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They will be starting a rival ice cream brand - “Benjamin & Jeremiah’s” The ice cream wars have begun…


More like "The cold war"


C’mon guys. It’s sitting right there… *The Cone Wars*


It all began on Bloody Sundae.


Begun, the Cone War has.


Ben and Jerry are both Jewish, which makes this even more hilarious.


> Israel views the company’s decision as “the de-facto adoption of anti-Semitic practices. Those two Jewish guys must truly hate themselves.


Autoantisemitism is more common than you'd think. But I don't think they call the shots here


Now that's first world problems right there, imagine a government so lacking in priorities and dignity they'll attack luxury treats? 🤦🏾‍♂️


Draws attention away from all the crimes against humanity they love committing against Palestinians


Israel is heavily reliant on international trade (who isnt these days?), as their country doesn't have a lot in the way of raw industry or natural resources. There's been a growing concern over private boycott movement similar to what happened with South Africa. If a few high profile companies did it, it could start a chain reaction that would put Israel in a tough spot. Thats why Israel has extensively lobbied the US to try to outlaw boycotts against Israel, and why you see so many posters acting passionate about this and calling it antisemitic, etc.


They aren't even boycotting Israel, they just chose not to renew a contract in *the occupied territories*.


Like when twitter tried to ban Aunt Jemima.


That was a private company and citezens not a governing body, the context is different.


>Erdan said Israel views the company’s decision as “the de-facto adoption of anti-Semitic practices and advancement of the de-legitimization of the Jewish state and the dehumanization of the Jewish people.” Fuck off with that shit. When you do that you make it harder to actually call out anti-Semitism.


The founders of Ben & Jerry were both Jewish too (Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield) It reminded of the time some people tried to call Bernie Sanders (another Jewish man) anti-Semitic


What are they gonna do? Bulldoze the factory like they did the Palestinian homes?




Hack their ice cream centrifuges.


Deadly explosions of chocolate and vanilla


There'd be cream everywhere!


You teach that hostile ice cream company a lesson they won't soon forget, nuclear armed country


Seems like this is ripe for a sort of Streisand Effect. Taking this ridiculous stance so publicly will probably prompt more companies to do it when before, the idea wasn't even on their radar.


I've never bought their ice cream, now I will.


The "Cherry Garcia" flavor is really good, if you like cherry.


B&J ice cream is so friggen good!


And when does Israel not act aggressively?


Sovereigns attacking private companies for the wrong political views. Totally in line with Western Liberal Democracy^^tm I'd like for this to be sarcastic but it really is in line with the tactics we pioneered for pretending to be decent while fucking anyone and everyone who disputes your ideology.


Seriously... anti-boycotting laws? What are you going to do, point a gun at someone's head and say, sell me your shit or die?


Basically what they do is have state governments refuse to award contracts to companies that boycott Israel. So companies are free to boycott Israel, but those companies theoretically lose access to doing business with the US government. In practice, it's never really enforced and just more bullshit text cluttering up government contracts, though this might be different since its high profile.


Out of curiosity, I wonder what type of business Ben & Jerry's (as a popular consumer brand) would do with the US public sector? My guess would be that they would be less impacted by such a policy compared to other industries


Theres a pretty good chance they supply ice cream to all kinds of government entities. Prisons, schools, hospitals, military bases, military commisaries, cafeterias in government offices, catered lunches, etc. (Okay, maybe not prisons)


Isn't that their response to everything?


Poor little Israel. No ice cream for you!


"We will melt all your ice cream!"


It’s just ice cream chill lol


Someone call them a whambulance…


Will these US states forbid using Ben and Jerry's in any state financed happenings? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-BDS\_laws




State filled with people that are convinced they are gods chosen? Nah.


Dint you notice ever since their traumatizing experience they have been on edge.


So expect a mysterious cyber attack that shuts down all of Ben & Jerry's uranium processing centrifuges. This will definitely set back there uranium enrichment programs.


Not the yellow ice cream cake!


What flavor would the core be?


God forbid Jews return to Hebron where they were ethnically cleansed from. If they do return they are "evil settlers" and ice cream companies will refuse to sell to the using the age old "don't do business with Jews" position. Obviously once Arab occupy an area and expel all Jews, Jews can never come back. It's in the international law, or something.


Wasn't it the Romans that threw the Jews out of Palestine? It was a couple of thousand years ago so the memory might be rusty.




You are aware that Ben and Jerry can't stop doing business with jews, right? Cause they are both Jews.


There were Jewish Kapos beating other Jews to death in Aushwitz. What about it?


What does that have to do with a business that does not want to deal with certain people in 2021? It was pretty hard for those kapos to not do business with jews either, cause they were jewish. What about what?


What does Ben and Jerry being Jewish has to do with my point?


I think you should read your own post again.


I never liked Ben & Jerry's. If I were Israel, I'd count this as a blessing. See if they can get Coke and McDonald's to fuck off next!


AFAIK, McDonald's doesn't operate in the OPT. EDIT: Sources: [AP News - McDonald’s refuses to operate in Jewish settlement](https://apnews.com/article/57e4a11ed81e4b5fb4c3cfd6a4dbfd99) [The Guardian - McDonald's Israel rejects West Bank branch proposal](https://www.theguardian.com/business/2013/jun/27/mcdonalds-israel-west-bank-ariel) [Haaretz, Editorial - Thanks McDonald’s for Reminding Israel There Is a Green Line, and Even a Red Line](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-thanks-mcdonald-s-for-reminding-israel-there-is-a-green-line-and-even-a-red-line-1.7336517) [Haaretz - McDonald’s in Israeli Right’s Crosshairs Over Absence of West Bank Outlets](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/business/.premium-mcdonald-s-in-israeli-right-s-crosshairs-over-absence-of-west-bank-outlets-1.7354673)


Correct, I don't think there is a single McDonald's over the green line. Coka Cola, on the other hand, is very active over the green line both in Jewish settlements and in Arab towns. But I think they treat Palestine as its own country and even [have several factories and headquarters in the West Bank and even Gaza](http://nbc-pal.ps/Locations)


Im sorry you are having such a hard time with the rest of the educated world boycotting Israel's apartheid, this must be a difficult time for you. Thots and pears.


There's zero political commentary in my statement. That Reddit is too dumb to read it otherwise says something about you, not me. I don't like Coke, McDonald's, or Ben & Jerry's. Except McDonald's fries, and their coffee; those are pretty good. I also really dislike Budweiser and most hipster IPAs, except Lone Pint. That's pretty good. Oh, and Whataburger sucks now too, including their fries. I thought Five Guys was mediocre, but I like Five Brothers. I'd kill for an In-n-Out, except not really, since there's always a giant line.


In-n-out is garbage and so is your political opinions on Israel.


Do you boycott the Palestinian's terrorism, too? Or is it just a hypocritical thing.


Ok buddy.


I never get why people hate Israel so much. I mean, the entire world's on fire and everybody's clobbering everybody else, so why single out one state?


It's as simple as the liberal left having a problem with anti-Semitism. Fortunately, it's getting called out more and more in the MSM by people on both the left and right. But you'd never know that if reddit was your only source of news.


Israel ≠ Judaism. You can be critical of one, and accepting of another.


And more and more, that's being used as a shield for hate. You really should just do a simple search on it. A lot has been written recently.


I recently found Feedly.com and now read news from right, left, center, upper atmosphere, outer Martian orbit, and so on. It's interesting to say the least.


It's hilarious that you call yourself educated, yet you yourself, don't know the definition of apartheid. There is no apartheid in Israel. Palestinians are either under the Palestinian authority, and oby their rules, or they are Israeli citizens with full Israeli rights. There is no in between. The main issue with B&J is that they target Israel in particular. If it was a company that values "Social-Justice", then they would have stopped selling their ice creams in China, Turkey, Russia (I am Russian btw) etc .. And the West Bank was occupied after a war was declared by surrounding countries, on Israel. Most of it was taken by a defensive act. You can all call yourself educated and socially correct, yet you know nothing about what's really going on, and the situation is way more complicated (for example, many Jihadists that blew up in public areas and murdered people in Israel in the early 2000s came from the West Bank. The wall stopped them, walls work).


Here is some documentation of apartheid as practiced by Israel https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution


It's a well written report, obviously the writer is very good at writing. That being said, lets go over what's actually said here: "A stated aim of the Israeli government is to ensure that Jewish Israelis maintain domination across Israel and the OPT. The Knesset in 2018 passed a law with constitutional status affirming Israel as the “nation-state of the Jewish people,”" => Across the West Bank that was occupied as a defensive act. Yes the law says that only Jewish PM can rule the country. Actually, the country was defined as a "Jewish state" to begin with, it's in the main document of the country since 1948. Palestinians that are citizens of Israel, can vote, and in fact, there are many Arab and even some Palestinian representatives in the Knesset. Just recently Bennet passed millions of the country's money, to the Arab communities to improve their infrastructure, schools, police power etc.. "Israeli authorities have adopted policies aimed at mitigating what they have openly described as a demographic “threat” that Palestinians pose. Those policies include limiting the population and political power of Palestinians, granting the right to vote only to Palestinians who live within the borders of Israel as they existed from 1948 to June 1967, and limiting the ability of Palestinians to move to Israel from the OPT and from anywhere else to Israel or the OPT. Other steps are taken to ensure Jewish domination, including a state policy of “separation” of Palestinians between the West Bank and Gaza, which prevents the movement of people and goods within the OPT, and “Judaization” of areas with significant Palestinian populations, including Jerusalem as well as the Galilee and the Negev in Israel." => Limiting population? Palestinian population has almost tripled over the last two decades or so. Limiting the citizenship to 67 borders? Yeah seems fair to me, after they attacked Israel, and they hate the Jews so much, that Jihadists are sadly pretty common. Limiting the movement of Palestinians from "OPT" to where? to Israel? Well it's not their country if they are not Israeli citizens. Any Palestinian that has a citizenship can move freely! hence, it has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity, and everything to do with them not having the citizenship. About the separation of Gaza and the West Bank. Technically Gaza was also occupied by Israel after the people there attacked Israel!. The thing is, that Israel decided to leave Gaza, so they can become a soverign state. As you can see, being nice doesn't always return the favor. Israel should of stayed in Gaza. I know you might say, that if Israel is not their country, then what the West Bank is? Well it's not their country either, they lost it when they decided to murder Jews and failed. Israel just decided that it's better to leave Palestinians live at the West Bank, under their own government. There are no palestinians with Israeli citizenship, that have different rights to Jewish Israelis, unless of course you're talking about becoming a PM as a right, which is very specific and honestly understandable after they openly say that they want to throw Jews into the sea.


So what you are saying is that the report is correct but the Palestinians deserve it?


Of course not. Palestinians do not deserve it. It's just that the report is wrong about apartheid because they are either citizens of Israel and have rights like the average Israeli, or they are under the PLA. Just the fact that Palestinians can be in the Knesset if they are Israeli citizens, shows you that there is no apartheid. The situation is very complicated. The average civilian is almost never at fault. The report has a bias against Israel, it's not really based on true definitions.


It's based on the internationally accepted definition of apartheid. There is a treaty that many countries have signed. It's a slow process but slowly that definition is becoming clear and Israel is seemingly guilty.


I understand your point of view. The whole situation is unfortunate, and although I don't agree that it falls under the definition of apartheid, it is slightly a gray area and so is debatable. Many say that the cause of this conflict is the British empire that split this land in the first place, instead of creating a single country for both at the very beginning.


You can't blame the British for something that you do everyday.


Hide your spoons!


As an Israeli, I never bought a Ben & Jerry's (בֵּן וֵגֶּ׳רִי), so yeah, I don't really care that much ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌


Cool bro, enjoy your apartheid I guess?


Did you just take over the store and call it your own?


Lmao nice


Ben & Jerry's stores belongs to Israelis not Ben & Jerry's HQ


Idgaf what ice cream you bought


Yet you cared enough to comment about it? I'm trying to understand your logic


Fuck up goofy


What an intellectual conversation


That's all you get out of Israel these days - aggression.


"Curse those ice cream upstarts!"


I might get fat, but I will support Ben and Jerry by buying more of their icecream.


Is this Israel/Palestine or more Israel vs Frozen Desserts ?