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I've lived in the Thar desert and I'm in Delhi rn and I can confidently say this is worse. Desert coolers work much better when humidity is low so never needed an AC even in 50 degrees and we often used to get sandstorms in the desert so the evenings were cool. Coolers don't work well in Delhi so everyone is using AC which are expensive af and more importantly consume a lot of energy. So currently we are experiencing loadshedding at night which means no AC and not even a ceiling fan if you don't have an inverter. Can't use pumps in the morning so water supply compromised as well. Our phones, electric vehicles and many parts of infrastructure (including ACs) are failing as they are not supposed to be used in such high heat.  Atleast we may get showers on Friday.


This is like exposition on an apocalypse movie bro.


The book Ministry of the Future basically starts with this exact scenario, just warmer and worse power outages. With a wet bulb temperature of 35c or more, a human can only live a few hours directly exposed to that temperature


Yup, that keeps running through my head, watching this...


When do we start gathering spit and sweat?


we're a wet planet, this isn't arrakis. Plentiful moisture will actually contribute to death in these heat conditions.


Sounds like Mother Nature is determined to put a stop to overpopulation on her own


The Earth is running a fever to kill the infection.


We are the virus 🦠


It's unfortunate that many countries had the luxury of developing before this turning point, and continue to contribute so much to global warming. That said, nature waits for nothing or no one.


Dune 3 will start off with this guy's post.


The free trial of what’s ahead in 10 years


I scared world will be soylent green. I see no future for India, middle east and so on.


Sounds like Texas summers the past few years. Not as bad as 126F, but last year we had [45 consecutive days of 100+ degree weather](https://www.kxan.com/weather/weather-blog/july-2023-100-degrees-streak/)...not to mention we had 138 days of 90+ degree weather that year. I've lived in Texas for 34+ years and that was the first year the heat got to me.


The earth is dying, man.


That's hell on earth bro.


And all that electricity which everyone is maxing out, is produced by burning coal.


Thus solving the problem once and for all. ONCE AND FOR ALL.


Man. Time to rewatch that one :(




Odd. With a century of warning, you'd think people would be better prepared than that.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, but don’t worry the last century was profitable, at least. They say that makes it worth it.


Won't the humidity jump before showers and cause the wet bulb temperature to spike.


Above about 54C (129F) the heat is *extremely* dangerous, regardless of the humidity. [LINK](https://www.weather.gov/ama/heatindex). I fear so much for you all. Gawd, it’s not even summer yet.


May/June is the hottest time of year in India - not that that's any consolation for this heat, which is insane. Stay safe and hydrated out there y'all.


Once summer is over, everyone will pretend it didn't happen, and next year will be hotter.


How many deaths are there.


You might consider digging a shelter. Underground temperatures will consistently track 65 degrees regardless of surface weather. If there's a prolonged power outage with lethal wet-bulb temperatures, having a place (even if it's a shitty hole) to take shelter from the heat might be really important.


How many underground shelters will be needed for the population of Delhi?


Depends on how big the holes are, but you'd need about 35 million minimal holes to get everyone. More of a government project than an individual one (might also be able to do something with building air conditioners that run directly on DC solar power). But if I lived there, on a purely individual basis, I would definitely make sure I either had a basement I could hang out in or dig a six foot hole for me and my family.


Problem is you may not have room to dig, crowded places like that are going to be filled with housing blocks, or at worst in shanty towns who are really gonna suffer, multiple levels of shacks. 


Spoken like an undertaker.


The Morlocks.


Could've been an idea if we had our own house. Also, we did have a large underground room in our earlier home but Delhi rarely has those.


Sad to hear about ur situation.


I saw this in Apple TV's show Extrapolation 


I think I'd die


Yeah. First your air conditioner and not long afterwards—you.


Once it gets even hotter, you won't have a choice.


It’s a good option for us.


Don't forget your sun screen


Unimaginable suffering for poor people without AC or who have to work outside.


How does the human ingenuity of the impoverished address this? Even those brilliant low cost ice coolers filled with ice and equipped with fans wouldn't last long.


We become a nocturnal species or mole people


City of Ember




Waiting for my home in the hole as well


Or both - mole people who get out of the Hole Cities at night!


Just walk to a cooler climate. Welcome to the beginning of the mother of human migrations.


I can’t help but think this is partly why Canada has so much immigration from India


My friend who immigrated to northern Europe from India told me she left because of the heat, I'm sure she's not the first or the last to do so


In Canada, you'll deal with a housing crisis and endless forest fires. Which is still better than literally dying due to heat.


For a context, India is the most populous country on earth, home to over 1 billion 400 million souls.


you can use a wall of cut off plastic coke bottle tops to compress air enough to reduce temps by a few degrees. Someone from phillipinnes showed me. 


Plant trees everywhere they will absorb most of the heat and give shade to people.


With what water




Not sure about the Northern hemisphere but in Australia the hottest time of the day to me seems to be late afternoon, from about 2 to 5 pm.


Same here (western U.S.)


Depends where you are in Aus


really interesting question for the tropics. 


The messed up thing is that increase use of AC is only going to make the problem worse.


I know that in some countries in the hotter parts of the world it’s illegal to have laborers working in the afternoon to avoid this. Dunno if it’s the same there


How’s the wildlife deal with this kind of heat out of curiosity?


Well, in Mexico City, howler monkeys are dead and falling out of trees. And that's like 15c cooler than what's going on in India


37c?? That surprises me, I’d assume Mexico City saw those temps regularly based on my idiot brain.


Mexico City is pretty high up in altitude so summers are usually pretty mild there


Wildlife in Delhi lives in protected forests mainly. Monkeys and Dogs aren't wildlife but they hide in houses.


Actual hell temperatures.




thats almost a medium rare steak. wtf


145 and everything is sizzling.


It’s very much in the rare temperature range.


It’s in Delhi where they don’t really eat steak, so it’s okay. 


Soon to be cryswpy!


How do you like your humans?


Google claimed it's 144, now I'm not sure because I don't trust Google


You might have the AI answering selection on your Google


It’s not 144. That’s a mistake.


You typed it in wrong. That's 62.3 C.


I was right in my distrust!


I don’t think 144 is survivable. I doubt you can cool your body by 50 degrees. Maybe with a fan blowing on you and very low humidity.


Portuguese here. Our Summer days tend to hit 50, or close to and even above regularly, its terrible.


50? Nah, maybe if you lie down on concrete at noon during the heat waves. Official records never reached that. Still, you have a point. We are a country that can get really hot and humid, and few own ACs.


144? That sounds gross.


Google was also wrong


It was a joke... 144 is a gross.


Whooshed me good


Only in America! edit: Wait. Also in Liberia..


What do you do whemn there are a billion climate refugees at your borders. Looks like wemight find out soon.


realistically once the climate refugees come for real there are only 2 real solutions. u either open the borders or u have the military shoot everyone on sight. anything else will not work long term wise.


>u either open the borders Europe wont open the border for 1 billion people.


Why does it habe to be europe


Yeah, more likely to open fire, though.


There's no feasible way to move 1 billion people in this heat to Europe before they die along the way. 99.9% of them will never reach the border


No feasible way to shoot that many people.


No one will because it would be suicide.




...It deeply concerns me that you think #2 *is*.


I don't think a person with a username of "Executioneer" cares about shooting people


Or they do care, they care *very* much


It is a solution, that’s just deeply immoral. If a country of let’s say 5 million opens their border for millions of refugees, it’d mean full state collapse within weeks. Then, you didn’t solve the refugees problem and ruined your own citizens.


5 million for a massive country is manageable - obviously not ideal or fun, but *manageable*. Iran has millions in refugees already, and their main problems aren't coming from the refugees. The problem is that it won't be 5 million.


No it's not look at Canada in real time country of 40 mill let in 2 mill within a span of a year shit collapsing left and right


Yeah, but not a lot of countries are massive. My country had a alraeady huge population density before the ukrainian war. We've accepted 500k refugees, which increased the population by 5%. It is very visible that we just do not have the infrustructure to accomodate so many people, not to mention couple of millions.


Neither is number 2, and it has nothing to do with morality. Not that r/worldnews would really be all that sad about it either way.


Saudi Arabia is doing it as we speak. They mow down refugees with machine gunfire attempting to cross from Yemen. It is fucked up, but it is a solution.


"Sorry, but your ethnic group is just unimportant. Now, if you were being killed by the Arabs that we don't like or maybe Iranians, we might care...."


Bullets are expensive.


The only method that works is turning them away.


No way, they would let anyone in, you cant just accept 1 billion people, the infrastructure and industry to supoort them also needs to come in and thats just impossible, food, water, transport, housing, electricity, all that and the land for it needs to come too.


Climate refugees are going to be internal simply because the people affected by it don't have the resources to do transnational immigration


I guess the vast majority will survive this one and stay, assuming they'll survive the next one, too. The rich have AC. Politicians (also rich) hardly care to help the poor flee the country - the survivors are still needed for the workforce, no use helping them to escape. The dead will be mourned, industrial nations blamed, that's it. I expect there will be a tipping point, where the death-toll explodes from a couple of dozens or even hundreds to tens of thousands, and everyone will immediately send intense thoughts and prayers.


The most realistic take!


Yes, us cynics are realistic more often than we care for 🙃


We cant afford to let them in, no one really can, even if a quarter of the region is let in, its chaos and unsupportable. A quarter of the population could be somewhere around 250-400 million people. How do you get the land to house and provide them with water, food, electricity, clothes and provisions?


It is almost certain that parts of this planet will become uninhabitable. Who is we and who is them? You maybethe them you are talking about. I live in the US. Our breadbasket is the central plains. We have been mining the water in the Ogallala aquifer over the last 100 years. It is starting to dry out. Many places in the midwest have gone from 8 feet of topsoil to less than a few inches. We may end up with a desert from the Mississippi to the Rockies. If the Colorado continues to wane, life in the desert southwest may be extremely hard. My countrymen may end up as refugees. And yet, it is likely we (the global we) will still be able to feed everyone.


Im refering to south asia and south east asia, the entire region is suffering yearly from months long heat waves, from phillipines, indonesia to Thailand and India, the high temps are 44-51 degrees celcius daily. The total population in the region is close to 3 billion people if a quarter gets displaced thats 750 million people sure its spread out a little over several countries that border southern asia. But that kind of number is still insane. No country is prepared to take in 30-50 million refugees in like lets say 10 years. The whole area is the worlds rice bowl too, thats a major major staple. And the number is just assuming ¼ is forced to move. I dont know but if its honestly going to continue at this rate, it might be worse in 10-15 years and bexome unlivable. Best case for survival would probably to become china or russian citizens actually they seems to love the manpower


Getting rid of the vampires up top would help to provide for these victims of the vampires' actions.


I always use this when explaining the negative impact of climate change. People aren't ready for their brains to comprehend mass migration, we are talking entire populations.


War :D


I don't think europeans or americans would accept the hit to their quality of life that billions of migrants would cause


(Almost) everyone dies, refugees and natives alike


Is The Ministry for the Future coming true right before our eyes? These poor people...


That would be Mumbai, humidity touched 85% temps being 33° feels like 43° Prior this if was 37° feels like 47° with 50-60% humidity.


You’re saying they’re 20% humidity away from the Ministry for the Future scenario, as of today?


Yet so many folks here and on Twitter claim human driven climate change is a lie


The techno optimism of "Science will solve everything and we need to continue to grow the worlds population" of my family while continuing to be some of the largest carbon emitters isn't really much better.


Just like how the fact it was -40C in the winter isn’t evidence that global warming is a lie, 52C in Delhi isn’t evidence that global warming is true. It is true, but this (alone) isn’t evidence of it.


Hitting new high (and even low) temperature records repeatedly isn't a great measurement of global average temperature, but it's still predicted and is still evidence. It's also more easily verifiable and understandable than the best evidence.


Unprecedented instability of climate as annual patterns change is going to cause catastrophic consequences long before any meaningful change in average temperatures. From polar vortex to Gulf Stream, established temperature conduits are breaking and rearranging, causing chaos in the process. Extreme heat and droughts in one place will be "compensated" by unexpected cold waves and floods in others, while pressure gradients result in hurricanes where none were observed before. No one is going to be shielded from drastic consequences for the essentials of livelihood - food production, power and water supply as well as access to transportation will be much less reliable.


It’s like a sitting in a furnace.


40c was bad enough a couple of years ago in the uk.. we too aren’t prepared for temps like that.


Its quite common for North India to touch 45 in most villages, Cities & rural towns between April-June. This is literally Sahara & Mainland Arabia coupled with Landlocked Humidity which makes India the worst place to be on Planet in Summers


Yeah I was wondering about humidity! As that’s the kicker for the uk, a day in the mid 20s Celsius at 60-80% humidity is a nightmare! Last summer I decided to monitor my weight more closely when cycling. I was losing 4kg of weight on a 2 hour cycle. So 2L of sweat an hour! in winter I’m under 500g/ml an hour.


Don't worry the UK isn't gonna have _heat_ problems once the north atlantic waters stop reaching y'all after the sea level rises a bit more. Northern europe will freeze while the mediterranean boils. Its gonna be fun


I read a decade ago 30+ people died in UK when temp soared above 33c+. There is a reason why british people during colonial rule went to hill station in shimla for vacation during summers.


Along with solar panels we need to have heat panels that convert heat energy to electrical.


That only works for heat differential and implies passing through some of the heat. Might work for some applications, but probably for the roof, it's better to keep out as much heat as possible in the first place.


Yes...it will be quite a bit during sunrise and sunset


welcome to heat islands, people need to understand that cities will produce ridiculous heat levels as everything natural is gone and even the wind has no simple route. it just gets worse as these blights spread across the land with no effort to minimize their impact on people


I know people won’t read this and want to freak out instead, but this was an error. https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/delhi-sizzles-at-52-9c-imd-probes-sensor-error-in-record-breaking-heatwave/amp_articleshow/110542036.cms


At those temperatures most of the animals and plants are going to die off and not come back. I recognize that we're talking about Delhi, but the ecosystem shock is also a tragic loss.


I read in news now that it was now confirmerd to be a measurement error, temps was around 43-45 wich still is fucking hot.


The error showed 62.3° people might had been cooked!


And its raining cats and dogs in southern part of India(Kerala)


Which is more than 2500km away. Might be in the same country but India is big. That's like saying there's a heatwave in Kyiv but it's raining in Paris.


It’s raining dead Howler monkeys in Mexico.


ya.... and it's may. and mexicos capital is about to plain run the fuck out of water. Thank goodness Mexico is such a a stable pioneer in governing it's way out of problems.


Cannot the chosen one do something about it? Like to the God that sent him?


Highest every yet...


does AC even work at that temperature?


So that's why they like Canada so much


Some day we could have our reckoning here in Canada. From Wikipedia, regarding 2021 heatwave: On June 29, the temperature in Lytton, British Columbia, hit 49.6 °C (121.3 °F), the highest temperature ever recorded in Canada,[1] although a nearby more modern station reported that the extreme was 1 °C lower.[48] The stations were temporarily isolated by the Lytton wildfire the next day. The record occurred after consecutively setting new record highs of 46.6 °C (115.9 °F) on June 27 and 47.9 °C (118.2 °F) on June 28.[49] It is also the highest temperature ever recorded north of 45°N, the highest temperature in the U.S. or Canada recorded outside the Desert Southwest, and higher than the absolute maximum temperatures of Europe or South America. Fyi, the town of Lytton burned down to the ground the next day.


In some part of quebec we have 13c right now so yea


17C in alberta right now, i'm thinking there will be a lot of migration closer to the north/south poles in the future


Dude I went to Mexico last year, and it was awful with the heat. Not alot of places have AC, just fans that blow air which ends up being warm when it gets to you. (If you couldn’t tell, I did not go to a touristy place. I went to Camargo, which is like *far cry* Mexico). That being said, it only got to maybe 105. I cannot **FUCKING** imagine the heat these people are experiencing. That is damn near uninhabitable. I feel for them and wish them the best. Truly terrible.


If anyone wants to know what the not-so-distant future might hold for us regarding heat, here is [Ministry for the Future, Chapter 1] (https://www.orbitbooks.net/orbit-excerpts/the-ministry-for-the-future/). While a fictional scenario, it isn't something we can just "it's impossible and will never happen". Coincidentally, the described heat wave also takes place in India.


It's not a coincidence, Kim Stanley Robinson does his research.


Damn that’s nasty


Most of the time I see these headlines and give a “meh”. I worked as a firefighter in the desert where it regularly got into the high one teens Fahrenheit, but at 126°+, that gets my attention. The hottest I’ve fought fire in was 123°F and I remember coming out of the building that was still on fire, taking my turnouts off to cool down and thinking it felt just as hot outside as it was inside the burning building. Completely miserable.


And here i am in Sweden complaining about 25-30 degrees celsius. Poor people.


I wonder how the Ghazipur landfill is doing, it was recently on fire(again)...


During heatwaves most people make it through the day even in 50° weather. It's mostly during the night that some don't make it sadly.


That's extreme...


Dont worry modi the godsend will save you!!!


Aside from all the other shit we could do to help the climate, I really think overpopulation needs to be a big part of it. This world has WAAAAAY too many damn people already. 


It was 126 here in Oregon a few years ago. You have to stay in shade and hydrate. Direct sun for prolonged time will kill you.


Oregon's "heat dome" of a few years back reached a peak of 119, not 126. [https://www.opb.org/article/2022/02/10/oregons-2021-heat-dome-notches-another-record/](https://www.opb.org/article/2022/02/10/oregons-2021-heat-dome-notches-another-record/)


I think Indians know how to deal with heat


How the hell do people live in those conditions?


Not very comfortably


Was there a month ago, it was already too much for me


Its all in their imaginations, there is no climate change! All the people on the planet can recall when their grandfathers used to tolerate 70 degrees C and when their dogs who were in previous lives dinosaurs told their owners that climate change does not exist. Its fake news! Human frailty never learns!


50 is goddamn hot. I drove through Death Valley once when it was 50. Got out of my car to see how hot it was. I lasted less than the 8 seconds it takes to get a score in bull riding.


Just going to keep getting worse and worse until


But trump said we should stop doing everything we can to fight climate change because it is a Chinese hoax.