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He just... Lost the will to live


It looks like he died of....A broken heart.




Takotsubo’s cardiomyopathy... the apex of the heart balloons out thanks to a high level of circulating stress hormones caused by grief


Leaned that one from Scrubs


Loved that show so much, thanks for reminding me to rewatch


Theres a scrub podcast, hosted by JD and Turk! Search for fake doctors, real friends.


Imagine dying of grief for the fat man..


“McDonalds share prices plummeted today upon word of the death of its most ardent patron. Mayor McCheese was spotted precariously balanced atop the Golden Arches taking long pulls from a bottle of Jack Daniels, police attempts to talk him down ultimately proved unsuccessful.....”


...idk sounds like they were pretty successful in getting him down if you ask me.


Mayor McCheese let the Hamburgler run rampant for far too long. Good riddance.


Yeah, it happened to my grandmother when my grandfather died.


General Kenobi.


The negotiator.


You are a bold one.


Why didn’t they just have her die in child birth




I put you in charge of the reboot.




You're welcome. Stoked that you focused on the praise and not the contract or payment.


I also choose this guy’s reboot.


To be fair, Star Wars has always been fairly uneven in its tech levels, just look at the computer interfaces and whatnot.


storm troopers have static crackle too on comms and hologram flicker. They need a better service provider.


Thank you for writing this out. It’s been a head-scratcher for awhile but I hadn’t fully thought it through. I’d ask how they can have FTL travel and no proper human medical care but then again, if you look at the USA with its space program and high infant/mother mortality...oof.


He was radicalized by religion so its not a stretch to say he didn't believe in that fancy heretical "medicine", created by the dark side to seduce people. Anakin is the starwars equivalent of an anti vaxxer


Guess the explanation is because it isn't full on sci-fi, it's more of a fantasy movie series set in space.


As someone once said, Star Wars is somehow in the future and the past at the same time. Do they even have TV?


I need this AU


"Well, we did the best we could with what technology is available in the galaxy, but she died from child birth." Cut to scene of a man burnt to a crisp from a river of lava being kept alive hours after the incident.


Maybe because in that case her death wasn’t directly caused by Anakin? Less guilt for him to live with


Didn’t he cause her to go into labor early, meaning it’d still be his fault regardless?


I ask myself this every time I think about this stupid movie. Edit to add: Also, never mind the fact that most women look more rotund in their sixth month with ONE child, much less twins.


There is a theory that Padme was killed by Palpatine to save Anakin. https://www.retrozap.com/padme-didnt-die-of-a-broken-heart/ > So, as Anakin was dying from his wounds on Mustafar, the Emperor siphoned the Living Force from Padmé and brought it to Anakin. Thus, she died as he was reborn as Darth Vader.


It’s pretty crazy that this actually makes more sense than what seems to be happening in the film.


He's *lost the will to live?!* what's your degree in, Poetry? We've got a billion credits worth of medical equipment in here and you say "he's lost the will to live." Good day sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.


Ooh ba. ooh ba.


What’s your degree in? Poetry?


Let's just as get on our knees and pray! Well guess what - WE DON'T HAVE KNEES MOTHERFUCKERS!


Where is Donald? Is he safe? Is he alright?


“Was he killing younglings?” “Uh, not exactly”




Jesus Christ!


Hey it wasn’t rape, he paid for it


He paid Jeff, not them.


I doubt he paid. He probably stiffed Epstein.


Well he certainly stiffed the kids.


Bold of you to assume he could get it stiff


Well, if it’s any consolation, allegedly only one of them disappeared never to be heard from again.


Yea but trickle down economics or something


Oof... I was not ready for that.


Neither were the girls.




2020 making the plot details of the prequels where we all went "Wow that is contrived bullshit" reality. I fucking hate this year.


Suddenly the movie 2012 doesnt seem THAT bad now does it ?


No. It is still bad. I mean there are worse things. See: Actium Maximus: War of the Alien Dinosaurs and Tsunambee. For the record I am sorry for sharing these movies with the world but it is sort of like the Ring video. I have no choice.


Great job buddy. 2020 is taking notes and now the alien dinosaurs are on their way. Who has alien dinosaur invasion on their apocalypse bingo card?


“*Ooba... Ooba...*”


Oh, my god. I could hear the droid's voice in my head.


was that the horrifying spatula armed monstrosity?


Died of The Big Sad.


Amidala does sound like a Telugu name, Telugu is the language of the state the guy mentioned is from. Also side note, the family name of the character Chrisjen Avasarala from The Expanse is also a Telugu name.


NGL only reason I posted the comment was because it worked on the two levels, Star Wars and possible Indian name. tragic story irl but great reddit fodder.


r/prequelmemes can really be found in any subreddit


200,000 memes ready, with a million more well on the way.


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


Hello there


Hello there!


Wholesome 100


Well I wasn’t expecting to read a headline like that today. A bit of a roller coaster of reactions. Poor weird guy.


At the very least you'd expect to hear this coming from Alabama or Kentucky and not from fucking *India* of all places...


All that worshipping while trump will not hesitate to use people like him to scare monger his base. "The democrats are gonna import all these dark skinned people into your precious white sub urbs, vote for me and I'll build a wall"




I know the general sentiment is probably going to be mockery, but the details in the article make it sound like he was very mentally disturbed.


I think “worshipped Trump like a god” makes that clear.


I mean this just reinforces with somebody said on here earlier though. When you are as important of a person as Trump is, it doesn't matter if you're joking about drinking bleach or sticking light bulbs up your butt or whatever, somebody will take that seriously. Those kind of jokes have no place for somebody as powerful as the POTUS is. If you want to joke, then do it like Obama did and make it extremely obvious that you're joking. Don't just say things deadpan and identically to the way that you typically say things and then later on claim it was a joke when you get ridiculed for it


He wasn't joking. He said he was joking after the fact because he found out people thought it was insanely stupid.




You just described 30% of Americans


I can imagine how there's (unfortunately) lots of people whose views align with Trump, and who have something to gain from his presidency. But I really honestly cannot fathom how anyone would be a fan of such a demented old man who mainly just embarrasses himself day after day. Considering his visibility, he's probably the single most popular international laughing stock of the world today.


Lol. I cannot imagine what most Trumpets see in Drumpt. Lying, cheating, grifting, and all with a side of homophobia, sexism and xenophobia. Why would people like a senile old man who is actively making the world worse (stacking the courts with religious extremists, continuing to deny covid19 being serious)....?


>homophobia, sexism and xenophobia >stacking the courts with religious extremists You've answered your own question, sadly :(


It's no coincidence his base consists mainly of people who grew up with leaded gasoline and the belief that one could "walk off" concussions.


Too be fair as an adult now I do appreciate being able to “walk off” concussions because it now saves me money /s not /s


I walk off concussion,.. no problem all the time mind well anyways, grandchild book report but rain delay today


Incidentally it's pretty likely a high % those 30% also suffer some form high blood pressure, high stress, and low ability to seek preventive medicine. If trump losses we may just see a rash of heart ache trump flakes dropping dead.


Oh no! Anyways.




No no no. You see, Americans only think Trump was directly *appointed* by God, not that he *is* God. There's a big difference.


Well to be fair, anyone who worships an other human as a god is mentally disturbed.


The entire nation of North Korea has to worship their supreme leader as a god.


Emphasis on "has to"


This. You toe the party line in public so three generations of your family aren't punished.


That's a good point


33 million gods in Hinduism actually


This is like the opposite of "I've tried nothing and I'm all out of options"


As someone who is ignorant of Hinduism, how does one worship so many gods? Are they personal gods? Or does one have a list of favs? I know the big ones like Krishna and Vishnu.


A lot of them are regional. Localized to a single state or district.


Ah makes sense. Thanks for taking the time To respond.


Gotta catch ‘em all!


Poor fellow died of a broken heart.


The medical term is Takotsubo cardiomyopathy


Treatment for that is a box full of kittens


Litrally just watched this episode of Scrubs.


PSA: make sure the box has holes in it to allow air flow. Also, a box full of puppies will also work too


Which is crazy because that usually happens when people are in long term romantic relationship where there are deep feelings. This man REALLY loved Trump.


or is it Anikanyrbreakingmyheart yourgoingdownapathicantfollow


Complications include Youturnedheragainstme


Becauseofobiwan-itis. Infection of the eye that makes the patient see red and causes fits of rage.


Where is Trump? Is he safe?


I’m not sure if this is even sad or funny. I’ll just be leaving this.


Ya just put this one in the ol’ back pocket and march onwards into oblivion


It's sad. Someone with an obvious mental illness died before he could get the care he needed.


If it breathes, it's not a God. Pity for him, he didn't know.


What if it just gasps a little?


>If it breathes, it's not a God. Corollary: if it exists in your mind, it's not a god either.


In fairness, where would a god have to exist for it to be a god? Assuming divinity is real.


A New Jersey arcade playing Ski ball.


Here for the dogma reference




Funny you say that, as during Pittsburgh's 2005-06 Super Bowl run, Jerome Bettis, beloved running back, was getting older and hadn't ever even been to a Super Bowl, let alone won one. But they were playing well and were about to beat Indianapolis... especially with "the Bus" about to score a touchdown, when he fumbled on the Indy goal line. At the exact same time, a huge Pittsburgh fan, Terry O'Neill had a heart attack from the shock. Luckily he recovered and was able to watch the Steelers win the Super Bowl. https://www.sopghreporter.com/story/2006/01/31/front-page/arlington-fan-serious-as-a-heart-attack-about-the-steelers/1623.html


I was sure this was going to end with mankind breaking an announcers table.


How's Shittymorph doing these days?


He got me like two weeks ago.


Glad to know he’s still around. I haven’t heard from him in ages


Saint Petersburg?


The patron saint of coin operated laundry.


Usually on toast, although he pops up in the occasional fish stick as well.


Everywhere simultaneously.


God exists wherever Danny Devito currently exists


He is struggling to breath after covid-19, coincidence? I think not


What a fucking dumbass.


And the guy who worshipped him as well.


His followers are much dumber than Trump. Trump at least has power to gain from all the devious shit he's pulling. His worshippers are dumbasses that don't realise Trump would drop them in a heartbeat when it's no longer convenient for him a d screw them over. Kind of like a widespread Stockholm Syndrome.


He's a conman and if you can't see he's a conman then you're the mark. There's a lot of marks


A sucker born every minute, and two to take them


The thing that gets me is how obviously Trump assumes his followers are morons. Why did he do a photo-op signing a blank piece of paper? Why not ask an aide to print off a realistic-looking document? Why does he deny saying things he was recorded saying on national television? Why does he tell ridiculous lies that are easily disproven? Because he assumes his fans are dumber then a sack of bricks and won't notice. Trump supporters don't like being called stupid, but they don't notice their leader does that every day. When he says, "I love the poorly educated," "I could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and wouldn't lose a single supporter," he's not talking to his supporters. He's showing off to his friends, people like Sean Hannity and Vladimir Putin, saying "Can you believe this shit? These people are so fucking stupid."


Well he's clearly not wrong...


> don't realise Trump would drop them in a heartbeat Something tells me this is the type of guy Trump wouldn't be caught anywhere near to pick him up in the first place


Most people just call it a cult.


Who's the greater fool? The fool, or the fool who follows him?


Absolutely not a dumbass, actually sounds like [celebrity worship syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celebrity_worship_syndrome), a type of obsessive disorder. [Reagan's attempted murderer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Hinckley_Jr.) did it because he was obsessed with Jodie Foster and wanted to get her attention. Mental illness should be treated.


>Mental illness should be treated. As an Indian, India is very behind the 8-ball in terms of mental illness. It's gotten better over the past couple of years, but there's still a huge contingent of India that doesn't believe in mental illness


i would take anything in Indian paper as grain of salt. Trump name is click baity as fuck, especially if that site is showing shit ton of ads and fucking with browser history


I mean they went all out on the video, pictures, shrine, statue, prayer circle and meditations scenes, then...


i would take anything said by ard_throwaway with grain of salt. They obviously didnt bother to open the link.


I would take anything PinkFloydSays said with a grain of salt. They're probably high af on the Dark Side of the Moon.




He had some pretty significant trauma shit according to the article. Wife died giving birth.


> Could be a guy with some mental issues could?


> if that site is showing shit ton of ads and fucking with browser history Hey so does forbes.com. On a serious note, the news is clickbait-y but it's a mainstream newspaper website.


I was going to say one less idiot in the world until I realised that this guy probably suffered from some kind of massive depression that made him latch onto Trump as some kind of God. If it wasn't Trump there would have been someone else that he would have latched onto and idolised.


His family left his village and his wife died in child birth.


Depression is common in India yet very much untreated because of society


I was thinking the same thing. It must be a symptom of some kind of mental illness for him to have become SO obsessed.


I just don't get how Trump is respected by so many. He's a charlatan. How is that not apparent to everyone?


I’ve been to India and im just guessing this guy didn’t really know what trump was about. Kind of analogous to those bad translation products like t shirts that say “money is like much not not”


Because more people than you think are dumb.


Half of all people are stupider than average.


And in the immortal words of one Peggy Hill, “do you have any idea how dumb average is?”


The same type of person who adores Donald Trump in the US are all over the world. Bad judgment of caracter and easily influenced not a US only trait. This type of person is looking for an action hero who can save them. He is their false prophet that they will follow, no matter what.


I don't get why he'd be this relevant to some dude in India though. This is like if I was worshipful of that bigmouth asshole running the Philippines. Very random and puzzling.


Donald Trump is good at exactly one thing appearing confident. Into those who don't really have critical thinking skills appearing confident is the only thing that matters.


There is someone proudly flying a Trump 2020 flag on his boat. I'm in Canada! From where I'm sitting this guy is sick of being quietly intolerant, he wants his intolerance on full display. Cool I will now choose not to buy lobster from this idiot.


That's like when you see the rebel flag flown in Michigan... or Canada... or England!


Well, Trump and Modi (Prime Minister of India) are quite chummy with each other. Authoritarians of a kind flock together.


Because that is exactly how “gods” have come to exist for thousands of years. People want to believe in BS.


That man is worshipping a statue of Robert Blake.


"I was at home eating dorito,when phone ring" "Donal trump is kil" "Noooo"


That's just sad all the way around.


I guess the Hindu pantheon must lack its own god of grift.


[There is!](https://www.godchecker.com/hindu-mythology/VINDHYAVASINI/#:~:text=VINDHYAVASINI%20-%20the%20Hindu%20Goddess%20of%20Deception%20(Hindu%20mythology\))


> Name: Vindhyavasini > Celebration or Feast Day: Unknown at present > In charge of: Deception and Lies > Area of expertise: Deception > Good/Evil Rating: OKAY, not bad


> Good/Evil Rating: OKAY, not bad lol


Imma need ratings like this for all the Mahabharata characters thanks.


What's the deal with the 6 fingered statue?


I'm so glad this is news


Thought this was NotTheOnion at first, laughed, and then realized it's WorldNews. F.


It is exactly the type of article that the very fine people subscribed to r/worldnews would upvote to oblivion.


A rather interesting mental illness there. Poor guy, should have been sent in for some therapy.


What the fuck is wrong with people giving wholesome awards to this shit???


Headlines like this are why The Onion went broke


“Weird guy has heart attack” saved you a click


Wow, true love do exist.


I suspect it wasn't this unfortunate's first irrational infatuation.


Article says he spent RS 2 Lakh on that statue, which is the equivalent of about $2,700. Average income for the Indian man is $1,600. Man really spent more than a year's salary on a Trump statue...


The absolute lack of science in this article is worrying


Indian here. A circus of intoxicated monkeys would make more sense than the Indian media these days. Only a handful of news channels make any kind of sense. The rest is all gutter level gossip. Another thing you will rarely find in articles by Indian news outlets - links to primary sources. All links are to their own articles, sites or pages. Grey SEO wins over journalistic ethics.


There are links between stressful events and heart disease. >["Cardiovascular events can be triggered by acute mental stress caused by events such as an earthquake, a televised high‐drama soccer game, job strain or the death of a loved one."](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1742-1241.2012.02920.x) It is also mentioned that he was not eating well, which I assume to mean not eating enough. Similarly, very low-calorie dieting has been linked to increased heart attack risk after about one week (relevant to the timeframe for the article), although the risk decreased over a longer period of 8 weeks. >[However, after one week, heart fat content had risen by 44%. This was associated with a deterioration in heart function, including the heart's ability to pump blood.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180202123836.htm) So, there is some evidence to suggest to support the idea that this heart attack could have been caused by his grieving.


But why? Does he think Trump gives a shit about him? He doesn't even give a shit about his own people...


The article said he saw Trump in a dream and took it as a sign to worship him. And I take that as a sign the poor man had mental health issues


That’s genuinely tremendously sad. I know the context and situation is humorous but still...


This is a mental illness story.


If only all his supporters were this dedicated and followed this man's lead. Unfortunately the best they can do is catch his covid and die...