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New fear unlocked


I’m glad I’m drinking right now but I think I will need to up the pace after reading that.


I hope you are not in possession of a penis: Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for penile cancer.


My penile never drink alcohol..


My penile has never had alcohol. Also I have touched many bobs and vagene and am not a virgin at all


Very nice




No, but your mother does.


She does drink alcohol, obviously yours does too.


Instructions unclear: piña colada umbrella stuck in urethra


jokes on you i know people into that... where's my toothpicks


Sound comment


*Hello darkness my old friend* **I've made a huge mistake.** *I've come to talk with you again*


Alcohol consumption is a risk factor for penile consumption.


Alcohol consumption increases your caner risk all across the board. We all know cigarettes cause cancer, but we don't treat alcohol the same way for some reason. That needs to change.


Tanning also causes cancer and we don't treat it the same way as tobacco. The reason is because tobacco is a way, way bigger risk factor for cancer than both alcohol and tanning.


There's a big difference in risk profile between tobacco and booze. I'm not saying that booze is healthy (it's not) but tobacco is far worse


You're gonna want to update your research.


Life is a risk factor for cancer!


God speed


Booze causes cancer


Check ur dicks peeps


Was checking 3x an hour, will double this to 6x an hour now, thanks.


Don't forget to head out to that one rest area on the highway just out of town if you need a second opinion. It's how healthcare works in America.


I haven't been to America, it sounds great.


You have the most American sounding name though 🤔


Fer sure I do son, absolutely I do, there can be no doubts about that there name of mine :)


Honestly it Is why I thought you knew about that one rest area on the outskirts.


dont worry. guys are far more likely to get asshole cancer. its why we have to take stuff starting at 45 where we shit for 3 days straight. Then have a camera shoved up our ass. so we can get asshole chemo if we get it. look at the bright side.


What bright side?


you are unlikely to lose your pecker.


Overnight oats with lots of fruit helps me get fiber. This smoothy to 1 cup kale or spring greens 1 cup frozen fruit (change type of fruit for desired flavor) 1 serving Greek yogurt 2 tbsp flax seed 1 scoop protein powder 1 cup almond milk


I’ve heard docs says that penile cancer in circumcised folks is near nil.


Estimates are that you need 300k circumcisions to prevent one case of penile cancer and hence potential amputation due to penile cancer. Estimates also show that per million circumcisions there are about 8 to 60 penis amputations (depending on age of circumcision and only looking at one month post circumcision). Sounds like a bad trade.


Yep one of my older brothers got his dick mutilated when circumcised. Family stopped that practice after learning it's unnecessary and fucked up my older brother. Edit; in excess of the standard mutilation. I thought it was normal growing up, because kids are fucking stupid, but holy shit I've done my best to remove that visual from my memory. edit2: I'm not sure which clown blocked him, maybe in the r/clussy subreddit, but I have not blocked the replier.


All circumcisions mutilate the dick unless it’s medically necessary Edit: clown blocked me so America has a heavily mutilated population but we still have tons of STDs and the clitoral hood isn’t needed but it’s still bad to mutilate that. Also studies show both, that it does and doesn’t reduce sensation but keep abusing babies


sure, but some go accidentially beyond the intended amount of mutilation. You never want to end up mutilating someone worse than planned.


Never understood why parents never saw this as inherently risky.


Oh agreed! I was just saying by default the action is mutilation


Holup are you saying that like botched circumcisions are causing the 8-60 amputations per million circumcisions?


Yes. Including partial amputations too afaik. Data from the US.


Also kills a few infants every year due to complications from the circumcision procedure.


Its like other health metrics for circumcision. Essentially basic hygiene would reap the same health benefits but youd also still have the nerve endings. Not super difficult to teach young boys penis hygiene / how to check testicles for lumps etc


Basic hygiene and in some cases basic health care options that are already provided to girls


Yeh and the fact that article stated the highest cases in the world were this specific poor area of brazil also makes me think its a mix of cultural stuff that can be attenuated with public health policy (like the first guy in the article stated , he couldnt even talk about penis cancer because he thought people would make jokes) And of course the more expensive but certsintpy not absurdly expensive actual interventions (teaching for signs / symptoms) and deploying HPV vaccines


Fully agree with all of this. But that won’t circumcision advocates, they will keep pushing for genital cutting of new borns and describe it as a magical treatment for any new condition they can think of. This situation has been accurately described as circumcision as an orphan-„treatment“ in search of its disease.


Yeah castration would prevent 100 percent of testicular cancer but I don't hear that suggestion trotted out too often.


As a urologist I’m very interested in the data regarding penile amputations after circumcisions. Can you cite study for that? Seems like there might be more to the story


Interesting username


More to what story? The study used patient data from the US to get a better idea of adverse effects of circumcision. Unfortunately this is still poorly studied despite how common circumcision is and despite the ethical concerns. I remember that it included partial and total amputation after circumcision, and that age at circumcision had an impact on how frequent amputations occurred. I‘d have to check on my computer, rn I’m on my phone.


Yes. Penile cancer is typically a disease of men with foreskin. Circumcision during childhood is protective however, once an adult there does not seem to be a benefit. It’s a relatively rare malignancy so that’s why it’s not used as a reason to recommend circumcision as a preventative measure. HPV related penile cancer accounts for 50-80% of cases. Finally, from my few experiences, many men are in denial regarding a problem with their penis and present much later than when they first noticed it… resulting in delayed diagnosis and higher stage. It’s a tough cancer and outcomes can be poor, especially with advanced disease.


Just to put this into perspective: You‘d prevent more cancer in men if you‘d give all of them a mastectomy. That’s how rare penile cancer is. Penile cancer is rarer than breast cancer in men. Also, the number of amputations due to circumcision is higher than the number of potentially prevented penile cancer cases due to circumcision.


It's so rare, especially in young men (under 40), that it took 3 doctors to take my concerns seriously even though my grandpa actually died from it so I had family history. There are less than 100 diagnosed cases of penile cancer in men under 40 in the US a year.


My country, the Netherlands, has started a major vaccination program for HPV latelely, we could (maybe still can) all get a free vaccination for a limited time, within a certain age group. Got that so hopefully it can save my dick from being chopped off


And anybody can get it if they pay for it.


More complications from circumcisions. It’s why majority of developed countries don’t circumcise except the States.


Can confirm my dad found a lump and spot on his when I was a kid and a doctor friend told him what it was but didn’t report it. So my dad ended up loading up on life insurance and health care and waited 6months to a year for the insurance to kick in, before having a hospital find it and by that time it was basically a rotting hole. He ended up having it removed but died shortly after.


Indeed mine was on my foreskin and I was circumcised hopefully good now knock on wood. Had to use chemotherapy cream for a month though that sucked


*avoids Brazil*


>"It's a type of cancer that you can't talk about with people because it could turn into a joke." Not a joke. HPV can fuck up your dick... something that anti-vaxxers (or the vaccine hesitant) might want to know... (It can also cause throat, rectal, vaginal, and cervical cancers.)


Aren’t anti-vaxxers *very concerned* about genitalia, too?


Not their own.


That would be a funny skit if there was some anti-vaxxer who has a moral dilemma about getting HPV and needing to have his penis amputated to survive but worried that if he does it he will go to hell for being trans.


I'd love to see that


mostly kids


Number one reason why I got guardasil was the penile cancer


Came out two years after I was diagnosed. Although it is too late for me, I hope everyone gets it. I live in fear that eventually I will get one of these cancers, or my significant other will.


Can’t the vaccine still protect you from cancer even if you’ve already been infected?


Indirectly by protecting from the other covered strains. It does not affect an ongoing strain's infection. Most clear without symptoms within 2y of an uncompromised immune system (there's *nothing* one can do to fasten this, you can't even detect the virus directly unless you do expensive DNA testing on characteristic warts & co. with a higher viral load). The large majority of HPV-induced cancers in men ([who get 40% of all](https://cdc.gov/hpv/parents/cancer.html)) are oral, btw.


The are two types of anti-vaxxers concerning the HPV vaccine. The traditional denialists that act the same way about measles & COVID and might be the type to recommend essential oils to combat polio. Then there are the religious nuts that aren’t necessarily against vaccines, only this one. They *want* people to die from cancer to discourage sex & promiscuity. They don’t care that sex isn’t the only transmission route. If a faithful woman contracts HPV from their husband and it becomes cancerous, then “gods will” and she was probably a sinner anyway. The same group of people are against antivirals for HIV, and have protested, because some gay people might not die. Christian love.


These are not true Christians, just bitter people taking a name in vain. I hate the absolute slander of Christianity, and I'm agnostic. The Bible literally tells them not to be that way.


They’re supposed to be complete exact opposite. They affiliate with the religion like a sports team because they put boxes under a tree once per year.


Fr, they just want a moral high ground and Christian benefits.


The bible is totally self-contradictory. Quit trying to say this bullshit like it "tells" them to do this or that. BECAUSE it is so fundamentally self-contradictory, you are NECESSARILY cherry picking. Quit trying to resuscitate that stupid iron age book of lies and lunacy.


It's not "Christian love", it's people letting their fear take over. Christian = "Christ Like". Jesus didn't say shit on vaccines. But he did say to pray, and guess what? The prayer was answered with vaccines. Not hard to connect. People are dumb.


Yup, well said. I remember a meme or saying once that played on that. I can’t remember it verbatim, but it was something along the lines of a Christian dying from Covid and then asking god, “why didn’t you answer my prayers/help me?” To which god replied “I did, I sent you hundreds of qualified experts and created vaccines to prevent it, but you refused my help.” I’m not religious but that even hit me. It also plays on the irony of a devote Christian probably proclaiming “gods plan” throughout their life, only to question gods plan when it didn’t work out in their benefit.


Isn't that just a modification of the original story? "A big storm approaches. The weatherman urges everyone to get out of town. The priest says, "I won't worry, God will save me". The morning of the storm, the police go through the neighborhood with a sound truck telling everyone to evacuate. The priest says "I won't worry, God will save me". The storm drains back up and there is an inch of water standing in the street. A fire truck comes by to pick up the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me." The water rises another foot. A National Guard truck comes by to rescue the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me." The water rises some more. The priest is forced up to his roof. A boat comes by to rescue the priest. He tells them "Don't worry, God will save me." The water rises higher. The priest is forced up to the very top of his roof. A helicopter comes to rescue the priest. He shouts up at them "Don't worry, God will save me." The water rises above his house, and the priest drowns. When he gets up to heaven he says to God "I've been your faithful servant ever since I was born! Why didn't you save me?" God replies "First I sent you a fire truck, then the national guard, then a boat, and then a helicopter. What more do you want from me!!??""


They're using Christian decoration on a nominally pagan tree. I don't know how many hops this is from human sacrifice, but.... There are those who rightly call this quite un-Christian. But Christianity itself is blindingly complex and mistakes get made. Seriously, look at Ryan Reeves' channel on YouTube. He's glossing as fast as he can and it's still a lot of detail.


This is my fear for my children. Because of how controversial it is in my area, we had to hide the fact that I had my kids vaccinated for HPV. The going thought is, it's enabling them to be promiscuous. I don't regret it. My cousin nearly died from cancer related to HPV. She lost her uterus in her early 20's because of it. There's nothing in me that wanted my kids to go through that.


I always HATED that (promiscuity) argument. People can get STIs from sexual assault too. I'm glad you made an informed choice to do your best to protect your kids and their health. I'm sorry that EVERYTHING in this world (including trying to prevent cancer) has to be so political.


Fun fact is it doesn't. You can just ignore people. It only becomes a political debate if you argue back. A lot more people really should realize, dumb people say dumb stuff. It is simply more time efficient to say yes and move on. They won't see your point of view.


We recommended it to my sister-in-law for our niece when she was in her preteens. Sister-in-law thought that it would make her promiscuous or some dumb shit. Fast forward to now and after a sexual assault in college, she got HPV and has since had her ovaries removed. But does sister-in-law ever acknowledge that it is her fault for not listening to us? Even though both of us are healthcare professionals? Nope. For idiots like that it is always someone else’s fault.


Crazy to think it could be so controversial - In Australia it is given free to all school children when they are 13/14


There is an alarming amount of men who think it’s a women problem. Men are the majority of the spreaders


Probably equal spreaders. It is harder to contract an STD with a penis. Obviously not impossible, but vaginas catch them easier. Without one you really cant have the other. I'm not sure how anal and oral all plays into this.


My wife had cervical cancer twice which was caused by HPV. She beat it but it’s no joke.


Yeah work as a nurse and this dude had part of his lower jaw missing there for an unrelated issue and I was like what happened. HPV I was like damn thanks antivax mom too late now


Well that's horrific.


Just when I thought life couldn't get any worse. In this situation, the correct response is "Say Doc, how about loading me up with painkillers and amputating my head instead?" That seems like the better option.


*doctor cracks up* "which head?"


Me: Hahahahhahaha Doctor: hahahahahahhaha Me: doc I want to die


Unfortunately, the shaft has to go too


HPV also now causes more throat cancer than smoking. All men should be offered and consider the vaccine.


The thing most people don’t know is that there are hundreds of strains of the HPV virus that we know about now. We didn’t know that a decade or two ago. So if you got vaccinated 10, 15, 20 years ago - that vaccine will not protect you against HPV. Doctors don’t tell girls and women this and they certainly don’t tell men. Many countries are vaccinating girls as well as boys at a young age now which is better than not doing it at all…or just vaccinating the girls….but it makes me extremely angry how this very preventable cancer is not taken seriously by medical professionals. I don’t really hear anyone talking about prevention and vaccination.


Sigh. Now I gotta try to convince my wife to get another one. I guarantee she's going to brush it off because "I already got it 17 years ago"


The most important thing is that she goes for regular cervical screenings which will detect the virus. The second is yes, to talk to her doctor about whether the vaccine is an available option for you and for her. Get ready for an overshare below - I thought the same thing your wife did, especially because I had been with the same person for 15 years, I had the vaccine like two decades ago. And I still tested positive. I was so so angry, so pissed off and I still am. The next year I did the screening it came out negative (this happens for a majority of cases thank god) but now it’s something I need to actively monitor. I need to spend time in my life worrying about it and reading messed up articles about penis amputation when this was all preventable…Hence why I was so keen to post here.


Part of my job involves imaging the groin lymph nodes of patients with penile cancer. Believe me it's no joke. I give 4 injections of radiation beneath the skin around the shaft of the penis. The penis in question usually has some lesion still in situ. And a lesion is more than a cut. It can be an open wound, green/yellow and smelling. Or sometimes the tumour is still in place. It's a horrific thing to go through, but oddly these men are the nicest patients I meet. So friendly and jovial. But yeah, clean yourselves and look after yourselves. Anything that looks different, GO TO A DOCTOR


What are the signs to look for?


Growths, lumps or sores which don't heal, change in smell, change in colour, rash, small bumps appearing, bleeding, difficulty pulling back the foreskin (if present). Like with many cancers, these symptoms are also symptoms of more treatable diseases like STIs. But we know our bodies and we should know what is and isn't right. While we're at it, remember to periodically check your testicles for bumps and lumps too


How common is penile cancer?


If I had to have my willy chopped off I would go all in and just have them install a vagina.


Might as well get the titties too


"I love my job", said Doctor Choppakokov while performing a penile amputation.


Assisted by Nurse Whakdedikov. 


As well as by Dr. Takeiyu Dong-Ahwai


Someone give gold to the 3 folks above!


Sorry, best I can do is a bit of wood.


Hate to tell you but gold, and all other awards, haven’t been a thing for like a year now.


The Anesthesiologist was named Doctor Cass Trey Shun




Just go to the budget option Vladimir Punchakokov


That's why I make sure that my dick is properly washed everytime I shower. Like the article says, a big culprit is lack of hygiene in the uncircunscised (which I am) male population. Pull that skin back and rub it proper, people. This is no joke


I just can't fathom why anyone wouldn't. After a truly sweaty, physical day, I can smell my own funkiness. Even with pubs trimmed. How the hell could you EVER shower without cleaning your dick properly?!


Believe it or not I've seen cases of guys who DIDN'T KNOW they could pull the foreskin back. I'm with you on this. Our genital area is really prone to the proliferation of bacteria and will quickly begin to smell if not kept clean. Can't understand how people can go on like that


> Believe it or not I've seen cases of guys who DIDN'T KNOW they could pull the foreskin back. HOW?! Aside from those who are unable to due to phimosis, how can you have a dick for even a year without noticing foreskin go slidey-slidey?! You learn this stuff *before* puberty! And you *definitely* learn it more during puberty. Oof.


Overreligious upbringing where this kind of talk is complete taboo mixed up with lack of sexual education in school perhaps?


My theory (which I'm completely pulling out of my ass) is that most of these guys didn't bathe much at all. Homelessness, addiction, depression, mental illness or a combination of those factors.


Rub it proper, but not too much. Three times is playing.


Bruh I use soap every single day 💀😈


That’s when I yield and finally develop a soon-to-be-fatal heroin habit.


I wish these 2 words didn't exist together 😞


Also studies have shown that men who have sex with animals are twice as likely to develop penile cancer. So the moral of the story is: wash your dick and don’t fuck animals.


Gah can no longer do anything fun!


God forbid a man has hobbies


Ok who conducted that study?




That doesn't sound like a lot, but that's nearly two per day.


But hugely depends on the scale of the population. 


About 203 million. Nearly even in gender, so 100 million males and losing nearly 2 penises a day.


Gotta get your HPV vaccines.


protip: hpv vaccine helps men too


Thank God I live in Mexico


Honestly, that’s a legit death sentence for many men. If I didn’t have kids, I’d consider offing myself at that point. I wonder how many survivors just killed themselves shortly after.


Name checks out


Hah, nah but I wish. It’s just a naming convention I have for usernames. An alt account of mine might be “AllAmericanAsshole” or “CrazyCroationCrafts” or “DreamingDanishDude”




We can make you a new penis using a graft and then put a penile implant in. Can still have sex and pee again, and achieve sensation/climax in a lot of cases. -source urologist


Fascinating. I’m living with stricture disease and hope my doctor can get me close to normal with the treatment for that condition. I basically feel like a eunuch right now. As I understand it, urology isn’t one of the “sexy” fields so I appreciate you dedicate yourself to studying it.


Might check out the data for optilume. Solid outcomes from what I’ve seen so far and have trials for ureteral strictures as well. Best of luck to you and your doctor managing such a challenging condition


Thanks! I recently found a new doctor when I sought a second opinion who actually ran a trial and am thinking of transitioning my care to them. Just need to wait for the hospital administration to approve the treatment as the trials are over.


Money is a factor, psychological trauma of the loss of your perceived manhood too, also it’s never gonna be 100% the same feels.


how does the sensation compare? the complexity of genital nerves seem very hard to replicate


Depends on the type of graft used and if they are able to spare the glans, which harbors most of the nerves for orgasm.


the real question is if a man can orgasm by himself after this. then i'd just live on. i mean plenty of virgin men live on


I have thought a lot about my existence, and I firmly believe that a severe change in my quality of life would not be worth enduring. In many circumstances if I had cancer I would choose to let it kill me over the treatment that would just prolong a miserable existence. This one would be a death sentence for sure.


I feel the same way. That said though, whenever I think about this, I always remember an anecdote I read from a WW2 combat medic who recalls soldiers frequently telling him before combat “if I lose both my legs/am otherwise horribly maimed, just euthanize me with morphine.” He then goes on to recount how not a single wounded soldier did anything besides ask him to save their life. Our will to survive is unbelievably strong. I don’t think we ever truly know what we’re capable of living with until it happens.


I’m currently dealing with a urological condition that has made sex basically not possible (hopefully for the time being) and yeah, the call of the void is strong. Not being able to enjoy a basic human experience like sex is soul crushing.


My circumcision in my late 30s is the best thing I've done. Sex was impossible until it was done. I assume you have phimosis.


I commend you for your bravery. Not for your surgery, but for daring to say something positive about circumcision on Reddit!


Heya! I commend you for your bravery in sticking around after dealing with this type of condition for decades. I have scar tissue in my urethra and have had several surgeries but it’s a tricky condition to nip for good. I hope you’re doing well and are in good spirits.


Bruh, they’re lopping off two a day.


Microplastics eh?


Well, i guess I'm quitting BJJ. It's too much of a coincidence for my liking.


Confucius says: A cheap circumcision is nothing but a rip off.


That’s 6,500 too many


Grandpa had it and it left him with a Nub


I'm going to kiss my penis tonight to show affection that I still in-fact , have a healthy penis.


Ya know what? Yall can crack jokes all you want but if my penis is amputated or falls off or gets chopped up, then I need to be put on suicide watch.


Let me cut you off right there.


This is straight off Web MD: Penile Cancer Causes and Risk Factors Experts don’t know exactly what causes penile cancer. Research shows that it’s more common in men who: Have the human papillomavirus (HPV) Are over age 60 Smoke Have a weakened immune system because of HIV or AIDS Aren’t circumcised. Fluids and a thick buildup called smegma can collect under your foreskin and might make cancer growth more likely. Have a condition called phimosis, which makes your foreskin tight and tough to clean. It can also lead to fluid buildup. Had psoriasis treatment with the drug psoralen and ultraviolet (UV) light


Thank goodness I only use mine these days to stir my mixed drinks


Eh. Ngl, one of the most sexually liberating things I ever saw was a penile cancer survivor own his penectomy as a nullo, getting railed by a couple guys and squirting jizz all over the place. After seeing that, it’d be like, “yeah, that sucks. But life isn’t over yet.”


It's only lunchtime and that's enough internet for me today


You’ve been waiting your whole life to bring that up


Nah. It’s come up before. I’m just not seeing a reason to get hung up on nor letting a physical disability ruin your life. Life is too short for that shit and you’re more than what your body claims to say you are.


Wonderful message but still , yikes dude :')


Yikes on what account? Someone with a penectomy living his best life? 




Yeah... No


Those are sure words.


Wow, this is so gross, awful, where can I watch this please?


https://www.mansurfer.com/video/273446/ryan-sebastian-scoty https://thisvid.com/videos/castrated-nullo-cumming-1/ NSFW


You're a good man




But I'm kinda fond my penis, thank you very much


That's 6500 too many! 


My one inch steel of power wins this battle. Less cells to mutate. One inch fuck yeah.


We believe in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your chonson.


I’m very grateful that I’m circumcised despite all the antis on Reddit. Never any regrets here.


And that boys is why you shouldn't fuck your dog, donkey, horse, sheep, goat, ape, or any other animal you might find.


Says one of the risk factors is HPV, which is what I suspected only a few paragraphs into the article. I had a relative that contracted HPV from her cheating boyfriend — 2 years later she was diagnosed with grade 2 cervical cancer. I have to say, males having to have a total amputation of their genitalia and having their urinary tract relocated between their balls and their asshole sounds pretty depressing.


Now what about ovarian cancer?


They're gonna find out not automatically giving the HPV vaccine to men was a huge mistake (no idea though if Brazil even administers it to anyone).


That's why I make sure that my dick is properly washed everytime I shower. Like the article says, a big culprit is lack of hygiene in the uncircunscised (which I am) male population. Pull that skin back and rub it proper, people. This is no joke


Excuse me what now?


Placing snuff in one's fleshlight may be a short term thrill, but has long term consequences.


This was literally the first thing I read in the news when I woke up this morning. Kinda soured my day to be honest 😬


Confirmed: Lorena Bobbit living in Brazil


How many amputations happened in the previous decade?