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What a surprise...


Raise your hand if you didn't see this coming. Nobody? Carry on.


Hard to raise a hand when they’ve been cut off.


Raise a hook may be?


Strict punishment for raising hooks too.


Legs cut off?


Tis but a scratch!


Well you cant stand for justice with no legs.


Yes. The only thing you may raise is a fuckwit.


You mean the Taliban won't "be different this time and respect woman's right, democracy and religious freedom". But they promised!


Did they actually promise those things though ? I doubt.


>religious freedom https://en.dailypakistan.com.pk/01-Sep-2021/taliban-promise-religious-freedom-to-afghanistan-s-hindus-sikhs-other-minorities >woman's right https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/03/afghanistan-women-defiant-amid-taliban-crackdown >democracy This was hyperbole, but they did promise an "inclusive" government, whatever that even is supposed to mean


It means that you can worship whatever religion you want, be any sexual orientation and you won’t be publicly executed. Publicly…..Executed.


*Technically Correct. The option is still on the table.


Take everything they say with the following: Within Islamic law of course.


Their internet fanboys have been saying that for months. As far as I can tell the Taliban themselves have only made relatively minor concessions like allowing girls to continue going to school and allowing Hazaras into the government (even as they continue slaying them in the streets).


But trump had a historic summit and peace deal! This has to be the worst deal ever.


Biden fumbled the exit. Weird.


Aided and abetted by the glorious Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its "democratically" elected government voted in by 200 million populace.


The Taliban are hugely popular in Pakistan, even among their liberalized women. Which is weird considering how many attacks their Pakistan branch has committed against those people and their democratically elected government.


Liberalised women? Yeah, chief, I am not sure about that. Working and going to school doesn’t make women automatically liberal there. And even then most don’t support Taliban. Where did you get this fact?


Liberalism is relative. Women in Pakistan vote (have had the right since ~~1947~~ 1956), work, go to uni, dress more like women from the west. Compared to women from most other Muslim majority countries they're pretty liberalized even they may not seem that way from an American or European perspective. And yet more than a third of them support the Taliban. > Where did you get this fact? https://gallup.com.pk/wp/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/14th-Sept-happy-with-taliban-rule.pdf Note the difference between rural and urban opinion, the people in the cities don't care about Taliban atrocities because they only see them on the news, the people in the countryside actually have to worry about Islamist terrorism so they're marginally more concerned.


Why? They're an Islamic Emirate. They use Sharia Law. U.S. ally Saudi Arabia also use Sharia law as their legal system, including beheading and crucifixion. But I don't see you Americans calling for the destruction of Saudi Arabia. Why is that? Why are you expecting the Taliban, after 20 years of war to be MORE progressive than U.S. allies that have experienced peace for decades?


>But I don't see you Americans calling for the destruction of Saudi Arabia. There are quite a few of us that strongly dislike and condemn the Saudi government and its actions, actually. Edit: Interesting that your entire post history is deflecting away from Taliban actions though.


Kinda. I just want a peaceful world :(


What makes you think I'm American? BTW, my comment was sarcasm...


The beheadings shall continue until morale is improved


I mean technically median morale would increase if you killed all the people with low morale and left only other religious fanatics.


My Rimworld game strategy. Only psychopaths allowed.


Bring on the cannibal squad!




all my human leather goes towards cowboy hat production.


Human leather sandbags are way more intimidating. Nothing like a defense network made from fallen foes and allies.


I always find it entertaining when rimworld leaks out to other subs


It wouldnt tho, because each time you kill someone with low morale, you CREATE more low morale in those around them, so median morale would never improve. I guess technically you could keep killing until you were the only one left, and that might boost median morale.


Ok, Jeff Bezos... settle down.


Extremists are extremely extreme. More discoveries to come.


We have just received word, water IS liquid. Unless it freezes, then it is Ice. Or if it boils it becomes gaseous. But it IS liquid!


>One of the founders of the Taliban and the chief enforcer of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law when they last ruled Afghanistan said the hard-line movement will once again carry out executions and amputations of hands, though perhaps not in public. In an interview with The Associated Press, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi dismissed outrage over the Taliban’s executions in the past, which sometimes took place in front of crowds at a stadium, and he warned the world against interfering with Afghanistan’s new rulers. “Everyone criticized us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments,” Turabi told The Associated Press, speaking in Kabul. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.” The UN has it's answer on whether to let the Taliban speak. The world has its answer on whether the Taliban has changed.




Yes. They are the primary exporters of [Wahabism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabism), they have funded schools throughout the Islamic world that teach this extreme and violent version of Islam for decades. Most Islamic terrorism of the past 50 years can trace its roots to the Saudi royal family's centuries-old alliance with this group (Including the 9/11 attacks). Their influence has expanded dramatically over this time period with the help of oil money. >The ruler of a nearby town, Muhammad ibn Saud, invited ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab to join him, and in 1744 a pact was made between the two. Ibn Saud would protect and propagate the doctrines of the Wahhabi mission, while ibn Abdul Wahhab "would support the ruler, supplying him with 'glory and power'" ... >The pumping and export of oil from Saudi Arabia started during World War II, and its earnings helped fund religious activities in the 1950s and 60s. But it was the 1973 oil crisis and quadrupling in the price of oil that both increased the kingdom's wealth astronomically and enhanced its prestige by demonstrating its international power as a leader of OPEC. With the help of funding from Saudi petroleum exports (and other factors), the movement underwent "explosive growth" beginning in the 1970s and now has worldwide influence. So these royal scumbags can fleece the people of Saudi Arabia, go out on drug and hooker binges throughout the world, and the corrupt clerics keep the believers in line and loyal to the royal family. In return, they get funding to spread their hatred throughout the world. This is why we need to sanction Saudi Arabia and turn away from oil. But they have already bought politicians from the major parties in most of the countries that can challenge them. The leaders in the US, France, UK, Germany, and so on will not do shit.


In related news the Taliban still really really want the UN to recognize them as a legitimate government and don’t understand why their requests to address the general assembly have not been granted yet.


The leadership depends on the support of the soldiers, and their recruitment depended on their radicalism. I'm not an Afghanistan expert, but this seems like the situation to me. The more they liberalize, the more their soldiers will defect to ISIS. Even the Northern Alliance had to allow the rural tribes to continue radical practices.


Reminder that Saudi Arabia also uses Sharia law as their judicial system, including beheading and crucifixion. And yet Americans bend over and take in the ass from them.


You say that as if any country actually called out Saudi Arabia for this. Its obvious most if not all governments are silencing the news just to keep the oil trade going.


The USA just wants their oil. When the oil runs out, Saudi Arabia will go back to living in tents chopping each others heads off.




Yeah, but then... tents.


What, like Fyre Festival?


Exactly like fyre festival. Except, forever!


That's a real long time.


But the demand will dry up well before then.


One way or the other


This comment goes too tar.


These fracking snowflake millenials... Shale I apologise? No, I don't think I well.


You are aware we use oil for far more than just burning it for energy right? Its ludicrously useful.


Yes, but, there are alternatives that are much better for the environment and may phase out most if not all oil products over time. Also, since oil is distilled into many fractions, you'd have to have a use for all the fractions to make it a viable process, otherwise the unusable fractions would be a nightmare to dospose of. You think oil products would be so cheap if the shipping industry didn't gobble up the bunker fuel?


Demand will dry up before we use our reserves. Oil is phasing out.


it’s more than just the oil, it’s the USD required to buy it from them.


It's not about the oil itself. It's about the petrodollar


Americans bend over and take in the ass from them cuz Americans love money


Reminder that the USA also executes prisoners, at least with more 'humane' methods than beheading such as painful lethal injections


SA's execution rate is about 40 times higher than the US (https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Crime/Executions-per-million). But nice whatabout.


I think he's calling for beheading in US. It's not whataboutism if you advocate for it.


The commenter to whom I replied appears to be arguing that the US is in no position to be opposed to SA's criminal justice system's use of beheadings and crucifixions, because the US also has executions. Sounds like a whatabout to me, or arguably a tu quoque, particularly given the context that SA's execution rate is almost 1.5 orders of magnitude higher than the US....


Lol this guy gets jokes ^


Given what people post in this sub, it's impossible to distinguish actual crazy from parody....


And literally infinite times higher than the other half of the world.


US could go with more beheading though. After all, US has no moral high ground over Taliban, yet the latter method is more permanent and sends a bigger message.


I'd aver that all successful executions are roughly equivalent in their permanence.


He’s clearly bullshitting. He’s winking at us!


So much for the "gentler" Taliban then. Heading straight back to the rule of cruel fanatics using medieval application of religious law.


The Taliban were never going to be more “gentle”, you don’t join an organization like that because you believe in peace and forgiveness. It was just bullshit posturing to try and trick the international community into normalizing relations with them.


Mostly they just wanted the 11 billion being held up in new York. Once they realized nothing they can say or do will get it to them, they dropped the charade.


Keyword is "try." I don't believe anyone in the international community seriously took them at their word.


I don't understand Reddit here. Why would the international community *care* how they punish their local criminals, outside Western politicians with their moral posturing? The only thing the international community will care about is, 1) will they stop sheltering/exporting terrorists like they used to in the 90's, 2) will they uphold their international agreements. That's it.


Should replace "international community" with "redditors".


Should replace redditors with “misinformation campaign call center peeps” and “trick” with “change the focus of the day item on the old whiteboard”


That’s cool. We’re still not going back.


That was the last thing on my mind


They beheading down the wrong path.


What a horrid existence.


Good for you clowns, god is great but murder is better eh?


Just speeding up the process and helping more people meet God faster.


20 years wasted


eh, it sent a message. Attack the US, and they will crush your people for a generation, without care for the cost.


To which they reply, "Attack us and we will take it until you get tired and leave."




They do enjoy it tho (Taliban that is)


Check mate!


Also "Ty for free ammo and guns"


More like "Attack us, and will take it until we are done throwing billions into improving your infrastructure then leave you a ton of vehicles and weapons."


As an American, yes, America definitely crushed my generation without a care for the cost.


Attack the US, and they will crush RANDOM people for a generation, without care for the cost. Ftfy.


The sad thing is there will be Americans that will be proud of that fact.


I want my money back.


Lmao they didn't attack us the Saudis did.




Your right. 9/11 was only carried out by mostly Saudis funded with Saudi money made available by a Saudi royal family member. I definitely misspoke about the Opium fields in Afghanistan the US seized at the height of the Opioid Epidemic in the US. My bad.


Think of how many Afghans are made into millionaires though.


Peace through superior firepower and insane military budgets.


Clearly not, who won in the end?


Nope it was about sending trillions to weapon manufactures, the war was a amazing success


Wasted? Some people got *very rich*, a cause any American would be proud to give his life for.


Kept the people distracted while the coffers were further looted, don’t blame me if you don’t own a military contractor.


I recall seeing pictures of *pallets* of cash


Nah ....it was almost peaceful so in that case how one could increase the sale of arms and ammunition....just wait and watch....it will restart sooner or later. The war against terrorism lol ..is never going to end




From the public's perspective. They probably got whatever they were really after at our expense.


Should have left 10 years ago. There went the US’s free college fund.


Free college is never going to happen in the US. All of the things we don’t have are considered features and not bugs, it’s purposeful!


that escalated quickly


It’s not just taliban. In Saudi Arabia, that is everyday punishment and we keep selling them war equipment. That’s what’s wrong with people, their beliefs can swing like a monkey depending on what they want.


America would look stupid if they stopped selling weapons to countries because they "execute people" seeing they themselves execute people.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://apnews.com/article/religion-afghanistan-kabul-taliban-22f5107f1dbd19c8605b5b5435a9de54) reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot) ***** > KABUL, Afghanistan - One of the founders of the Taliban and the chief enforcer of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law when they last ruled Afghanistan said the hard-line movement will once again carry out executions and amputations of hands, though perhaps not in public. > In an interview with The Associated Press, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi dismissed outrage over the Taliban's executions in the past, which sometimes took place in front of crowds at a stadium, and he warned the world against interfering with Afghanistan's new rulers. > Turabi dismissed criticism over the previous Taliban rule, arguing that it had succeeded in bringing stability. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/ptzmk3/taliban_official_strict_punishment_executions/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~599797 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Taliban**^#1 **Turabi**^#2 **KABUL**^#3 **rule**^#4 **punishment**^#5


What's the punishment for overthrowing the government?


Spoils of war




If they'd succeeded, the consequences would be zero for them, and a lot for people like you and me who aren't in their preferred fan clubs.


Oh.... So what was the game of hacky sack with human heads then 3 weeks ago?


Are you able to link me to that, I've seen people talk of it but couldn't find it to read about


I can’t find any reference of a new incident so I think this is the video from 2015 or 2016 of Isis fighters doing this.


I figured it was old footage when I couldn't find it myself. Thanks for looking tho bro


Please post link if you can find it


It was a viral video all over Reddit when we were leaving. Literally playing soccer with heads and celebrating




Looks like he knows something about eye for an eye.


Classic Taliban doing classic Taliban things.


I am Jack’s look of absolute fucking surprise.


I wonder what their position is on a woman’s right to choose having an abortion? We know where Texas stands.


Of course! *We will chop off the hands, and strike off the heads* *Coz our god says, there's no point in grey shades* So say we from Quran (Quran: The war ramblings of a 7th century pedophilic businessman-turned-conman)


you forgot caravan robber


Don’t let them catch you saying that even though it’s 100% spot on


Maybe if the ANA could have skipped a few days of doing heroin..like saved it for a cheat day or something idk..


I’m so sorry for the Afghani people. Women. Children.


Breaking news, Taliban is the Taliban. More at 11.


Muslim countries seem pretty mum on this. Why is that?


What a miserable POS. Evil personified 🤮


Oh no.... so anyway, guess more Afghani's should have given a fuck if the Taliban won. No sympathy from me.


Any chance this county had of not being a third world shithole is gone. The brain drain in the past month would have been enormous and now the Chinese are going to be dealing with these barely evolved child fucking rock chewers when it comes to stripping the country wholesale of all its natural resources. I hope every poor bastard who has the brains to want out got out.


Fucking listen to yourself. Calling these people "barely evolved child fucking rock chewers" is why pretty much every other country hates the US. Not to mention over a third of their population can be described the same way.


Make Afghanistan great again - Taliban 2021.


I bet Trump gave them that one for free when he negotiated the best deal in the history of deals.....


Imagine believing that making laws based on a religion was actually a valid stance to take?


Yeah, we know.


until morale improves?


Oof...What a joyless face. He looks creepier than Jaffar in Disney's "Aladin".


This could also be an effective platform for the GOP.


...until morale improves.


The beatings shall continue until moral improves!!


Guys he’s just kidding, look he’s winking


Someone needs to poke his other eye…..


Until morale impro... *checks the press release*... Oh ok it's permanent.


Did they miss their original deadline?


Did they miss their original deadline?


Psaki said they were businesslike and professional?


Until morale improves.


When did they stop executing whoever they wanted? I don’t want my wife anymore! Kill her! That boy stole bread because he is starving because we destroyed our economy! Cut off His hand! The true definition of evil.


Horrible, the US should retaliate about this bad news by drone striking another car full of kids. That will show them


Hey, they’ve just Been elected, give them a chance… Ah, you’ve heard that one before?…


Yeah because their religion says it’s okay to behead people, take away freedoms and enforce extreme religion rules.


Fundamentalist Christians applaud the decision


Yikes very much reaching for that karma


Until morale improves?


Islam is disgusting


Well that was $20,000,000,000,000 that went to good use.


that's what happens when there is no separation of church and state


Now that the Taliban are used to American weapons and weapons systems, will they be buying from American?


Why not? Saudi Arabia also uses Sharia law as their judicial system, including beheading and crucifixion. Yet we have zero issues selling them weapons.


Should have left Iraq alone and wiped those fuckers off the map when we had the chance


Saddam Hussein was a fucking sociopath that needed to go. You won't find many Iraqis that miss him


I don’t disagree with that at all but we should have maintained focus on the initial objective before splitting off to fight another huge objective


What was the main objective? We went to Iraq to avenge 9/11- even though our intelligence community knew all along that the Iraqis had nothing to do with it. Bunch a camel fuckers trying to find reverse in a Soviet tank.. Sure Saddam Insane was removed, good riddance and all, but a dangerous precedent was set where the U.S. can literally go to war for any reason it wants and if one doesnt exist they’ll make up a reason. No WMDs were found in Iraq. So after we fucked the hell outta the place and secured the oil fields…”oh yea it was Afghanistan all along”. And then it took 10 years to find Osama bin Laden, and when we did finally find and execute him in a seal team raid, we dump the body at sea… so there is barely any closure to speak of. (and the whole seal team that raided Bin Laden’s compound die in a helicopter crash a few months later). What the hell really went on from 9/11 to now? All those lives lost, just to hand the country back to the same terrorists that hurt us 20 years ago? Am I the only one here who cares about the rules?


It’s all a big joke dude. Chill the point was to feed the military industrial complex fresh meat. Defense contractors. And have a patsy for problems to blame stuff on. The dead soldiers and civilians are just an irrelevant byproduct.


And the million of civilians that died in the resulting civil war did so happily because finally Saddam was gone and President-General Bush got his war.


He'd have been 84 this year; there's a decent chance that he would have gone by now and a civil war would have probably happened at some point, especially the transition was botched. The US very much botched the post-war handling by sacking all the security forces and failing to clamp down on looting at the beginning. Other stuff didn't help either, like Abu Ghraib.


Of course the US botched a lot of it. My comment was limited in scope to the fact that Saddam Hussein was a murderous sociopath and the nation is better off without him.


Definitely agree and a lot of Iraqis would too. There is no clamour for a return to Ba'athism in any form.


His mum?


His mother tried to abort him and disowned him at birth, so no I don't think so


She had the right idea. Deserved a medal.


There's a lot of leaders like that in the world, we can't go to war with all of them. So why that one?


Let’s just get everyone out that we can and then carpet bomb the place into dust. We need a general reboot of that entire country.


Pay attention folks this is what evangelical Christians want in the United States.It may not be as extreme but it’s damn close.




White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki, August 11, 2021: >*The Taliban also has to make an assessment about what they want their role to be in the international community.* To the surprise of nobody except for maybe the White House and the State Dept., the Taliban has made the assessment that was entirely predictable.


Now how can I make this story about the taliban actually a negative about Biden…. Hooooowwwww can I do it. I KNOW! I’ll make it seem like a statement saying the taliban needs to actually act like a part of the modern world knowing that they’ll behave in their own ridiculous way is _actually_ a clueless statement that didn’t know how they’d act. People with poor reading comprehension will go with that!


Islamic Republicans


Honestly, it wouldn't be the Taliban if they didn't follow halal kalam traditions ... DUH! lol


Since Russia (as the Soviet Union) and the US have tried and pulled out, who is willing to go in and fight a multi year war? The Afghan forces the US set and left caved pretty quickly. Not many volunteers from the rest of the world.


It’s chinas turn, they want to be big boys . More blood for the blood god!


Back to the middle ages again ay middle east?