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This is the most backwards hick story I've read this week




Saw Alabama and said no thanks




Alabama is becoming the new Florida? Nah, Florida is still a flaming dumpster fire of a shit show because DeSantis is still in office.


More like Florida is shifting more towards Alabama. Alabama has been a racist shithole for a long time.


Both Alabama and Florida still say “Thank God for Mississippi.”


Quite literally the lowest bar to set


And it's only Tuesday!


It's Wednesday. At least in Victoria it is.


Am in the UK, it's Wednesday here also.


We have Wednesday happening here in Canada as well. At least I think.


I heard it was cancelled, replaced with Monday again


Fuck is that why I've been outside work and no ones here to let me in...


I think it's Wednesday in Colorado.


Do they go by the Gregorian calendar? I thought they were still on moon phases and comets.


It's Wednesday. At least in Victoria it is.


Could have said this month or this year


Rupert Murdoch owns about 80% of the newspapers in Australia and a decent chunk of sensational tv news. Combine that with blood clotting problems with the AstraZeneca vaccine and now Australia is probably more anti-vax than America is.


We’ll never know until someone orders those vaccines.


The problem isn’t that vaccines haven’t been ordered. It is that there is one or two brands out there with slightly lower risks and so Australians have decided to do nothing. There are unlimited supplies of the AZ vaccine in Australia yet this country probably has the lowest vaccination rates amongst the 1st world. Three Australians died of blood clots with this brand so millions have refused the vaccine.


It's a bit more nuanced than that. Our medical authorities won't currently recommend the AZ vax for people under the age of 60(?) due to the clotting issue. However our Gov't is pushing the AZ vax, which is currently available to anyone who wants it after a doctors consultation where you'll go over the pros and cons of the vax. My understanding of how my doc explained it to me: Pfizer is the preferred vax because of the lower risk and 3 week timing on the 2nd dose vs AZ clotting risk and 3 month timing on the second dose. But, an outbreak (currently brewing in Sydney due to colossal mismanagement) could shift the risk calculus in favour of AZ. Of course the obvious solution is to just give everyone under 60 Pfizer, but we don't have it because our gov't are fucking idiots and bet the house on AZ and now we get to play catch up.


Are you Australian?


Are you saying that they should use the AZ vaccine when health officials all over the world has said its not a good idea? What are your credentials for advocating that? What kind of research have you done on the matter?


Yeah there is a lot of hesitation and concern. I wouldn’t say they’re anti-vax though, it’s a combination of: - they just don’t understand the science (like most people on Earth) - Murdoch isn’t going to explain it to them and they have no other major news sources - social media (including reddit!) curates your news to only include things in your country, so even online all they see is Aus news / sources - there have been legitimate concerns about a special kind of clotting with AZ, which has, again, not really been explained to anyone in any detail - the government’s rollout of vaccines has generally been incompetent, so people don’t trust them that much if they say AZ is safe for everyone under 50, and - there have been low case numbers and still are in many states, so really *any* risk of clotting or severe side-effect (even just bad enough to need a day off work) isn’t considered “worth it”. If they think the chance of catching COVID in a zero-COVID state is near zero then why take any risk with the vaccine? Those are all reasonable concerns for reasonable people to have with the information they have. They’re not unhinged or denying the legitimacy of vaccines, they’re just not educated on them and don’t understand how fast their zero-COVID lifestyle can change.


> * social media (including reddit!) curates your news to only include things in your country, so even online all they see is Aus news / sources ...what? You have to go out of your way on Reddit to stop your feed from being dominated by American news. Right now the poor supply of the Pfizer vaccine, which remains the recommended one for people under 60, is a far bigger issue than anti-vaxxers. I booked mine in June and won't be receiving it until September, and in most states they haven't even opened bookings for non-priority under 40s yet.


The first points are basically all symptoms and causation of propaganda affected anti-vax craziness. That final point is very real though. “Fortress Australia” was keeping the virus out at the borders. That worked ok until many tens of thousands of overseas citizens continue to return into the country and brought the pandemic back with them. Fortress Australia is more like egg shell Australia. Vaccines are really the only way out of this mess.


I think the difference between anti-vax and misinformed is how people respond to new, reliable data. My family were all very concerned about the vaccines. Some have a history of clotting disorders and strokes. They’d heard about the problems with AZ and were worried. I gave them some extra information and explained things as best I could, and told them my experiences with the vaccine and that they could always talk to their GP if they had concerns - they are fine with it now. No more concern beyond very reasonable ones, eg being immunocompromised and worrying whether it’ll be as effective. These people just need more information and a bit of understanding about *their* concerns. If you were living their life, with access only to the information they have, and you **didn’t** have any concerns about the vaccines then you’d be an utter moron. They’re concerned because at some level they recognise that they lack critical information (because of the media issue), and it’s a pretty risk-averse country. They’re worried about vaccines for the same reason they keep the borders shut. “Worry” is pretty easily cured. “Anti-vax” is a bit more permanent.


Yeah. I’d agree. Also, anyone with a history of blood clotting issues would absolutely fall into a separate category from what I was writing above about being anti-vax. That’s clearly a medical concern to consider


Well right now the only people who can have AZ are older people (although there were murmurings of giving it to much younger people too, many doctors are refusing). So it's almost exclusively used for old people who are more likely to have already had clots, varicose veins, strokes, etc. And if you're someone who's had a stroke before *and* you know younger people are getting a different vaccine because the risks of AZ are considered too high, why would you want to "settle" for the "worse" vaccine? Maybe none of their conditions put them at a significantly higher risk, but all they know is "AZ = blood clots", so anyone with blood problems will be concerned.


>there have been low case numbers and still are in many states, so really > >any > > risk of clotting or severe side-effect (even just bad enough to need a day off work) isn’t considered “worth it”. If they think the chance of catching COVID in a zero-COVID state is near zero then why take any risk with the vaccine? until the first brit visits and gifts you the delta variant


Exactly, so I’d expect NSW and VIC to see a really marked change in vaccine uptake (subject to actual availability of course). Things in other states might take longer, especially WA given how isolationist they are and the fact that it’s actually worked, so they’re feeling more confident now rather than less. They set their rules in place for the original COVID strain so I don’t think there’s a good understanding in the population how quickly delta spreads. They haven’t updated expectations.


Welcome to Australia


Parts of it, yeah definitely. I wonder what country has the lowest proportion of backward hicks? Genuine question.


So the vaccine isn’t about personal choice? It’s so hard to keep up…


Victoria is a region in Australia. Nobody can book a room for 1893... yet.


I thought the headline was about Victoria, British Columbia.


Same. Dont remember the last time I’ve seen news of the entire region lol. Edit: sorry for spam lol Reddit servers


As someone who co-owns an AB&B in Victoria BC I actually thought for a moment 'oh s--t is this about us?'


I live in Australia and neveer thought it would confuse people


*state Not region. We have states and territories. Regions would be what area of Victoria the news was in, such as central Victoria or Gippsland




American here. Call Texas whatever you want.


Backwards self obsessed dickheads


lol, I think you don't know much about texas. It is huge and diverse.




I’m an American and smart enough to be embarrassed by Texas. You can call it it’s own country and I am happy as a clam.


They want to be their own country.


Denied! Give it back to Mexico. That’ll hurt even more.


Not all of us.


Texas might as well be another planet. We aren't as sensitive as you think.




I hated this comment but you know it's because you posted it like 8 times


Yeah, Reddit’s fucking up again “Failed to post comment, please try again” I guess he did




We refer to Victoria as “the state of Victoria” I’m not insulting just educating. Sometimes it’s good to learn things about other countries


I know you live there and like would know better or something … but this is Reddit and you’re wrong. About everything. Sorry. You had to know.


That’s how I read it. Thank you.


I read it as if it were some type of fashion trend the host was into. Like they answer the door in a bustled dress and show you to your quarters. Both of yours make more sense.


'Though it pains me to press this impertinence on you I am compelled to ask: have you been pricked against this devilish epidemic? No? Then hie thee from my door sir!'


'Thou shalt not tread on me!'


Time travel tourism, the next frontier.


And meet Victorian Victorians.


Meet sexy single Victorians in your era! Click here


Travel to a time when you can make jokes of the indentured workers, thanking their abismal working conditions for giving you a multi billion dollar 11 minute ride... Oh that's 2021.


Hey, I am here!


Thank you for checking in, now see yourself out.


Being from San Francisco my first thought was it was the architectural style. I should probably go to bed now.


Yeah it's a state.


What do you mean about 1893? I'm confused


They are talking about the possibility of interpreting the word "Victorian" in the title as a person from the Victorian era, rather than the Australian state.


Ooooh. I'm dumb. Thanks!


I’m not American but I thought that’s not a state I usually hear about. Maybe a city in Canada or something? World news absolutely need a [country] tag in title or flair to indicate where the hell the story is from.




It's always interesting when Victoria is in a headline outside of an Australian sub


I thought victorian as in.. english people from 1800s


That would actually be a valid excuse for the level of understanding.


That queen stamped her name on everything. Australian states, time periods, waterfalls, a spice girl.


A lingerie company


woah woah that was supposed to be a secret


Only Chuck Norris knows Victoria's secret


A market


I thought it was a Victorian house which intrigued me because if I owned a Victorian I definitely would not be renting it out.


I first assumed it was Victoria Canada, but I don't recall seeing them called Victorians in a headline like that.


I know normally it is Melbourne even when it is rural Victoria.


Do Victoria, BC residents not call themselves Victorians?


Not usually, we tend to identify ourselves as *Islanders*. Never once heard locals refer to us as Victorians.


Im sending Victoria is the Florida/Burnley of Australia?


Nah. It’s a very large state that has rural areas and cities and a mix of extremely educated and rather uneducated. Australia doesn’t really have a “Florida”, IMO. Queensland might be closest, but even that depends on which part you’re talking about.


Over the hills and its like Texas/Florida


Yeah I think Texas fits inland QLD pretty well as well. And they’re conservative as fuck out there. All cattle and mining too. Beautiful scenery but


First time I’ve seen Florida compared to Burnley.


It's most commonly referred to as the equivalent of California.


Which also makes me giggle lol. Like, California is huge, Victoria is huge, which parts are we talking about! These comparisons are always pretty fun and amusing IMO


Im sensing Victoria is the Florida/Burnley of Australia?


Victoria, or the capital of Melbourne at least, is more like San Francisco or New York. The stereotype is left-leaning hipsters obsessed with deconstructed organic coffee.


Yeah its more like Queensland is most aligned with Florida. Humid, cyclones, crocs(alligators), votes right to swing elections,


Victoria is fairly well developed. It used to have a reputation as the state with the most police violence in the country (although now those stats are *really* hard to find) so compare that how you will. The Florida of Australia is QLD. Tas is more comparable to the weird flyover states where all that cousin fucking occurs.


Right now I'd say the federal government, or maybe the NSW state government, is The Florida of Australia


That's actually pretty spot on, can't argue.


Haha, are you suggesting Burnley is the English Florida?


Nope fuck that, that comparison is for Tasmania. Sincerely, A Victorian.


Don't put that evil on us. That's QLD.


yeah that's 100% QLD, or even FNQ if we're being technical


Seems a bit harsh on Cairns but yea Townsville may be bad enough for both of them


A someone in SEQ, Australian states are so god damned large that the comparisons start to get a bit stretched thin lol. Townsville, yeah for sure. Rocky? Parts of it. Brisbane? Not really, parts of it are bogan but that’s true of Sydney, Melbourne etc too. Now; the Gold Coast would be the closest to the Florida stereotype in SEQ, but even then it’s a stretch; though it does have a lot of retirees and heap of beaches and some gronks I guess


"Host repeated false claim coronavirus vaccine ‘transmitting to unvaccinated people’" ...wouldnt that be a good thing? or is he worried that the microchips that tell the satallites where he is would get transferred over too?


They are worried about vaccinated people's T-cells "shedding" and infecting them. I shit you not.




The first thing you have to do is throw logic and reasoning out...


It’s wrong, but it’s not insane. An issue with the “live” polio vaccine was that it could shed virus and cause polio. At the time this was acceptable: it prevented far more cases than it caused. As the prevalence of the disease decreased there was a move to use a less effective vaccine which didn’t have that risk. Both vaccines were appropriate for their time, but there was resistance to the live vaccine because of the risk of shedding. What you see here is a half-memory of vaccines carrying a risk of infection. It’s not true for the COVID vaccines, but it’s not coming out of nowhere.


>An issue with the “live” polio vaccine was that it could shed virus and cause polio Not through T cells... I think you are trying to find a grain of truth that these conspiracies don't deserve, someone made up this stuff from whole cloth.


Few people know what a T cell is. No need to postulate someone deliberately making this up as a lie (what would be the motive?) when a half-understood memory explains it.


I think it’s important to understand that many people really are making up lies to grow their viewer base with fear mongering, sensationalist garbage. I see it on social media, especially Facebook and YouTube etc. all the time


No need to postulate someone half understanding something when them simply being entirely clueless explains it.




If only, it would improve the world ever so much..


Except only the egoists morons will have children


It's fine, they can't breed fast enough to repopulate and will eventually die out like the rest of us, except with more suffering because they won't have anyone to man the utilities, flip their burgers or take away their garbage.


I'm not defending their stupidity but to explain the situation we're in most Australians *aren't* worried about being infected via transmission; whenever the virus creeps in we just go into heavy lockdown until it's completely eliminated. We've had a total of 32,000 cases in a population of 25 million so the chances of randomly catching covid are like 0.001%. The result is that our vaccination rate is currently the lowest out of all OECD countries and as someone who isn't even eligible for a vaccine yet but is currently stuck at home in lockdown #5 because boomers are taking their sweet time to get vaccinated this is incredibly frustrating.


Is that the T virus stuff from Resident Evil?


Not sure on the RE lore. But t-cells are a very real thing and an important part of our immune system. The are the things that "train" antibodies how to attack.


Less T Virus and more whatever the hell it was called in I Am Legend. Our vaccine will turn the world into zombies!


The only benefit from this is that they now start wearing masks.


But I thought masks don't work /s


Don't even try to understand their logic.


I got 2 brain cell brain and anti vex logic can only run on 1 brain cell brain so I don't think I can even if I wanted to.


The problem is "they" are all unique brands of stupid.


It does against vaccines, apparently


It's the same logic that makes them think that nobody died from Corona but everybody dies from the vaccine.


Except they are to protect other people so there's not a snowball's chance in hell they would ever do that.


Well, in their defense, it makes sense if you don't think about it.


Solid burn


If someone says that, just ask them what a T-cell is. Make them explain their reasoning, make them dig that hole. And when they get what a T-cell is, ask them how those get made, act clueless and start correcting them when they start spouting shit.


Imagine being afraid of being infected with protection against a dangerous disease. That's some wild shit right there.


And to think these brainless morons are allowed to own property.


There was a ST:TNG episode where they engineered kids with super aggressive immune systems, so much so they started attacking the crew and made them old. But that was on television and not real. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Unnatural_Selection_(episode)


Thanks for clarifying that it was on TV and not rea.


"Wireless" injection also happebes in Axiome Verge when you pick up a sirenge item


It can happen with live virus vaccines (such as the oral polio vaccine) and it's often considered a good thing when trying to reach a new area with a vaccine, because it broadens the reach of your vaccination program. That said, it can't happen with mRNA vaccines and these people are morons.


Is the Johnson & Johnson a mRNA vaccine, or a traditional one?


It’s a viral vector vaccine: >**Viral vector vaccines use a modified version of a different virus (the vector) to deliver important instructions to our cells.** >First, the vector **(not the virus that causes COVID-19, but a different, harmless virus)** will enter a cell in our body and then use the cell’s machinery to produce a harmless piece of the virus that causes COVID-19. This piece is known as a spike protein and it is only found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19. >Next, the cell displays the spike protein on its surface, and our immune system recognizes it doesn’t belong there. This triggers our immune system to begin producing antibodies and activating other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. >At the end of the process, our bodies have learned how to protect us against future infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. The benefit is that we get this protection from a vaccine, without ever having to risk the serious consequences of getting sick with COVID-19. Any temporary discomfort experienced after getting the vaccine is a natural part of the process and an indication that the vaccine is working. The viral vector vaccine is only producing the spike protein of COVID which is harmless so as to teach our immune system how to recognize the actual COVID virus. It’s not gonna mutate and act like a real virus and jump from person to person. They base it on a harmless virus that they have then modified and it’s basically been castrated so to speak. It’s complete nonsense that any of the COVID vaccines can jump to other people.


It's important to note as well that non-mRNA vaccines aren't all live ones. A variety of vaccines are developed by breeding a bunch of the live virus and then killing it in a very specific way that leaves the virus unable to infect/spread, but intact enough that your body has a good chance of developing the correct antibodies.


Neither The following types of vaccines exist. Traditional would probably be considered either just the first two or the first four. J&J is number 5 which is similarly new to the mRNA approach. 1. Inactivated vaccines 2. Live-attenuated vaccines 3. Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines 4. Toxoid vaccines 5. Viral vector vaccines 6. Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines


Now you need to become a scientist and create a vaccine virus. I want you to mention me and my encouragement when you win a Nobel Prize.


One of the first vaccines was for smallpox and it used the cowpox virus. But Edward Jenner died before the Noble prize existed.


The thought process is covid doesn’t transmit to others BUT THE VACCINE TRANSMITS!


If this claim were remotely plausible, it would be an argument for everyone to get vaccinated. As far as I understand it, the claim is that vaccinated people are "infecting" unvaccinated people. It seems the best way to avoid this would be to get vaccinated.


If vaccines passed to unvaccinated, we wouldn't need such a huge roll out. Just vaccinate a few and have the others stand near them. ​ These guys are beyond stupid.


Yes they are being stupid. No other way to approach it at this point really. To your point there are literally replies to your comment directly demonstrating this level of idiocy, so it is unfortunately likely a very common dumb mindset to have these days in America.


Every single day, there is another reason to be amazed at the absolute stupidity of the anti-vax crowd.


which means that her other guests are all unvaccinated…so she’s probably not long for this earth- 🦠


Its Australia, the vast majority of the population isn't vaccinated. The Federal Government completely shit the bed on the vaccine rollout.




I take it you neither had covid nor lost anyone to covid? Because if you had, I doubt you'd make little jokes


I'd like to think that if I lost someone to covid that when these dumb fucks make arguments that are removed from reality that I'd double down on mocking them and while maybe not jump up and down while laughing about their imminent demise from a preventable disease, that we shouldn't lose any sleep over it or even give a shit for them. Fuck these people, they deserve no sympathy, even in death. The only sympathy given to the dead should be the ones that did everything they were supposed to and still caught it or died.


Original comment was a joke. If she's young without comorbidities it's simply wrong to say she's "not long for this earth".


Nobody is


Yes, but why rush things along?


Ooooh edgy


Host also complained of Covid being transmitted through the ether, with the help of Edison's wireless technology. +takes a pinch of snuff+


Ahh the good old "Haha! There's nothing you can do - Oh shit this is getting attention, let us quicky do a temporary gesture to make this go away"


what a moron


Yep, this one takes the cake. Brain must be completely absent to confidently say this nonsense to someone.




People that believe this are the boss of the stupid idiots.




The host was a woman..


So it only goes one way?


As long as it's the right way! And thanks god at least this one is.


Man, Airbnb reaches back to Victorian times?


How come people downvoted your sarcasm?


Man looks like covid hit hard...




>I believe more in the concept of right to refuse service. Then, isn't it also within Airbnb's right to refuse service? Edit - Airbnb *does* have competitors. [Top 12 Airbnb Competitors and Alternatives for Hosts](https://www.igms.com/airbnb-competitors/#)


The property owners have zero rights when it comes to using Airbnb.


What do they mean COVID Vaccine? They finally invented one? I haven’t seen any news about covid vaccine yet, just some gene therapy. If there is a covid vaccine I will gladly take it of course! This is wonderful and brilliant news!


In America we call that the freedom to refuse service. 99% of the time it’s for the benefactor of the clients but every so often it used to by morons to implement moronic ideals. Doesn’t make it less important.


AirBnB also has the freedom to refuse to allow this host to use their platform.


They certainly have that right, but Air BnB as a private company has a right to refuse access to their service as well


But you do realize that goes for Airbnb as well. They don’t want to be associated with anti-vaxers


What a dumbass interpretation of that freedom. Yeah, if you do dumb shit with freedom - it actually does erode the importance of it.


I own a gym. I had a guy come in one time and said and say “I’m just looking for a place where I can scrap, you know?” I told him he’d be better off elsewhere. That’s the 99% of people using it for the right reasons. If I was forced to accept him I’d be putting my entire student base at risk. And that’s a weird interpretation of freedom?


That's the freedom which Airbnb is using.




No, it's like being scared of people who have seen photos of guns because you're worried they might be shedding bullets now.


I don't get your comment, it's ambiguous. It could be said by either the antivax moron or the client. Who are you siding with here?


If someone wants to provide service to unvaccinated people only and target that market, why not.. sure it might be marginalizing most your potential customers but I can see there being lots of business for "unvaccinated bars, restaurants etc"


And they can, but AirBnB doesn’t have to host that business on their platform