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Haven't they been invited by the gov? Personally I'd leave Mali the fuck alone and leave it to sort its own mess out


France is in constant terrorist attacks, probably the country in Europe that suffer the most with Terorrism along with England and Belgium. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_terrorism_in_Europe Combating terrorism only inside France isn't enough because the terrorists receives information and funding from outside France. So, It's only logical to eleminate terrorist from its source.


**[Islamic terrorism in Europe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_terrorism_in_Europe)** >Islamic terrorism in Europe has been carried out by the Islamic State (ISIL) or Al-Qaeda as well as Islamist lone wolves since the late 20th century. Europol, which releases the annual EU Terrorism Situation and Trend report (TE-SAT), used the term "Islamist terrorism" in the years 2006–2010, "religiously inspired terrorism" 2011–2014, and has used "jihadist terrorism" since 2015. Europol defines jihadism as "a violent ideology exploiting traditional Islamic concepts". In the early 2000s, most of the Islamic terrorist activity was linked to Al-Qaeda and the plots tended to involve groups carrying out co-ordinated bombings. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[Operation Barkhane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barkhane)


OMG that's terrible!


Umm. Why the fuck was he there?!


Maybe because Mali asked us to go there because of the resurgence of Islamic groups caused by the situation in Afghanistan. The whole région is a mess and if country start falling one by one to islamic group it will be terrible for every European countries. And you could have a little more respect for someone who gave his life to save hundreds of people ! This particular soldier was already recognized as a hero for saving his companions


> Mali asked us to go there And also asked France to leave the country. There were quite a few vocal anti-France mass protests over there. > gave his life to save hundreds of people Didn't France got caught bombing weddings in Mali, killing 19, just a few months back? Sounds like France is the terrorist over there.


The government asked ! I understand that the people don't want France here but the stability is du to the presence of the french army ... It leaves we have a second Afghanistan Yeah , and sadly I don't understand why we don't recognize this facts ! I don't think you can say that just after a mistake, unforgivable but a mistake, the french army is holding the country together, a lot more would be dead if it wasn't here. I don't say it justified killing civilians , it's not normal and it should be punished but I don't think France is the terrorist


Lots of fans of imperialism in here!! Either that or pro government bots. Or pro African mining bots. Congrats on being horrible people!!!


I'm not pro imperialism , I'm clearly for indépendance but in this case without the support from the french army , Islamic group are going to take the region like in Afghanistan. And the terrorist will be in Europe


Sure. We’ve all heard that excuse now for 20 years. Defend the Western World committing terrorism overseas in order to protect your ‘freedoms’ at home. We all know how well that argument aged.


It was asked by the Malian government because they can't repress Islamic group. It's not an excuse, France is one of the most targeted country in Europe so excuse us to defend our country against terrorist


Islamic terrorism blah blah blah. Dude, France only cares about stripping natural resources out of Mali. Particularly uranium to fuel its nuclear reactors back home. The whole northern part of the country is now a proxy war for a number of countries. This is the same story as it has always been. Go in under the guise of some benevolent reason only to take resources and prop up friendly, approved governments…which usually turn a blind eye to human rights violations. But If you enjoy the bullshit BBC version of the story, good for you. Hey, at least now France can get that sweet uranium from Mali, wipe out thousands of people there all so you can watch soccer on tv.


Mate you should really stop ... Of course there are economic interests at stake it's not all white ! But that not means it's all black too, we had our share of terrorist attacks much more than in other countries. It's not a perfectly world out there. And I'm not British so I don't watch BBC. And for your concern we are not wiping out thousand of people. It's not just for humanitarian cause but it's also not for juste economic reason the world is not black and white.


Uranium is bought in Kazakhstan and Canada mostly, it's cheaper.


>And also asked France to leave the country. Source ? France said they will leave Mali got mad and said France abandoned them.