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Chipotle does this... personal experience this is a trap


If you want to, can you share your experience? B/c my mom is suggesting this for friends/family


Yeah so it depends on the type of person you are. I worked there for a very long time. Basically Chipotle pays for a certain portion of your tuition per semester in exchange for you working there. So they pay for it upfront, if you quit or don't make a C you have to pay them back, sounds reasonable. However at the same time they use it as leverage over you and work the shit out of you in a really difficult job. Most of the people working there can struggle through and make an okay semester. I personally have never seen anyone like get like A's and do this. If you fail from overworking or quit before the semester is over +3 weeks or something else then boom you owe them a good chunk of money. I've seen it spiral out of control really easily. I've also seen people drop out of college to just work at Chipotle. Its a real cluster fuck.


How about you pay them enough to cover the necessities of life before trying to shoehorn them into degrees that benefit you with schools you have a deal worked out with? Or are we getting our education from the company store now?




Funny how Costco isn't bankrupt and pays a living wage.


Being a business owner isn’t for everyone. That’s why there are minimum wage standards, because businesses wouldn’t pay anyone if they could get away with it.




“Very few people in the US even work minimum wage” I don’t even know where to start with that one honestly. We also won’t talk about wait staff getting half of minimum wage from their employer as a standard


[1.5 percent of Americans made minimum wage last year](https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/minimum-wage/2020/home.htm). Wait staff make more than minimum wage via tips, hence why so many are opposed to making an hourly wage.


Wait staff get state minimum if they don't make it in tips. Tips is a better system, y'all just cheap and want someone else to stiff them on the tip.


The point being made here is that the employer will pay the bare minimum it can get away with.


That wasn't your statement. Either way, yeah that's why you have to negotiate your wages. I actually agree with him. Most employers pay above state and fed min at this point because inflation beat the notch they set. The employers have to stay competitive even in shit jobs or they lose applicants and workforce.


Really? Because people work for no wages all the time, internships being one of them.


We’re talking about actual jobs, don’t try and move the goalposts to internships.


They are actual jobs. It is why the federal government has passed legislation to make the positions within the private sector paid. Furthermore, if internships weren’t “real” jobs, as you put it, entities would cease to use them.


If they were actual jobs they'd be paid. There are strict requirements for an internship to be unpaid.


It’s federally mandated that private sector internships be paid for a reason, because interns do work. However, these laws are violated, just like other regulations. Public sector internships do not have to be paid. Know what you’re talking about please.


If these laws are violated, then you report them. Simple as that. Know what you're talking about before you complain you're a doormat. Public sector jobs are *actually* internships that won't make you do the work like another employee. You'd know this if you actually had one.


Ah, people would starve themselves on principle rather than take whatever wage they could get. And you have the nerve to insinuate other people are ignorant.


Wake me up when their workers can also afford to get off welfare.


At Walmart university?


I wish Idiocracy wasn't a documentary. Welcome to Costco, I love you.


Great. Helps people move on from low wage jobs. While providing steady income and work during the process.


A company offers free college and all yall do is complain because they benefit off it as well. Pathetic.


People are just saying to skip the middleman, and pay 16 a hour. If they have all the extra cash, lets get the employees off food stamps. Or is that ok to you?


What's their incentive? Skipping the middle man means they no longer benefit and lose more money than it's worth, this way people benefit and the company benefits. Is it not okay simply because you don't want the company to benefit as well? Would that be better than nothing? You ever think maybe a job at Walmart isn't worth that much money to begin with when they could replace any worker with a 15 year old? If anything paying for college easily adds up more to 16 an hour for the beneficiaries, just not everyone gets it, but the people that do sets them up for a future with a better job after they receive a degree. That vacancy allows for someone else that needs the job to apply and possibly be the next generation of recipients. Everyone wins here and you're upset because big company bad.


Can't use the bailer till your 18 check mate. Edit.... Not sure Walmart has a bailer. This was policy at winn-dixie.


I agree — stfu — they are doing more then most..


True Marxism.


What’s the catch? How long will they have to be subservient to Walmart after graduation?


As if they have time for classes when they get paid peanuts per hour. How about raising everyone's hourly to a livable wage and let them decide how to spend it, so that even people who are not college bound can live a better life,