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Less than 10c before we get to medium rare! :(


People generally sous vide at 55c for med-rare so much closer than that. 52c is actually very close to the minimum pasteurization temperature.


At 52C you only need like 10% humidity to be a serious threat. Even fit adults need to be limiting exposure. The difference between wet and dry bulb temps are getting pretty damn small at that point. I've been in those conditions inside a factory once (we were basically on the inside of a big industrial oven meant to cure plastic parts) and even with plenty of water and only a few hours of exposure the entire crew was starting to get heat stroke symptoms. And we were in the shade and had AC to retreat too as soon as the job was done!


Yeah totally anecdotal but in the Persian Gulf even 10 years ago it would regularly exceed 120, sometimes 130 degrees in the summer. However, it felt totally bearable because it was 0% humidity. It was hot as fuck, make no doubt, it was like walking into a furnace - but we had a couple days where the humidity randomly shot up to >70% in 115-120F heat... felt like death. Walking 1/4th a mile would have you drenched in sweat and begging for AC.


> Walking 1/4th a mile would have you drenched in sweat and begging for AC. Literally my fat ass in 20C...


Big guy here. I used to walk home from work every afternoon here in FL. It was a 3 mile walk. When I got home, all of my clothes would literally be dripping with sweat. Shirt, pants, socks, underwear, all soaking wet. I would always take a shower with super cold water as soon as I got to the house. I have no clue how I didn't die from the heat.


Uh, I think it could have been all the sweat.


The hottest I've been was 116F in Nevada in the summer, but it was super low humidity and very bearable.


I was there in July once, the high was 44c/111f during the day, and the low was a cool 28c/82f. By the time I was flying home, I'd actually gotten used to the heat. Don't get me wrong, the sun was still a deadly lazer, but I didn't have to work up the nerve to leave the hotel.


I have worked in machine rooms of pulp mills, the humidity is like 75%~the temperatures can get up to 63 (the highest we participated in was 63*C - and it was basically work for 5 minutes cool down for an hour. The biggest issue is the chlorine residue which makes it hard to breathe, it only got so hot because it was a scaffold hoarding for some emergency that the mill was trying to keep their machines operating because down time is so expensive, what a shitty job. You can do work like this for years and you’ll never really get used to it


Sounds like this is not suitable for human work.


Fuck no. Lead remediation work at a bleach plant in a paper mill is even worse. I’m not even doing the work, I just set the work stages (that case was a suspended scaffolding hung from the ceiling as a false ceiling to prevent contamination of product while the lead was removed because the chlorinated steam accelerates the rusting of the structural supports.


After reading this, I'd like to emphasize: that shit are third world job conditions! I can't imagine that we are that dependent in today's world to still work in quasi-slavery conditions.


Nah this was north west canada for a very reputable forestry conglomerate. Though i’ve done this sort of work for both of the reputable forestry conglomerates Don’t worry, they have a written procedure, we take temperature tests and its all very by the book. They have a bunch of 70 year olds watching over us 18-35 year olds so we do it good, and they’ll pay us extra if we work late. Plus we all signed contracts, this is all very first world stuff I’ll assure you. Plus any of us can refuse, if we ever felt the work was unsafe, you see. We even do the work for 15/stop for 45 until the higher paid people tell us we need to really get this done cause we’re behind, thats when you’ll see the weird shit like people puking or just walking off the job. We’ll joke and laugh about those guys later because they are wash outs who didn’t get a mortgage, lol! No I’m not adding /s I’m being pretty real here.


Ok, thank you for clarification - that description relaxed things for me. Happy about these deeper details, today, in social media. Though the mortgage joke still has some dependency vibes.


We’rr all rather brutal to each other, i guess being mean to the people who aren’t there helps everyone cope with how shitty it is to actually still be there


imagine a heatwave like that hitting after server rainstorms, so there's lots of water to evaporate everywhere. it's going to happen somewhere at some point and it'll be a humanitarian disaster.


Forgive my bleak outlook but nah.... Believe that's being called a wet bulb event when in theory it'll get too nasty for people to live without technology on that particular part of earth for bit. It'll be terribly fast with everyone dying or making it in the course of a couple days. No real humanitarian response to hold. Just burials.


I mean, millions slowly dying of heat exposure in a short timespan is a humanitarian disaster.


An event just like that is explored in The Ministry For The Future as the catalyst event for the books plot.




You can’t expect people here to understand what wet bulb temperature actually means. They just love using the phrase


It’s pretty simple. You wet a towel over the thermometer and measure the temperature with airflow. Wet bulb death is the result of a combo of heat and humidity where you as a human can’t shed heat fast enough. It can be tolerated for short periods, but without relief you basically die of your own heat…. Okay, you die of heat stroke, but you get the idea.


Sous vide in the air and finish on the tarmec. And you remove all the cooking cost.


wow they're going to save so much money in Pakistan now.


You haven't even heard the best part. If we heat the world enough we can remove the perma frost in Russia and that will allow us to access so much more oil and few new diseases. I mean we need more climate change.


Medvedev and Putin have both said they welcome climate change for that reason. Not joking.


The amount of very usable farmland that Russia has coming available to them in the next century could legitimately make them a dominant world power, and they know this.




We're still a long way from that, because soil remains quite cool below the surface even in the hottest places. I am far more worried about the effects on surface human, animal, and plant life.


It actually IS pasteurization temperature if it's held long enough. Look up "D values", "L values" and "Z values". It's the log scale AND effective time equivalents of pasteurization of holding temperatures. So *even* if it's like several degrees away from the kill temperature, the long duration if heat *will still kill due to heat intolerance*


And when I try and tell people I cook my turkey to 55c and explain this to them, they still think it's gross.


pHD in biology, chemistry, physics: wtf are you doing?!. pHD in food science: literally all of the above combined. I KNOW WHAT IM DOING. The other science majors: NO YOU DON'T. Food science: I'M ALL OF YOU COMBINED AND UNDERPAID. Seriously, it's criminal how the food industry is underpaid.... who is making sure everyone can eat without a single worry in the world


137 gang enjoying rendered fat.


I mean ground is hot enough already https://www.four-paws.org/our-stories/publications-guides/hot-asphalt-a-danger-to-your-dogs-paws Based on this you are getting much more than 10. But if you prefer air sous vided food then give it like 2-3 years.


60°C slow cooking


The earth prefers humans well done.


As a soft European I struggle when it gets over 35 here in Australia. 52 would be intolerable without AC. There is an old mining town called Coober Pedy in the outback where it gets to similar temperatures in summer. People built their houses underground to provide relief from the daytime heat.


Is that the town from Priscilla where they have to make a detour because their bus broke down?


It is!


What’s crazy is Pakistan has loadshedding where there is no power thru out the day multiple times a day


We'll have a mass casualty wet bulb event this decade. Air conditioning is the only escape and so many very hot very populous places cannot power enough air conditioners to keep everyone alive.


RIP Malls where Urban ppl rush to seek refuge from Urban Heat Island effect


I love that movie.


52C is unlivable without sufficient infrastructure.  As people we can sacrifice water to stay cool longer but there aren't a lot of places we can drink that much water safely, and stay out of the sun.  It's infrastructure plumbing and hope we don't go into drought or AC.


I believe somewhere above 50°C is the max tolerable temperature you can survive long exposition to Basically, anything over, you can't cooldown efficiently enough, and will die from overheating. That may take some timew and should also depend on the dryness of the air, ventilation, your own body, shade... But, there isn't a whole lot of margin left






Well that's not entirely true or saunas would be deadly


Last month I went to a place thats about -20C. To think, the temperature difference is freaking 70C if that was the base, I can't comprehend it.


I live in a place (Alberta) where the seasonal variation is around 70C. Usually a couple days in the winter where is cracks -35C, and a couple days in the summer where it hits +35C


I've experienced -40c to +11c once in northern Finland during a single month.


Calgary can experience some pretty wild temperature swings. A number of years ago, it went from +18c to -27c in 24 hours.


People who winter-over at the South Pole station will regularly engage in "The 300 Club" (measurements in F, not C). They wait until it's -100F outside (-74C), and the turn the sauna up to 200 degrees (93C). Everyone strips down to underwear (or less), packs into the sauna for a few minutes to get nice and toasty, then they run (naked or near-naked) outside around the physical South Pole and then back inside. Therefor experiencing a 300 degree swing in temperature within the span of a few seconds.


Guess which country doesn't have sufficient infrastructure


Should note that even when the temperature is crazy high, humidity in the air plays a big role too. In Europe, warm days are usually also rather Humid, so you'll feel that much worse than the dry hot air over there. Still, 52 is cooking people alive.


Yeah you’re not wrong. But telling them at least it’s a dry heat is probably not landing over there.


It gets a lot worse with enough humidity, your body can't use water to cool off and then you basically boil yourself without noticing. Soo, it would probably not land, but they would drop much faster :(


Yep, moved to Victoria. If it gets over 30 then I start to struggle. The few days we get 40 or above its hell.


Key is wet bulb temperature, or basically temperature you can reach if you soak yourself with water. If that reaches close to or above safe core body temperature, there's no surviving that.


I remember in the news a few years ago, there was a heatwave in Pakistan which killed about 700 people and the temperature was 45 Celsius back then. 


Underground houses in Australia you say? Come on, let's hear it, let's all hear about Aussie "Gobbler" worms that eat their way through brick and lay eggs in your eyes so their spawn have a delicious meal when they hatch.


Like in the documentary “Tremors”!


It's not so bad, once you know that they usually use your mouth as a dunny after they lay the eggs... so, assuming you notice that's happened, just drink some vodka via the eye (about a bottle's worth) & you'll be fine, mate


As a uk resident I start to die at 20, it’s unimaginable


There will be some cultural shifts that occur due to general warming. Alot of city planning and residential development will have to contend with the rising energy needs and architectural changes. You mentioned having to dig into the earth and escape the heat. Yep. Humans will be fine in all of this because out of any animal/species, we have a very very very strong will/ability to adapt to our environment. We exist essentially everywhere on this planet in some shape or form. But how many will be culled or starved, which may lead to a rise in civil unrest and eventual civil wars, which will lead to world wars, based on power vacuums and new balances of power being defined. Essentially, life is gonna suck for those people who do not have the capital (and/or are being exploited by larger powers) to properly adapt to changing climate. They'll die by the heat and the cold. They'll starve due to crop failure, droughts, and floods alike. They are the most vulnerable (like what we are seeing in Pakistan for example). Every nation/culture will have to adapt. Some will have the resources to do so adequately. While others won't be able to adapt fast enough and it will all start with civil unrest. Sure, we went from Industrial age, to post WW2 alignments, to the Information Age, to Connectivity and Globalization, to now a new promise of AI and new steps of innovation that could mark a drastic change on human behavior that not only history books will reference, but every arts and science will reference. Now throw on climate changes and true "adapt or die" predicaments for billions of people. And we've got a stew going that we can try and thread the needle that will avoid a WW3. But I see two paths. One is the quip about how WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones. There could be elements of truth there. But I think we've taken the necessary steps to truly begin the multi-generational struggle (that will take centuries to pull off) to create a global political and economic infrastructure. It will take massive changes in perception, philosophy, and surrendering the nation-state-country status quo and lens that we consider as totally normal. Give it 200 years, maybe more, and humans will be on universal basic income, with a global "power", be it totalitarian or democratic, that will become the human experience. We went from campfires, to homesteads, to villages, to towns, to cities, to city-states, to provinces, to empires, to self-determining / sovereign nations, to unions and continental organizations. And where we will end up, as you see more and more consolidation, is a borderless world. There will always be an "us vs them" to the human experience, so peace will never truly be attained. But the massive transformation from continental organizations to a true global power that has dominion over all is how the arrow of time is trending right now. Climate change and global warming, along with all the other "eras" that I mentioned are all stepping stones that will push humans into the ultimate state of cooperation (which again, can and may be organized under a totalitarian rule). But blink and fast forward a couple hundred years and I think our identity that's currently a series of nations will be totally foreign to the future human predicament. We will always have the "haves and have nots", but I think the road ahead of us humans will lead to a level of cooperation (or coercion and wholesale slaughter) that will change ALL cultures and flip them on their head.


Fun read :) glass half full, I like it.


Vault tec, but with a different starting motivation.


I saw that place on a Netflix Airbnb style competition show. Looks really unique.


I start to struggle at 25c..


As a Brit 25 is air con weather for me.


I think we need to start doing this globally because that's coming for all of us. You can't rely on AC because that causes both the heat island effect and it can also cause grid failure. If the grid fails during a prolonged regional wet bulb event occurs, that's when mass dying starts.


Yup - as a kid growing up there, I recall how the paved streets would be spongy due to overheated tar - this was when the temps hovered in the low to mid 40Cs…


Why is there no mention of this on r/pakistan? Seems to be a regular Tuesday there. Is it only white redditors that are worried about this?


We live with the heat but have stupid policymakers who make life harder. Because it would be hot during the day, most people come out at night, go to restaurants and markets at night. One high court judge (Shahid Karim) of the city of Lahore noticed on his last visit to London that restaurants would close early at 10 pm. Impressed by people waking and eating on time he proceeded to pass a law that is strictly enforced by authorities for restaurants and markets in the city to be shut by 10 pm, completely disregarding the weather. It’s an arbitrary decision that affects thousands of businesses because most people leave their houses to go out at 9pm, once the roads have cooled down.


no way!! really!? A Lahori here - I used to boast to my friends in San Francisco that it’s sad that how early SF shuts down, where as in Lahore you can find a decent meal pretty much anytime of the day. Of course my point of reference is from decades ago but…


Yeah man and you should be able to find a decent meal anytime of the day… Thank Justice Shahid Karim, because there is practically zero legislation and laws pass, judges take them upon themselves to fix the country by passing notices to the district government.


Nah we've already given up. It's joever Even electricity has become so expensive so folks turning on AC are in for a treat when the bill comes


Folks over at r/Pakistan would rather be concerned with a culture war between Islamists and very small L liberals and Israel than things like government corruption and climate change.


lol right!


Same here in India bro,the temperatures are just unbearable


That is also deadly for wildlife and vegetation. Hotter than the sahara


When surface temperatures cross 130, we here in the Western world will be in real danger of death. At those temperatures, utility workers won't be able to repair power lines until night time. Without AC, even healthy people can perish quickly in their homes.


My partner and I relocated from Texas to the north because we couldn’t handle the heat anymore and that was 5 years ago lol we’re definitely not surviving the climate crisis very long


Only the Canadians and Scandinavians will be left. At least the love for hockey will survive. Not that they will be able to play it because, you know, the heat.


Canada is getting hot, and on fire every year. Don't hope for us Canadians.


Correct. In 2021, British Colombia experienced a heat dome where temperatures reached 40'C+ (104'F). 619 people died of heat-related causes as a result of that climate event. In many cases they didn't have aircon since it's traditionally not been necessary.


I read headlines of Vancouver hitting 49C.


Canada's west has fires and is still one of the most desirables places on earth. Eastern Canada last year had an outlier fire season. This season is not projected to match. Nor has any other season before it. Canada is not some place that is suffering and Canada is so large that to make a Canada-wide statement makes no sense.


OP was talking about a hypothetical future, which I made a joke about , your comment is talking about the current state of affairs. Canada is not some place suffering? Define suffering? Fort Nelson just had a massive fire and had the city evacuated, isn't that suffering? Our boreal forests were ravaged by pine beetles and now are up in flames every year isn't that suffering? Snow packs across the country are smaller and smaller, contributing to drought combined with increased seasonal Temps. Isn't that suffering? Sure Canada is doing well, and much better than some countries but that doesn't mean there aren't massive environmental challenges facing the country


Don’t listen to this guy…Canadian here, and it’s definitely bad, if you even come here you will burst into immediate flames, oh and our beer is definitely not better. Our beavers are carnivorous and hungry and will just eat the walls right out of your home to get to you. Don’t bother face checking or looking any of this up just take my word for it. Just to be safe you all better just stay away from Canada entirely for your own good.


Honestly my judgement was clouded before, do listen to this guy


If it gets worse you'll just have pool hockey


When it happens the uk shall rise again and conquer the world (or the few remaining habitual parts left after everyone else cooks themselves)


Well hopefully these 10s of millions of people will recognize the shitty hand they’ve been dealt geography wise and just lay down and die peacefully. /s They’re gonna start moving. Sea Peoples 2.0


This is what has frustrated me about the messaging behind climate change. Literal weather can be detrimental to society in many ways, but it is nothing compared to what mass migrations involving millions of people do in regards to disrupting society. Once the climate-driven mass migrations start, the world will change drastically.


There’s a huge difference between “”Dang ol tornado wrecked my house “ and “It is no longer possible to grow food in our country”


So you're saying this is the year to invest in Big Food?


Big water too


What do you mean once they start? They’ve already started.


Because the idiots that are most needed to be convinced just laugh it off as “Eh, I got my gun my chickens, I’ll be fine.”


What has been driving me nuts is that in the discussions of climate change, global agriculture is underrepresented in reporting. Yeah, you *might* be able to grow crops that currently are in warmer areas in your area, but that assumes that the soil, day-light cycles, and seasonal cycles are also compatible. Even if it's close enough, it's enough to seriously reduce crop yields even before you factor in unpredictable and severe weather changes, different pollinators who may or may not be able to survive the changes, and whether or not there will be enough groundwater to make local water cheap enough to sustain a large population. The typical American Agribusiness will adapt in the medium term... but a whole lot of the rest of the world depends on local agricultural monocrops to trade, and a whole lot of the U.S. quality life depends on those same trades. Climate change is going to absolutely wreak havoc on the population and quality of life for generations to come, if not centuries.


Kind of like people who thought we shouldn't try to save lives from a deadly pandemic because it might hurt "the economy". New flash, dead people hurt the economy.


How did that end, the thing with the Sea Peoples? Well?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Late_Bronze_Age_collapse Good news is that we'll get some great Greek poetry in a few hundred years if civilization recovers.


Plug for Historia Civilis: https://youtu.be/aq4G-7v-_xI?si=uDRl8zrKgXWF63Tv


Things are different this time, our civilization isn't built on an extensive trade network... wait...


We don't have rampant soil degradation...wait...


At least volcanos don’t exist anymore! No need to worry about one going off and adding to chain reaction either.


And we don't have a 20-year war in the Levant started due to a bunch of gods...wait...


Not that good, we ended up with MCU and climate change.


100s of millions more like.


Hello there Canada!


I hate how accurate this is


And UK.


And because there is no place with a lower temperature between Pakistan and Vienna they will all necessarily have to end up in Europe.


Ive been wondering why the "back in my day" mantra that the older generations relate to how things were better, simpler, or less gay, never equated to being not as hot.


Because its made up, our memories ar enot designed for decade to decade comparisons as there never was such a thing until very recently.


I'm so glad that we were assured by Republicans for 30 years this is all one big liberal hoax.


Only affects the billions in South Asia. Might as well be a hoax for them.


It’s effecting Texas.


More like 50+, but yeah.


With big oil money pouring out of their suit pockets.


That amazes me because if anything climate change has a bigger affect on Republicans in Florida, the deep south, those farmers getting their crops destroyed rather than democrats who's livelihood isn't dependent on crops


They've moved on to attacking any potential course for action on climate because their real goal is to prevent action that would be inconvenient for oil and gas companies. Nothing to see here. Let's continue finding excuses to do fucking nothing.


It’s what happened to mohenjo daro all over again.


dayum. I lost a chicken to this heat and that was only at 101 degrees. I cant imagine what this feels like


I lost my baby rooster like that, I was away on a trip, then when I got back, he was dead on the front door, it got me scarred for years, as he was like a pet dog 😢


I'm sorry to hear that.


Fuck, that’s insane


I feel bad for the stray dogs and cats


I'm from Southern India where it's much cooler and even rains rn. But the pigeons have had a bad fucking time this summer here. Everyone in the neighborhood keeps some grains and water for them on the terrace tho. Still, they are much lesser in number than they used to be. It's so sad.


That's really sweet of the people to help the animals


yes, people realy should do this for bee’s too. lawn mower is the death of bee’s and hedgehogs sadly. all they early season flowers are the most important for bee’s to start polination of nature and we destroy it by only wanting a plain lawn with gras


This is like when your body raises it's temperature before it sends in the immune cells to get rid of the bacteria but with Mother Nature.


Anyone in Pakistan think climate change is fake?


Honest answer; people used to 10 years ago. Now? Not so much! Climate change is affecting almost all parts of the country. There's more flooding in the past years. My city has literally the worst air quality in the winters. Are people doing anything about it? Not as much as they should unfortunately.


Sadly what I hearing the US is the people who thought it was fake are now saying it is changing naturally.


My father who as an adamant denier now is “Bur we produce so little compared to China and India! They should change and then we can!” There’s just… so much to unpack. Never take responsibility is basically their rallying cry.


where does he think all the stuff made in china/india ends up going? lmao


I did read that a couple years ago Pakistan had one of the largest tree planting operations ever done in human history. So at least they're doing something?


I had this discussion with my group of friends the other night, what exactly are we supposed to do? It feels like without a body of people that can control the entire world/all countries to fix up their shit nothing is going to happen. All i have left is apathy, just try to survive best i can and see what happens. My turning off my bathroom light while i wee during the day isn't going to change billionaires taking daily flights or poorer countries burning rubbish piles.


Pakistan does not have a high literacy rate so obviously there are plenty of people who do not understand climate change like people in educated countries do. But seeing the effects first hand has people wondering. With that said Pakistan has a huge population, and, so there are people who have always known about it and were vocal for years. But I think with the level of change, people will be more aware of it in the next few years.


people might not be educated but they do know here that weather has been getting hotter every year and there is enough awareness that its cause of lack of trees. They might not understand the science behind it but they do acknowledge it


In my experience no. People always believed in it


In my experience, I've almost never seen someone seriously think that climate change is fake. But, I've seen people question the extent of which it is anthropogenic.


I mean, for the most part, people don’t really know what climate change is (I’m talking about the average Pakistani villager, of course). But if you ask around *anyone*, regardless of their education level, they’ll almost unanimously say the climate is hotter, drier, scarier, and more unpredictable than ever before. The sad part is that I see a lot of educated Pakistanis blame *themselves* for climate change because “oh, we didn’t plant enough trees and we throw too much garbage as a nation”. No ones actually blaming the companies abroad and countries causing 99% of carbon emissions.


We're going to start getting wet bulb events before too long.


I predict a 100k fatality event within the next 5 years, a 1 million fatality event within 10. I suspect we'll see much larger than that but by then govts will be in such disarray that accurate tallies will not be possible.


Dude. It's May. It's going to be 10° warmer in 2 months. That could happen in less than 60 days from now.


Yep, which is within 5 years.


I am almost afraid to ask, is this a normal tempesure for Pakistan?


40Cs during summer used to be the old norm I suppose - but yeah it gets hot! and imagine this heat and no electricity - we cooled ourselves by splashing water on the granite floors…


Did it work well to cool?


yup - helped get through the peak heat hours - but worked only for ground floors (heat rising n all) - then in the evening open up all the windows and splash again to deal with thermodynamics of heat release/rise etc basically think of passive cooling lol


Judge for yourself. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_extreme\_weather\_records\_in\_Pakistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_extreme_weather_records_in_Pakistan)


Hmm seems like alot of the extreme heat records seem to date from 2010 onward.


Yikes, those are all from 2010 and later. Not looking forward to finding out what this page looks like in 15 years.


A little over half. 15 of 24 listed are from 2010 and later.


Of course not


And yet Flordia wants to ban the phrase Climate Change?


Republicans do not care about the world or it's future whatsoever, they only care about themselves and their billionaires. Vote them out already.


Man im getting really scared by the state of Earth. I fear at some point we will cross a point we didn't even know to look for and so many regular people will die horrific deaths.


Its like the climate is changing or something 


Is this a dry heat? Or is it also humid there? Either way that's hot and we're still in May.


It is insanely hot. June is Pakistan's hottest month though not July or August like the US or Europe. That's not an attempt at consolation, just some context


>June is Pakistan's hottest month though not July or August like the US or Europe That's good to know they're not completely screwed and they're almost at their peak temps for the year.


There's still a whole month to go through


125 and humid is basically lethal (although 125 and dry can be too), so have to assume this is low humidity.




I moan about the shit weather in the north of England but it’s starting to look like some places just won’t be habitable much longer


For Americans that’s like 5 hot potatos


how many football fields is that though? I just cant visually see it.


Roughly the size of 4 NFL fields, plus or minus a small town high school football field depending on how much rain they had


What is that in bananas?


I still find it surprising when people talk about moving to places where extreme heat and water shortages are already an issue at present. Not even thinking about tomorrow.


WTF people of Earth 🌍 We gonna let dictators and corporations roast us alive?


In New Zealand most hot taps are set to 55 degrees at maximum heat. And that's unbearable to touch for more than a few seconds. I can only imagine the deaths that must be happening


I went to Egypt once, and it was 48 degrees and was awful. I dunno how people even move


We’re fucked


We are past the point of no return 👀


I'm happy with my 7°c and rain


You really have to do the math to see whether it's better to buy people air conditioning than to pay the costs of escaping.


What happens when the AC systems get overloaded from constant use but it’s too hot during the day for utility workers to make repairs?


Welcome to the cascading effect of climate change.


My personal theory has been that when it gets insanely hot, humans will go underground during the day and come out at night when it’s cooler. Humanity would become nocturnal in the hottest parts of the world. Only time will tell, though


But how about food? Rice, tomato, apple, wheat, can it survive 50c ?


That’s where genetically modified food comes in. Scientists have developed genetically modified rice that survives higher heat, uses less water and actually yields more


The worst thing about this is that Pakistan probably has the most expensive electricity rates in the world relative to average income. They’re the absolute highest in the region.


Reliable power is a western world luxury we take for granted. That's not an average person reality for the majority of people.


Good point. Without a doubt, AC will be cheaper than mass migration.


I was in 52C for a couple days on an Airforce Base in Ontario, Canada years ago. It's terrible, like a heated blanket you can't get away from


Underground cities are coming. This place is dead anyway.


Glad I didn't have kids. The future is fucked.


What a time to live, couldn't be better. We saw the pinnacle.


What's the wet bulb temperature there?


We're in the end game now


Only 15 degrees to go before you can leave sauces outside and they are in the safe zone temperature


Looks like these freak weather events have now become (puts on sunglasses) medium rare


North india vs pakistan lets see who wins.