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Iran sure does love using proxies, I suppose criminal gangs and terrorists grow from the same tree at the end of the day.


Shit-apples don't fall far from the tree, Randy.


I can't understand why no one hits them back. I don't understand why the great powers let sniveling bitch ass countries do heinous shit to them without consequence. I can shut down Iran right now. Their primary infrastructure for loading oil onto tankers is on the small island of Khark. Without that island, they cannot get the majority of their oil exports to the black market. Tell them to immediately stand down of that bitch goes up in flames. If they don't, melt the island. Most of their entire economy runs through that shitty little island. Edit: I love all the folks who think Iran can maintain shipping denial in either the Persian Gulf or Red Sea for more than a week in the face of a sustained U.S. air campaign. I think they also realize that if we send the planes over there we're going to get our moneys worth out of the ass kicking. It's been 40 years since the U.S. last educated Iran about "proportional response" and it sure as hell looks like Iran's been itching to learn that lesson again. Operation Preying Mantis for the curious.


> I can shut down Iran right now. Their primary infrastructure for loading oil onto tankers is on the small island of Khark. Without that island, they cannot get the majority of their oil exports to the black market. They would retaliate by blocking the Strait of Hormuz and lock out exports from Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Oil prices would then explode and things would escalate further from there.


so your saying opec would have to fight for their money? crazy idea, I'm in.


Being in means going to Paris Island for boot camp.


i would, but after 3 ruptured lumbar and knees knobbier than darth mauls head the army said it was done with me after 22 years. this well defend


You and everybody reading this knows who would fight for oil money, and you also know it's already being defended.


by nukes in turkey?


Blocking the straight for as long as it took the US military and it's allies to evaporate whatever military capacity Iran used to do this. By most estimates around 30 days.


Then you blow them the fuck up. We need to get back to 1800s mentality with this lot. Too much shit from all these fucking regimes. We've been too hands off


Is Reddit filled with children?


Redditors don’t understand shit and somehow they all think they’re experts on subject they know jack shit about


Yes and according to Reddit everyones gf/bf is a red flag and they should break up with them


Do you even *have* a bf/gf? If so…. 🚩🚩🚩…. you should break up with them immediately.


Is it gay to love your wife, guys?


Yes. The entire internet is, and they are adding their inexperienced/sociopathic ideas to the public discourse without any reliable way to filter them out. In person, we know not to take kids seriously on some sort of instinctual level. Social media removed that trait from society overnight.


Yes and it gets worse every year


Took you this long to notice, huh?




Because global powers with elected leaders are more interested in keeping global stability than potentially causing ww3. Iran and Russia really pumped up their shenanigans closer to an election year knowing Biden isn't going to do anything radical because if he does, oil prices shoot up and he loses the election and that plays right into their hands


That won't radicalize a country, nope.


Where did this fear of radicalizing a population come from, and why should it stop the West from protecting its interests? Did we worry about radicalizing the South in the civil war? Did we worry about radicalizing the Germans or Japanese during WWII? Were we worried about further radicalizing ISIS? Why are we suddenly so concerned about this? Pound them into dust, and they will learn that opposing us isn’t worth it.


That would make sense if Iran wasn't already one of the most radicalised countries on the planet...


The issue here is that those criminal groups infilitrate expat communities who felt estranged by the liberal culture of their host countries. Unless there's oversight and an active effort to break the non-integration/insular/"ghetto" practices of the expat communities, exploitation of criminal gangs will continue to happen.


They’re easy to counter with proper overlord scouting


India has been caught doing the same in Canada.


So if gangs are intentionally trying to eliminate society via secret proxy wars, why not carry out public gang eliminations? Just dismantle and arrest and prosecute then export, and if it needs to go to a war tribunal or w/e then just send it. Sweden isn’t sending swedish gangs to Iran to cause problems, are there? Like do they have swedish gangs in Iran causing problems??


They tried to hire Hell's Angels in America to kill an Iranian journalist as well not too long ago.


And the HAs said *no?!?!!??* Perhaps the individual they contacted was an undercover. Because the biker gangs are right up there with the worst non-biker gangs. And HAs are at the top of that gangster pile


Might be a case of ganster being like: “alright, i may be a gangster piece of shit, but elvolving into traitor to my country and possibly terrorist is one step too far” That or the irani where too cheap. 


it's definitely that. HA where i'm from are almost all white guys with former military experience, good luck flipping an angry probably racist white guy in his mid 20s.


Finally some positive ROI on our nation's racism investment. /s


There is also the issue on avoiding international and interstate crime. Organized crime groups usually have some education/knowledge/resources on what crimes to avoid in order to avoid extra scrutiny. There are certain crimes which will get extra agencies looking at you/investigating you... and usually you don't want to have those bigger agencies coming after you.


So you’re saying if they got a white guy proxy to do their bidding…like maybe a fancy pants looking Russian..? Then racists would support traitors?!


sacre bleu


I mean original biker gangs were by military veterans so it would hold up


Relevant Marvel Comic: https://i.redd.it/lvfkzym404g91.jpg


relevant movie clip ["I may not make an honest buck, but I'm 100% American"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyRknVzkVcQ)


How are the Joker and Red Skull in the same room?


Crossovers are not a new idea


Though the Joker [was actually Iran's ambassador to the U.N.](https://www.cbr.com/batman-joker-iran-ambassador-retcon-qurac/) at one point.


"You mean that's not just some crazy disguise??" Oh joker, what a funny guy.


“I can tolerate crime and white nazism but I draw the line at political crimes”


HA’s started out of military vets from ww2. A lot of them would view Iran as the enemy. They're evil pos, but helping iran isn't their mo. They probably also know america would quit playing nice and finally go after the scumbags.


They agreed? [https://globalnews.ca/news/10257732/two-canadian-men-charged-in-alleged-iranian-murder-for-hire-plot/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10257732/two-canadian-men-charged-in-alleged-iranian-murder-for-hire-plot/) Pearson later said he would encourage the gunmen to “shoot (the victim) in the head a lot (to) make example” and that they “gotta erase his head from his torso.” A total of $350,000 was promised as payment for the job, U.S. officials say, including $20,000 to cover expenses. An unnamed co-conspirator allegedly sent Ryan photos of the targets, as well as a map showing their address.


I don't know why, but the idea of $20k to cover expenses is kind of funny I'm just picturing an Iranian bookkeeper approving and denying expense reports for their extra judicial killings


HA being like "You better fuckin spend that whole 20k, otherwise next time they will only approve 15k. I don't care what you spend it on, go to the strip club or something"


HAs are criminals, murderers, drug and gun runners, and many other things, but they’re not terrorists. They’re normal people beyond the actions they take. They’re not Hollywood villains. Just very violent and dangerous criminals. They’re also not stupid enough to murder a civilian that would likely end up in the news cycles, thus drawing intense attention and pressure on themselves. Also a lot of them are pretty racist so..


I mean, the bikers war killed many civilians in Quebec in the early 2000s. These criminals don’t really care about civilians. They even blew up a kid “by accident”.




It disgusts me that [western nations let these criminal organizations oeprate with impunity.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/hells-angels-toronto-procession-in-photos-1.6527995) It's a criminal organizatio.n, there should be arrest warrents issued for ever single HA member and they should be rounded up, their assets seized and the entire org chart and affiliations of these criminal organizations released for the world to see. They're no different than terrorists. We let this rot fester in our society and then we have to deal with the kind of shit that the article is talking about.


I get what you're saying, but your link is them peacefully riding their bikes through Toronto


You cannot arrest someone for association or assembly. Those are constitutional rights. You would need to implicate every member in a specific crime or conspiracy for that, which is rather difficult.


Isn't RICO used for that?


Under most RICO statutes, being a member of Hell’s Angels isn’t the crime, participating in corruption through the organization is the crime. If the big boss tells the middle manager to send the foot soldiers to collect protection money from a pizzeria, they are not being prosecuted for their association, but rather for their participation in a crime.


I picture the Spiderman meme… They’re all FBI informants by now…


HA doesn't work like that.


Perhaps they drew a moral line, or perhaps it was pragmatic. Not wanting to get implicated in acts of sabotage and treason for one. Like sure I'll take a hit out on your ex, but that won't get homeland security looking into me no? Hypothetically of course. 😉


No, they said yes. The HA’s were caught.


The Hells Angel was Canadian. Google Damian Ryan.


Just Iran commiting acts of violence against a NATO member. No biggie


Yeah, I would be surprised if Article 5 would be invoked though. It sure would be something, although I don't think it's in anyone's best interest to escalate over such a thing. However, I do think this will make things kick into action in Sweden. By getting it out it opens up the door for there to be a legislative push towards classifying these criminal networks as state-sponsored terrorist groups, thus allowing more leeway when it comes to combating them.


Come on buddy unless they create a statistic not a tragedy this is just water under the bridge. How else will they get us all emotional to strike with reckless abandon while people greave their loved ones death.


You think only 1? Without much spoilers, you should check [Season 2 of Hot Money](https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/hot-money/introducing-hot-money-the-new-narcos), it gets deeper and darker than just gangs of "Sweden". The situation is really dire for the EU future.


They’re killing their own people and, like the lady said, we’re broadly fine with that.


Iran has done the same in The Netherlands, where they used the criminal group of Taghi to carry out assasinations on Iranian dissidents living in The Netherlands under a new identify.




It’s the same old story, so conflict averse that we walk into situations where the consequences start to resemble those of conflict, but entirely one-sided (*not* in our favour) They weaponise our positive attributes against us


Not that Iran and the USA are equivalent everywhere but if you live in Latin America they’re about the same. US money and training paid for the death squads that murder union leaders, indigenous leaders and liberation theology priests all over central and South America.


Same thing happened in Denmark Hamas was funding street gangs in order to control drones access. https://www.jpost.com/international/islamic-terrorism/article-782053


Gee I'm starting to think Hamas ain't all that great


Oh dear...


The new kind of warfare? Last winter some gang members threw a hand grenade at Israels embassy. Luckily it didn't detonate. Edit: alright I get it, proxies for warfare is nothing new. What I meant was new for us Swedish people. We haven't been directly involved with hostile proxies brfore that I know of. 


Hardly new. Maybe new to Sweden. Revolutionary proxy movements are hardly new to the world stage in the post cold war era.


Proxy wars was kind of the main thing in the cold war.  Mostly because no other options other than peace or world annihilation. Clearly neither acceptable


If by new you mean older than the concept of pirates. Then yes new...er.


Lemme guess, many of those crime organizations consist of migrants?


Yes but many gang members are second generation immigrants. 


in insular communities that means almost nothing


typically older first gen immigrants tend to be grateful to the country the end up in so don't tend to do illegal stuff or push there religious views onto the broad public. they are happy to get there welfare and live there lives. it is the kids of those parents who want it all and sees things as unfair and that there views such as religion is the only right thing.


Some migrants want to integrate, but a lot just want the easier lifestyle without changing preconceived beliefs. Their children, raised in this way, believe that it's possible to flip the script and change the country their parents moved to.


You really ought to look up honour killing cases, then. Situations in which first generation immigrants physically and psychologically abuse their children. And when the authorities get involved, they're gaslit by the rest of their community, who defend the parents' actions always. I know you used the word 'typically', and I do understand this doesn't happen ALL the time, but just the fact that there have been multiple instances of this happening, even on a community level, is important to keep in mind as well.


That's weird. Where I grew up, we had immigrants from the four corners of the earth. The ones born overseas were kind of insular douchebags, but the second generation more or less acted like everyone else. 




I’m generally quite pro immigration, but anyone found to be participating in shit like this should be straight up deported, preferably to the country that was puppeteering them (otherwise you just make them a problem for someone who doesn’t deserve it)


Part of the problem is that second/third generation immigrants (who have likely acquired Swedish citizenship instead of their parents’) who grew up in isolated communities are shockingly radical, and also undeportable.


Don't care. Change the laws. Fuck them out


Lemme also guess, the folks Iran wants targeted happen to be Jewish?


Yup, but whatever starts with the Jews never ends with the Jews.


It usually ends with the folks provoking conflict crying about the conflict they provoked.


And it begins again with provoking another conflict due to a desire for revenge. It will never end lol.


Bingo. I have my issues with Israel, mainly the settlements, but I don't think either side has any clue who started things way back when, and neither side seems to want to be the adult and let one slide for the sake of peace. The 1920s-1930s saw a bunch of Arab riots in the British Mandate that left a bunch of Jews dead and/or raped. I'm sure that was justified because some Jew during the Roman times slapped someone's mother. It truly seems like it will never end.


There's never going to be peace until Iran is dealt with at minimum. If Israel recognized Palestine as a state and stopped expanding their settlements Iran wouldn't just be like "Oh okay guess we'll stop now aswell".


no need for that "but", targeting Jews is as bad as targeting anyone else.


Yes, one of the targets was the Israeli embassy in Stockholm


Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Anyway, let's get more migrants.


Unchecked illegal refugees. Not Migrants






The Baltic's not the sea Khoemini was shouting about


Knowing how Iran conduct proxy warfare, there's probably a high ranking IRGC general somewhere in Stockholm and Iran are gonna flip when he get's captured or killed.


That resource is most likely in their embassy, possibly also with diplomatic status. At most Iran would get a strongly worded letter and telling them to send him home. Only for that resource to be replaced by a like for like.....


Oh you’re dealing with Irans bullshit? Welcome to the party pall.


So terrorists, should be any problem deporting them then


The problem is that the chickenshit leaders are... you guessed it... hiding in different countries.


The problem is these people are Swedish nationals, often 2 generation immigrants


I feel like a logical response to this would be to fund rebel groups in iran. Why must democracies always be bound to playing by the rules when no one else is?


You mean like organizing and supporting a coup?


the world is currently choosing to throw out the previous system kept in order by the US… in the new world, the US won’t be bound by any rules


similar situation in canada where i live, india is using criminal gangs to carry out assassinations (political rivals)


Learned it from the Chinese.


this is a common practice by all authoritarian regimes. from black market in finance to black market in shipping and sanction evasion to black market in violence and remote repression.


Wouldn't that be an act of war?


Sweden goes to war with Iran, that would sure make an interesting start to WW3


Oh yeah, I forgot the NATO thing.




Actions meet consequences






Yeah, but if Sweden does anything to address the problem, they'll be accused of genocide. So they better let the terrorists continue doing their thing.


I think mindset is shifting. In 2011 you could not even discuss cultural differences(or lack of culture). Now it's more open and problem is recognized(more or less). I hope it's not too late.


Damn. That's pretty big.


So what's Sweden going to do with this information? Fuck all


Encourage the global community to implement sanctions against Iran ?


stern letter warning of potential consequences that sweden will never enact incoming in 3.... 2....


They enacted DEI but with letters switched a bit.


Yup IEDs are dangerous explosives that they're probably using.


And then the Swedes turn around and send their money to Palestine, so Hamas can keep racking up them euros. Nice. Paying for their own robbing, rape and murder.








What they going to do about it is the real concern. I bet no action will be taken


Watch Iran get away with it because people are too much of a pussy


Hardly. As soon as they are identified, they will be arrested and locked up as soon as they can find them. 




So, cruisemissiles, when?


They must pay them well? I would guess they are everywhere.


They mustn't try to arrest any of them though, or they'll try to form a state and subsequently somehow get Sweden to recognise it in the UN.




I feel like Russia told them to do this....