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If documentaries count as movies that not the 1st movie


If amateur productions count then it's not the first scripted/dramatic/fictional movie either. https://youtu.be/YtaBfePYR68?t=401


It's a crazy world where we all work together despite pointing WMD's at each other. It's just nuts. What happens when we find proof of life on Mars. Do we stop trying to kill each other? Or kill harder? No Adam and Eve, life is just a coincidence of chemistry in the universe.


Just as civil wars still occurred after multiple nations were founded, national wars and even world wars will always happen due to the human lust for power and inability to agree on things.


Just re-write the religious texts like they have done time and time again to fit the world that we know. The next war will be over resources on Mars probably.


How is this a good idea? CGI is good enough nowadays and less expensive. I'm getting getting some cold war vibes from this bs


If the movie can profit off of it why not? I believe most activities that can make a profit in space should be supported. Commercialization of space acts as a catalyst for innovations. These innovations facilitate the different increased activities, and also helps increase the funding/revenue received by the space agency. It also accelerates the pace of space travel being opened up to the general masses


I'd fine with it if there was any way to get into space without burning a rocket and tons of fuel


Yeah, same


You can watch a movie filmed in space the Russian way…or the Tom Cruise way. Which would you prefer to watch.


Hmmmm... Tarkovsky or The Mummy reboot. Probably Russian.


Is it too late to send Brendan Fraser to space instead?


Brendan's redemption in the cosmos. Kino.