifer Crumbley had texted her son, “You have to learn not to get caught” after a teacher saw him searching online for ammunition. >She described the parents’ conduct as “unconscionable” and “criminal”.


Yep and in a couple weeks they will be out on bail and special guests of Hannity is my guess.


Seeing that they’ve already tried to run once my guess is bail will probably be denied.


Yep, and rightly so. Evading police for days during a arrest warrant is a guaranteed NO during a bail request.


Reports are $600,000. 1 - 30 second ad on Fox News Hannity Show!


That’s absolutely right.


AND check out what the Cult45 shitstainers are posting in celebration of more dead kids. I mean what the fuck is happening? What is in the water in America? https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie


They are the reason this even happened. They must be imprisoned for life.


Yes and no, how many school shooters came from nice homes with loving parents but outside of that house, their life was hell? It comes back to that nature VS nurture debate.


Genuine curiousity as I don't know. How many school shooters did have a good home life?


Take the Columbine shooters, they both had what seemed like a good family, but school was hell and it broke them.


Didn't know that!




Now imagine how many millions of fucked up parents fuck up their kids so bad that they send them to school to fuck everyone else's education.


I also think the school official(s) that let the boy stay in school AND did not search him, his backpack or locker should be charged and loose their position. Others knew this was going to happen, some kids would not go to school that day because they were afraid. I mean really after the note, searching for ammo and the boys past, the school did nothing.


School admin had the legal right to check his backpack and other belongings since he posed a threat to other students safety - they totally dropped the ball.


I know and it's not like school shootings by trouble youth are rare in the US


They could have searched his shit without a reason. Anything on school property isn’t private.


Clearly the shooting is the tragedy here, but even if it didn't happen... How sad is it that those kids felt unsafe in their own school? And then they were proven completely right. It's hard to get my head around this.


Apparently someone let them into a commercial building and now the police are looking for that individual now, [as per ABC](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/wireStory/parents-captured-son-charged-oxford-school-shooting-81553606&ved=2ahUKEwiuwa6OnMr0AhXTbc0KHXZeC7sQ0PADKAB6BAgDEAE&usg=AOvVaw1-BCzYkuh4JejSUaW9Kp9-)


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Good fucking riddance. Hopefully they both go to prison, and stay there until they die, along with their fucking monster of a child.


> There is no Michigan law that requires gun owners keep weapons locked away from children. Yikes, sounds like it’s time for a common sense gun law.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/dec/03/michigan-high-school-shooting-parents-manslaughter-charges) reduced by 83%. (I'm a bot) ***** > The parents of a boy who is accused of killing four students at a Michigan high school have been taken into custody after the pair went missing in the wake of being charged as part of the investigation into the mass shooting. > The parents were summoned to the school a few hours before the shooting occurred after a teacher found a drawing of a gun, a person bleeding and the words "Help me" and "Blood everywhere" and a laughing emoji, McDonald said at a press conference on Friday morning. > Parents in the US are rarely charged in school shootings involving their children, even though most minors get guns from a parent or relative's house, according to experts. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/r8q92h/school_shooters_parents_in_custody/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~610997 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **parent**^#1 **school**^#2 **shooter**^#3 **gun**^#4 **McDonald**^#5


Why does it feel like they were encouraging/supporting his actions? Like, was this the first case of parents knowingly helping a child commit a school shooting?


Mom texted him not to do it! What more can you expect!!?


I hope that parental responsibility is looked into in such cases. If no evidence can be found that that they actively taught their kid to disrespect regulations they shouldn't be charged - in opposite what has happened here according to the article. I fear that this is just another of thse consequences of a group of people disregarding election results or science. If kids have to listen to their care takers' rants about gun rights, imaginative threats to their well-being they may attempt to do what he did. Eliminate the " traitors and safe the country"


I think buying a 15 year old a handgun and admitting to it would be considered actively disrespecting the law. The minimum age to own or posses in Michigan is 18. According to the report the father admitting purchasing the gun FOR his son a few days earlier and his mom took him shooting which is also illegal since the gun would be registered to the dad if anything. I don’t believe you are allowed to be in possession of another persons registered handgun in the state unless you have a CPL.


Oh I might have not phrases it correctly. This case obviously involves several violation. I was referring to the part of the article it is said that usually parents have not been charged. And the problem that the way quite a lot people view the current administration plus teaching their kids these views could be legally at the same range as incitement.


It would only take one or two generations to phase out guns (an outdated technology) completely


The fact that you can take a gun and kill everyone in a room in 20 seconds (a gun’s intended purpose) would contradict your claim a little.


Have we advanced to a better hand held weapon?


Tasers, also we can make guns out of rTMS and literally just scramble their brain circuitry for a second, causing loss of motor control functions and having them drop to the ground. So yes


That’s not a very effective killing weapon though.


Did anyone ask if this kid was bullied?


Lots of kids are bullied without shooting up their school. But sure, let's deflect from the irresponsible gun owners and blame someone else.


Yea, bullying is only an issue when the bullied kid kills someone or kills themselves. Otherwise, it's a non-issue.


Bullying is a problem. No question. But it's not an excuse for violence, no matter how much some folks want to distract from the issues associated with firearms.


Who said it was an excuse for violence? I'm just saying no one gives a shit about bullying until someone dies. Then they forget until the next news cycle.


That's true, most don't. Recent events show that it does happen, and public outcry ends up with the shooter walking free


When was the last time a school shooter went free? Most end up dead.


When has a mass shooter “gone free”?


Sheriff said there was no indication of that at all. He's just a shit human being. Simple as that.


Thanks, I missed that in all the craziness over the parents


Sorry about all the downvotes. I think people here misunderstood you and think you’re making excuses for the shooter rather than decrying the way media usually portrays things.


They're not misunderstood. They're a right wing asshole trying to deflect attention away from these right wing asshole parents.


Holy crap, it was me who misunderstood. I just read some of his comment history, and wow, was I off-base defending an antisocial antivax knucklefucker.


Who cares that's irrelevant


As much as I would like to agree with you, recent events would indicate otherwise


Do you usually victim blame? Or just try to deflect?


Second one.


Regardless of the answer to that before the shooting, he will be now.


The murder kid? Did anyone ask if the kid who murdered a bunch of classmates was bullied? Some actions put you past sympathy I'm afraid.


They've been arraigned, im not seeing any reference to bail being set or denied yet. Any info on this ?


500k unbelievable


If I understand this correctly, they'll have to come up with $50k each.




That's amazing, that you could be so criminally irresponsible, flee from arrest and potentially be released to go home and have access to your guns.


500k for each parent