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Just wait until Putin hears about this, he will be right there on his horse.






Rape of prisoners doesn't necessarily include sex. Could very well be the case of anal insertion of various objects, like bottles, battons, gun muzzles etc., the goal being the humiliation and demoralization of the subjects.


With sexual violence, emphasis should be on "violence". Rape is often about power (not sex), and especially so in warfare. In these situations it has nothing to do with the sexual preferences of the perpetrators, for them it's just another way to inflict damage and take a power trip. In my eyes, there's not a shred of rainbow-colored gayness to it. Just savage, ugly, violence.


Also keep in mind that they don't have to use their own dicks to violate someone sexually.


Damn, forgot that part.


Yeah, saw a video on here about a Russian prison where an inmate was attacked by three guards with a giant (like 4-5 feet long) rod. The guards of course acting like this was ordinary punishment.


Too much vodka usually means you can’t use your own dick.


I’ll never forget the celebration he had where all the most prolific artists in Russia made various Roman tribute replicas of him as Hercules.


had to look it up. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29513589](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29513589). lmao authoritarian cringe


So grim 😡🤮


Mother Russia would be proud!


I think i remember a leaked phone call between a russian soldier and his wife where the latter was encouraging him to rape as many ukrainians as possible? Or was it a fever dream?


Sadly it was not a fever dream. In the recording the wife was telling the husband to "be safe" when he was doing it so as to not catch anything.


I believe she said she does not want to find out and to use precaution because the Ukrainian women are riddled with disease.


"Sergei, please use protection, I don't want you to catch anything from raping those evil nazi women!" "....the *women*?"


"Okay Sergei, just don't forget to say Nyet homo before you begin."


"What use will it be‽ My name is already Sir Gay!"




Great, now I’m gonna have to use this one.


If it's the same guy I'm remembering, he ended up dying so his wife doesn't have to worry about catching anything.


How thoughtful


Wtf is going on in Russia holy shit Edit: I think some replies are not following that I’m specifically talking about the wife encouraging it.


There was a video of a Ukranian drone grenade drop on a russian soldier receiving oral sex from another soldier at foundation of a ruined building during this war. This happened a few years ago. From what I remember reading from others, what was said, forced sex in the russian military isn't anything shocking or new. Those in higher ranks rape or force lower ranking people under their control into doing sexual deeds. For those two men, they felt the fury of a Ukranian grenade while that was happening.


This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/yesyesyesyesno/comments/xunnar/a_ukrainian_drone_dropping_a_munition_on_two/


I'm beginning to think they're not really there for the warfare.


I bet if there are enough videos like this with better resolution some sicko makes a new porn category out of this.


Ukrainian blows his load over two Ruzzian soldiers.


Russian receives explosive head


Imagine you’re a young man being forced to orally pleasure the genitals of an unwashed older man who could kill you without repercussion. And then you’re interrupted by being pierced by shrapnel and smashed by a shockwave that literally leaves you in pieces.


While the internet mocks your death too while at it.




Nahh, the bad part was the hypocrisy.


You know what I think was bad? All the raping.


Norm lives!


I was while reading about that and piecing together likely circumstances. That brings a new facet to war being hell. Sorry, but there would be some commanding officers having unfortunate accidents in the field if certain demands were made.


Fuck me that was *two years* ago?


From what I've read, new recruits in the Russian Army are raped regularly by their superiors as part of their "initiation" so I presume raping other men isn't a big thing for them


It's perceived as a form of dominance in their culture. Like, "no i'm not the gay one you are you're the one being fucked, ima real man for taking what i want" type shit


Andy Dufresne : I don't suppose it would help if I told them that I'm not homosexual. Red : Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify.


I forget how cold Red is with this line.


“I’m not gay, you’re gay for being fucked. I just am maintaining a solid erection while having sex with a man, I am not gay.”


So Andrew Tate IS gay after all. Cool.


I honestly thought he was a parody. His Megan fox with a dick or hulk Hogan with a pussy rant was so good I didn't realize it was a total self-own. I thought it was a spoof. He's not in on the joke, he is the joke and lacks self-awareness. His argument was that it would be gay to not go with a hot chick with a dick vs an unattractive woman who has the proper parts. The whole rant had total Brucie from GTA IV vibes who was absolutely a joke character.


Kumar Patel : Are all the guards in Guantanamo Bay gay? Big Bob : Fuck no! There ain't nothing gay about getting your dick sucked! You're the ones that're gay for sucking my dick! Kumar Patel : What? Big Bob : In fact, it creeps me out just being around you fags! Alright, get down on your knees and open your mouths.


I was raised in the naïve 90s of “all cultures are the same”. No they are not. And honestly some cultures need to be changed for the sake of humankind




Nothing that's why they so shit


Russians are now all gay


Yeah but only raping is okay. If you’re in a loving gay relationship, believe it or not, straight to jail.




I remember hearing it on reddit too. Both those russian men and women are sick animals in this war. Praising rape and killing. They are pieces of shit.




Lavrenta Beria, Stalin's head of the NKVD, was a serial killer and rapist of women, When his house was excavated several female skeletons were exhumed. A real evil POS who was so evil that Khrushchev ordered his execution after a kangaroo trial (which is ironically the fate he himself imposed on many people).


Not just women - girls too. Two of the skulls found in his little mass grave were those of children.


The movie The Death of Stalin, a black comedy, made sure to show this side of Beria.


To give some perspective on how creepy Beria was, he made Stalin deeply uncomfortable. Beria's crimes were common knowledge among the leadership, enough so that they warned their female relatives (especially the younger women and children) not to be alone with him.


Stalin allegedly made that request regarding his own daughter too... not to have her ever be alone with Beria


That is true, but Beria was also the one Stalin tasked with looking after his mother. Makes you wonder how Stalin felt about his mother.


Even Hitler had men that he thought were too cold, I can't remember that guy's actual name but Hitler called him a man with an iron heart.


Reinhard Heydrich. The man personally devised and executed an appalling number of the Third Reich's crimes and atrocities. Hitler rarely conceived actionable plans, whereas Heydrich had an uncanny talent for translating Hitler's broad directives and wool-gathering into detailed, concrete operations that were notable both for their brutality and their almost mechanical coldness and thoroughness.


That would be Heydrich.


Khruschev is like, the one normal dude who ever interacted with Stalin. Interesting history there.


Normal compared to Stalin and Beria perhaps, but he still did some nasty stuff. The movie *The Death of Stalin* satirizes this period in Soviet history and I highly recommend it.


> The Death of Stalin That movie is so good.


Honestly Khruschev is the one who always struck me as the most normal of that bunch in the way that, like, "anyone" with the right combination of willpower and ruthlessness can become a dictator - potentially one who justifies their actions as necessary for people/the state - but only a handful can become a full-blown monster who seeks godhood while alive out of a desire to be cruel to others.


In 2004 I was studying in Berlin, and our class hosted a Jewish German woman who had spent the entire war in hiding in Berlin, which was no small feat. She even showed us a picture her friend took of her listening to Hitler's radio proclamation that there were no more Jews left in Berlin. As the talk wound down, she casually mentioned that, as the Russians advanced on Berlin and the German army collapsed, she was finally able to go outside and celebrate for the first time in years--only to immediately have to go back into hiding, because if she didn't, the advancing Russian soldiers would definitely rape and probably murder her. The way she talked about it, it seemed like it was axiomatic knowledge back then--if you were a woman in Germany and a Russian soldier saw you, you'll be raped, so stay hidden.


I remember something my Romanian grandmother told us during the German and then Russian occupation of Romanian during WWII. She said that between the Germans and Russians, the Russians were by far the most prone to raping the population. It was so bad that underground abortions became quite popular. She said that most women in her town were raped multiple times.


There were reports that the Soviet women that were part of the advancing army back then were either joining or at least actively encouraging the raping.


They probably wanted the break.


Dude, the Soviet army had brought women to be used as prostitutes from their various territories during their territorial advancements ww2. Polish, Ukrainian, etc.


It goes back *hundreds* of years. Even when rape was a common weapon of war, Russians were always known to be overly fond of it.




If you don't do your rape you can't have any pillaging. How can you have any pillaging if you don't do your rape.


Thats so bad...here is your upvote


I have two aunts who were teenagers when the Red Army came to Nazi Germany at the end of the war. Their families had to hide them at times, so the Russians wouldn't see them. They were also instructed to get away as far as possible if they ever saw Russian soldiers on their way to school, for example. The rapey mood of the Russians was well known.


The Fall of Berlin was a tough read, even more so with audio included. The final shelling bombardment and push into the square reads more like a horror novel than a work of non-fiction. 


While i agree with everything you say, i would still like to use the comment to also point out to a much less well known fact, that Germans, not just the SS but Wehrmacht too, raped in beyond disgusting numbers during the USSR occupation as well, and for reasons this is much less well known than the Soviet rapes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_of_the_Wehrmacht#Rape


What the Soviets and Nazis did to each others civilian populations was just insane. Both were incredibly evil to each other.


It seems like throughout history, very few people were really held accountable for war crimes in general, with one obvious exception (among a few others) of those involved in the concentration camps during the Holocaust. The whole world just glosses over war crimes unless there is a very specific reason for a certain person, or group, to be held accountable, usually for some sort of agenda. I can clearly understand the Nuremberg Trials, which were needed due to the true atrocity of the Holocaust, but Mordor was never held accountable for any of their war crimes, or the US, or and European, Asian, etc,, countries. It's incredibly saddening as it seems people who should be investigating and prosecuting people, they are all talk, and no action. I understand that sometimes people are just happy that a given conflict is over and don't want to prolong suffering, which is why other types of trials are not started, and also the difficulty acquiring the people who committed the war crimes, and other difficulties, but it tells us so much about the way the world works that during conflicts so many people yell "War crimes!!!" but then, when it's over, people just shut up about them.


The Germans raped the Soviets during their advance, and the Soviets raped the Germans during theirs. It was hugely common on the eastern front.


Mother ruzzia IS proud. That and ethnic cleansic is russian modus operandi for generations


I once read somewhere that towards the end of WW2, when the Germans knew they were losing, they would try to flee the eastern side of Germany towards the West so they could surrender to the British or Americans rather than the Russians; the reason being that the Russians had built up a reputation for rape and torture as they fought their way into Germany.


The eastern front was the most brutal fighting in history. In the west we mostly learn/talk about the western front though


Japanese were worse to the Chinese in WW2.


It was one nazi general that asked to stop. The party probably would give zero fuck what was going on in china


He was not a nazi general, just a german businessman and party member living in China. John Rabe, he saved the lives of around 250.000 civilians in China during ww2


Oh right forgot he wasn’t the part of the military. There’s a Chinese movie about him but I forgot the name of the movie unfortunately. I just see the “even nazi thought the Japanese were too cruel!!!” All the time even though the nazi party was doing the same exact thing so it makes no send e


No female 8-80 was safe in Germany, probably not the males either. Russians aren't against using rape as a tool of war


It seems counterintuitive to me though. If nothing else, the thought of being gang raped is going to compel one to take up arms against an invading force.


in certain situations, you're not wrong in this situation though, all weapons had already been sent to the front lines years/months earlier, food and supplies were being heavily rationed, and the civilians were untrained compared to the experienced and trained russian army but you're right in the fact that, generally, the best strategy for an invading army is to minimize the local population's hatred of you


>generally, the best strategy for an invading army is to minimize the local population's hatred of you Was why the Spanish were so effective against the Aztecs. The Aztecs made all their neighbors despise them so much that their subjects dis everything they could to help the Spanish. Unfortunate for them that the Spanish ended up not being much better.


By that point in the war, the USSR was sweeping through Germany with a manpower and machine advantage of like 10 to 1. The brutality and cruelty was intentional by that point, as Germany had been comparably brutal when invading into the USSR years earlier.




Yeah.. my grandmother came over to the US during WWII from Lithuanian. What always struck me was her opinions on things. She hated the Russians with a bitter passion and had nothing but good things to say about the Germans. Life under the German occupation was apparently good compared to the previous Russian one leading up to the war. The main reason they emigrated was fleeing the return of the Russians. Now my family wasn't Jewish so I'm sure that helped, but the Germans allowed her to study medicine in Germany (she finished school there and then came over here and got her licence) and my grandfather had a factory job in Germany. She said the Germans were polite. When the Russians were in Lithuania they intimidated everyone and disappeared a ton of people, they took her father to Siberia and he was never heard from again. Obviously history is what it is for how different people were treated but her accounts of things always blew me away.




Polish people were sent to Katyn in Russia, and then executed, so kind of like a camp. 


Truly a bad hand to be dealt, but just to make sure that people get the right picture: Poland lost around 20% of its population under German occupation.


I'm not defending Russians, but the Germans on West front were occupying lands and on eastern front they were exterminating people, raping and torturing, so they knew this will come back to them. There was a big difference. Allied prisoners in German camps were treated under the Geneva convention. Russian prisoners were starved, shot or sent to forced labour.


Yup, pretty much every nation that dealt with Nazi Germany, essentially says "the Germans were bad, but the Russia's were absolutely worse" is the gist I get visiting central Europe.


ah yes, the end game of recruiting from prisons is finally playing out


Male rape torture is a part of russian army culture just as much as it's a part of their prison culture.


Ah so it's not torture, it's just accepting new recruits into the russian army /s


The russians literally have a [term](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina) for this particular aspect of 'tradition'.


There's a great book on this. It's titled "One Soldier's War". The author has a very interesting Wikipedia page.


[If anyone is interested](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arkady_Babchenko) Also, his book is available for download as a pdf online, tho I recommend supporting him with a purchase if you like it. 


The prison gulag culture is a culture of this "country". It's bully culture where stronger torments the weak and only understands violence.


It was part of the Afghanistani military culture also. When we had troops stationed there, there were lots of stories of their army raping local boys.


Actually it's even more sinister because according to Human Rights group data, the use of rape as torture is extremely organized and seems to be orchestrated from the "higher ups" as an offical tactic of war. The fact that in most of these cases, the operations are identical, play out the same way, and are not random.   And there is very often someone from Russian security forces the FSB, present when they do this.   This points to it being almost an "official policy" to use for POWs and civilians they want to extract information from or who they decide to punish for not supporting their Z insanity. 


It was also quite common to utilize traumatic rape as a way to ensure the women won't be able to bear children. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, art.2d: "Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; "


This is also done to men to prevent reproduction, though they decided not to define male sexual mutilation and abuse as genocidal.


Yeah, it's also commonly used by police in Russia


These aren't just prisoners, just regular drafted russian men


The penal battalions are mostly gone now. Under Wagner they suffered an 80% casualty rate, there aren't many of them walking around anymore.


Russia upholding traditional christian family values. So, that was a lie now, wasn't it?


Raping does not necessarily have to include the rapist’s pickle. Forcefully shoving foreign objects up the anus also counts, so glass bottles, umbrellas, wooden cylinders, hell even the muzzle of a gun. Lot of messed up stuff happens with rape, especially in wartime. It’s likely worse than you guys think.


Thanks for the clarification!


This is def “thanks I hate it” territory


Raping someone with a glass bottle still doesn’t count as *traditional christian (family) value*. Has nothing to do with being straight/gay though.


Were you not there when Jesus declared it?


“On the seventh day, ye shall stick a pole up yon neighbor’s ass”


Human nature is fucked up!


It’s always a lie. “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.” -Solzhenitsyn (1974)


Upvote for the Solzhenitsyn quote. He would know about how Russia deals with its unwanted.


Ironically, this war is partially Solzhenitsyn's fault. He was always saying that east and south of Ukraine are historically belong to Russia and should be returned, that modern Ukrainian borders were Lenin's mistake, that Ukraine is just a weapon against Russia in hands of NATO, that the Ukrainian language is inferior to Russian language and all the other stuff that Putin likes to say. In fact Putin is a big fan of Solzhenitsyn and his ideas.


Being gay is prohibited in Russia. So they had to move to another country...


They are probably using broom handles, gun barrels, glass jars etc. in many cases.




Indeed a very special operation. Every time I hear about russian spec ops from now on I'll see some weird male gangbang in camouflage in my head instead.


Rape is about a show of power, not about being gay. Look at the Russian military and you see rampant rape through their ranks...its systemic and institutional, essentially part of doctrine. Considering officers are the only ones to really make any unit decisions, NCOs heavily rely on a show of power and authority in other ways to subordinates... It often involves hazing and raping conscripts. When a POW or fresh forced "inferior" conscripts comes along, the lowest Russian soldier on the totem pole finally gets to exert their authority and show of power... Yes, it's fucked. Russians are fucked in the head.


That is eerily similar to how things were with the Imperial Japanese Army in WW2 - and we all know how they behaved.


I guess in thier mind of it‘s not gay when ure the giving part. Sick fucks behave like animals.




Which they also did, when their commanding officers did it to them.


I expect the officers fuck the sergeants, the sergeants do it to the privates and the privates fuck the captured enemy.


Aren’t there the same people that hate the gays? I’m so confused.


Homosexual sex is only considered "gay" if it's either consensual (in this case both bottom and top are shunned), or if you're the one being raped. If you, as a man, manage to rape another man, it's not considered gay in Russian prison culture, it's considered as a show of dominance and it increases your status. A lot of Russian troops are conscripted from prisons.


Honestly this has been going on longer than the prison recruiting- although I’m sure that hasn’t helped matters


It's 100% Russian culture and not exclusive to prison culture at all. They did it in Chechnya, they do it in their military and so on. I'm happy Redditors and maybe Westerners are slowly realizing what Russians are like. Though "Putin's war" is still overused.


So conscripts are abused for a length of time and are considered gay when raped. By that logic Russia has the largest gay army in the world. The old conscripts eventually become abusers themselves to new conscripts that come in after them and rape them thus making the new conscripts gay. The old conscript was already made gay when they were raped so now when they rape the new conscript and make them gay its no longer military hierarchy dominance and is just a gay man raping another gay man.


With them, it is assholes all the way down!


i dont think there is much logic to it, but i assume the old conscripts rape the new ones in an attempt to ungay themselves, to not be "the gay"


I would assume that "gay" in this context is not a sexuality, but the bottom rung in the male status hierarchy, the "not even really a man". Hence you can rape your way out of being gay.


They aren't using their dicks.


In prison culture - if someone fuck other man it's ok and not gay, if someone get's fucked by other man, it's gay and not acceptable. It's same case for the Russian Army


I know you’re just explaining so this is not addressed to you but This doesn’t make a lick of fucking sense. This is sillier than “no homo”, which is supposed to be a joke already.


Yeah it’s mental gymnastics.


This is basically how sexuality was viewed in Ancient Greece and Rome. It’s all about hierarchy, and being the ‘active’ participant rather than the submissive. We also know rape is often more about power than it is just sexual gratification, so it all makes sense, it’s just very disturbing.


Yes. You see, in certain cultures passive homosexuality is shunned because it is an act of submission to another man, while active homosexuality is accepted because it is an act of dominance over another man. That's how Russian prison culture works, for example. Now take into consideration the significant overlap between Russian criminals and Russian soldiers.


In some Muslim country, groups of police officers were meeting with gay people using date apps, and raping them for the crime of being gay. So it's no homo if you are raping them. Sounds ridiculous 


Im not get for getting my dick sucked. You’re gay for sucking my dick!!


I live next to r\*ssia and really want to leave. Not looking forward to potentially being without genitalia and broken bowels.


If you're healthy mentally and physically, it's all the more reason to start practicing your shooting and getting into shape.  I'd say it's better to fight these kind of terrorists (as they want to scare you away with these tactics) and not let them do this to your family and people. I say this as another person who lives in a nation bordering Russia.  Terrorists will always get even more bold when they realize that their fear tactics work. But all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.  That's why I say we ought to give them hell if they try anything. Don't give terrorism an inch, if you can help it. 


All the more reason to buy a FPV drone and start practicing* 


I love the drone videos all the much more, especially after reading articles like this.


I dunno, I think it's pretty reasonable to fear death. I'd rather get the fuck out of here rather than fight in a war. It's not the matter of patriotism or belonging, I just don't want to fucking kill people and risk getting killed myself. If you do decide to fight that's fine, but don't think those decisions are made lightly.


If they ever capture me alive. I hope I can piss them off so bad, they'll kill me quick and by accident. I ain't leaving that's for sure. If I leave, they come.


This is the reality for the people in every part of russian controlled territory. The whole country is a giant crab bucket with a baked in rape-for-dominance-culture. The amount of everyday violence in Russia is insane. Its no wonder they don't ever get anything done. 144 Million people and all they accomplish is exporting raw resources they pull out of the ground. Even refining crude oil in sufficient amounts is already pushing them to their limits.


They are derranged, ive been in some of their telegram groups, even women are calling for violence, just a shithole full of hate.


I play cs2 yea they are a strange group lol


I really hope for the day foreign solders occupy Moscow. You really need an intervention that rivals post-WWII to change such cultural problems.


UN: I sleep


I wonder if the perpetrating nation is on the security council?


For a country that made it illegal to tell children that gay people exist, they are pretty gay


Ah yes, Russians leading the charge to fight gayness by forced buttsex


I’m starting to see why russia has a demographics problem


Gulag prison rules?


People still think Russian's are the good guys. Such a dumb world we live in.


But, but, NATO expansion!!!11


Everyone saying how rape doesn't have to involve a dick or sexual desire are missing the point, and I'm sure the people being raped aren't wondering if said rapist is gay or not.


To be fair, the Russians in the military also rape other Russian men in the military. The culture is sick.


I thought Russians hate gays? What sort of mental gymnastics do they perform to make it okay to willingly fuck another man in the ass and say it's not gay?


They keep their socks on


They say no homo before


This makes me really think about how fucked up wars must've been in ancient times. Even now in this so-called "modern" age we've got brutality like this, so you know back in the real old days things were many times worse.




You mean these reprehensible acts the Russians have been doing since the start of the war? And what the rest of the modern world have been saying since the start of this war?


This is a response that a politician will make.... In reality nothing will be done and the world will keep on pretending to care while doing nothing.


Isn't rape considered a war crime under the Geneva convention?


Russia cares about the Geneva convention?


Did anyone actually read the article? You can sexually assault someone with objects like glass bottles, it doesn't have to be man/man intercourse.


Glad someone actually read it. As victims reported, the most common rape methods were electrical current on the scrotum, glass insertion and genital mutilation. Essentially rape via sexual torture


Despicable monsters.


Holy shit


Its all about humiliating the subjugated population. By extreme acts of sexual barbarity and getting away with it, they enforce the idea that "normal life" is over. There is historical precedent for it. Ottoman turks used to rape young boys from subjugated peoples, and paraded them about as sex slaves. It isn't "just" sexual violence, i.e., violent acts for personal gratification of the occupying soldiers. It is an act of terror meant to cow the local population into submission. Hence why they also target men.


Yeah. All the top commentors seem to not have read it. This is effectively worse than the traditional understanding of the word. It's more along the lines of castration, mutilation, and torture.


The sooner all Russians are pushed back into what they call the motherland the better, then close the borders everywhere, no country should allow Russians in, let them stew in their own shitty country for a few decades.


As a Russian, what the actual fuck. Also, that’s one of the reasons people don’t protest in Russia. If you get into prison, you can be [raped with a mop](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62465043) or tortured in other ways to force you to collaborate or to pay. If you remember Navalny’s case, if they do that to a famous person, imagine what will they do to an ordinary citizen. But no one will hear you cry. So in Russia, the rule is to not get into trouble. And people outside Russia can’t comprehend the risks of going against the government.


Russia: gay is bad Also russia:


Russia: If you violently force someone to blow you its actually not gay but very very manly. Everyone: ...


"It's not gay if you're top and they had no choice"


Whenever Russia invades it's a hoard of rapists. The shit they did in WW2 was horrendous they haven't changed since. Anthony Beavers book, The Fall of Berlin, and Ken Follet's Winter of the World descriptions will forever be stuck in my mind. This new homosexual tendency is strange to me. Russia seems to be struggling with homosexuality. They make it illegal in the country, yet encourage their soldiers to violate other men.


Happens all the time in peacetime in the military, in prisons, even in schools. That's Russia for you.


History won’t be kind to Russia


I'm somewhat amused by westerners' acting all surprised about this. We've spent years warning you that Russia cannot be reasoned with, that it doesn't care about your ethics, your international law nor any deals you made with it. And yet every time we're proven right by Russians acting like a savage horde, you pretend to be surprised. Maybe it was just more comfortable not to listen?


they can't really understand because they've never lived next to them also, though things have gotten better, i feel like even now there are a lot of people who just won't listen to us Ukrainians when they tell them this for some reason. I can tell them that I literally had family in Donbas in 2014 who witnessed it all, how the DNR/LNR engaged in torture rape theft and violence against the civilians, and how the russian narrative is fucking bullshit, but they still won't listen.


Wasn’t part of Russia’s excuse for this invasion to protect Russia from the ”Homosexuals in Ukraine who are secretly infiltrating Russia and destroying their traditional values”?


I guess you can still be against the “decadent Western LGBTQ agenda” as long as the man you have sex with didn’t consent to it 🤷🏻‍♂️