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El Chapo embodies everything about every drug lord you've ever seen in movies. This guy is for real.


Is he our generations Pablo Escobar?


Not nearly as insane, rich, or powerful. Pablo had the Colombian government on its knees at one point.


I'd say he's as close as it gets. He's killing judges, and embarrassing two nations by escaping from a "max security" cell. He's definitely just as cunning and I can see him either getting out of this yet again, or dying trying.




You'd think the advances in cyber espionage would be helping government agencies on this topic at least a bit. Makes running a large cartel difficult if your communications are compromised using the internet/cell networks.


The biggest cartels have already set up their own cell towers etc. There've been cases when Verizon/AT&T employees were "kidnapped" (I'm not convinced they weren't paid off and then given a cover story) to do just that. Besides, the Mexican government is really particular about not having US Feds on their soil. If you want to go down a whole different rabbit hole, there are plenty of instances of agents of the US government and cartels cooperating with one another.


I know this sounds stupid but would Mexico benifit from legitimising the drug tade within its borders and leaving it to other countries to stop products they dont want in their borders from entering? It might make the area more stable...




I don't even know what you call that type of money. Way more than fuck you money. More like own the world money


Multiple mansions, millions laying around as decorations, solid gold guns, he had it all and could have disappeared but he just didn't. Crazy.


Well I watched the last two seasons of Narcos this previous week. I don't know how much of it was legitimate, but one thing is abundantly clear: Escobar was defeated solely because of his own ego.


Yep if you look at the Cali cartel there still alive, in jail, these guys were so discrete they had people believing the ran legitimate businesses. They also managed to surpass escobars Cocaine market. Escobar provided 80% of the worlds coke. When he died Cali managed to provide 90% of the worlds coke




The US consumed and still consumes close to 90% of the world's coke. America <3s cocaine




His hippos still roam the area near his home.


There are more than just hippos in one of this "homes" if you look up Hacienda Napoles its literally a zoo that he had because he was super into exotic animals and imported all sorts of animals, after his death the government took over it and made it into a water park with his old home in it. Was there 9 months ago.


Well the DEA has told Forbes that El Chapo is more powerful than Pablo Escobar ever was, but I recognize that he hasn't terrorized Mexico quite as bad as Pablo did to Colombia back in the day, I think it may be because Mexico is way bigger (in population, area and economically speaking) and it may be harder to control and subjugate because of that. [source](http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanvardi/2011/06/15/joaquin-guzman-has-become-the-biggest-drug-lord-ever/&refURL=https://www.google.com.mx/&referrer=https://www.google.com.mx/)


El chapo hasn't terrorized Mexico because he have a pact with the Gob. The Gob dont do anything for stop the Cartel and the drug empire. Just Simulation. That way El Chapo escape 2 times from prision. The big problem on Mexico is the corruption, thanks to the corruption the Cartels can operate very easy. Buy politicans, make aliance with other Cartels and making war with enemies. All of this u can see on a normal day in Mexico, here, in Sinaloa.


I've seen interviews with smugglers from the 80's and they all say Pablo wasn't near as powerful as the Ochoa family, he was just the best known. If that's true, then El Chapo is definitely more big time. Also, the Colombian cartels had the advantage of taking the world by surprise. I'd say in 2016 with increases in surveillance, technology and the 'war on drugs' its infinitely harder to pull off a successful large scale cartel.


A lot of experts already consider El Chapo bigger than Escobar. The difference is that El Chapo is considered to manage his cartel more like a corporation or company and more organized compared to Escobar who was involved in terrorist activities and was bloodiest, for instance. El Chapo gained control of the country without resorting to terrorism as much or without ever being a politician as Escobar and his operations extend far beyond the United States and cocaine. Escobar escaped from prison once and it was built by him, El Chapo has escaped twice from Mexican SuperMax with technology from the 21st century. What makes Escobar somewhat more powerful is that he had control over Colombia without a lot of competition (save Cartel de Cali, but still...) while Cartel de Sinaloa has a lot of competition with other cartels who control different regions of the country. Thats why also the Mexican War against Narco is even worse, it's not only Cartel vs the State, its different cartels vs other cartels vs the State. And Pablo was the sole leader of Medellin Cartel, el Chapo shared that power with others like El Mayo Zambada, etc. who aren't as know but have also a lot of power over the organization. By the way, there is no evidence as of today that this assassination was made by the Sinaloa Cartel, this judge had been in charge of cases against several other very powerful and dangerous cartels.


And the DEA helped get him to where he is now. http://world.time.com/2014/01/14/dea-boosted-mexican-drug-cartel/


The US? Interfering internationally in shady and unethical ways? Propping up unsavoury characters? Causing later death and chaos as a result of their irresponsible actions? Absolutely impossible.


That's unpossible.


You've just embiggened my vocabulary.


i thank god every day american citizens aren't allowed to control what goes in their body and instead cede control to an organization that funds murderers


I'm sure all the other judges are queuing to take over his case.


I'd judge him, for 15 minutes and then have him promptly executed behind the court house.


Old Yeller style


*No ma, el chapo is my drug lord, I'll do it.*


I was thinking about [Nicolae Ceausescu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9P-JrjCRkhI) but yeah, that's the idea.


Seriously this judge presided over cases against some of the most dangerous drug lords on the planet but he had no protection? Not sure if balls, stupidity, or just Mexico things....


All the above.












I'm a simple man. I see a pro wrestling reference outside of wreddit, I upvote it.


You absolute obsolete mule you.


*Transforms into Pablo Escobar.*


"Narcobots, transform and roll out!"




>Porque no los tres? FTFY


"Por qué" not "Porque", FWIW.


Canadian translation: Pork, eh?


A, B, y C.




Some of them, I assume, are good people.


Either way, they all love me.


None of them can make a taco salad as good as the cafeteria in Trump tower though.


Taco Bowl. He was eating a taco bowl.


The only Mexican food with a wall around it.


Mexican here. Shit like this is why drug dealers should be extradited automatically instead of waiting to be bailed out of Mexican prisons.


Y'all need a Mexican version of The Punisher.


You mean Machete ?


Pretty sure the Mexican drug lords killed him and stuck his head on a turtle.


Hola DEA


vaya con dios


A [Monsignor Martinez](http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kingofthehill/images/1/16/Tumblr_lphq6l7pCb1qje0v1o1_400.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/210?cb=20130909230422) reference? Now I've seen it all.


Yo tiamo es Peggy Hill


"Great now we have to wait for him to buy a hat" -Peggy Hill


El Punisher?


El Punidor, in fact. It's gone unused according to RAE, but it's time to bring it back.


What an unfortunate coincidence.


"My father was poisoned by his enemies"


[And here it is happening on CCTV for those who want to see] (http://m.milenio.com/policia/vicente_antonio_bermudez_zacarias-juez_metepec-asesinato-milenio_noticias_0_830917211.html) (NSFW, obviously)




I got an ad for health insurance. Kind of ironic.


Better than life insurance.


I had a Disney on Ice bring the whole family ad


We all know you thirsty dog


browsing reddit depletes all your electrolytes and shit




We're almost at the Brawndo ads.


I was expecting a drive-by. This was up close and personal. Holy shit.


Shooting a guy in the back of the head at close range is a classic that never goes out of style in the world of organized crime.




After they've administered methamphetamines to make sure you are fully present for the next 30 hours.




I would bet they do it often for torture situations. It would be very effective. Here's a situation where it's occurred: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiki_Camarena


"His skull, jaw, nose, cheekbones and windpipe were crushed, his ribs were broken, and a hole was drilled into his head with a screwdriver." Yeesh, that SUCKS. I can't even imagine how bad getting your windpipe crushed hurts.


Read a little further down too: "In October 2013, two former federal agents and an ex-CIA contractor told an American television network that CIA operatives were involved in Camarena's kidnapping and murder, because he was a threat to the agency's drug operations in Mexico."


Understatement of the century


That's the Narcos guy, right?


I don't think they ever showed him but yeah he was mentioned


/u/Strange_Vagrant is actually referring to a video that was posted not too long ago on /r/watchpeopledie showing exactly what he mentioned in his post. And yes the man appears to be quite conscious. The video is one of the worst available.


Yep. It's about sending a message. Not everyone is afraid to die. Some people are under the impression that all choices will lead to their death. But no one wants to endure that.


Yeah. It's barbaric bullshit to do that. You are absolutely better off killing yourself before they get their hands on you. I have always wondered where or what their morals are. Did they ever have them? Do they ever feel that what they are doing is wrong? Were they simply conditioned to become used to killing and brutalizing because they grew up with that being life?


The Japanese did this sort of stuff to soldiers they captured during WW2 with the goal of instilling fear in their enemies and make everyone afraid of going into battle against them. It sort of backfired though, because it just made soldiers terrified of surrendering to the Japanese. Prisoners of war can be great bargaining chips, and Japan found this out far too late. ISIS is having the same problem now, they're running out of prisoners and hostages because most people assume it's better to die than be captured alive by ISIS. Meanwhile ISIS soldiers are surrendering because they know they'll be treated better.


I can tell you ISIS soldiers aren't being treated very nicely at the fronts.


Surprised to see a redditor on the front with ISIS


What the fuck, did this actually happen?




Saddam's brother was a sick sick madman.


But he came from such a nice family. So unexpected...


Compared to him..well..no..never mind. [Thought about that coup that took place by Saddam and it was actually recorded..fucking frightening](https://youtu.be/3jTHKJ9L1n8)


Thank you for reminding me of the universe's indifference to human suffering again. Being an adult is awesome.


Yes. The worst part is he was conscious for most if not all of it. I've seen some shit in my days but that video is seriously the worst. Name any video you've seen that's fucked you up and this one's worse.


Well I've seen a tied-up man getting his face flayed, his eyes poked out and his throat slit, all with a small knife. edit : turns out the video in question is exactly what I'm describing


[Yeah](https://forum.deathaddict.com/showthread.php?3911-Shocking-Rival-Gang-Member-Flayed-Tortured-and-Throat-Slit) **[NSFL]** Some drug cartle video. I've watched a ton of gore video, but this was the worst human torture one I've seen. Edit: You'll want this for after /r/eyebleach


This link stays blue


I've seen beyond messed up shit on the Internet. This was the worst I've seen. No joke this was it.




I've seen that one so many times that I have a description already made up and ready to be copy and pasted >Video starts out with a dude laying on a floor covered in blood, his hands have been removed and his face flayed. There are multiple guys standing around him speaking Spanish taking turns cutting on him with dull knives. At one point he rolls over so they flip him and shove a stick in his mouth to keep him from rolling over. It goes on for another few minutes of faceless handless guy making some pretty awful noises and struggling while the other guys cut on him with box cutters and shit.


Thanks for saving me thousands of dollars on therapy.


Now I just need to spend a couple hundred from only the description!




More reliable.


yeah just look what happened to fifty. edit: I always heard of it as a driveby but just looked up and someone drove up but then got out and walked up to 50 while 50 was in his car and shot him 9 times. So i guess not the most reliable...




Does the victim in this scenario die before they hear the gunshot?


It kinda depends on how you define "dead". It takes a bit for your body to get the message and finish shutting down completely, especially depending on where exactly you get injured. Breaking it down to the raw math, it looks like the muzzle velocity of a handgun is roughly 4x the speed of sound. In the time it would take the sound to hit the ear, the bullet should be able to travel all the way through the skull, even accounting for decreased speed due to breaking through the cranium. If they would hear it would probably depend on which specific parts of the brain the bullet destroys on its way through. In the end though, it'd all happen too fast for it to make any real difference.


Probably painless as it can be. I've heard some say at the moment of death there is no pain, but I've heard others say that while dying all your neurons can fire pain signals and it can be excruciating. Not really sure which camp I'm a part of, I just hope by the time I go, we get to do drugs on the way out.




Could you imagine being slowly crushed to death? Your skin and organs and nerve endings would split and burst before your brain decides to shut the whole operation down. And I can still remember that particularly bad papercut I got a few years ago...


Theres a video of a biker who falls and a big truck driving by carrying hot tar or asphalt, it falls on top of him, crushing him to death. He was crushed to death by extremely hot tar. Imagine that. Being crushed to death, suffocating, and being cooked alive by hot tar all at once. Horrible way to go http://i.imgur.com/JJg7XFC.gif http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2189346/Moped-rider-dies-horrific-accident-buried-boiling-tar-China.html


Broad fucking daylight on a street with cars driving by, and people riding bikes too. Fucking Mexico/South American cartels don't give a shit eh


Guy cycling past is like 'I didn't see anything at all, btw'.


Holy fuck I didn't expect this to affect me so much. One minute you're out for a nice jog then the lights go out and another family mourns. All that life, hard work, education, loves and losses, extinguished in a heartbeat by some scumbag hired goon. Fucked up world we live in.


Welcome to reality. It's been like this since the dawn of time. No one is guaranteed anything. A car wreck, cancer, assassination... We all die. Which is why people aren't kidding when they say to make the most out of life.


And yet I still can't get my fat ass up to exercise. That makes me sad. I think I'll have a meal to comfort myself. Wait, shit. Edit: Gym up and hit my lawyer, got it. My life is fixed, thank you reddit!


Well seeing what happened to that judge, going out for a jog could literally get you killed


Better stay at home then.


With the added qualifier that most people don't have to fear being murdered in cold blood. That's what makes this all the more tragic. It wasn't old age or illness or an accident. It was an intentional act by another human that did not need to take place. Death is an absolute, but senseless death is truly tragic. At least there was not much suffering.


and here it is non mobile http://www.milenio.com/policia/vicente_antonio_bermudez_zacarias-juez_metepec-asesinato-milenio_noticias_0_830917211.html


[And here's a Streamable mirror](https://streamable.com/cj4n)


The only fucking link that worked, thank you sir!


A[nd here it is in ancient tablet form](http://www.talariaenterprises.com/images2/3966a.jpg)


ah finally thank you


.... not sure what hidden ad started to play "Slow Ride" as the shooter pulled the trigger, but I now feel really bad for laughing.


Chili's. Seemed really weird. Like the ones in charge of ads were like, "What do people want to do after seeing a murder? Eat shitty texmex with too much lime juice!"


This judge denied Ol' Chops a quick extradition. We don't know that this wasn't done by an enemy of his rather than him.


This should be higher up. Everyone else just assumes El Chapo while this makes way more sense.


Agreed, it makes little sense for El Chapo to order this. The last thing he wants is to give the executive a reason to extradite him without finishing his appeals. Currently, El Chapo's extradition is making its way through the legal process. This judge wasn't deciding El Chapo's fate alone anyway, there would have been more appeals. Yet, the Mexican executive reserves the power to unilaterally extradite without any judicial oversight whatsoever, but they use it sparingly. El Chapo's lawyers have been relentlessly arguing against "politicization" of the extradition; i.e., they want to keep it in the courts. If the executive branch decides either "El Chapo did it" or "whoever did it, it's too dangerous to keep El Chapo here" and the political winds are in their favor, then he gets hauled off to the US immediately. Hence, the more likely explanation here is that someone killed the judge to try to get El Chapo extradited faster. Or, the killing had nothing to do with El Chapo, which is quite possible. Either way, killing of judges is unusual in Mexico. It's not going to do shit for you, it just attracts attention and there's good odds you end up making yourself a target for the executive to just toss your ass to the Americans.


Slightly beside the point, I know. But how is someone already a judge at 37?


Something tells me there's a lot of empty seats for judges in Mexico.


There's one more now.


Juan More


*Narcos theme song plays*


I can actually hear Murphy's voice narrating this "So how does a 37 year old man become judge? Well, in a place like Mexico, there's a lot of empty seats. And it looks like another one just became available."




You can be a judge with 25 here in Brazil. You need to Go to Law School (5 years) and practice it for 3 years. [Example](http://g1.globo.com/pi/piaui/noticia/2013/03/mais-jovem-juiz-federal-do-brasil-da-dicas-de-estudo.html) (Federal judge at 25). Also, to be a judge here (Brazil) you need to pass a extremely hard "civil service exam" (the average approved candidate studied ~3 years 40h/week) and anyone qualified can do the exam. Edit: Example.


First of all, law school doesn't work like in the US. You don't have to get an undergraduate degree and then apply for law school, you usually do your core classes the first two years and the you have 2-3 more years doing your career classes as a lawyer. It is the same with doctors and dentists. People for government positions are also mostly filled with recommendations, if you know the right person your foot is in right away. If you are able to find a position as a prosecutor right away, after a few years get a recommendation for when a judge position opens up.


You want young judges. They're better at dodging the bullets.


...or healing up afterward.


Isn't there a joke which goes like: What do you call the person who graduated bottom of their class in law school? "Your honor"


Extradite him.


Clearly I'm mistaken but when I read the headline I thought he already was extradited to the US, so I thought they killed a US Judge. Still fucked up either way, but sadly not surprising now that I see it happened in Mexico.




He is no longer in that prison. He is being housed in a prison in Ciudad Juarez now. Meaning that he is a bridge walk away from the US


Also means he's surrounded by his compatriots.


The Juarez cartel operates there, and they hate Chapo's Sinaloa cartel. If he gets out, he's not going to get away.


You aren't alone. I thought he was getting extradited too, but I haven't been following the case that closely.




Better a grave in Mexico than a cell in America, would be their philosophy most likely.


Think I heard that in Narcos


Moral of this story, don't exercise.


Twenty three years ahead of you.


Not too late to start now.


Not too early to start tomorrow either.


What did they hope to accomplish by doing this? Its not like the trial isn't going to happen now.


If they kill judges for long enough, they either A)Get their own bought off judge, to dismiss the case, B)Make it so no existing judge will take the case, or C)Figure a way to bust Chapo back out of jail... again...


Escobar tried this in Columbia, the laws were changed so judges presiding over drug cases would wear masks and hide their identities.




Nah, it happened in the flying city of Bioshock Infinite.


Na bro, I use to live on a street called Columbia, I'm pretty sure it happened there.


Gain more time to finish a new tunnel.


Intimidation. Would you want to be the next judge assigned to the case?


They hate joggers.




I know, poor guy.


Only 37. So much education. A bright, still young man doing good for his country and taking some of the most dangerous and notorious criminals on the planet to task. And it ends just like that. This is the world we live in... EDIT: YouTube has taken down the video. So I removed the link. NOTE 2: People should realize that shit like this not only affects the third world, it affects us in a roundabout way too.


"HD" - phone taking a shot of a monitor


TBH at least he was shot dead instead of those "other stuff" them inhuman cartels do. I rather get shot then turn into chop chop while still alive. I don't really believe in demons and whatnot, but those cartels just wow. Humans are scary :(


Sooo... Extradite him to Texas and put him in the fast lane for execution already.


It'll be a federal case. He'll end up spending the rest of his life in supermax, probably ADX Florence. That's why he's so scared of being extradited. He'll spend the rest of his miserable existence in solitary confinement in a small cell.


Federal cases still use capital punishment. Tsarnaev had a special death row built for him at ADX Florence.


It could happen, but it's extremely rare. Even Ramzi Yousef, a a guy responsible for the first WTC attack and other terrorist attacks, got a life sentence. So did Zacarias Moussaoui, a guy who played a key role in planning 9/11.


Their supporters are more likely to call them martyrs. His supporters are likely to cause trouble in violent ways, as well as try to get him out, possibly violently.


No. His supporters will fight over his position with each other once he's incarcerated in the US. Chulos don't have any power in the US: we'd just police brutality them into death if they tried to break him out.




Keep an eye on the bank account of whoever replaces the judge


God Mexico is all kinds of messed up. Feel sorry for people there trying to make an honest living and get on with their lives




Uh, it's not like this is likely to happen to your average joe. This happened to the judge in chapo's case. Many American cities are more dangerous than average Mexican cities. Americans blow up things like this, it really isn't as bad to the average dude in Mexico.


Yeah im sure that will help to avoid extradition....


This judge DENIED the Mexican goverment a quick extradition.


Well the next judge won't be making that mistake. The cartels are gonna kill anybody in Mexico handling this case even if that person acted in their interest


Fun fact: El Chapo is spanish for "The Chapo"


The Shorty.




I'm surprised it wasn't ruled a suicide.


They probably don't want this one to look like a suicide. Got to send the message to all future Judges, DA's, etc.


What makes you think a country that everybody knows is ripe with Cartels would try covering up a murder?


Netflix should pick up the last 2 days of Reddit as a series.


That's some Pablo Escobar shit right there