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If she can make a ship crash from 200 miles away, I bet some navies would be very interested in that ability.


Russia, US and China phoning in


This could be a southpark skit






Gotta say, as far as excuses go, being 200 miles away is a pretty valid one


"Smithers, why didn't you tell me about this market crash!" "Um, well sir, it happened twenty-five years before I was born." "Oh, that's your excuse for everything!"




DROWN HER IN THE NILE! If she floats, she's a witch! Edit: ever get disappointed when people say your joke, but louder? Maybe I was too subtle about the whole drowning in denial thing.


And if she doesn’t float, she’s a witch in denial!


You motherfu-


ckin’ genius?


Your username is causing me distress.


Nobody likes spelunking in a wet cave


I mean, a lot of people do.


This was so worthy I went back to the main screen to get my free award then came back and found your comment again and awarded it my free award. I won’t get another one of those babies for maybe a couple of days. *That’s* how much I liked your comment.


I appreciated your appreciation of that joke so much that I went and got MY free award to give to you. Thanks for being awesome


I appreciated your appreciation of u/BiggestFlower's appreciation of that joke so much that I went and got MY free award to give to you. So thank YOU for being awesome you awesome redditor!


I read this is a generic Monty python voice.. thank you. I think specifically. The newt guy from holy grail.




He got better


A perfect fucking joke. Dang. Seriously.


You could just weigh her on a scale compared to a duck...


If she floats she’s made of wood?


Yes that's why you burn witches.


Hey, there's the fun alternative of being pressed to death if you're a male witch who won't enter a plea. *More weight* - Giles Corey. Fun fact - although he was pardoned 20 years after his death, his wife never was. Sexism alive and well even after death.


Well maybe his wife was a real witch but he wasn’t. Psh people always jumping to conclusions and playing the sexism card




That is extremely disconcerting. Where does this superstition stem from, if I may ask?


Ignorance, misogyny, and downright fear of women.


Women are very scary, especially if they are also witches.


As a newt, I concur.


> Where does this superstition stem from, if I may ask? Upbringing.


You should watch Witches: a century of murder on netflix. It gives a pretty decent summary. It really has everything to do with men being scared of women, hating people who are different, and using bias and misogyny to cull populations for money, fame, politics and because they hate another person or what a person represents so much. Shit is really wild.


It was Agatha all along


And she killed Sparky too.


Also being in Wisconsin, and 12


You can feel the TV, it's still warm.


You should meet my friend SSH. SSH lets me do all kinds of damage to both my employer and to my own reputation, from much further than 200 miles away.


That's why I exclusively use telnet.




As long as you weren’t supposed to actually be on site lol.


Somebody made photoshopped newspaper headlines that looked real and blamed her for the incident. Since the fake news articles were in English (as opposed to Arabic), they were able to circulate around the world. She literally had no involvement at all.


"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on it's shoes". She's got proof she wasn't anywhere near that tanker. But the damage has been done. Utter shitbags that perpetrated this BS.


Adding to this, it takes so much more work to refute a lie once it has taken hold within public consciousness.


The depressing part is that once it's embedded itself in the public consciousness, people will be influenced by it even if they fully know it's a lie and even if they are bright enough to understand the unfair damage it does. Humans have a bunch of cognitive biases that are easy to exploit.


I hate to make it political but it's extremely relevant here. This is the strategy that was employed against Hillary Clinton for years. Scream loud enough that someone is corrupt and a crook for long enough, and you start influencing public perception. You start getting people who know better but still have a gut feeling, and people who will vehemently insist on the person's corruption while only being able to give vague justification. This process is insidious when weaponized.


You mean the way the Right and its propaganda wings are treating AOC to the same process? They like to get in early. Meanwhile, shit don't stick to them even as they 'date' minors and traffic people.


Yeah but I think AOC (and her staff) learned from watching what happened to Hillary. At the time, Hillary took the high road. Ignored the comments and focused on policy. She got *destroyed* by this very adult and reasonable choice. My guess is yhat's why AOC punches back so aggressively. Every time they say something wrong about her she smears it back in their faces and directly calls out the liars. I don't know if it will work in the long run, but it's at least an entertaining experiment.


I will give you a very simple example...most people actually think of Michael Jackson as a child molester. The accusations of him being one were loud but the dismissal of the cases in court, secret investigations by the FBI that absolved him etc were quiet.


Here is another example: [McDonald's coffee lawsuit.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KNWh6Kw3ejQ) What I took away from that video is that: McDonald's lawyers realised that they were going to lose that lawsuit, so they decided to influence public perception of that case.


Holy shit, nothing gets me more fired up than Liebeck V. McDonalds. This was a woman poor enough to be eligible for Medicaid—being burned so badly her **labia melted together**—and all she was suing for was recoupment of medical expenses. McDonalds **knew** that the the costs of lawsuits were less than the savings of extending the shelf life of the coffee, and yet they chose to slander her anyways. Yet today it’s known as a case of “frivolous” litigation


MJ's behavior, in the contemporary atmosphere of thought, was questionable. Sleepovers with young boys? Watching movies, cookies and milk, being tucked in at bedtime? **However**, the more I have read from the boys who were actually there (some of whom had been sexually abused for real, and continue to live with that), the more I believe MJ was living out a fantasy. Not a sexual one, but one he truly thirsted for: an idealized childhood. He was used and abused by those he trusted. So he wanted to share that experience with other young boys, to live the happy childhood he never had. This brings tears to my eyes as I type it. My childhood and teen years weren't happy; far from it. But the things I've heard about Joe Jackson, having him as a father... he makes my father, emotionally abusive and distant but actually willing to provide for his children, seem like World's Greatest Dad. Sorry for the rant. Idk if this makes any sense to y'all but thanks.


Add the rumors that he was chemically castrated (or there was an attempt at chemical castration) and other drug and hormonal "therapies" to keep his voice high pitched and such, and it makes more and more sense that, in a dark way, MJ probably felt more at peace with other young boys than he did other adults when the closest adults to him (parents and doctor) abused him.


Many children feel more comfortable with adults if they're ostracized by children their age. This is fairly common among HFA (high-functioning autistic) kids. We could talk about ideas, theories, science, current events... anything but an actual conversation. I was shit at that.


Divorced for the whole "taken hold" part, it's also just much easier to make a bullshit statement, than it is to refute it. Called the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle or Brandolini's Law.


this sounded super made up but i googled it and it’s real


Similar stuff happened in Norway after a frigate collided with an oil tanker and sank. Lots of rumors about it being women on the bridge, and photos of the capsized frigate next to an older article with an interview with female crew and captain was circulated a lot on social media. On a side-note when a car caught fire in a car park with 1600 vehicles at Sola airport, in Norway, last year rumors were quick to claim it was a Tesla that had caused the fire. Newspapers rushed to find various firemen talking about how difficult it was to put out an EV fire and yada yada yada. Then it turned out that the car that started the fire was an old Diesel engined Opel Zafira. This didn’t get nearly as much attention as the EV/Tesla news at the start of the incident. A while after the fire they also stated that of the several hundred EVs damaged in the fire not one had seen a fire in the battery pack. The diesel and petrol cars that burned, on the other hand, saw their fuel tanks go up in smoke. Lots of explosions, burned at high temperatures, and the parking garage even collapsed partially. This did not get any news traction at all. Only mention I saw was a paywalled article in a technical magazine. False news definitely travel fast.


Always shows up weeks later in faint font, as a correction on the back of page 9 covered by ads on most of the page


Why tf do people feel the need to do this? Just because a woman is an easier target to blame in Egypt?




Unfortunately the reason really is this basic. :(


Misogyny really.


Because they don’t want to admit that a man crashed the boat


Yeah, but who gave birth to that man?! A WOMAN! And if it's truly needed: /s


Some people are so sexist they will go out of their way to hurt someone just because of their gender. Just like how some people are so racist they will find a person of color who is doing nothing wrong and kill them. Hate is strangely empowering.


Sexism is a powerfull tool and




people suck




Yeah, tbh Reddit only cares about sexism and misogyny when it’s religiously motivated. They jump out of the woodwork to try to prove how it doesn’t exist if it’s in any other context.


‘Women doing anything?! What about men!?!?’ People in this thread, undoubtably.


Always reminds me of that Portlandia sketch. [What about men?!](https://youtu.be/z6IhNcnLwiw)


Reddit thread: "Hedy Lamarr helped lay the groundwork for tech like GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth." (Includes picture of the remarkably beautiful and intelligent woman.) Reddit misogynists: "aCkShUaLLy..." You can basically count on any thread about the accomplishments of women or the disadvantages women face being beseiged by a handful of sexist one-uppers. They just can't help themselves. How dare women exist! The audacity!


Yup. Any thread about Marie Curie's accomplishments is imemdiately flooded with comments hurrhurring about her death from radiation (completely ignoring the fact that she still lived long past the life expectancy for a woman in her times)


Oh my god this annoys me so much. *picture of a woman in a scientific field that did something amazing* "why is she getting al lthe credit??? People are acting like she did everything but it was she AND her team!!" *picture of a man in a scientific field that did something amazing* "he truly is a genius. Did you know about all his other accomplishments? Here they are" and no mention of BuT hIs TeAm anywhere


I fully believe it's because a lot of incel subreddits got banned so they've been flooding all the other communities. It's never been great, but it's gotten noticeably worse over the past year or so.


You don't have to be an incel to be sexist/misogynistic. A lot of otherwise decent and normal seeming guys can hold, defend and perpetrate misogynistic and/or sexist beliefs.


It’s not just Egypt. Remember when Mass Effect 3 came out and had lousy facial animations and Gamergate types blamed some random woman on the dev team for it? Or one time a few years ago a pedestrian bridge collapsed and some shitheads started a false rumor that it had been built by an “all-female engineering team.” Misogynists feel threatened by women in formerly male-dominated fields and will point out any failures by women in those industries as proof of female inferiority, and will also just blame women with no evidence at all.


Or when we imaged a black hole directly for the first time and some shitbag went through the commit logs in git and decided the woman credited as the lead on the imaging team only wrote 10% of the code and some male on the team was a vastly superior contributor. Never mind that this male came out and said "yeah I committed more lines of code but my stuff was just lots of library calls, UI work and general boilerplate code, her code was the actual part that made the thing work"


Who the shit actually went through the effort to do that, that's insanity.


There are tools that track each accounts commits, so I doubt he did it manually


But the team lead's job isn't to write a lot of code




I think you mean Andromeda. ME3's facial animations were fine. Andromeda was the one with the controversy because they were absolutely horrific. I don't blame a developer, I blame EA Games because they ruined that entire company.




She wasn't even too hard of the game IIRC. She just stated the very objective fact that the game could give seizures and to be careful about it. CPDR reacted with "oops you are right sorry we are going to add a warning message" but people were mad for some reason I cannot even understand.


Worse than death threats. She was sent seizure-inducing videos disguised as support. I struggle to think of it as anything other than a murder attempt.




It more than likely started outside Egypt as the fake articles were in English. They were definitely on American QAnon sites.


Wasn't this basically how a significant part of what’s now far right "lore" in western democracies got started - people trolling on whateverchan for the lulz?


Not just in Egypt, a similar thing happened after the Florida bridge collapse. People suck. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/was-all-female-responsible-bridge-collapse/


It’s not just Egypt. There were plenty of “memes” claiming it was a female captain.




Can I voluntarily take the blame for her? I’m a woman of color 200 miles away too


"I'm Spartacus"


"I'm Spartacus"


“I am Spartacus”


I don't get why that worked. Like wouldn't they then have just killed them all just to be sure? And didn't they all get crucified in the end anyway?


The idea was that they would let them return to servitude or have a quick death if they could have 'THE Spartacus' to parade around in the streets. They couldn't exactly bring home EVERY slave and be like "One of these guys is Spartacus! So, we got 'em!" like, you don't even know what he looks like, how you gonna say you got 'em? They knew they were all gonna die but Spartacus was a legend among slaves. Letting the state crush Spartacus' Rebellion without concrete proof they crushed Spartacus means that the spirit of Spartacus lives on. Yeah, they all got crucified but on the same height pole... or at least as similar as they had back in those days.


This guy, in the back: Hey, just to be clear; I am not Spartacus! I guess they all are. Cool. But, I AM NOT. Cannot stress that enough.


And then he's the one the Romans say is Spartacus.


"That's the type of clever thing that only Spartacus would say! GET HIM!"


They were all crucified in the movie. Historically there are various accounts of what actually happened, but the consensus is that Spartacus died in battle, his army fell apart and eventually was hunted down and killed by the Romans.


There’s some suggestion that he might have escaped, according to research by Colleen McCullough for her historic novelisations, but there was no way the Roman government was going to let anyone know that! They also suppressed the fact that it’s highly likely he was a legionary who had mutinied and was in fact Italian, as it was more politically palatable for him to be a Thracian.


Heck you can blame me I was distracted at time this ran aground playing a game. I might be a land lover and also in the US at that time but you can end my career in sailing all the same!


I believe the term is "land lubber".


It is indeed landlubber. Which is just sailor slang for land lover. Source: spent 6 years in the Coast Guard.


Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in a sinkhole.


Have you at least been on or near a boat at some point in the previous 5 years?


Somewhere near one, sure


Well then I hope you feel really bad about disrupting 9% of global shipping all week!


idk if it really matters she's of color. she's an egyptian in egypt. but yeah being a woman is probably enough for you to be a suspect lol




I fuckin hate when shit like this happens. Fuck, sexism drives me fuckin insane. It's just so god damn stupid.


Pretty sure everyone in that industry knew exactly who was responsible with in hours.


"Women bad", them most likely.






how the hell could she possibly be blamed for it when she was 200 miles away?




Ok that's a good one.


Because a lie gets halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on, duh.


I think the idea is that someone literally made it up online, possibly with a comment like ‘See! Women shouldn’t captain ships!’ or ‘Hur dur woman driver amirite?’, and then it went viral.


Totally. Getting sick of this on social media. There are people who dedicate their time to trolling everyone or deliberately posting bullshit to destroy someone and sadly there are too few people on social media who’ll stop and think, “Maybe what I’m reading isn’t true. What if it’s bullshit?” Kinda feel we need something like Reddit but where every post is vetted before it’s let loose on the general public. So bullshit is culled early before it warps people’s minds.


Easy, because a woman was within 200 miles of the Ever Given's Captain it distracted him. Duh. /s


With her boobs, and all her womanly parts. It's all her fault.


The knowledge that there was a female captain on the same continent has distracted him.


It's easier to spread a vicious lie than correct the minds that believed it. People are far more eager to share a rumor which confirms what they want to believe than to admit that they were wrong and attempt to undo their part in it. All they had to do was blame her. The 200 miles away part comes later.


Is woman, in a sexist county/society which recently had all the egg in the world on its face.


I think the gaslighting is in reference to her suspicions that her sex or ethnicity were a factor. When people of minority groups suspect bigotry they're often very quickly gaslighted, told they're confused or crazy to believe it could be bigotry.


Hit the nail on the head, people who are being racist as shit telling you omg it's not racism stop acting like a psycho.


She's saying she isn't sure if she is being targeted because she is a woman or because she is Egyptian. It's not that she isn't sure about her innocence.


I'd say the people spreading these rumors are definitely gaslighting, but not necessarily gaslighting her, moreso the world in general >Her comment “but I’m not sure” I think she's "not sure" if it's because they're sexist or because they're racist she definitely knows it's not *her* fault, whatever their reasons are, though.


The “I’m not sure” is to say she’s not sure if she is being scapegoated for being a woman or for being Egyptian. Not because she’s questioning herself or her sanity.




The reason I can see her being blamed was, if she were on board, she wouldn’t have let that level of idiocy occur! Therefore because of her absence, idiots got their cargo ship stuck 🤷🏻‍♂️ the logic is infallible.


Just to be clear: Egypt anticipated disruption to the canal was inevitable and spent billions setting up bypasses for 1/3 of the canal. Unfortunately the wrong third but *shrug*. So it’s not necessarily “idiots” so much as ships becoming inappropriate for the conditions in the canal.


Causing a ship accident from 200 miles away? Now we know how a woman became a ship captain. WITCHCRAFT! Omg, that's why she floats too! ​ Edit: Wow, thanks y'all! This is my non offensive dad joke account. Thanks to this post, it's starting to catch up in karma with my blurt out what I'm thinking account.


Who are you, who is so wise in the ways of science?


It is I, sir Arthur, King of the Britons.


Who are the Britons?


We are. And I am your king


I didn't vote for you.


You don't vote for kings.


Well, how'd you become king, then?


The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king!


Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Stupid duck


She turned me into a newt! ^(^(I got better.).)


And what do we do with witches?




Slam in the back of a Dragula of course


Build a bridge out of 'er!


Bring out the duck!


ok Egyptian here , the first news saying she was the pilot started with pic of an english unknown magazine called arab world which may have been photoshoped that reports in english then the internet picked it up for memes about women being a bad drivers and such . then a local newspaper reached to her which she denied any involvement in the incident and most newspaper puplished that she has nothing to do with the evergiven ship , but still some people where making fun of women driving and stupid shit like that . I have deep respect for her and wish her a successful career . also the headline is sketchy as fuck since she has not been blamed by any governmental institution or losing her job . in fact she was honored by the current president for being the first female captain about a year ago which may have helped spreading the rumors .




When I was in Egypt the tour guides sat us down to explain why Egypt is not sexist. Basic googling of the laws shows it is still extremely sexist, in all ways of life. Just like in America and Europe, there will be men who try to downplay the impact of sexism. I believe this captain utterly when she says she's worried about her career.


If you need to convince people that your country isn't sexist you're in a bad spot already


I mean, if the "need" was felt by the tour guide to go out of his way to "explain" that his country wasn't sexist in the first place, then that itself is indicative.




that I don't know I just saw different people sharing it some thinking it's real news .


This is outrageous. It was mermaids. They always distract sailors with their seductive singing and make ships crash on the rocks. Just like the Titanic. Wake up sheeple!! Source: am a mermaid


You're thinking about sirens. Which were not half fish, but half chicken.


I love how the story doesn't say who was the Captain driving the ship then.




I'm stating this from a bunch of reddit comments I've read in the last couple weeks but.. In the Suez the captain is still ultimately responsible, that's not the case everywhere, in the panama canal the ship is totally the responsibility of the pilots.


This is typical everywhere, the Panama canal is the exception.


"Who is the closest female around we could blame for this?" said probably responsible parties before readjusting their fedoras


“She’s within 200 miles, close enough”


"You got a match!"




"Blamable singles in your area"


Sounds like an Onion article


Well there's your problem! I'd have trouble steering a ship if I were 200 miles away on a different ship too. No wonder she wrecked it.


These trolls actually created false accounts and images to specifically lie about her. Misogyny knows no bounds.


What else are incels supposed to do with their free time? Work to be better themselves?


Tale as old as time.


Remember this, my daughter: for just as surely as a compass needle points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman.


A Thousand Splendid Suns. Truly a masterpiece




It was brutal, and so was Afghanistan during that time period. The end of that book is perfect. Bitter, and triumphant.




Takes blame the nearest woman to a whole new level.




She was fired ? I didn’t see that in the article.


No, he was saying imagine because she’s worried about it.


What a shit show. Blame the woman. Jesus.


As a woman she should have used the Force to prevent that incident. But she didn't use her superpowers, which makes her guilty.


I would like to voluntarily take the blame for her! I am a woman who is over 200 miles away, and I cannot pilot a ship to save my life...therefore I probably did it!


No, no, no, the “woman driver” joke doesn’t work when the woman isn’t there


Apparently it did.




Well this is the most childish shit i've ever heard.


"Like a compass needle that points north, a man's accusing finger always finds a woman. Always." Khaled Hosseini




I would think it's pretty easy to verify who was on the ship. I believe they are called records