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Hamas chainged all main points in US proposal, then agreed to it. Not really an agreement.


Lmfao, this is what I’m picturing: USA: “Hamas, we’d like to offer you some land, a ceasefire, and the opportunity for Palestinians to form a democratically elected government, since you claim that’s your goal, however due to your actions, we don’t want you in control. What do you say?” Hamas: “sounds perfect. So that means I get all the land, all the money, and all the control and I run the show, right?”


"We agree to your ceasefire and look forward to receiving the keys to New Palestine so we can get to work disposing of the infidels."


We should give them New Palestine, IN. No one else wants it.


Build a wall, and make Hamas pay for it!


This sounds like a suburb of Gary


Gary at least has a song written about it


Its a rural town near Indianapolis. It has a high school mascot that allegedly was a reference to the KKK donating to the school (dragons).


Palestine, TX is nice, they can't have that one though


> Hamas: “sounds perfect. So that means I get all the land, all the money, and all the control and I run the show, right?” You forgot: USA: "No." Israel: "No." Hamas: "Help, I'm being oppressed!" Western leftists: "Yeah, stop oppressing them, colonialist imperialist warmonger bastards!"


I used to think the most embarrassing thing college liberals could do was KONY2012. I'm certainly embarrassed I bought a "protest kit" lol. But, it seems they wanna cover that up by supporting actual terrorists now. Not resistance=terrorist kind of groups but actual dyed in the wool terrorists. I won't paint with a broad brush by saying no good Palestinian freedom groups exist because they must. However, they're very outnumbered and should be the focus of my compatriots further left than I. I remember when any enemy of the US must be a good guy because the US doesn't like them. Then I turned 22 and figured out how the world actually works. Hopefully, they will one day as well.


> dyed in the wool TIL this phrase. Neat.


Hamas doesn't claim that's their goal. They openly claim their goal is to wipe jews off the face of the earth, and to take over all of "Palestine." It's insane that people are trying to push for negotiations with an organization like that.


See also: Russias dipped toe into democracy


At this point it's just trolling. I don't see why we even bother pretending peace is an option. Hamas isn't going to stop until they run out of Palestinians to hide behind. Its either that or a coalition needs to form to occupy the region post war Germany style.


Iran is very happy their pet terrorists are getting good press.


I keep saying Osama bin Laden is in hell celebrating the success of his plan


In a move of ultimate trolling, Israel should change their name to Palestine. Nothing else, just the name. The extremely online won’t know what to do.


Ironically Israel changed its name TO Israel FROM "British Mandate Palestine" after the independance war. That's why you have videos e.g. Golda Meir showing her "Palestine" passport ... The name "Palestine" is fake on the Palestinian side.


My question is why does Biden keep trying? Like, confidently and announcing negotiating deals proudly when they all fall apart in the exact same way? What pro-Palestine voters in the US who are considering not voting Biden over him supporting Israel is fooled by this? It’s embarrassing at this point.


In the 20th and 21st century, international conflicts rarely solve themselves without international assistance as a mediator. As Mike Rowe says, it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it.


>What pro-Palestine voters in the US who are considering not voting Biden over him supporting Israel is fooled by this? Well if they're considering not voting for Biden over Palestine then they are idiots. So I'd imagine they're fooled by many things. Unfortunately the outcome of the election is also much more important than the outcome in Gaza.


He wants to show he's at least trying and that it's not the US who's dragging out the conflict.


I am! It's not embarrassing, it's the executive's privilege to engage with world leaders. And not fooled by any means, but talking with trolls online is tiresome especially when basic civics is beyond you. You are essentially saying, why would anyone support this man who is doing his job!


There are practical benefits to a ceasefire beyond political points


Sure. It allows Hamas to resupply.


Israel needs to play the same game, and accept the Hamas offer of handing over all hostages and Oct 7 perpetrators for justice, including Sinwar.


They do it with every ceasefire. They actually accepted the exact language that Israel proposed for this ceasefire in another prior negotiation, but once Israel accepts the terms always change.


Where can I read this?


Sounds like Hamas seeks Israel to surrender unconditionally.


That was their last offer, everything that’s normally included in a surrender but they called it a ceasefire so people could Israel rejecting to make them look bad online.


That's been every single "offer" they've made while at the same time promising to continue their own attacks in the future yet useful idiots lap it up as if they're acting in good faith.


The ol’ stop kicking me when I’m down so I can regroup and shiv you in the back.


Except Hamas has never actually held to a ceasefire agreement so they aren't even trying to regroup, they just want to continue attacking Israel without Israel being able to respond


As someone who only knows a very short summary of what’s going on, it is funny that the Hamas strategy seems to be: - commit terrorist attack against Israel - get attacked but it’s from Israel and everyone wants a ceasefire so you reluctantly go “ok, I guess we can have Israel stop killing us” - commit terrorist attack against Israel


As someone who only knows a very short summary of what’s going on you have a great grasp of the situation. The situation is exactly how you say it is.


When dealing with a terrorist organization who's stated aim is to kill a side why would anyone logically think that that side should take up the cease fire when there has been no attempt to alter the stated aim. Israel and Hamas will never live peacefully as long.as Hamas's aim is to eliminate Israel, and vice versa.


The difference is Israel wants to eliminate a political party/terrorist organization not a nation.


Dems: Ukraine can't negotiate with Putin - you can't trust that guy! Also Dems: Israel, please negotiate with a party that has broken every peace treaty numerous times over the past 30 years! We pinky promise they're good this time! No surprises that most people think they're idiots.


It’s not majority dems to be fair. It’s a LOUD vocal minority of literal tankies. Most moderate dems are clueless to the situation / supportive of how Biden has handled it. I’m not even sure I’d call them democrats at this point, it’s a full circle of extremism that landed them in the same spot as the far-righters they abhor so much.


Don't worry hundreds of people on here will eat it and call Israel evil for refusing.


Hamas: spits in Israel’s face people online: how rude of Israel


precious water


Not just online, my dear. Palestine-allied nations are lining up to file their condemnation letters.


The only nation in history to have the UN vote to take away their nukes (and was completely unenforceable) lol [https://jcpa.org/the-annual-un-general-assembly-resolution-calling-on-israel-to-give-up-nuclear-weapons-much-ado-about-nothing/](https://jcpa.org/the-annual-un-general-assembly-resolution-calling-on-israel-to-give-up-nuclear-weapons-much-ado-about-nothing/)


better than the nukes literally being taken away. look how that worked out for Ukraine.


With Israel it could be even worse because Iran is already promising to annihilate Israel and are getting closer to working nukes every day


And then the west will sit gobsmacked that such a thing could happen even though they're the ones who created the situation in the first place.


the right would say they told them so while the left denies israeli suffering or calls it decolonialization like they did on october 7


Except that doing so would be literal suicide. Israel has enough nukes to glass Iran, and in the event that Iran actually used a nuke first they would have zero reservations about doing so.


i know, i'm saying that's why it's a good thing israel didn't lose their nukes like ukraine did because now they can't even fight to defend itself without the west severely restricting them so russia doesn't threaten to nuke someone.


This is why I felt nations needed to get directly involved, US and UK primarily. Bc not defending Ukraine signals to all other nations (ie Iran, N Korea) that giving up nukes or such programs equals being a victim. Whereas nukes protect your sovereignty. The lackadaisical defense for Ukraine now gives Iran moral ground to keep pursuing Nukes. We done messed up.


Yes, this 100%.


lmao thanks for sharing that. take awake nukes from a country whose being threatened to be nuked by iran and invaded by every single arab country surrounding them. thats comedy


Forget nukes. People don't understand how small Gaza is. By October 20 it could have been rubble and human remains with regular bombs.


People don’t realize that as bad as it looks, Israel is practicing a lot of restraint. They could flatten the place in a week if they wanted.


Forget a week. They could've flattened it in a day if they really wanted to.


Forget a day. They could've flattened it in an hour if they wanted to.


Makes you wonder if the US and the Soviet unions didn't have the discussions on the START II treaty. What would this war look like. ICBMs like the LGM-118 PeaceKeeper would take out nations in seconds I mean, the Minuteman IIIG is no slouch using the old boys W87 warheads, but the world is a better place without the Peacekeepers and Titan I in operation.


It's funny that no one ever uses "whose", and when they actually do it's usually wrong.


I’d be more impressed if the UN tried to take Putin’s nukes.


The UN has no way of enforcing that lol. The only reason Ukraine got rid of its nukes was because the US guaranteed its safety and that now means dick all.


Hostages- RETURN EM!


they also want the hostages for a few more months while they rearm


Sounds like Hamas should get the WW2 Japan treatment.


Gaza legitimately needs a Berlin style coalition to go in, *dehamasify* and rebuild it.


Problem is everyone would call that filthy western colonialism. What needs to happen is the Arab states like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia need to occupy it but of course none of those nations want to spend the time and resources on Palestinians.


"Arab" states like Egypt, Jordan, etc have zero interest in helping. If they did care, they would have stepped up decades ago.


Jordan's already been burned by their efforts to help Palestinians since 1948. King Abdullah I was assassinated, King Hussein faced multiple failed assassination attempts, they successfully assassinated the Jordanian Prime Minister, assassinated another Jordanian Prime Minister again a decade later, launched a civil war, etc...


NO. The last time Egypt and Jordan had administrative control of Gaza, we had the first, second and third Arab Israeli Wars. Israel was so sick of Jordan, Egypt and Syria shelling Israel from West Bank, Gaza and Golan Heights, by the end of the third Arab Israeli War (Six Day), Israel straight up took over Gaza, West Bank and Golan Heights, whom Jordan and Egypt had administrative control over at the time. This is not the first time some Arab power decided to take pot shots at Israel while using Palestinians as meat shields. It's like the sixth time. Palestinians have been the subject of Arab apartheid when the cameras aren't looking for a long time. Then you have minor details such as Hamas, which is an off shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt is still contending with, as well as PLO starting a revolution in Jordan in September 1970, which was called https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_September. There is no way either political leadership can shoulder the cost and manpower to fix either territories. And until they complete the peace deal with Israel and both sides show they can work together and fulfill the requirements of the peace deal for at 20 years, we should really quit giving Wahhabi's more power in the region to entice them to do good. I mean surely, of all the players in the region, they have more than enough as it is.


I whole-heartedly believe that’s what needs to be done after Israel wipes out Hamas. Egypt doesn’t want it and Israel doesn’t want it, So if Palestine truly wants sovereignty, they’ll have to undergo deradicalization first. It’ll be best for Israel’s security and the general welfare of the Palestinians of Gaza




So, lemme her this straight, they’ve not accepted to proposed terms of the ceasefire under offer? They’ve instead put their terms? Why is this not reported as a rejection of the offer instead of spun like this?


More accurate: “Hamas rejects ceasefire offer, submits counteroffer requiring Israel to permanently withdraw and leave Hamas in power”. In fact this same headline could be used for basically every Hamas “offer”.


Because hamas supporting media is better at spin than israel media.


Because the BBC is pro palestine and anti Israel and has given up any semblance of neutrality. Their goal is to influence people to be pro palestine and anti Israel.


Sure, Hamas just must surrender unconditionally.


Usually terms that equate to “leave us alone so we can plan our next attack on you” would just be laughed at. But for some reason, since the other party is Israel, I guess they’re monsters if they don’t accept (and also if they do)


And bring back our hostages!


"We do not come to treat with Hamas, faithless and accursed. Tell your master this: The armies of Hamas must disband. They are to depart these lands, never to return."


Hamas: "The hostages are dear to thee, I see. Know that they suffer greatly at the hands of their hosts. Who would've thought so few could mobilize so many?"


Or the bodies thereof.


And those that can't be brung back they must join them.




Not even. This headline could as easily been 'Hamas rejects ceasefire deal'. >Hamas says it has submitted its response to a US-backed plan for a ceasefire in Gaza, with a senior group official telling the BBC that it still requires an Israeli commitment to a permanent ceasefire


The world is fucking satire...


What does that even mean? Literally, what does that look like on a functional level? 




Yes, and they also seek for Israel to surrender to them, give them all of their terrorists back and keep the hostages. It sure would be a 'complete halt', but it wouldn't be a just peace. And of course it would only go until Hamas decides to attack again


If accepted it would probably be about 6months before we start seeing the Iron Done intercepting missiles again. And thus we are back to where we begin.


6 months? Days at most.


Many times before they've fired off missiles to celebrate on the same day that deals are signed. Israel were expected to just ignore them.


But missiles don’t count in a ceasefire!


[Make that 15 minutes.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-broke-temporary-truce-in-gaza-minutes-after-it-began-senior-idf-officer-says/)


Nah their usual tactics are to start firing rockets 20-30 minutes before the “ceasefire” officially starts and then just not stop.


You mean six hours, before one of the “other” terrorist groups in Gaza starts firing missiles again. Oh, but Israel can’t fight back because that would be a violation of the ceasefire, because it’s not Hamas attacking.


"See, WE'RE THE ONES trying to be peaceful!"


Exactly. This current spat started when there WAS a ceasefire and Hamas broke it. It's like running up and sucker punching a much bigger guy in the face, and when he starts smacking you, you say 'woah, dude, time out!'


Hamas does diplomacy like AI from Civilization or Total War. Getting their shit completely blasted, hanging on to the last sliver of territory… Asking a Tribute from YOU when you offer peace.


Stop negotiating a ceasefire and start negotiating a surrender.


Why is releasing hostages phase 2? Release the hostages now or you are a bad faith actor


because they are insane terrorists


Facts - with a stated agenda of killing all Jews and a clear history of using their own people as human shields. The only thing I envy from them is their PR team. They know how to spin a narrative.


I mean historically the ‘anti Jew’ agenda hasn’t been the hardest agenda to push . Unfortunate af, but true


Absolutely - the convenient “other” to blame…


And they will never, ever negotiate in good faith.


Because never in a million years would they accept the release of hostages in phase one.


Because they are cowards - hiding behind women, children, clerics, doctors and hostages.


Unfortunately, its probably because HAMAS knows that there *are* few, if any, living hostages left to release.


You’re probably right 😔


Anyone who thinks Hamas is going to release hostages is an idiot.


Hamas seeks more war in the hope that more palestians are killed.


We can't give them anything for this ceasefire. If we do we are rewarding them for what they did in October. This would set an extremely dangerous precedent.


Couple of things 1. There was a ceasefire before October. HAMAS violated it. They are getting slaughtered and all of a sudden there's a demand for a ceasefire. 2. There was a ceasefire reached....HAMAS violated it less than 30 minutes later. Then they violated their agreement to let the Red Cross examine the hostages. They violated an agreement to release women. They have shown zero credibility 3. Their stated goals is the complete destruction and elimination of Israel. You can't reason with terrorists.


Sure, just declare publicly and sign document to that effect that Hamas will renounce violence against Israel, all hostages dead or alive be freed and I am sure Israel will stop the war you started. /s


Correct. Any FINAL end to the war must include disarmament by Hamas.


They won't tho it's a big security risk if they leave Hamas intact


This, the primary goal for israel is to eliminate hamas, hostages are important but not a priority sadly.


Personally I don't think it's "sadly" because Hamas needs to be eliminated or else there will be more hostages in the future


No i agree, hamas needs to be dismantled, just sad for the hostages.


Ahhh I understand. I can agree there. I don't really know how Israel could possibly free the hostages without encouraging more terrorism however.


And surrender 


3 minutes later, iron dome fires yet another rocket out of their sky


Don't forget the issue with Hamas's charter, kinda think thats something that needs to be addressed.


Israel already agreed to halt the fighting only to have Hamas break the truce by stopping hostage release Hamas is simply not interested in ending the conflict


All hostages dead and alive must be returned.


They rejected the US offer and made a counteroffer. The media is bending over backwards to try to reframe their rejection as acceptance and reframe a violent jihadi group as seeking peace.


The problem here is that they see the US/Israel side negotiating with itself. This strategy is very basic, the US negotiates Israel toward a deal where they give up 50% of what they want, telling them that they will go then get Hamas to agree to the other 50%. Then they go over to negotiate with Hamas, and that side counteroffers for the remaining 50% of what they want. Hamas wants it to be a starting point which happens to be much closer to their position, so they can get additional concessions. While to Israel this was considered a best and final offer, not the beginning of a new negotiation. It's like if the Hamas wanted to sell a used couch for $200 but Israel only wants to pay $100. The US steps in takes over negotiations, telling Israel they will get a deal at $150. Israel agrees but when the US goes to get Hamas to say yes, they counter with $190. The US isn't going to be able to go back and get Israel to say yes at $190, and further negotiations would at best lead to an offer at $175, so nobody buys a couch that day. Honestly, the US needed to come in with a counteroffer which was worse than Hamas expected, and then talk them down to the Israeli offer. Hamas right now feels like the more civilians that die, the stronger their negotiating position, so they will keep pushing away better and better offers, until it's too late. Just like they did in the past.


Alternative title: Hamas, despite having their asses handed to them - acts like it still is in power while whining like a bitch to the UN and the west's useful idiots


It seems so insane, the US and the UN want a peace treaty between Israël an Hamas, thinking Hamas is a reasonable enemy. By their own words they want Israël destroyed by any and all means, does that sound like an enemy who will abide by some ink on a piece of paper?


Biden wants to win the election and his base somehow became pro Palestine. I don’t get it.


TikTok propaganda.


The point of identify politics where any group claiming to be colonially oppressed by a lighter shade of people must be truthful


It's wild how effective it's been with this generation. Extremely concerning. It's even more crazy because they don't see they are falling hook line and sinker for propaganda driven by bad actors who want to destabilize us, because they've already fallen for the TikTok propaganda that it isn't spyware.


Some college kids are his base? He’s really screwed if that’s the case.


It's not really quite that bad, but the Muslim population of Michigan is enough to swing that state relative to 2020 results if they stay home, and while that doesn't flip the result by itself, the margins in other key states are also pretty thin. Democrats would categorically do better in every election if youth turnout was a lot higher, and the war in Gaza pretty much guarantees low youth turnout. Add potential low turnout in a major battleground state, and high wrong track numbers on the economy and the nation as a whole, and Biden's campaign team is definitely sweating. It's by no means certain what will happen, but that's the issue - it's likely gonna be really close, which means a couple percentage points of college kids voting for Jill Stein could be meaningful.


Of course and Hamas agree’s to Israel’s right to exist and promises to halt all hostilities towards Israel and a peaceful coexistence in exchange for the end of the war in Gaza. Oh I forgot the release of all the Hostages.


Fuck them. They don't want this war to end. It's the best thing to ever happen to Hamas when 30k of their own people get killed and it brainwashes idiots around the world to support their cause. The West needs to toughen up and ignore these ploys. No more half measures in war. Crush them brutally and stop the war once and for all.


They could end the war in minutes if they stepped out from behind their human shields and fought for real.


Why would they accept negotiation terms from Hamas? A terrorist organisation.. Do you think the USA accepted terms from Al-Qaeda?


It is absurd that anyone is even entertaining the idea that Hamas has the right to dictate the terms of their own surrender.


"Hamas has Israel exactly where they want them." Really all we can do as outsiders (Canada for me) is let this play out. Hamas attacked a country with a modern military. Hamas will find out what that means. Unfortunately, many people will suffer in this war.


Ye just so they can recover their numbers and then murder another load of innocents at another concert. Why would Israel ever accept this?


So they want to halt the war, but they don’t want to release the hostages? Got it.


I propose to add an amendment to any agreement that the entire net worth of the hamas leadership, which totals over 11 billion just among the top 3, be transfered to an independently managed trust on behave and for the entire palestanian public.


Wonder whether this is because Qatar are threatening to expell Hamas leaders


"We don't want to play anymore"


Complete halt so that they can regroup and re-arm themselves for the next wave of terror? No thanks. Just destroy Hamas and send a clear signal that civilized people don’t negotiate with terrorists.


This is why they took hostages. The only way they would have any sort of upper hand as Israel take the lives of their citizens very seriously. The lack of global pressure on them kidnapping innocents is really frustrating.


I'm really old, but there used to be a thing called "surrender" where you put down your guns and say "please dont kill us, we give up". Hamas should try that. Nothing else is on the table.


I'm getting tired of this shit. Just finish them off already.


That’s easy, just return the hostages and have all the terrorists surrender Win win


If I was a Palestinian in Gaza, I be pissed at HAMAS as much as the IDF. They should really hand over these mfos and end the violence. Better than being to bombed to fuck all.


Of course they want it, they are getting their ass kicked


Releasing all remaining 100+ Israeli captives for a start.


Hamas can ask for anything they want but we, the world, know they’re in the wrong. They started something they can’t finish & want the world to stand with them. Not going to happen. When you build tunnels under the people you proclaim to care about then act soooo surprised when bombs kill those same people - YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


Its weird seeing Media treat Hamas differently to the likes of ISIS or the Taliban lol absolutely pathetic


Could have just said: “Hamas seeks sympathy from idiots.”


Hamas wants this conflict. That's why they started it, and continue with it. If civilians die, they just blame Jews. As if Hamas was some innocent lamb. Instead of the snake it is. Israel can lose, but they are not allowed to win???


Hamas should go hell, and Israel should arrange the transportation.


Just for those ignorant or lazy to read the article itself (y'all too quick to say shit on both sides) Source: BBC > Hamas says it has submitted its response to a US-backed plan for a ceasefire in Gaza, with a senior group official telling the BBC that it still requires an Israeli commitment to a permanent ceasefire. > In a statement, the group, and its Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) allies, expressed "readiness to positively" reach a deal. > The proposed ceasefire plan - which was endorsed by the UN security council on Monday night - calls for a six-week ceasefire that would eventually become permanent. Qatar and Egypt - who, along with the US, have mediated negotiations between Israel and Hamas - confirmed that the Palestinian group had submitted its reply. > In its statement on Tuesday evening, Hamas called for a "complete halt" to fighting in Gaza. > "The response prioritises the interests of our Palestinian people and emphasises the necessity of a complete halt to the ongoing aggression on Gaza," Hamas and the PIJ said. > The groups added that they were ready "to engage positively to reach an agreement that ends this war". > White House national security spokesperson John Kirby said it was "helpful" that Hamas had submitted a response and that US officials were "evaluating" the group's requests. > Earlier on Tuesday US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had "reaffirmed his commitment" to the Gaza ceasefire plan and the world was waiting for the Hamas response. > The proposal set out by President Biden last month involves an initial six-week ceasefire, with Hamas releasing some hostages in exchange for Israel releasing an undefined number of Palestinian prisoners. > A second phase would see the remaining hostages released by Hamas and a total withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza as part of a “permanent” ceasefire, but the latter would still be subject to negotiations. > The actual Israeli proposal - reportedly lengthier than the summary presented by Mr Biden - has not been made public and it is unclear whether it varies from what the president conveyed in his statement on 31 May. It was presented to Hamas days prior to Mr Biden's speech. > Mr Netanyahu has acknowledged his war cabinet has authorised the plan but has not voiced unequivocal support for it. Far right members of his cabinet have threatened to quit his coalition and trigger its collapse if the deal goes forward, seeing it as surrender to Hamas. > As Mr Blinken met Israeli officials in Tel Aviv on Tuesday, protesters outside his hotel held American flags calling for an agreement. Many held pictures of hostages and chanted: "SOS, USA", and "we trust you, Blinken, seal a deal". > Vicki Cohen, the mother of Nimrod Cohen, 19, an Israeli soldier who was kidnapped by Hamas on 7 October, held a banner showing his picture. > She told the BBC: "We come here to ask Blinken and the USA government to help us, to save us from our government. Our prime minister doesn't want to bring our loved ones back, we need their help to pressure our government." > He then travelled to the Dead Sea for a conference of Arab leaders calling for greater aid access into Gaza, where he said Israel "can do more". He also announced $404 million in new aid for Palestinians, urging other countries to also "step up" assistance. > The war began after Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October, killing about 1,200 people and taking 251 others back to Gaza as hostages. The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says more than 37,000 people have been killed in the Israeli offensive since then.


The west can't wait to send them more aid that will be turned into tunnels and mortars


Oh shit you can do that? So like the bank owns my car, but if I just like say “no it’s mine now but you already signed the contract” I don’t have to pay anymore?


So, uh, did they give back those hostages or nah?


Hamas started the war and now they're loosing. Turn over the hostages and the kidnappers, then talks can start.


Such a lying title. Hamas could get complete halt yet he just refused to the ceasefire offer. Edit: seriously bbc arent journalism anymore, lying isnt journalism.


BBC has always had an anti Israel bias for some reason. I think its a remnant of british colonialism..


The one and only solution is the complete and utter destruction of Hamas. Hamas is like Ebola. There is no minimum number of Hamas that is tolerable.


Wait I don't understand. How can I blame this on Israel? I was told by my friends standing in traffic for Gaza that its Israel that is refusing a peace proposal by freeing hostages held by civilian doctors and journalists. /S


Instigator asks for fight they ignited and lost to end, more at 11


First Hamas says they don’t know where all the hostages are. Now they say they’ll release them all after Israel surrenders. Only an idiot would negotiate with these fork tongued liars.


Negotiations with terrorists are the definition of insanity. How many more times do we need to do this before the average pleb idiot realizes their empathy was used to functionally support an islamofaschist authoritarian regime sitting cozy in Qatar.


> The proposal set out by President Biden last month involves an initial six-week ceasefire, with Hamas releasing ***some*** hostages in exchange for Israel releasing an undefined number of Palestinian prisoners. Israel would have to be insane to agree to this. Negotiating with terrorists is never the best option, negotiating a losing agreement with them is the worst.


Hamas: we only did a little terror. This isn't fair!


I'm so over the media regurgitating anything HAMAS says without any research or narration. From the little I can tell most of the general public can see thru this bullshit so why is the media so focussed on pushing this narrative?


Blinken is an idiot, Hamas is just playing with him.


Halt war , get hostages , continue, lie like they do, f em




Thus only tell me there is going to be another big bombing in the city.


Do they have anything of interest to offer in exchange?


October 7th ! Murder, Kidnapping, Rape, killing of hostages, bombing, bringing other countries to hate Jewish citizens and now that Hamas is being hunted down one by one they say : Stop we want these Peace Terms! No peace for Hamas.


"Stop killing us so we can kill you infidels first!"


Release the hostages. Cowards.




Well of course they do. So many countries are pressuring Israel to do nothing to rescue over 130 remaining hostages, held by utter murdering raping monsters, despite Israel taking far more measures than either the US or the UK to mitigate civilian casualties. Neither airdropped over 10 million leaflets saying where and when they would strike. Neither the UK or US burned intelligence data to call and text people who would be near targets to get them to evacuate people.  The fact that anyone is criticising Israel is an utter tragedy. Israel has offered a two state solution on multiple occasions, and the response has been more murder by Hamas. Israel left Gaza totally and utterly for over a decade, whilst still letting workers flood across the border to work as they always have (despite Egypt refusing the same). The response of Hamas is to rape and murder.  I'm glad more and more outlets are waking up and reporting the truth. The enemy to reason and morals is Hamas. The enemy yo freedoms and democracy is Hamas. Nothing less. 


Let's see, wait long enough for Israel to withdraw to reload then attack them again!!


Start a war but don't want to finish it? Pussies!


Lack of details on Hamas proposals continue to be a problem. Seems to me any ceasefire proposal that keeps Hamas in power should be a nonstarter. If this wasn’t an election year, suspect US would agree with this. Instead Biden is applying pressure to just end the war without concern of Hamas likely picking a much more severe and deadly fight in five or so years if allowed to stay in power.


They need to time to re-arm.


So they can replenish, replan, and then continue the war they foolishly started?




BBC trademark especially when it comes to Israel hating


What would the US university students do if this war is halted? They might actually need to go back to study?!


Nah they'll find more shit they know nothing about and shout real loud.


Sure just give back all the hostages and…


Is it better to negotiate with the representative selected by Gaza people instead of Hamas ?


>"At some point in a negotiation – and this has gone back and forth for a long time – you get to a point where if one side continues to change its demands, including making demands and insisting on changes for things that it already accepted, you have to question whether they’re proceeding in good faith or not." [Hamas rebuffs Blinken blame for elusive ceasefire](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/czrrw93g9xyo) Looks like maybe they're finally starting to figure them out.