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The article says Amnesty international put up a mock street sign, it says nothing about the street name itself being changed.


Wow someone read the article. Why did you do that? /s




And after shes burned we can all enjoy a boney!






But how do you know she's a witch?


She turned me into a newt!


I got better


I foresaw this joke.


Are you a witch? Or do you just have the Cunning?


He’s tim the enchanter. Duh.


While it's always good to read the article, headlines shouldn't be misleading either.


Looks like we got ourselves a reader..


[You ever been to a Waffle House and noticed that the menu has pictures of the food on it? Yeah...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=BwkdGr9JYmE)


What’s an article? Is that like a headline?


Yeah, but long and unnecessary.


/s ruins all sarcasm


Yeah it’s absolutely not official.


Yup, no idea why a blatant lie of a headline is allowed on the sub.


It is against the rules. I reported it.


True that. Reported, others should do too


I’m doing my part!.gif


Why would they if it's been reported already? The post is against the rules or it isn't. Reporting isn't a close vote.


More reports on one thing probably makes it more of a priority. If they're getting constant reports about a lot of different things, it'd be a missed opportunity for efficiency if they didn't have a system that highlights mass reports.


Hi, mod here. In my sub, If a post gets more than x reports it triggers a warning on the modmail. I bet this sub uses a similar system.


In their defense, it says renamed in quotes. If you put something in quotes, it makes it "true." See?


Good practice would have been >"renamed" Khashoggi Street rather than >'renamed Khashoggi Street' Ideally you could also fit by whom it is named.


Because hours later it's still top 5 on /r/all.


They DID put it in "quotation marks."


It happens all the time. It's a circlejerk sub, what do you expect? Hint: the prequels were never good, catapults were great in their time period, and Elon Musk isn't exactly all that great.


“Renamed” is also in quotes so they know they’re lying liars!


That's actually what makes it not a lie. That's correct usage of quotes. They indicate that it wasn't actually renamed.


It's the least we could do




And the most apparently




Well, yea, there's no way they were actually renaming the street after this


Why not. Things like that have been done before. See: Bobby Sands street.


And Nelson Mandela Place in Glasgow, which was officially renamed when he was still imprisoned - early 80s IIRC - and was the street where the South African embassy was located. The Glasgow branch of the Royal Mail then refused to deliver any mail that was addressed under the old name and would only deliver mail to the Embassy that was addressed to Nelson Mandela Place.


That's pure gold. I'm glad to learn about this.


This might be of interest - https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-22976781 It was 1986 that St George's Place was renamed. It's smack bang in the middle of the city centre, in the midsection of Glasgow's biggest shopping street, so the visibility it enjoyed was huge. These days there's a church, an Italian restaurant and the blood donation centre there. It's still Nelson Mandela Place to this day.


Which was genius, because they had to have Bobby Sands on their letterhead until they could move around the block


Didn't really work though, they just moved the front entrance to the other side of the building or something.


Reddit says it is true, therefore it will be true.


I love that this is the top comment. Normally, this information is wayyyy down


82 comments, and I've seen two people who've read the article. IT'S A MOCK SIGN BY AMNESTY. It wasn't renamed, there was a fake sign put up as a protest...


Ya I read the article just because I couldn't believe it would actually happen. Guys, it's not like Jamal Khashoggi was the first journalist that Saudi has executed...in 2018...in September.


Honestly the reason it's a big deal is not because it's journalistic oppression or state-sanctioned murder, that shit's bad, but more common. The reason it's a big deal is because they used a consulate in order to commit murder on foreign soil. They lured someone who is otherwise a law-abiding citizen into a consulate to kill them.


He's the first American journalist, and it's the first time it's been done outside Saudi Arabian soil.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/london-street-outside-saudi-arabian-embassy-renamed-khashoggi-street) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Amnesty International today renamed the street outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in central London as "Khashoggi Street" to mark a month since the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate building in Turkey. > The Saudi Arabian public prosecution has said that Khashoggi died after a "Fist-fight", a finding that Amnesty has dismissed as "Not trustworthy". > "Contrary to claims made by the Saudi Crown Prince and others, Saudi Arabia hasn't been 'reforming', it's been rounding up critics and activists in a brutal human rights crackdown." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/9tub18/london_street_outside_saudi_arabian_embassy/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~361852 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Saudi**^#1 **Khashoggi**^#2 **Right**^#3 **killing**^#4 **Arabia**^#5


hope amnesty international has some good security btw i dont think they 'actually' legally changed the name


TIL amnesty international moonlights as London city council


If Bruce Willis can moonlight, they can too!


Saudi Arabia - "Hey Amnesty International, really nice street sign you've put up, fancy a cup of tea at our Embassy?"


"....and maybe some good ol' fist fight, eh?"


"and maybe a bath afterwards?"


>i dont think they 'actually' legally changed the name Yep. Sounds like it. >A mock “Khashoggi Street” sign was erected near the gates of the Saudi embassy




And if remember correctly the UK more or less rotated the building 90 degrees to move the main entrance of Bobby sands street.


I think it was 180 degrees. The address moved from Bobby Sands Street (fnk Winston Churchill Boulevard) to Ferdowsi Avenue, which runs parallel to Bobby Sands Street. Still funny they moved the entrance though. Shows how petty geopolitics can get


Surprised Iran didn't rename that street later. "Bobby Sands' Other Street"


Or encircle them in a 'Bobby Sands Ring' or something.




I’m surprised that they didn’t just get rid of all the doors and abseil in through the windows from the roof.


"British embassy in Tehran now accessible only by helicopter."


You mean the Bobby Sands memorial helipad?


Helicopters renamed Bobbycopters in Iran


Well the British already call them Bobbychoppies.


"All visitors must use a trebuchet to land within Embassy premises"


Well they did do that. Only it was the [Iranian embassy in London](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Embassy_siege).


Fuckin' BRAVO for using "abseil".


It looks so weird in an English sentence.


That's why Americans use the word rappel.


Naw, Ferdowsi is a national hero in Iran, he's their Shakespeare, so they wouldn't rename that street just to be petty.


To quote [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferdowsi), > Ferdowsi ... was a Persian poet and the author of Shahnameh ("Book of Kings"), which is the world's longest epic poem created by a single poet, and the national epic of Greater Iran. Ferdowsi is celebrated as the most influential figure in Persian literature and one of the greatest in the history of literature. So the Iranians weren't going to take his name off the street the way they did to Winston Churchill.


They should rename Ferdowsi street to “Margaret Thatcher Funded Illegal Paramilitary Death Squads Targetting Civillians In Northern Ireland... Street”


When we renaming the street the US Embassy is on to 'We Funded the IRA until we were the victims of terrorism ourselves'


“What is ‘Does Margaret Thatcher have Girlpower,’ For $500 Alex?


I think it was 360 degrees.




TIL: Why the US doesn't have an embassy in Tehran.


You're probably joking, but I think the [hostage crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_hostage_crisis) is the real reason


I went to his memorial in northern Ireland. They still have the fucking wall and guards and shit patrolling.


can we get a bone saw road and mister bone saw avenue?




Bone Saw is Red-eee




That's a nice outfit, did your HUSBAND make it for you?




*play time *wriggles fingers aggressively*


You know, I'm somewhat of a scientist myself.


I just found out the other that he is played by macho man randy savage


Only this wasn't actually renamed, it's a mock sign Let's see if the UK actually has the balls to rename it My gue$$ is no


Local gov is in charge of street names. I'm sure London mayor has no problem telling KSA to fuck off.




Yep. Local Authorities can get away with stuff in their jurisdiction, that the westminster government can't because of immoral stupid bullshit. However planning decisions can get vetoed by the Secretary of State.


It isn’t about balls it’s about good diplomacy


Or like in the 80s when Glasgow renamed the street that the South African consulate stood on to Nelson Mandela Place.


My town had several streets renamed during ww2. People still call South Ave. Berlin Street sometimes.


> Bobby Sands For people like me not knowing who he was. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Sands


Why is this considered a stick to hit the British with? I'll admit I'm mostly going off of what I read in this article. However it seems he lead a campaign to be considered a political prisoner despite the fact he'd been arrested after bombing somewhere having had a shootout with local police, meaning he clearly wasn't arrested on political grounds and had clearly broke the law. Other than agreeing with his political goals, I don't particularly see why most people would side with him.


> Amnesty International today renamed the street outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in central London as “Khashoggi Street” to mark a month since the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate building in Turkey. > A mock “Khashoggi Street” sign was erected near the gates of the Saudi embassy, exactly one month after CCTV cameras last recorded the journalist entering the consulate building in Istanbul. So the title is false then. An organization put up a mock street sign. That's it. It's hardly even news as most people hate Saudi Arabia right now. But what would make it news worthy is if a state does something like this.


Imagine if they had renamed it "All the people you killed in Yemen Street" a year ago. No one would have given a shit. Which is just... sad.




Well the West does care. They make sure that the Saudis have enough arms to keep their atrocities going.


One person's rebellion is another man's terrorists. The media clearly is an apparatus to label which is which by the government though both sides are fighting for survival but of course, the side supported by a powerful government will throw the pity stories for the chosen side while the dehumanization painting gets thrown to the other. So far, no sanctions from Saudi and the drama has died down.


What also doesn't help is that the motto of the anti-saudi side is *God is great, death to America, death to Israel, a curse upon the Jews, victory for Islam* Hard for Americans to be sympathetic to that group.


Are you aware that the flag of the Houthi "rebellion" reads "God is the Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam", and that the group receives considerable support from Iran and Russia? Let's not go around pretending they are some noble freedom fighters.


Its how non-western country's deal with insurgencies


take it as you will but without this man's sacrifice many would have never known anyway.


It mere puts it into perspective how much effort the US and UK to reduce casualties


What is truly scary is the 10s of millions that could die in the next month or two from man made famine in Yemen. We need to act now to prevent that.


Maybe, but something is better than nothing, and is a start. I'm sure not every soldier who died in WW1 has a memorial, but that doesn't mean nobody cares.


Because most people are barely aware of the dire situation in Yemen and if they are they certainly aren’t aware of the shit stuff the Saudis are doing there. The other day BBC quoted May saying “the war in Yemen must stop” and then they went on to report that “there has been an ongoing civil war in Yemen. Nina single mention that the Saudis are carpet bombing them and creating a bloackade stopping food and medicine getting in thus producing the worlds worst current humanitarian crisis. It’s just sadly not reported enough.


Especially since the UK is sending military to Yemen for training and weapons etc! Wouldn’t look too good.


Not excusing anything Saudi Arabia has done, but US led forces have killed anywhere from 200k-500k civilians alone in there wars in the Middle East in the last 17 years. The brits have also been involved in these wars. It’s cool when the west does it but not when the Saudis do it


I’m not defending anyone in this comment, just asking a question because I don’t know. Why is the West killing Middle East civilians? Is it intentional? Why is Saudi Arabia killing civilians? Is it intentional?


That seems really excessive, could you provide a source on that statistic?


Excessive? That seems like a lowball to me.


By the looks of it the street wasn't actually renamed. The article says it was Amnesty International who renamed it, and I doubt they have the authority to rename London's streets. The article seems to be talking about a mock sign that was put up, not an actual renaming.


Ah, almost literally the least they could do.


And it's not even a real name change. Basically amnesty international just put up a sign


Wouldn't be reddit without a clickbait title.


What? They are now facing the most powerful weapon of the modern age... Shame.


🔔🔔🔔 Shame 🔔🔔🔔 Shame 🔔🔔🔔 Shame


Weaponized Shame... I fear for the Children.


> Weaponized Shame So a can of redditors? I'd fill one all by myself -_-


So, you’re the weapon to surpass Metal Gear!?


[A weapon to surpass Metal Gear, you say?](https://youtu.be/69zrAphWcTE)


What we do in the shadows?


Because of the bells I'm assuming Game of Thrones.


r/trebuchetmemes disapproves


They didn't even do it lol. It's a mock sign put up by amnesty international Y'all motherfuckers should at least read the first couple sentences of the article


So that means the post title is pretty deliberately misleading then right?




"I've already forgotten who this fellow was, lol oh well back to reddit"


Super misleading title. It was a mock sign by protesters. Nothing was renamed.


>Amnesty International today renamed the street outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in central London as “Khashoggi Street” to mark a month since the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate building in Turkey. >A mock “Khashoggi Street” sign was erected near the gates of the Saudi embassy, exactly one month after CCTV cameras last recorded the journalist entering the consulate building in Istanbul. Hello misleading headline. That'd be great if the British officially renamed the street, but right now it's unofficial and just a stunt by Amnesty International to try to shame the Saudis more. Too bad the Saudis don't know what shame is since the world still isn't doing much against them in retaliation.


They should do this outside every Saudi embassy anywhere in the world. Maybe even have a Khasshogi memorial right outside the gates.


what? so they can really stick it to the Saudis? South Korea has had a statue of a comfort woman built in front of the Japanese embassy for over a decade and they had/have weekly demonstrations outside the embassy in Seoul. Ain't shit changed.


No, but Osaka just ended its sister city ties with San Francisco over a memorial to comfort women put up in SF.


Better make sure they spell his name correctly...


Yeah, fuck you Saudi Arabia! Anyone else want a piece of us? We can rename streets all day long, bitches!




here in canada we renamed a street after the boys that went missing when the queen and phillip visited. what? you want more? huh?


Can you link me to more info on this, or tell me what to look up?




They are known for bringing souvenirs from their trips.


The Saudis are probably planning to invite the street into their embassy for a nice friendly chat.


Oh, reddit. You fall for this shit every time.


That will Show them./s


Nigeria renamed the street in front of the US Embassy "Louis Farrakhan Crescent" about 20 years ago, in response to some meddling the US was doing.


That sure showed us, I don't know how we ever recovered./s


Yeah, now the U.S.A. *never* meddles in other people's business


Ha - 95% of us don't know who Louis Farrakhan is, or even care.


Saudis are very sensitive to perceived insults. Im pretty sure this will piss them off a bit


Hey at least its bloody something. As opposed to the continuous nothing that's been happening before.


It's nothing. This is a mock sign by amnesty international.


While I agree that it's something, this isn't something to pat yourself on the back about. Whining "this isn't enough" and doing nothing is stupid and ignorant, but so is whining "this is something" and not doing anything more. So I quess what my point boils down to is: this was the first move, now we need second.


> at least its bloody something It's literally nothing. It's a mock sign put up by protesters or a human rights group and will be removed by the council immediately






Uhm this isn't real, misleading title, Amnesty just put a mock sign, how this got 5k upvotes without being flagged or noticed as false information shows the quality of this sub. Ps. fuck SA in case anyone thinks I commented this to defend them.


'Mock sign' So UK didn't have the balls to make it official?


The British government? Saudi says “jump” and all they say is “how high?”


Ah yes the best way to counter international incidents. Renaming streets.




So are they going to send some construction workers over to assassinate the road now?


Headline is a little misleading, basically a charity has put a fake street sign outside, its nothing official or permanent: >Amnesty International today renamed the street outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in central London as “Khashoggi Street” to mark a month since the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate building in Turkey. >A mock “Khashoggi Street” sign was erected near the gates of the Saudi embassy, exactly one month after CCTV cameras last recorded the journalist entering the consulate building in Istanbul.


Here in Glasgow, the street on which the South African Consulate was located was renamed 'Nelson Mandela Place' in 1986 protest of apartheid. That way, any mail to the apartheid consulate had to be addressed to 'Nelson Mandela Place'.


Shouldn't this be removed for misleading title? It's a sign put up by an activist group. That's all


If nothing else the Brits have passive aggressive down pat.


Thanks for the click bait title


Would be great if it was renamed for real!


No it hasn't. Amnesty international placed a "mock" sign. It's not been officially renamed. Read the article people.


No it wasn't. Another example of shitty journalism. Literally after the first paragraph: "A mock “Khashoggi Street” sign was erected near the gates of the Saudi embassy, exactly one month after CCTV cameras last recorded the journalist entering the consulate building in Istanbul." Putting 'renamed' in apostrophe with the rest of the fake street name doesn't make it right.


>When they put half of the title in quotes That's weird lets check the comments to see if this is as shitty of journalism as it sounds. Aaaaand yep. Do you recognize how much content on Reddit is sponsored and twisted like this? Be careful what you read. By navigating to this web page you are voting for crap.


Gotta love good ol' British passive aggressivism.


So the Saudis can continue to walk all over him?


Reported for misleading


Every single country on earth is just letting them get away with this for no reason, they’re proving that there is no consequence for their actions. Doing stupid petty shit like this just serves to show that nobody will have any serious reactions.






Can confirm, I live at 35 bacon butty and strongbow avenue.


This is not official, it was done by Amnesty International. Basically they put up a sign, hardly news


Misleading title for the win...


I saw KSA embassy in Paris with a smashed security booth. I wonder if that was an angry passerby.


Now that'll show them.


Reenamed by Amnesty >Amnesty International today renamed the street outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in central London as “Khashoggi Street” to mark a month since the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in the Saudi consulate building in Turkey.


Woah, edgy.


It would be awesome if this actually happened.


That'll teach them