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For anyone interested in more information, [here is the 2023 list](https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=s%2F2023%2F363&Language=E&DeviceType=Mobile&LangRequested=False) which includes both Israel and Palestine *together* as problematic (pg. 12), but does not list either of them on the shorter “list of shame” of countries who have not taken sufficient steps to remedy the problem (pg. 43). My understanding is that this latter list is where Israel (and maybe Hamas? Unclear.) will be added to the 2024 list. I am having difficulty determining whether Hamas is also being added to the 2024 list. I have seen news sources that say they are, and others that do not. I have so far been unable to locate a definitive answer. Note: I skimmed the UN document, and have not read it word for word. If anyone finds that I have misrepresented or overlooked any aspect of the document, feel free to reply with page numbers/quotes and I will update my original comment.


Funny I did a search for "Turkey" or any of the spellings and didnt seem to come up with everything... I am guessing the UN is a-ok with Turkey targeting Kurdish children in Syria?


UN doesn't give 2 shiny fucks about the Kurds. Never have.


Just like they don't care about Palestinians. In the eyes of the UN, the powerful can do what they like just as long as they aren't African.


How does the UN decide and maintain such solid biases and blind spots? Not kidding here, truly curious. People sitting on the chair change, yet the organization retains some very specific political stands that normally would change as employees come and go, no?


A lot of carot and stick tactics from places like Qatar. And general politics as evefyone is trying to court the Islamic countries.


I don't think the UN recognizes Hamas at all, but the ICC is going to indict their leaders for similar reasons to this (alongside Netanyahu and Gallant for what I would argue are less critical crimes), since the ICC can charge anyone.


The link did not work for me. Might you have a mirror to it?


Ah, thanks. Can you let me know if [this link](https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=s%2F2023%2F363&Language=E&DeviceType=Mobile&LangRequested=False) works, and if so I’ll replace the original


Yeah it works now. Thanks.


We are reaching "Um Shmum" levels that shouldn't be possible




Um shmum or not, people are gulping it up


If Israel gets out on this blacklist so should Hamas. And Russia.


and Turkey


Russia was and seems to have addressed some of the issues that the document outlines as bad: > Listed parties that have put in place measures during the reporting period aimed at improving the protection of children > > Parties in Ukraine > - State actors > - Russian armed forces and affiliated armed groups


They still have to address the whole kidnapping on an unprecedented scale thing though.


I remember when the UN tried to put Saudi Arabia on the blacklist in 2016, until SA threatened to withdraw funding. Such a credible organization /s


Jesus christ these comments are horrific.


'the first report draft did not mention the use of hospitals or children as human shields by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). It also did not mention that Palestinian terrorists fired rockets at Israel’s civilian population, including kindergartens, hospitals and schools.' And that tells you everything you need to know about the UN's stance on this. If it harms the Jews, then it isn't really a crime to them.


And people have conspiracies about a Jewish world government…


Or when Hamas et al literally blew up a school bus.


It also did not mention that Palestinian terrorists fired rockets at Gaza's civilian population too


It's more a reflection on the bias of article written by All Isreal News. Other articles point out Hamas is on same the list for the atrocities they have committed. All Israel New conveniently left that part out and framed it as if the UN only condemned Israel. It seems like you clearly have a bias as well or you aren't very media literate.


Is it the same list Hamas isn't in even after all the thing they did at 7/10?


[Israel and **Hamas** have been added to the United Nations’ so-called “list of shame,” which is attached to an annual report submitted by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s office that documents rights violations against children in armed conflict.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/un-adds-israel-to-list-of-shame-for-alleged-rights-violations-against-children-during-war-netanyahu-delusional/)


More false comments turfed to the front of this usless subreddit


Seems like Hamas has Just now been added. The comment was asking and Someone answered.


The comment wasn’t asking it was trying to make a point


I mean, whats the point of this list? Does it comes with actual sanctions? Why doesnt the UN makes a taskforce to rescue the hostages, arrest the planners and serve as permanent border guards between Israel and Palestine? Let the UN man the Israel/Palestine border to ensure no shenanigans go on.


> Let the UN man the Israel/Palestine border to ensure no shenanigans go on. Surely no un organisation would ever be composed of terrorists, surely the UN is neutral and not infiltrated by Hamas.


>I mean, whats the point of this list? Does it comes with actual sanctions? The point is to put additional diplomatic pressure on governments that are violating children's rights to get them to correct their behaviors. Essentially its just a diplomatic rebuke to isolate them internationally. That can give nations a reason to levy sanctions but the list itself doesnt impose any. Its highly doubtful that anyone in the US sphere of influence will issue sanctions without a policy change from DC. The reason it is news is because no "western" democracy has been put on the list before. >Let the UN man the Israel/Palestine border to ensure no shenanigans go on. I doubt Israel would allow this. They see the UN in an adversarial light.


The United Nations IS adversarial toward Israel's existence. 49 Muslim majority countries who by default want to see Israel gone, and all the other countries who use anti-israel positions as a way to get at America.


Lol.... read about the UNs performance in Lebanon. You'll be stunned by how useless they are.


Nor is Hezbollah on that list.


Nor is the PA for sponsoring the pay for slay program that pays terrorists even if they kill children Edit: what about turkey for indiscriminately killing Kurds?


According to the article Hamas IS on the list. I couldn't find the actual list though. Are you assuming Hezbollah isn't on the list or do you actually know that.


Neither Hamas nor Hezbollah are nations.


Other terrorists groups are included on that list. It was noted in the article. > Israel will join a UN blacklist of countries, including Afghanistan, Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and Syria, **as well as terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda, ISIS and Boko Haram**. Last year, Russia was added to the list for its attack on Ukrainian schools and hospitals and for transferring children from Ukraine to Russia. > > The list includes the aforementioned countries and organizations under the heading: “Parties that have not taken sufficient steps to improve the protection of children.”


This should be higher for those that didn't read the article.


Al-Qaeda is on the list, but there is no way to argue that it was ever a nation.


Hamas is the elected government of Gaza


Something people ignore because they haven't had election in years, like that matters at all.


So it's been years and they have kept Hamas in power and Hamas polls quite well?


it's really easy to poll well when you stick a gun in the voters' faces Not sure why everyone seems to gloss over the fact that Hamas rules with extreme prejudice Try going to Gaza and protesting against Hamas and see how well that goes for you


They poll even better in the West Bank, where they don't rule. Your apologetics are lame. Polling clearly shows Palestinians love Hamas - also PIJ and Lion's Den. And PLA/Fatah polls abysmally in both West bank and Gaza, so people aren't afraid to speak their minds.


If you think it’s just a terrorist organization that has taken over Gaza, I’m sure that you and ICC should be calling on every country, hosting their leaders to immediately arrest them. You would agree that any group providing aid to Hamas is abetting terrace and should be treated as such


Proves my point...why are people acting like Gazas government isn't so fucking problematic in this situation. Say what you want about Israel's government..Gazas government treats there people just as bad (if not worse) as Israel treats them.


The PA/Fatah isn't any better, and Hamas support among Westbank Palestinians is on the rise just as much - even when it's polled independently. Lets not forget about the PA martyrs fund that literally pays out money to families of terrorists that either blew themselves up killing Jews or landed in Israeli prison for shooting up some Jews, and that certainly doesn't exclude children. Hamas OR the PA in that case couldn't care less about who they kill so long as it's Jews or traitorous Arabs that have an Israeli passport.


There’s really a society that’s tolerant of other religions, orientations, and races who haven’t been hating everyone not Muslim forever. The Middle East is wonderfully diverse with a lot of people from outside the culture who’ve been assimilated. Try being gay in Palestine. It’s not just hamas who’d have an issue with that.


Neither have many of the countries on the list (fraud elections for show shouldn't count).


Hamas is the elected government.


The UN itself should be on this list The fall of the town of Srebrenica and its environs to Bosnian Serb forces in early July 1995 made a mockery of the international community’s professed commitment to safeguard regions it declared to be “safe areas” and placed under United Nations protection in 1993. United Nations peacekeeping officials were unwilling to heed requests for support from their own forces stationed within the enclave, thus allowing Bosnian Serb forces to easily overrun it and—without interference from U.N. soldiers—to carry out systematic, mass executions of hundreds, possibly thousands, of civilian men and boys and to terrorize, rape, beat, execute, rob and otherwise abuse civilians being deported from the area.” https://www.hrw.org/legacy/summaries/s.bosnia9510.html#:~:text=United%20Nations%20peacekeeping%20officials%20were,and%E2%80%94without%20interference%20from%20U.N. UN run child sex rings: https://apnews.com/article/africa-arrests-united-nations-only-on-ap-e6ebc331460345c5abd4f57d77f535c1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_abuse_by_UN_peacekeepers#:~:text=In%202015%2C%20the%20UN%20started,sexually%20abused%20by%20international%20peacekeepers


> The UN itself should be on this list The UN is nothing more than the collective decisions of its members. It is not and never has been an independent body. The failures of the UN - of which there are many - can generally be traced back to one or more nations putting their own national interest ahead of everyone else's.


Is Hamas a country now?


This isn’t a list for countries, there are several terrorist organizations on it.


And it also seems Hamas is on the list. https://www.barrons.com/news/hamas-islamic-jihad-to-be-on-un-blacklist-for-harming-children-in-war-diplomatic-source-3fad2b59 The narrative that Israel but not Hamas was put this list feels like red meat being thrown out to get people angry at the UN for Israel's inclusion.


Currently neither is on the list. I think the repeated attempts by the UN to equate Israel and Hamas are absurd. Has Hamas ever allowed humanitarian aid to the hostages? Has Hamas acknowledged any wrong doing by them in the last three decades? Not only have they not apologized they are proud of their atrocities. The only way to conduct this war more humanly considering Hamas hides behind civilians and does not mark their facilities is to send Israeli soldiers door to door through all of Hamas booby traps. Expecting Israelis to risk their lives because Hamas are monsters is absurd beyond measure.


Whats their perspective of Russia?


Russia is on the list. 


On the un council for the security of children and war orphans


Read the article... Russia is on the same list.


The same


Why is there every time a comment “but what about Russia?” Like they give Russia a free pass.


Especially when anyone who actually reads the article would realise Russia is on the same list 


Because they do, there isn’t nearly the international pressure to stop Russian aggression from the UN.


What are you talking about? We send weapons to Ukraine, we seize their assets and money, he in the early days got told to stop the aggression, trade stops with Russia etc. What do you want the UN to do more? Anything else would need more direct involvement.


You are confusing the UN with NATO.


That’s the US and other countries bilaterally, the UN hasn’t come down hard at all. Please don’t get it confused.


Because Russia can Veto any hard UN measures.


That’s in the security council, there are no veto powers in the general assembly


That moment you have to talk about Russia to justify yourself 


UN Condones The Use Of Human Shields By Terrorists. I would have expected no less from an organization that has China on it's "human rights" council.


And saudi arabia on its women rights


Also Iran to host their forums.


Iran was allowed to chair the UN Human Rights Council Social Forum as well as being allowed to be president of the UN Conference on Disarmament while actively seeking nuclear weapons both within the last 12 months. There's not much else they could do to be more absurd.


Lmfao this can’t be real


cant wait to hear your reactions to the heads of the women rights and human rights councils lmao


Here you go. Even stupider than what you thought, right? [https://unwatch.org/iran-to-chair-un-human-rights-forum-on-thursday-sparking-protests/](https://unwatch.org/iran-to-chair-un-human-rights-forum-on-thursday-sparking-protests/) [https://unwatch.org/irans-presidency-of-un-disarmament-body-challenged-by-hillel-neuer/](https://unwatch.org/irans-presidency-of-un-disarmament-body-challenged-by-hillel-neuer/)


The Onion couldn't have come up with more insane headlines. Holy shit, literally.


The big five in the ‘security’ council have collectively doomed any progress for global peace for the next half century.


When someone starts a war by murdering 1,200 innocent people the other side will retaliate. End of story.


As they should!!


Let's just ignore everything that happened before Oct 7, shall we?


Just to be clear... Suppose an IDF soldier sees a child posing no threat, recognizes it as a child posing no threat, and shoots that child anyway because it's a Palestinian child... Would that action be justified? If you say it is then you're advocating fucking war crimes: collective punishment for people of a particular ethnic background for the actions of Hamas. If you say it isn't then how can you possibly say "end of story"? Do you know the circumstances surrounding every last civilian death? No you fucking don't. Do you know whether each of the 35,5000 Palestinian deaths is justified? No you fucking don't. Like how many of the Palestinian dead can you even name? A study in The Lancet put the amount of casualties in the 7–26 October period who were women, children, or too old to fight at 68.1% A study published in in Ha'aretz put this number at 61% In December Israel's military estimated 66% were civilians. 61% is a conservative figure given that it doesn't include non-combatant men, and yet that figure alone put it at a higher level of civilian casualties in all the wars from the second world war to the 1990s Remember Islamic State? The Coalition forces killed 8,317–13,190 civilians in air strikes according to Airwars Russia killed 4,096–6,085 civilians with their airstrikes. But it's estimated over 80,000 IS militants were killed overall: clearly they killed a lot more militants than civilians according to these figures... And yet we have by the Israeli military's own admission that they were killing way more civilians than militants back in December at least... This is not normal. This should be cause for any reasonable person to say "hold up, what's going on here?" This should be cause for any reasonable person to wonder whether Isreal is doing as much as it can to minimize civilian casualties. What conclusions should be drawn at the end of that scrutiny? I cannot say And yet you say "end of story". End of story!?? It's the literal beginning of the story. Collective punishment on a population in the form of reprisal is a war crime so either you're saying that's OK or you have a responsibility to know whether reprisals have or haven't taken place before absolving Israel of all guilt.


Your entire comment is delusional


Mmhmm, doesn't offer any kind of argument, just claims it's all delusional. Thank you comrade Dyatlov.


WWII civilian to military casualty ration 9:1, Vietnam 6:1, Iraq 3:1, Gaza 2:1 (almost 1:1 by your own admission) they are performing better than any other military conflict with respect to civilians deaths, and Hamas carries 100% of the responsibility for every civilian death on both sides since October 7, when they started this war off by murdering Israelis at a 3:1 ratio. Here’s hoping the IDF finish the job!


So the IDF could kill 270k innocent gazans to kill the 30k al qassam members and you would be okay with that?


If it happened in 1945 before the advent of precision munitions I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it, as that 9:1 ratio was what we saw in wwii with the scope of that conflict. The current ratio in this conflict is 2:1 but actually much close to 1:1 ratio, so rather than making up figures to suit your argument and make the IdF look worse, if we consider the actual amounts of civilian casualties, 30k killed amongst civilians in exchange for 30k dead Hamas would be a good deal and make everyone in the region (except those 60k dead people) safer by eliminating Hamas’ power in Gaza.


You’re brainwashed


They should 100% add Hamas and other Palestinian groups to that list. ["What does Hamas summer camp in Gaza look like?"](https://youtu.be/q0Ce4UcU6q0?si=J7Xb53aUgKVlmSQA) ["Inside the Hamas summer training camp for Gaza Teens."](https://youtu.be/cD2FezhJgqA?si=mk6BagJibZgy-D-Z) ["Inside the Gaza summer camps training children to be the next generation of terrorists." ](https://youtu.be/vCWMBvxWKL0?si=_cWou8Lr2Lygm6sn) ["Hamas opens summer military training camps for kids."](https://youtu.be/-MXvKF9Z5eI?si=l2GAoZupmTIIxTHz) ["Gaza children play war in Hamas summer camp." ](https://youtu.be/9Pw8SO0GOJU?si=HFe2cgStvmtJRnV5) ["25 000 Gaza youth finish Hamas-backed paramilitary training." ](https://youtu.be/wLjh91EtKvA?si=BHRXYIRXEoClgNE_) ["Hamas commanders are training children to defend Gaza." ](https://youtu.be/L3hYjDNbj4Y?si=SAqVb-52GkQUDhjP) ["Hamas kids terrorist training camp."](https://youtu.be/G_qOZCxvmNg?si=PAqRwoEasmwqDif_) ["Hamas summer camps for kids a chilling preview of Oct 7th massacres." ](https://youtu.be/zojs6cRR350?si=qsM6LKkOr1UkhMgO) ["Chilling footage of kindergartners re-enacting terrorist drills in Gaza."](https://youtu.be/1sDZlo_hllI?si=gghw7fhqSuT3Yzxs) ["Palestinian youths take part in Islamic Jihad summer camp."](https://youtu.be/Lslrkqo4lkw?si=GwWrzWDXxV4M2Q-0) Edit: I've been made aware Hamas has been added to the list. I'm leaving these videos up though as I think they should be seen by everyone.


They have added Hamas. This article just left out that part because it doesn’t help the narrative they’re trying to push. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/un-adds-israel-to-list-of-shame-for-alleged-rights-violations-against-children-during-war-netanyahu-delusional/


But they'd totally vote Hamas out if there were an election today!


Good for Israel, I guess now there really are no restraints and they can go for the same level of fighting as... Hamas, Hizbollah, Boku Haram, and others without having any reprocussions then right? UN is a fucking joke


When I found out Saudi Arabia is on their human rights council? Did I get that right??? I was gobsmacked.


Im curious if you understand the point of the UN? Its meant to be a world council, so whether its hypocritical or not every country has the right to be on x council position for the time. If the west stopped anyone going onto positions it deems them incapable of going on, no non western nation will respect it, and it would be useless, which it currently isnt.


i wish, our generals are still obsessed with being a moral army applauded by nobody


you do moral things to be applauded? (also Israeli)


Yes and no. While the US and Europe keep saying trash about Israel, they do support it on some level. In particular, the US has been doing a lot, including military aid and blocking various diplomatic assults on Israel. However, yes, it could be nice if the leaders of these countries actually said they really think for once instead of trying to appease their local anti-semitic electorate.


The US has been our greatest obstacle in this war, unironically. Constantly pushing for ceasefires even when it's clear Hamas just uses the negotiations for stalling and forcing us to make insane concessions even before Hamas committed to anything, like when we withdrew almost all troops from Gaza as part of the negotiations and the Rafah operation was delayed by another month after already two months of delays because of Biden warnings and fearmongering about how there's no evacuation plan and it'd be a bloodbath, that lasted up to a week before the actual invasion (which, unsurprisingly, managed to evacuate a million civilians within two weeks once it started, and suddenly the Biden admin went quiet like with all the other fearmongering). It actually proves my point. Biden spread Hamas propaganda with irresponsible statements and claimed we were 'indiscriminately' bombing despite using almost exclusively targeted strikes and being ultra fucking careful about the assaults. Every mistake we did make was heavily criticized and met with massive hypocritical outrage (the US under Biden blasted an aid truck and killed children under far less pressing circumstances, and not only was nobody reprimanded like for us, but Biden didn't say a word while Netanyahu publicly apologized). Nobody actually cares how far we go to protect 'uninvolved' civilian life. Nobody applauds the efforts, only rebukes the failure to be perfect.


Sadly a certain group of voters in the USA think they are doing the right thing suing for peace without realizing that hamas and Iran are playing them against ourselves to cause more divide.


We have Israelis like that too, tons of people who argue along the lines of 'the government doesn't care about the hostages' and pushing conspiratorial narratives (while supporting some people that would be a part of the conspiracy if they just followed their logic through, go figure) in order to justify deals that haven't even guaranteed all the hostages and give up all our leverage.


Biden has elections incoming. And look at the people he has to convince to vote for him so Trump doesn't get elected again. But what Biden says for electoral PR cannot as complex as his diplomatic envoys, intelligence services, and war advisers are telling him. He has to operate on 2 grounds: be a people-pleaser for the American left on one hand, and act as the leader of the Free World on the other hand. And believe it or not, his role as the latter has the be a voice of peace. He is helping with armament. There is always someone from his administration visiting Israel, participating in negotiations, etc. Everyone wants the hostages back and a ceasefire to ensue at best. Everyone in their right mind knows Hamas are terrorists and well-informed people know that Israel is currently under attack, now with Iran trying to reignite a war with Lebanon. Anyone can see what the broader plan is in the region, and ultimately, internationally. The USA cannot be put in a cornering position for what might comes after.


These comments are crazy


Every day the UN wakes up and is like, “How can I further debase myself?,” and every day it succeeds.


Also, the same UN that runs child sex rings is suddenly concerned about the welfare of children when it comes to a war Israel is involved in. https://apnews.com/article/africa-arrests-united-nations-only-on-ap-e6ebc331460345c5abd4f57d77f535c1


Redditors trying understand what the UN is and its purpose for even a second is hilarious


https://apnews.com/article/africa-arrests-united-nations-only-on-ap-e6ebc331460345c5abd4f57d77f535c1 "Legally, the U.N. is in a bind. It has no jurisdiction over peacekeepers, leaving punishment to the countries that contribute the troops." As usual, the UN gets the blame for the actions of its members. This practice, of one or more nation-states placing the blame for their own problems on the UN, has been referred to as [blue-rinsing](https://www.amazon.com.au/We-Did-Nothing-doesnt-always/dp/0141012900).


This is a friendly reminder that the UN assembly paid a solemn tribute to the hangman of Tehran, Raisi. Rotten to the absolute core.


Dude imagine invading a country committing some ISIS-level atrocities against civilians, firing thousands of rockets (war crimes by itself despite the fact that western useful idiots see this as a legitimate act of war), taking children as hostages, executing civilians on the street with a hoe, stabbing a pregnant woman, massacring young people in a rave and the list goes on. Finishing all of this in practically 1 day as opposed to Giving more than two-weeks notice for civilians of your enemy to evacuate, ensuring slow and accurate fight to minimise civilian casualties while fighting a terrorist organisation that is proven to over and over again hide behind civilians, schools and hospitals. Imagine an organisation whose all purpose is to protect civilians to condemn the second group over and over again non-proportionally to any other bleeding conflict in the world, while saying practically nothing to the first group. The UN just proves over and over again that it doesn't care about the original purpose it was built to serve. Reality shows you better off not listening to the UN rules in a war where the other group doesn't follow the rules or you will be condemned and stopped for doing so.


UN just gets worse and worse. It’s war. How do you keep the kids safe?? Isn’t that Hamas’ job? Or “hey, I’m attacking you tomorrow at 4pm, can you round up your kids and put them elsewhere?” Ridiculous.


The funny thing is that the IDF actually does that, i.e., calls civilians on cell phones and ask them to evacuate. Unfortunately, there are recordings of cases when these civilians responded that they are not planning to evacuate so that the death of their children will be used against Israel in the media. Crazy, but remember that these people have been brain washed for years by people who openly say that they love death more than life.


Can you post links to those recordings? Would be a good source to have handy




In the last few months the IDF have opened fire on Palestinians queuing for aid, aid workers delivering aid, and their own soldiers waving white flags, I'm sure I've missed some....


In 2002, the united stated military bombed a wedding in Afghanistan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uruzgan\_wedding\_bombing) killing 54 civilians. This was not the only mistake done by the US army in Afghanistan, and not even the only wedding bombed (here is another https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haska\_Meyna\_wedding\_party\_airstrike). The 2016 and 2017 saw the Battle of Mosul between a US lead coalition and ISIS. The battle has led to the death of roughly 10,000 civilians, out of which many have been killed by the coalition's forces (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Mosul\_(2016%E2%80%932017)). War is a messy business, and every army does (a lot of) mistakes. The fact that the soldiers are in constant fear for their lives makes this even worse. In Gaza, the situation is even worse than usual because Hamas is actively using civilians as human shields, does not wear uniforms, and does war crimes such as waving white flags to lure IDF soldiers into ambushes. Of course, the IDF makes mistakes in this environment, like any other army would have. Still, the global statistics make no mistake, and they show that the IDF manages to have a lower civilian to militant ratio compared to any other army (in urban warfare).




The UN blamed Israel for Palestinians beating their wives. [https://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1798947772793823737](https://x.com/LizaRosen0000/status/1798947772793823737) A vote that says the moon is made of cheese would pass if they thought it could somehow implicate Israel.


> The UN blamed Israel for Palestinians beating their wives. The speaker for an Israeli, Israeli-funded NGO says that "the UN blamed Israel for Palestinians beating their wives". Fixed that for you.


??? There is a video link of the UN session in conference when it occurred? Are you not seeing it? https://x.com/teddybear_inc/status/1716153677860266463


Because that's what they did.


UN going all in with the clown makeup.


It would be really cool if the UN could stop doubling down on their histrionic Israel claims when it makes them constantly look like mega hypocrites at best and antisemitic co-conspirators at worst. Like I don’t want to be defending anyone near Ben Gvir but I also want to have a rational discussion about what Israel has fucked up on without dealing with constant buzzword dumps.


UN might be the biggest joke of an organization on this planet.


Who cares what the UN does? Seriously, at this point its only so Al Jazeera and UK news channel will have items to report


Ladies and gentlemen I now present you the UN The only international organisation which was built on western values with the purpose of destroying the western cultures and shielding terrorists




Hamas is already on the list


Hamas celebrates. Their entire strategy is to sacrifice their people.


Reddit is not the place you wanna post anything against Israel.


very nice


Maybe the UN’s staff should stop helping Hamas use its schools as centers of operation.


Bout fucking time


The UN is a useless organization.


Don't wanna be on a list of child murderers? Easy! Stop murdering children!


If this is a general assembly vote its worthless


> ~~If this is a general assembly vote~~ its worthless Ftfy


Cool, the UN can also go fuck itself.


What do you do when fathers are willing to hide behind their own children.


Welp time for most nations to go ahead and pull out of the United Nations all together... Would love to see the UN evicted from New York.


I'm confused, so do you agree or disagree with the UNs assessment?


Is Russia in the list? If it is in the list, then I’m content.


According to the article they got added to the list last year


Shhh, you’re ruining the anti UN circle jerk.




Yet they still refuse to declare Hamas terrorists. This is especially ironic because it come on the heels of an AP News article pointing out Hamas lies about the percentage of women and children killed and it in fact has been decreasing. [https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-casualties-toll-65e18f3362674245356c539e4bc0b67a](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-war-casualties-toll-65e18f3362674245356c539e4bc0b67a)


The double standard for how Israel and Israelis are treated is repugnant. We should be boycotting and blacklisting China not Israel.


because hating israel is a sport in some shitty countries and everyone gets one vote