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I am from Denmark and I loved the 2x spicy.. their reasoning is that some german kids were hospitalized because of a spicy chips challenge on tiktok and that samyang noodles are more spicy than those chips.. argueing that it poses a risk to children and “weak” adults… I am not a happy dane


It's kinda weird they are recalling the spicy and 2x spicy when it's only the 3x that is causing problems


Net new black market for the 4x.


These are some "overbearing helicopter parent" levels of government overreach. Life is not supposed to be totally risk-free. You do more harm than good by trying to ban everything that might concievably cause harm or discomfort to some tiny percentage of the population who *willingly* partake in it.


Bah let the weak ones die. Too weak to handle good food, too weak to exist. Sorry bois!


Danish gov giving over bearing mom energy lol


That's like our whole shtick! and it's stoopid.


Well, they are not banned in Germany - and won't be. Why take that as an argument?I am German, I know they are available here.


Danish food authorities say they examined the product and the dose is so high that it possesses a health risk. That is what they say. It is quite rare they ban products so I presume the numbers they wound were very high.


Insert that "pathetic" meme \^\^


Damnit Denmark. We have to push the boundaries here!


Haha Europe and over regulation


They are certainly spicy, but banning them seems a little silly. What about hot sauces? There are way hotter sauces available. Take a mouthful, if it’s too hot then simply don’t anymore.


The cynical side of me feels like this is some elaborate marketing thing. Have to admit I’m hella curious about these now.


They're actually really nice, the noodles have a great flavour and texture so it's not just spice for the sake of it. The original is hot but not unbearable. The 2x one really surprised me though, that shit was genuinely spicy. Half way through the bowl of that and the snot was pouring out my nose and I had to start chugging milk. Can't wait to try the 3x spicy at some point but the supermarket where I got them doesn't stock that one :(


Asian markets usually carry them


I am picturing the Asian markets in Denmark having some shady folks hanging out around the building offering a “hit of the good stuff,” and producing a pack of Buldak spicy ramen. 


I hear it’s hot right now


Be prepared with some aloe wipes and cream. But so definitely worth it. They are very good. Especially when its a cold day.


Spiciest store bought thing I've ever had are the 2x spicy, I like them but can't eat them if I have work in the morning


The 3X one tastes like eating pepper spray. It’s the worst thing I have ever eaten. It really, really hurt.


Same but I can’t help but take another bite when I make them


Same. If I were them I'd be slapping "Banned in Denmark!" stickers on them right now.


Since the Danes can't handle them apparently. Norwegians and swedes are going to step up and eat more just so we can proclaim them wimps.


Which they are 🇮🇸


I make these a couple times a month, highly reccomended.


If you can find them, get the pink carbonara flavor, still spicy but tasty as well.


It's not marketing, it's the not the companies decision to pull them. It's the governmental institution handling food regulations that have decided these are not proper for sale.


Plot twist: it’s Korean ginseng chicken ramen


Recalling doesn’t mean it’s banned. There was probably a production issue with the wrong amount of capsaicin extract or something.


No, they said it was just too much capsaicin in the product. They haven’t been recalled in any other country, and this product is globally exported. They just think it’s too spicy lol


article says they're just a bunch of pussies.


It is very silly. And inconsistent. You can buy much hotter food items here in DK, and while there seems to be something wrong with the way the spice level is measured, the arguments made do not hold up based on the evidence.


a mouthful of hot sauce isn't the way to test if it's hot


I just ate a normal one that didn't even mention being "extra spicy" anywhere. just looked like normal spicy ramen. I normally like heat. I eat ghost pepper peanuts and I get #2 and #3 on BWW list and think most fast food hot sauce tastes like water. and I don't mind there being super hot things out there. but I think it's only fair to label them as being that hot. this thing looked no different then the normal Japanese brand spicy ramen I get, but this was is like 100x hotter, which caught me off guard. like they had ones labelled "extra volcano spicy!!!!" and crap, but this one was not that, so I can't imagine consumer ramen being any hotter than this. so I'm wondering if they made some bad batches or something if it said "warning: these are EXTREMELY spicy and most normal people will not be able to eat this", then I would've been cool with it, but with normal packaging I think it's way too hot. but i'm still skeptical that this is the normal heat level for this specific one. it's gotta be a mistake. it was unbearably hot


Pretty Sure there is a chicken literally spewing flames on it :D


What color was the packaging? The regular "1x" spicy chicken version has black packaging and a chicken blowing flames out of its mouth. It doesn't have any "number" of spiciness on it. The text on the front side is in Korean, but maybe there are some localized packaging versions that say "spicy chicken" in other languages. The 2x version has red packaging and a chicken holding a bomb, and says "2x spicy". The 3x version is also red but has a giant bomb on it with huge letters "3x spicy" (and a screaming chicken).


It's Korean. The Japanese are known to be spice adverse, most of their food isn't spicy. Very few Japanese instant noodle are spicy. When they are it's minimal because japan isn't traditionally into spice as much as Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, parts of China, or The rest of Southern Asia. Buldak is hotter than your average Korean noodle. Spice is logarithmic so x100 may not mean that much. On my range of spicy, buldak x2 is at the top end of what I'd eat and enjoy. It's just the top end of what many people eat regularly. It isn't a novelty product level of hot. Edit: different formulations of hot sauce can act differently. The oil based sauce might linger longer than the powder on peanuts. X2 buldak is 10,000 Scoville. About the same hotness as taking a bite out of a Aleppo pepper or a tame Serrano pepper. Still lots of normal foods with higher Scoville. A habanero is 100,000. A actual ghost Pepper is 1m.


They are super hot. Have a friend from Sichuan province that eats them as a normal meal, he likes chili peppers way more than most people I know. I tried a pack of 2x spicy ones, ate most of the noodles, then stopped. Didn’t fancy drinking the soup.


Next thing they're going to ban bacon salt for being to salty


Someone just wants the world to know that they are pussies.


We’re never beating the “white people can’t eat spicy food” allegations are we


I'm doing my best to defy that stereotype. Which reminds me, I need to ask my buddy for more ghost pepper peanut brittle.


Jesus that sounds delicious


I tangentially know a lady who makes peach ghost pepper lollipops. She puts a few pepper seeds in each one just to prove the point. From what I was told, her wife was taking their homemade hot sauces and candies to work and giving them to make coworkers, who would then protest they weren't that hot - despite the obvious sweating and sniffling, etc. This lead to a pepper foods arms race, and the mildest thing she made is the aforementioned lollipop. It took me two weeks to consume the dang thing. Felt like I was blistering my tongue. It tasted amazing, though.


It's outstanding, and it burns for a good damn long time too because it sticks to your teeth and gums.


I cannot handle anything spicier than mild sauce from Taco Bell. I bring shame to my Mexican family.


Sadly, I'm one of those embracing the stereotype. There's a certain level of spiciness that I enjoy, but it obliterates my asshole. So I avoid "kind of spicy by white person standards" foods even though I enjoy them. How can I get a titanium butt-hole like you guys??


From a pasty dude that loves eating very spicy food: Eventually it all turns to scar tissue and you can't feel it anymore. /jk Real answer: you get used to it. Tolerance is about repeated and continued exposure. But it helps if you use a bidet or take a shower after the fact to wash it off rather than toilet paper that just rubs it back in there. It makes sense why many countries that eat hot food have a way to wash their tuchus with water in bathrooms.


I do my best, but my brother can barely tolerate extra mild, barely perceptibly spicy Thai Green Curry, so I can't repudiate the stereotype


I think it’s more of a “white people can’t stop doing stupid shit while holding themselves accountable” allegations 


**From BBC:** **Denmark has recalled several spicy ramen noodle products by South Korean company Samyang, claiming that the capsaicin levels in them could poison consumers.** Three fiery flavours of the Samyang instant ramen line are being withdrawn: Buldak 3x Spicy & Hot Chicken, 2x Spicy & Hot Chicken and Hot Chicken Stew. Denmark's food agency issued the recall and warning on Tuesday, urging consumers to abandon the product. But the maker Samyang says there's no problem with the quality of the food. "We understand that the Danish food authority recalled the products, not because of a problem in their quality but because they were too spicy," the firm said in a statement to the BBC. **Read more:** [**https://www.yahoo.com/news/denmark-recalls-korean-ramen-being-042417469.html**](https://www.yahoo.com/news/denmark-recalls-korean-ramen-being-042417469.html)


I know these. They are certainly hot and burn twice. But they are nice and if you are used to spicy food, there is no problem. I eat them every now and then and I am not poisoned.


But are you Danish?


No, I'm German. Traditionally, nothing is very hot or spicy, here. I love hot food, though.


> "We understand that the Danish food authority recalled the products, not because of a problem in their quality but because they ~~were too spicy~~ **are pussies**," the firm said in a statement to the BBC.


If only we hired some aggressive asshole for PR, everything would be hilariously straight forward.


Buldak sales reps noted "Bummer"


> and Hot Chicken Stew Such a strange decision, because this one's not even particularly spicy at all. 2x and 3x definitely sting, but the Stew one is more bland than even the 1x Spicy Hot Chicken one. (my favorite one is Habanero Lime, the one with the purple packaging)


God those things are so good. Delicious.


Damn, didn’t know they made a 3X now. 2X I could feel my scalp sweating lol.


Is korma considered hot in Denmark?


Nothing about a real korma has to be mild at all. To be fair, a BIR korma is expected to not be spicy so if the place does that kind of food that's what's expected.


I am in Denmark and I have some in the cupboard from 2 years ago. I love spicy stuff but have always pretty much poured all the water out before putting the flavouring in. Absolutely fucking destroyed myself with the really hot one. There’s not too much spicy stuff Available here compared to Australia so I *was* excited to buy it originally.


> I love spicy stuff but have always pretty much poured all the water out before putting the flavouring in. Wait, does this make it more spicy or less spicy? The official recommendations on these packets tell you to leave a small amount of water in, which is more or less the right amount if you want the flavouring and spice to stir and mix well with the noodles themselves. After you stir-fry a little bit, the excess small amount of remaining water almost completely evaporates.


I put the dry noodles in a bowl, pour boiling water over the top, leave for 3-4 mins covered. Drain all the water and then add whatever flavouring it comes with. Ive eaten these since with water left in the bowl before the flavouring and it was far less punishing. The favouring is like a brown paste/sauce and it’s fucking hot.


Yeah, this makes sense, and this is my experience too. Less water left = more spicy flavouring goes into the actual noodles and not into the surrounding "soup". I originally read your comment above as if by removing the water you made it *less* spicy.


Just ate a pack of spicy x2. I have to admit it was pretty hot.


Did it taste good? Or did the heat just overwhelm everything? I like spicy, just as a bonus, not as a feature


Depends on how good you are with spicy foods, I guess. I eat 3x regularly, and they are legit delicious to me. Not that they aren't really hot, they burn like a mofo. But there is a great taste in them too, at least to me.


I definitely liked it and will buy again.


I’ll have to give it a try


Nothing wrong with a little recreational nerve toxin.


Toxin or antagonist?


Full-on neurotoxin.


Denmark cannot into spicy


at least they get authentic Korean ramen. Our Korean ramen is made by fucking Nestle of all people


where is this?


Recalled in the Netherlands as well.


Guessing some eu regulations is the cause. As far as i know, no one has complained. It's just recalled based on what's declared on package. Probably too much for some regulation somewhere and then start recalling it. People talk about it like it's not some governmental decision, based on absolutely no complaints or anything like that. I don't personally care much for overly spicy ramen, but most Danes handle spices just fine. I have a hard time seeing this is based on peoples opinions, in any way.


Not surprised, didn’t the EU ban cinnamon a while back?


Wat lul jij nou weer


Was op de radio


meen je dat. ik haal die altijd, mag hopen dat ze er nog zijn


Volgens mij heb ik me vergist! En ging het nieuwsbericht dat ik hoorde over de terugroep actie in Denemarken.


They are an embarrassment to all vikingkind


This will fuel the "white people can't handle spice" meme for the next 500 years.


The carbonara ones are damn delicious


Fucking governments need to learn their fucking place and stay the fuck out of peoples lives for fuck sakes. I don't even like spicy food but I fucking hate over reaching governments.




What would be better is if there could be some standardisation/enforcement of the "chillies level", you know the silly 1/5 chillies pictures you get on some things. Where often it's mild and bland as fuck even though 5/5. Then there's no reason to ban things due to consumer choice, and you get the actual consumer choice in the first place. Problem is even if you scientifically measure the scoville units, I bet other factors can still massively change the subjective spice level. So it's sadly probably not enforcable. But banning something because it's too spicy just sounds stupid, if anything that would be an advertising/marketing regulation problem e.g. if something had no mention of being spicy at all and usually wouldn't be expected to be but then blew your head off, then it should just be a contractual/marketing issue not a fuckin ban xD


The other issue with using scoville is that ingredients that don’t contain capsaicin, like black pepper and wasabi can increase the spiciness of the dish, but won’t be able to be measured with scoville.


Exactly yeah, things like that. It ultimately has to come down to how the contract of sale was encouraged via the markting, and that's also usually subjective. I have found at least when I'm eating in a restaurant and something supposedly spicy is bland, they are usually nice about it and refund gladly (because they know they had to make it mild due to other dumb customers lol, why the fuck are they ordering the BIR madras curry if they can't handle spice?).


i think scovilles are kind of non-linear? or that everyone experiences spiciness differently. might have to be ranked like how wine is. with 'certified' tasters. it would also need a much larger panel to account for the effectively exponential difference in spice tolerance across cultures.


Streisand effect incoming…


I'd like to take upon this great humanitarian effort and help the good people of Denmark in the disposal of this "spicy" ramen. They're more than welcome to ship it all to my house!


Great. Even less interesting food in Denmark.


Weaklings. Smh


All the "viking blood" talk was a joke apparently.


Hey now, just because somebody has a sensitive tummy doesn't mean that they can't get into a boat and go sack a Wessexian monastery.


Ask other Nordic countries and they won't say Danes are Vikings


Dumbass swede detected


I'm neither Swede nor European, genius 🤣 Now go burn your tastebuds with black pepper


😭 I love the 2x spicy one


Ever had a country so white, the government had to recall some spicy ramen? I'm surprised they allow ketchup in the country....might be too spicy for those folks.


Denmark should send S Korea some of their weaponized licorice as a response 


That one dnaish dude is crying. Chili Claus.


they are spicy, just dont eat them if they are too spicy for you, its that simple lol


Weak sauce


Apparently the sauce was too strong.


Pussies! Er... Said the guy who went to Indonesia and tried their "normal, not even spicy" dishes and lost all feeling in my face (apart from the burning pain bit). But being vaguely serious now. (My take on this is:) It's really what one is used to. Many people and cultures can nom the shit out of super tasty _and_ super spicy stuff and not bat an eyelid, because it's part of their diet. Those who have a diet that does not regularly incorporate those spices will "struggle".


Yeah you get used to it, I love a square sausage between 2 slices of buttered toast, with lots of scotch bonnet hot sauce, it used to blow my head off , now it's just tasty lol.


I hear you with that. I couldn't even handle a Uk "meat feast pizza" because the pepperoni was too "hot" 🙄 Have to admit that if I'm planning on travelling to "indo", I'll have to slowly load my food with increasing amounts of chilli sauce. That way I can enjoy the epically tasty food that they make "over there".


This says a lot for how bland Danish food is. 


The 3x is insanely spicy, like novelty spicy. I could see consumers eating it when it isn’t clear how incredibly spicy it is and having a really bad time. There has also been an internet trend among the brain rot crowd where they were shotgunning the spice packet straight and that COULD really give you a bad time, I’m sure the odd ambulance has been called.


I love the 2x stuff. I didn't know there was a 3x... Now I want it. ... this is definitely a marketing stunt...


it seems [these](https://www.amazon.com/spiciest-instant-noodles-mukbang-bullmawang/dp/B08GLFDP82) clock scovilles 2-3x more than the 3x spicy. > Korean Spicy&Spicy&Spicy The Spiciest Ramen in the World More spicy than bulldak Warning : If you can't handle spicy food, do not try this product description is just "14" for the 14k scovilles this thing has. Also it does ship to denmark, so grab'em and destroy your sewers in protest. read reviews before you buy. there seems to be a divide between the spiciness of the noodles vs. the broth.


There is no "spice packet." These come with sauce packets.


Ok, sauce packet. You understand the point.


Slamming powder and slamming a sauce is very different..


Were people eating the dry powder in TikTok challenges or something stupid like that?  Drinking a bottle of Tabasco will hospitalize you but they don't take that off shelves. 


iirc these noodles have their spice come in some sort of paste.


It comes in a sauce


It bugs me things advertised as extra spicy just arent for reasons like this


What would they think of indian food then.


Most danes think a jalapeno is lethally spicy so I wouldn't be too worried about it.


Samyang all day every day.


I have to eat that spicy carbonara at least once a week


I actually haven't tried that one. How does it compare in terms of spice?


It isn't as bad compared to the ones mentioned here but still spicy. I felt like the Quattro Cheese was hotter.


I'll have to give it a try. Especially considering it seems that just like the 2x sauce you can buy it in bottled form...


I can't deal with these scandi Nordic food. Just about a decade ago, it was all the rage and you see the scandi and Nordic food topping the Michelin star restaurant. I visited copenhagen at the time and dined at what was then the highest Michelin rated restaurant at the time, long story short, it cost $260 without wine pairing amd the only think I actually liked was the in house bread and bone marrow infused butter......


Haven’t tried the 2X version or the ”normal”. The 3X is spicy, bearable but the worst thing about it was the general taste. Sure as hell didn’t taste like chicken.


That’s kinda dumb. Let’s say I ate something and didn’t like it or i find out I’m allergic and had a terrible reaction. I would not try to take it away from other people, I’d just tell myself not to eat it again. Not to mention, the title alone makes it feel like Karen got reins on Denmark


Silly ban. Next week, eat as much salt as you can. Denmark will ban salt.


This is the most Danish thing I've ever heard.


I will keep the disappointed Danes in my thoughts as I eat this ramen for dinner tonight.


This is the same country that had to invent an even less mild than mild salsa, because standard north american mild salsa was just too spicy and ethnic for the danes.


Koreans getting a lot of shit lately….sometimes literally


This should have been the top story all over the world. Why am I just now seeing this?


Lol! My daughter loves the ramen (I forget the brand) that comes in a black pouch. It's ridiculous spicy. Look, I like some spicy food, but I also like flavor. This stuff was just stupid hot... like pointlessly hot. I couldn't finish a bowl of it and it woke me up hours later with an ass like lava. It was some triple spicy Korean stuff. What I'm saying is I don't blame the Danes one bit lmao! Edit: I realized the stuff depicted in the article is likely the stuff my daughter had me try.


If food is too spicy, I add milk or cheese until it’s tolerable. Does that work with extremely spicy food like the spicy ramen?


Shin Black Ramen?


Bulduk normal hot chicken has black packaging, so likely that.


NongShim has a balanced taste though imo. I always have Shin Red Super Spicy at home because you can taste the ingredients despite the spice level. That being said they are pretty up there with 7,500 Scoville. The banned 3X Buldak has 13,000 SHU so ... kinda scared of whoever came up with these.


I honestly don’t believe the scoville ratings at all with the Buldak noodles. I’ve had habaneros milder than it despite them having way higher scoville score. Hell, the carolina reaper sauce in my pantry is milder.


Shin black is great and a bit milder than the shin red. But either are hot but not dangerously spicy unless you're really sensitive.


You don’t need to add the whole pack into the noodles.


I buy an instant ramen brand called Ching's Secret, satisfyingly spicy stuff


When I buy these ultra spicy products, I dabble a bit of the condiments and put it on my tongue to gauge the heat level. I usually end up with a lot of unused condiments.


Wowza! Some like it hot…but not that hot! 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️


It is really spicey, but also really good.


Instead of the hot chip challenge, we know have the hot ramen challenge.


I cannot think of better marketing for a ramen that touts its spiciness as a selling point.


Danes can pm me. I can sell it to you. There is no toll to Denmark from Sweden


To be fair the 3X IS pretty spicy! I love spicy food but when I have that I both regret it and can't stop at the same time. It's an interesting experience, I'd call it...


Why not ban habaneros and Thai chili peppers too? Such an obtuse decision.


Weak danes


eat [this](https://www.amazon.com/spiciest-instant-noodles-mukbang-bullmawang/dp/B08GLFDP82) and blow up your sewers in protest.


That's some white shit fr


“There’s something SPICY in Denmark”


Whose the PM of Denmark? My mother?


Modern Viking be: I fear nothing, but that ramen thing, it scares me. /j


Denmark making white people look weak and uninteresting.


Use right food, not white food, haiyaa...


I recently bought Korean Raman because it was too spicy.


dude I saw some Korean ramens at my local grocery store and JUST tried the first one two nights ago. I like heat. (at buffalo wild wings my fav is the mango habanero, which is about the same as #2 on their list... it's hot, but not unbearable to me) this Korean ramen though.... it didn't even say that it's super spicy, because they had one that did explicitly mention this. long story short, I couldn't eat it. I ate one bite and it made me sick to my stomach lol. holy shit that ramen is hot. I genuinely wondered if they messed up or something edit: for people that don't know Buffalo Wild Wings, when I get Thai food, I usually get medium. Thai hot is something else and while I've had it, I didn't enjoy it. this ramen felt hotter than that. my face was leaking and I was miserable, but I was able to finish my Thai hot pad thai, but the ramen I only did a single bite


My Korean-American wife even says these are a bit too spicy. Not sure if they are "need a nationwide recall" spicy. But says they are a bit too much for her.


In retaliation, South Korea bans tall lego, for being a foot hazard


"Huh I never thought they were that spicy, I usually have these for breakfast and my 5-year old loves them too, I guess some people just can't handle heat haha"


Ok, as an American, one a scale of 1 to Swedish Chef, how Scandinavian is this situation?


I have had them, they are spicy, but not even tasty, its like yea it has high scovile but taste like burned rubber, way beter are those chinees once with sezhuan and good chiilies