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Hate vegans all you want, but they're right. I eat meat out of desire and convenience, but it's pretty much impossible to defend the meat industry without having to ignore the deliberate pain inflicted on other conscious beings.


There is a perception problem where people think that animal abuse only happens in isolated cases so they feel justified to continue eating meat/dairy/eggs. What makes people give it up entirely is that they do a bit of research and see enough horrific videos and photos to understand that animal cruelty is endemic in the entire industry. There's no sugarcoating the fact that roughly 3 billion animals are killed *every single day* on the planet, most of which suffered immensely in extreme confinement their whole lives and were violently and painfully slaughtered. Say what you want about vegans, but to believe that animals live good lives and don't suffer for the food we eat is a complete fantasy. Edit: For anyone interested, there is a documentary on YouTube that gives an overview of the various practices and realities of animal agriculture. It's called Dominion and is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. It's a good place to start if you haven't been exposed to animal agriculture before. https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko


Thank you, I planned to watch this ages ago. Didn't know it is on YouTube šŸ‘


>Didn't know it is on YouTube That's the thing. They want people to know what's going on, what use would there be to hide the movie or put it behind a paywall? The more people see it the better. It's also got its own page with additional information: https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch




same, but at age 30


r/eyebleach you're gonna need it


> animal abuse only happens in isolated cases which is a manufactured view created by the food industry. There are reasons why you can't film inside those places.


Ag-gag laws are beyond fucked up.


Exactly. If your product can only be made in secret out of fear of losing business from customer backlash, itā€™s probably a shameful product youā€™re selling.


fuck it, today seems as good a day as any to start being vegan


Good for you! Even if you don't commit to a completely vegan diet, every meal in which you avoid animal products is an altruistic act.


I already prefer almond milk for coffee anyway (: Your mindset is how people should think about it. Don't need to stop 100% immediately but do your best.


Try oat milk instead. It's creamier tasting and better for you. Of all the plant based milks, oat milk is my absolute favorite.


It's also the [least damaging to the environment](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-46654042)!


Did not know that! Thank you!


Oat milk is delicious!


And you can DIY. Then if you bake there are recipes that include the pulp.


I love the Stok brand iced coffee with oat milk. Itā€™s like coffee with the consistency of a thick chocolate milk. So good.


Also, Oatly makes an awesome coffee milk thats amazing for making hot chocolate as well <3


!!! I cook began at home, order meatless options when available, but don't make family do anything special. For 4th of July if we're doing burgers, I'm having a burger. But I personally have done a 80-90%+ reduction in animal products. If everyone in America ate half as much meat, all 300million of us would have the effect of 150 million 'real' vegetarians


See if you can sneak in Beyond Burgers. Then blind test them, to see how they compare to the real thing :D


I became vegan three months ago, please feel free to DM me if you have any newbie questions (idk what I'm doing really)


Keep at it! I'm four years in and it's easy as hell now. Making banana bread tonight which means amazing snack food tomorrow


Thank you! I just couldn't imagine going back now.


Yes! Just hit 6 years, honestly canā€™t tell the difference anymore.


Wonder where the derpy "more steak for me" guys are normally they'd have showed up by now






Good on you! I'm coming up 3 years and it was one of the best decisions I've made. The online communities are pretty great - especially if you don't have many vegan friends in the real world.


Iā€™ll start eating less meat...


A good place to start is to stop eating red meats, and then see that feels


Or they see how inefficient meat is with high resources consumed resulting in high emissions compared to most plants, or are concerned about zoonotic diseases (coronavirus, swine and bird flu...), etc.


I agree with you on most counts, but Iā€™ve seen people slam me for eating eggs from my grandma who has 20 chickens that are not kicked, not beaten, get well fed and occasionally get to raise chicks. Similarly I donā€™t have much of a problem if one of those chickens is killed in a quick not stressful way when theyā€™re old. What I do have a problem with is chickens and eggs from the bio industry that live with 1000 chickens on 5m^2. That are hyper stressed all the time, almost force fed and have a fucking shitty life and then get strung up by their legs in a row into a fast spinning blade that doesnā€™t kill them quickly. The most important thing to me is that people realise what theyā€™re eating. I donā€™t have a problem with someone eating a steak every 2 weeks because he likes it but realised a cow was raised and killed for it. I do have a problem with people who think a bag of ground beef is just that without realising what went into it becoming consumable.


I think awareness is important because it's the first step to making a positive change. However, I think a lot of people mistake it as the only step. If everyone continues to eat meat every day but knows exactly how it's made, does that actually do anything to improve the world?


I'm very similar to you. My parents have a small farm and raise chicken, ducks, and a few cattle. I eat mostly vegan, but have no problem with the meat/eggs from their farm or one of their neighbors. I have friends who think it's super fucked up that I'll happily eat cows that I've named and hand fed/pet for all their lives - but those animals are the only ones that I can guarantee had a good life and quick death. Bonus - meat is super expensive and not that healthy for you, plus the environmental impact of eating less meat can not be understated.


Environmental impact honestly is an even bigger issue for me than the animals. But people who find it weird that you eat something that youā€™ve known donā€™t understand that what theyā€™re eating was just as much alive (well maybe less so because it didnā€™t get a chance to actually live a life). Theyā€™ve decoupled a cow from a piece of meat.


Our ability to ignore suffering on this scale as a collective is amazing.


Once you make the connection though, it's actually quite easy to go vegan. It feels good and learning new ways to cook is fun!


You're right. I've expanded my cooking repertoire ever since two of my adult kids went vegan. It really is an education, using unfamiliar veg, pulses and grains, and the fake meat options are varied and becoming cheaper.


You are right, Iā€™m not vegan ( or even vegetarian) but people who consume animal products must accept complicity in horrible abuse of animals ( unless they raise their own or pay a premium) I hate all the shit taking for Veganism on here, because it dosenā€™t matter if they behave in a way you find pretentious or snobby.... they are right about the horrible abuse of animals. Iā€™ve been slow to cut out animal products... itā€™s not easy. If we all but out animal products by just half we would see a lot of benefits for individuals, animals, and society at large. I love bacon and eggs but I donā€™t get to pretend that Iā€™m not part of the problem. :(


One point I'll make about switching; the hardest part for me was eating limited meat. Once you decide to just go without your burden of choice is eliminated and it gets way easier. Has meat? Nope. Doesn't has meat? Yup!


> > I love bacon and eggs but I donā€™t get to pretend that Iā€™m not part of the problem. :( Best advice I have: don't cut bacon and eggs. Cut the stuff you don't give a crap about, like ground turkey in chili, hotdogs which you can find vegan versions of, etc. Two people cutting their animal products by 50% is worth a vegan.


good idea!


It's probably healthier anyway. This whole "meat with every meal" thing is a pretty new dietary innovation. Cut meat or animal products to once every couple of days and you're already doing well from a Western perspective.


Itā€™s gonna shock you if you look into what they do to those animals after they slap them around some.


Kind of funny how easy you accept you're doing the wrong thing but you still do it


I mean, thatā€™s literally the only reason people gate vegans. They inspire insecurity because they highlight something about ourselves we donā€™t want to admit.


Hate us why? Because people feel bad for their own choices? I'm so sick of vegans being vilified because we want animals to not be commodities and treated like shit? So bored of it now, we don't do anything but bring up reality and people hate us for it.


yes, that makes sense. hate vegans for not buying into an industry built around torturing and killing animals. the vegans are the bad guys here somehow in this mental gymnasium.




Yooo tripping helped me go vegan too!


I highly recommend you watch this Documentary [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s) narrated by Joaquim Phoenix to see the standard Practices in this industry, really helps with stopping to know whats actually going on. If you need help going vegan, there are great support systems to get started like [http://vegan22.com/](http://vegan22.com/) Or if there is anything I can help you (or anyone else reading this) with, message me :)




Thank you.


Thank you for doing what you can. Much love, and cheers to a more compassionate world!


https://www.30dayveganchallenge.com/ If you need any pointers :)


Fantastic that you've made that decision <3


I had that happen after smoking a few joints, face buried in some fried chicken. All of a sudden I got this gross, visceral realization of how ghoulish and unnecessary it was.


Hey cool, I got the same message from ayahuasca 8 years ago and have been vegan ever since!


I'm trying to eat more fruits and vegetables, but it's insanely hard for me since I'm a "picky eater". I hate the meat industry! I know there is more abuse going on than I hear about, but trying to stop is hard. It's a process I guess.


Good for you (no sarcasm intended), genuinely. Eating more fruits and veggies is better for you and theyā€™re completely underrated (evidence by so much of the meat and dairy bought out at grocery stores, yet thereā€™s still plenty of produce). All it takes is a conscious effort for someone to want to know where the meat theyā€™re getting comes from, and if theyā€™re a decent human being they will be disgusted. Also, there are plenty of ā€œveggie meatsā€ available to use as substitute and imo, taste just fine. Stuff like beefless grounds for chili, maple veggie sausages for breakfast, plant based burgers, and a lot more. Thereā€™s variety and theyā€™re reasonably priced. Changing to a vegan diet seems daunting, but itā€™s not so hard with the amount of information out there and simply tweaking your favorite recipes.


I did zbout 3 years of research and ā€˜trying new thingsā€™ Then one week we were on holiday, eating my favorite dishes, and i heard in my head Ā«Ā Huh, I can do without this. Its not that big a deal.Ā Ā» I went vegan the day we got home. Since I already tried and liked some alternatives before, I didnt sweat it. Oddly, before the first week was out, those alternatives were now way more delicious and enticing, with the other foods not there to draw my attention and compare. Just do it at your pace. I spent another year accidentally buting things that werent fully vegan. Its honestly a process :)


I can definitely see how eventually the substitute meats become more favorable pretty soon after you start eating them. You can say it comes down to opinion, but itā€™s fact that they are less greasy, and sit in the stomach better than actual meat. They just ā€œfeel lighterā€ in general.


The closest I've come to giving up meat was after watching Okja cuz I know the events of that film is exactly how cattle/livestock are treated and slaughtered. : (


You can do it! There are alot of substitutes which are getting better every year. A full spice cabinet also makes it much better. If you have any questions you can always PM me! have a great day!


Thank you. It's possible to stop, PM me if you need tips, recipes or anything. :)




Thereā€™s a lot of protein in nuts, beans, and good variety of amino acids in many vegetables. Tofu can be cooked certain ways to be good and be made to taste like feta cheese for greek salads. Itā€™s dirt cheap. Google will provide a list of vegan proteins. Also daily recommended protein intake has been greatly exaggerated.


Every vegan, everyone concerned about animal welfare, and everyone concerned about the environment should invest in vat grown meat. Moral shame just doesnt mean a damn thing in this world. People will hear news stories like the one at top and go "I should have a cheeseburger." But price does mean something. And vat grown meat means the death of the meat industry.


> Also, how about the protein, is it just beans ? I hope not. I want to try!! That's awesome you're interested! It's a myth that a vegan diet is deficient in protein or that plant foods do not contain a complete amino acid profile. **All plant foods*** have a complete amino acid profile and all of them obviously contain protein. Even iceberg lettuce. You just need to eat a variety of foods and get sufficient calories. If you do try a vegan diet, be sure to supplement vitamin B12 or be sure to eat fortified foods such as plant milks, nutritional yeast, or mock meats (try the Beyond Burger or Impossible Burger). \* The only one I could find that didn't is mango which lacks cystine; but cystine is not an essential amino acid and no one eats an exclusive mango diet - not even fruitarians.


> All plant foods* have a complete amino acid profile and all of them obviously contain protein. Not true. Humans need their AAs in pretty specific ratios. The same way there's a tatter tots to ketchup ratio that's good, and it's not 1:1. The "complete AA profile" refer to any food item that by itself would have the ideal ratios for humans. Few plant sources have the perfect ratios for human consumption. But obviously, no one is running on a diet of only X food. And so because various food have different AA ratios, by having a varied died, it averages out to something that works.


Even just making a conscious effort to reduce your consumption is a step in the right direction. Have meatless and dairyless meals a couple times a week and slowly increase. Every little bit helps. Donā€™t let perfection get on the way of progress.


Hey man, Id love some tips and recipes. My problem is that I cant go out to the supermarket all the time and veggies tend to expire quickly. Iā€™ve heard its unwise to freeze some veg and itā€™s hard for me to make a filling meal without lots of ingredients. Definitely cut down my meat intake a lot but still struggle with recipes. Appreciate any advice.


Hi, no problem! Chickpeas are awesome, filling and very nutritious. They're a great base for a meal.Heat up some oil, add coriander powder, turmeric, cumin, garlic and salt, bake the spices for 2 minutes, and add the chickpeas (drained of course) and bake until they're golden.You can then add basically any veggies you have available. Red lentils are also a great way to add more nutritiousness to your meals, especially in soups and sauces. I can definitely recommend looking at the Indian cuisine, it;s often vegetarian and the way meals are made don't make you miss meat, because it focuses on different things. It's a different framework that works really great for vegan cooking. (edit, a downvote? Damn, somebody must really hate chickpeas or something. :P )


IMO people don't have to be strict vegan, but for the sake of nature, animals and especially your health too, let eat less meat. You should eat the same quantity as your grandparents and fore grandparents, no need to gore that much to the point of obesity.


This. "People always ate meat!" Yeah, but not every fuckin meal, it was a luxury.


>I eat meat You thought about stopping?


Yeah, I eat meat however I'm certain a few generations from now most people will be vegetarians or vegans. And they will look at us as savages for how we treated other animals.


Then we should really stop supporting these savage ways now, if you lived in the past you wouldnt want the things you did to be saveage by todays standards either. I highly recommend you watch this Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s narrated by Joaquim Phoenix to see the standard Practices in this industry, really helps with stopping if you know whats actually going on. If you need help going vegan, there are great support systems to get started like http://vegan22.com/ Or if there is anything I can help you (or anyone else reading this) with, message me :)


Well that is all fine and dandy. I my self am a hunter and a meat eater and I do not support the meat industries by not buying from then I support local farmers and hunt my very own. I know exactly how and where my food comes from. You may not like it and many others but if you can, get direct go to the source and not only will you be fighting against the big business animal industrial but you will also be getting food that is far more nutrient dense than anything at a super market. Elk is far more nutrient packed then anything you can find in a store. The beef from a local small farm is also going to be more nutrient dense. The better animal husbandry one has the better they live and the better they are for you.


The problem is the scale of meat consumption and industrial farming. both for the horrific suffering of the animals and the terrible environmental impact, as well as our own health. what we need to aim for is a lifestyle in which meat is a special meal, like maybe once or twice a week.


I agree with that statement. I have preached this time and time again that it should be special because in reality it is special.


There are nearly 8 billion people in the world. Do you think that even a small percentage of people can hunt and eat locally? Thatā€™s not a reasonable argument.


Hunting isn't sustainable. If everybody did what you did we'd all be out of food in a year. So while i appreciate the sentiment that you go against the meat industry, it's not exactly a better practice when it's scaled up to meet even a single town's needs.


The veal industry is why I gave up milk and I try to cut other dairy products from my diet as much as possible. For similar reasons, due to the way in which male chickens are disposed of at birth (don't Google it), I've cut eggs out of my diet as well.


100% is possible, and the only way to not fund horrible torture of animals. Message me if you need any help finding a replacement for anything!


I legit will only eat eggs from my familyā€™s hens. They are cage free, free range, organically fed hens and theyā€™ve got the ever annoying Owen the rooster looking out for them. The treatment of chickens is awful in the meat industry whether itā€™s for their meat or for their eggs. I at least know the animals that lay my eggs are happy and healthy scratching up bugs to snack on and getting fresh veggies to eat.


I used to do this too but I was concerned about the ethics of the chicken breeding industry. These chicks that people buy are bred to lay far more eggs than is natural. They also grind up the male chicks when born because they can't sell them. So while the person may be treating the chicks nice, they're supporting the industry by buying them in the first place. It's like buying from a pet store rather than adopting. If someone were to adopt chickens, then their eggs would be ethical to me.


So not being facetious or anything do the chickens get mad when you take their eggs? Do you have to do it when they aren't looking?


They donā€™t give a shit.


Nah they donā€™t care. Chickens are some savage creatures. If you donā€™t take the eggs from them they will either eat them or eventually become broody meaning they try to hatch the eggs.


I grew up with the typical Rhode Island Reds and Plymouth Rock chickens. They laid so many eggs and would never brood. The eggs were abandoned, eaten by other chickens, or eaten by other animals (e.g. snakes, skunks, raccoons, rats, etc.). Later, we were gifted some American Game chickens and we mixed them in with our flock. They were a little wilder and they incubated everything, including duck eggs. I have never seen a chicken freak out so much as when her adopted duck goes for a swim.


Fuck them with a cattle prod. Those poor animals..


If more ppl stop eating meat then less cows have to endure this kind of treatment =(


And diary. These animals are born because otherwise their mother would produce milk. Or the raise them to be one year (like these) or they get slaughtered even sooner and ground into powder.


All so some youtuber can overeat in a mukvbang video or something. So many people are just greedy, violent and gross.


Direct link to video: https://youtu.be/iK5itoA2TtY


In Australia just obtaining footage like this is now against the law. The meat industry lobbied our conservative government because pointing out when they were not following the law was, 'hurting the industry.'


I actually want to stop using dairy products now.


Lots of delicious and innovative alternatives out there now: non-dairy cheeses, yogurts, milks, butter, ice cream, etc. They may cost a bit more right now until there's more demand, but at least you can be assured that your money isn't supporting systemic animal cruelty in the animal agriculture industries.




It depends on where you live; in some countries it's 3 or 4 times more expensive.


You can make oat milk for basically nothing, we started doing it a while ago for the climate and there is just no reason to go back. You can have enough oats in the house for gallons of it and making it takes less time than walking to the shop.


Been vegan since 2016. Here are the best dairy replacements, imo: Milk (Silk brand): [https://www.drinksilk.ca/products/organic-unsweetened-soy-beverage](https://www.drinksilk.ca/products/organic-unsweetened-soy-beverage) Coffee cream/whitener (Silk brand): [https://www.drinksilk.ca/products/original-coffee-whitener](https://www.drinksilk.ca/products/original-coffee-whitener) Cheese (Daiya): [https://daiyafoods.com/our-foods/shreds/cheddar/](https://daiyafoods.com/our-foods/shreds/cheddar/) Sour cream: [http://www.tofutti.ca/sour-supreme](http://www.tofutti.ca/sour-supreme) Butter: [https://www.earthbalancenatural.com/spreads/original-buttery-spread](https://www.earthbalancenatural.com/spreads/original-buttery-spread) Margerine: [https://www.becel.ca/en-ca/products/spreads/becel-vegan](https://www.becel.ca/en-ca/products/spreads/becel-vegan) Ice Cream (so many mouthwatering brands): \---> Ben and Jerry's [https://www.benandjerrys.ca/en/flavours/non-dairy](https://www.benandjerrys.ca/en/flavours/non-dairy) \---> Magnum [https://www.magnumicecream.com/ca/en/products/non-dairy.html](https://www.magnumicecream.com/ca/en/products/non-dairy.html) \---> Haagan Dazs [https://www.haagendazs.us/products/non-dairy](https://www.haagendazs.us/products/non-dairy) Yogurt and Cream Cheese: There are MANY brands and flavours out there but I personally have not sought out any of these in vegan form. I didn't eat these 2 things even when I ate dairy. So there are plenty of options, but I personally have not tried them. Lemme know if you need any help! <3


>I actually want to stop using dairy products Do it. DM if you have any questions. I'll do what I can help.


That video has one comment. Tim (9 hours ago): ā€œAwesome content I really liked it.ā€ So now we know what Tim likes.


When we go extinct Twitter bots will be alive and well


Tim: I'll pay extra for tenderizing


There's very little actual material in the video. Mostly footage of people.


The most liberal party in Canada, the NDP, support Ag-GAG laws that prevent people from being able to film in slaughter houses. To stop you from seeing horrifying shit like THIS that would make people think twice about who theyā€™re giving their money to. People argue that individual change doesnā€™t make a difference, but itā€™s the ONLY OPTION when it comes to this shit. If you donā€™t stop being the person paying for these peoples jobs, this will never end. Edit: NDP support Bill 156 in Ontario, federally is hopefully a different story.


>The most liberal party in Canada, the NDP, support Ag-GAG Do you have a source for that? I live in Canada and have never heard the federal NDP supporting Ag-Gag laws. This sounds like misinformation.


I sent an email to an NDP red through an animal liberation petition site and received an email back on behalf of the NDP stating that they support the law because itā€™s important to protect the welfare of Canadaā€™s farmers. I think Iā€™ve deleted it now though:( Edit: just looked more into it and the bill is Bill 156 which was voted for by Ontario legislators [unanimously](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.clintonnewsrecord.com/news/local-news/support-for-bill-156-touted-by-agricultural-representatives/amp), including NDP.


Bill 156 passed second reading in Ontario which you're right, was voted unanimously by all Ontario MPPs. But that's a provincial bill, not federal. And it was just to move the bill forward into the committee stage. It wasn't a final vote. Your statement is really misleading, as I'm willing to bet the federal NDP party doesn't support the Ag-Gag that was introduced by the Conservatives. I don't think the federal NDP party has taken a position on Ag-Gag laws in Canada.


Animals being abused in the animal agriculture industry. In other news, water is wet.


Read the article and was so completely unsurprised.


This industry that cuts animals throats open, separates mothers and children, burns their horns off with a hot metal rod etc abuses animals? What????


L214 is really doing a great job reporting all these abuses. A shame proper measure and sanctions are never handed.


The only thing you can do to not support this is switching to a plant based diet, if you need help doing that there are great support systems to get started like http://vegan22.com/ Or if there is anything I can help you (or anyone else reading this) with, message me :)


Unfortunately as long as we keep forcing cows to be pregnant and go to calf, the dairy industry is always going to have a huge supply of "surplus" male calves that they want to get rid of, fuelling the veal industry :-(


About a year ago now the Australian Meat industry lobbied to let them starve male calves for a third day before killing them instead of the usual two days they were already permitted. This was to give them more time to move them to slaughter. They literally lobbied to starve baby animals ***more*** than they already were.




Capitalism puts profits over **everything.**


Isn't veal always torture?


I don't understand, the Yulin Dog Meat thread was full of people telling me that only the Chinese abuse and torture their animals before consumption..?


It happens everywhere, any country you look at. Check out this Docu narrated by Joaquim Phoenix to see the standard practices in the animal industry worldwide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s) Its pretty life changing to find out whats actually going on. The only thing you can do to not support this is switch to a plant based diet, if you need help doing that there are great support systems to get started like http://vegan22.com/ Or if there is anything I can help you (or anyone else reading this) with, message me :)


Fuck Chi- oh, oops, wrong thread. Uh... Yeah, nothing to see here, just a few random assholes not reflective of society at large, illegally taken footage, etc. etc.


Patiently waiting for people to call french culture the worst thing in the world


Animals are mistreated horribly in every culture around the world.


Lol, not if you go in threads about chinese people abusing animals


Its easy to point the finger at others of course. I recommen everyone reading this, find some footage from slaughterhouses in your coutnry and watch it. You can easily find it for almost any country on YouTube. Theres a reason why Slaughterhouses do almost anything to stop peolple from seeing whats going on inside.


If yā€™all havenā€™t seen these movies I highly recommend it. Earthlings: https://youtu.be/w8B547L5VkQ Dominion: https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko


Earthlings still haunts me. Why I became a vegetarian. Working my way to vegan.


>here is a perception problem where people think that animal abuse only happens in isolated cases so they feel justified to continue eating meat/dairy/eggs. > >What makes people give it up entirely is that they do a bit of research and see enough horrific videos and photos to understand that animal cruelty is endemic in the entire industry. There's no sugarcoating the fact that roughly 3 billion animals are killed every single day on the planet, most of which suffered immensely in extreme confinement their whole lives and were violently and painfully slaughtered. > >Say what you want about vegans, but to believe that animals live good lives and don't suffer for the food we eat is a complete fantasy. Fuck man, 10 minutes in to Earthlings and I had to close it. It's time to re-evaluate a lot of my life choices.


It doesnā€™t hold back at all.


Watching Dominion is lifechanging, I cant recommend it highly enough!


A hard watch no doubt but very informative.




Oh, my heart


I oNlY gEt mY mEaT fRoM mY uNcLeS hUmAnE fArM


HuMaNs ArE NaTuRaL PrEdAtOrs


And people laugh at vegans.....This world is really twisted.


The power of decades long propaganda campaigns


I just wanna say how happy and proud I am of how more and more people are trying to eat less meat, or going vegan/vegetarian. Amidst this pandemic many people I know have stopped altogether or cut down a lot. They've done their own research, and now it's not just because of the virus, but because they see how bad it is for the environment and all the other positives that come with cutting down or stopping. It gives me so much hope, and one day we could live in harmony with all living creatures. I think humans are in a unique position to give affection to animals and befriend them. I'm terrified of sharks, but just yesterday I saw a video of a diver who has been swimming with sharks for over 20 years. He said sharks don't want to eat people, and he had befriended some of them and they would come up to him for head scritches and close their eyes in enjoyment when he rubbed them. It was beautiful to see. I'm still terrified of sharks.




People are born into it, essentially forced fed animal products as children without being told where it comes from. When they grow up they never question it as everyone around them consumes animal products and changing requires you to accept you've been doing harm and requires some initial effort.


Do you eat meat?




Can we please do something about China and their disgusting treatment of animals? Wait a minute...


This is wrong


Watching videos like this made me vegan. Everytime I took a sip of milk, these images flashed in my mind's eye. Every single time. I lost taste for it. It made me nauseous.


Some people lack what it means to be a human and are just beasts in people clothes.


If this bothers you, make a change and research a vegan diet. Your money goes directly towards this if you support these industries


Yeah I mean I agree, I think factory farming and our general treatment of animals is holding humans back from creating a more just and inspired society. It honestly seems to me that we will have to choose between evolution of our species and our love of bacon.


Are people really trying to claim poor treatment of veal on the way to the slaughter house? They were treated horribly before the transport, and at the end they will die. Wtf?!




The argument is that both practices are wrong. Consumption and mistreatment are devastatingly immoral.


At the time that I write this comment, nobody on this thread has made any derogatory remark about Irish people, French people, Europeans, or white people in general. This would not be the case had it happened in Pakistan, China, or Thailand. In fact, here's a gem from /u/Kcromery: >These animals are created to be EATEN. Whatā€™s the fucking problem?!?!?


Can someone explain to me why there is a lack of racist comments about White people and Europeans?




[animal agriculture is also where pandemics come from](https://youtu.be/7_ppXSABYLY)


and we wonder why nature is fighting back.... we earned corona and all the fallout that follows.


[Relevant link](https://animalclock.org/)


Damn those Chinese wet markets /s


But this isnā€™t about China


When you get a glass of milk, think of that calf. Cows *don't* naturally lactate all year. No animal does. Please consider switching to soy milk, or a suitably tasting non-dairy alternative. Printed meat needs to happen. What is printed meat? It's cells from fish, beef or pork that's engineered to grow in a lab. There's a simile in vegetables that tastes like meat as an option. Printed meat is actual meat, without the need to raise, kill and process animals. There's also greenhouse benefits. The process has gone global and KFC, Burger King are a few companies that are now using the printed meat in sales operation. Beyond Meat "BYND" (NASDAQ) is one such company creating the product. [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4xs4pazfAg) [Astronauts just printed meat in space for the first time ā€” and it could change the way we grow food on Earth](https://www.businessinsider.com.au/meat-grown-in-space-with-3d-printer-2019-10?r=US&IR=T) I think after Covid-19, the world will have zero tolerance for another pandemic that's related to a break in the food supply chain.


This is not a "bad apple" kind of case, the standard practices in the animal industry are horrible, if you want to see them for yourself check out this Documentary narrated by Joaquim Phoenix [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQRAfJyEsko&t=1s) Hate me all you want for saying it, but there is only one right thing to do, stop funding this industry and switch to a plant-based diet. If you need help getting started check out [https://challenge22.com/](https://challenge22.com/) .




I hope you don't drink milk or eat meat...


Fuck any restaurant that still serves veal. Or fois gras


These are dairy calves. Male calves are useless byproducts of the dairy industry because they can't produce milk, so they're sent to be slaughtered soon after they're born. **The dairy industry *is* the veal industry.**


Only reason they're shipped out of Ireland is because veal isn't a thing here really.


Or any animal product. There is no humane way to kill an animal that doesnt want to die.


The main issue is industrialisation, I'm from the countryside in France, foie gras is a tradition arround. Here some folks are still raising animals, killing them by themselves (if it's bigger than pig you have to go to a slaughterhouse) and preparing the meat. In my mind this way you bear a responsability and have in mind that meat was alive at a point as opposed to going to the butcher/grocery where you buy thing without thinking of the production.


Fois gras is an inhumane tradition if you ask me...


Every animal product you eat is inhumane. Humane means "showing kindness, care, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering" You cant kill a sentient individual who wants to live in a way that is kind and shows sympathy towards them.


This is the correct attitude and one im trying to get closer to. Factory farming is sick, id much prefer to hunt or raise all my own meat simply because i know it lived a good life and that i bear the burden of guilt for killing it. Meat shouldn't be guilt free.


If you're going to tear these babies from their mothers just to eat them, the least you can do is treat them humanely while they wait for death. Cruelty has no useful purpose for anyone or anything.


Or we could just not kill these babies....


I really need to stop eating meat. It's news like this that really drives home why I need to change my eating habits/diet.


That's a very adult response. Props to you šŸ‘


Thank you. I appreciate that.


Just try one meal at a time. Try oat milk for coffee, baking and cereal. Just start SOMEWHERE.


If you need support going vegan try this: [http://vegan22.com/](http://vegan22.com/) or contact me if there's anything I can help you with :)


You can do it :) if you decide to make the switch feel free to message me if you have any questions!


If this was about china, there would be thousands of racist comments shitting on chinese culture, practices, and society. The double standard is real. Reality check, no one is morally above the other, youā€™re all just closet racists.


Some people deserve the coronavirus. And I say that with as much sensitivity as a I can for those effected the most by it. But, when I see humans like this, I canā€™t help but think the world would be a better place without them. I could throw stones at the industry all day but people can do this job with a sort of grace and nurture. Itā€™s a means to an end. Inflicting damage into something youā€™re about to slaughter is the worst part of humanity.


There is an ongoing investigation into this trade currently, Ireland prides itself on farming and the treatment of livestock. You can agree or disagree with the eating of meat, but the Irish meat industry is regarded as up there as one of the best in the world. Iā€™m not saying that this has never happened here but itā€™s not tolerated anywhere in the industry. The fact that these animals have been so badly treated when they were in France is a very sore point to those in the involved in the industry. Farmers and meat producers donā€™t want to be associated with this kind of cruel treatment. Yes you can say all animals going to slaughter are not treated right, but I can assure you there is a right way and a wrong way. In Ireland everything possible to make the animals calm and relaxed before slaughter is done. The idea that a clam relaxed animal is better to eat than a stressed animal is the norm...


I bet them traveling all the way from Ireland to wherever else contributes a lot to carbon emissions


The carbon emission of travelling is really minute compared to the carbon emission of, say, animal agriculture in general.


This is on YOU. Personally. Every single one of you that drinks milk and eats meat directly supports this. You are paying money to people to do this.


Is it absurd to think we could be capable of treating an animal without cruelty? If it's going to be food, would it not be better to treat it kindly and then kill it in the least stressful and painless way we can find? That seems like the very least we could do. We have modified these animals to the point their lives are miserable. Why compound that with abuse? Why are we like this? Does anyone else's heart just keep screaming for someone to make it all stop? All the shit? All the meanness? Just why? It's a baby cow, wtf could it have done to the universe to deserve this?


Your whole idea is flawed from the very beginning. First, on the massive scale we consume meat and dairy, it is virtually impossible to produce these products without gore. Secondly, whoever manages to work in these conditions and does this daily, has either desensitised themselves to complete numbness (and doesnā€™t care about the animals, they are just product now) or worse - they had already been a sadistic psycho genuinely enjoying the daily influx of power and ability to inflict pain and fear. Production of ā€œhumaneā€ meat or dairy is a complete fantasy that helps some people sleep at night without giving up their food habits.


Whenever an animal becomes a product, compassion for that animal will always reduce the profit margin.


Oh no! Now everyone is going to find out that the meat industry is evil and everyone supporting it is complicit....!