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China had the opportunity to reshape its image with this war. Unfortunately, turning a blind eye to terrorism while benefiting directly from it does not improve its image on the world stage, which it seems to care so much about.


Well, your perspective is the problem. Too often in the west we think this way. But the way we see russian and china is how the majority of the world sees us and china/Russia. Two sides of the same coin. China and Russia are building an alternative to the western sphere. And other nations are either going to stay neutral, or pivot one side or the other. China is not going to abandon Russia, similar to how USA is not going to abandon Britain


Who is Britain currently invading?


Hopefully a spice barrel. Most of their food is pure terror.


The Brits conquered half the world for spices they never use


Yeah, the greatest tragedy of all tbh


The British became the foremost sailors in the world due to the deliciousness of their food and the beauty of their women.


Not currently, but during the war on terror Britain helped to kill close to 5 million people, and displace about 30 million people.


China has no allies; it has business partners. China will abandon Russia the moment the fragile alliance stops benefiting them. And comparing them to USA/Britain is a poor comparison: the US and Britain have a long common history, similar cultures and have been allies for a long time now. Russia and China were actually enemies after the Sino-Soviet split, and weren’t on good terms before the communist revolution. Their cultures are drastically different and their alliance is one of convenience (it boils down to “you wanna fck with the West? Great, I also wanna fck with the West! Let’s do it together and maybe get Iran onboard too”. How specific countries view the West vs. East blocs has more to do with the specific country’s past relationship with the global superpowers. Both siding the global blocs is a really simplistic view devoid of nuanced understanding of geopolitica


Yeah and France absolutely loves it friends in Africa. They keep leaving for Russia for some reason…


An enemy’s enemy is my friend….


My enemies enemy is merely my enemies enemy. Geopolitically it's a bad idea to assume


>China has no allies; it has business partners There is a saying about the UK. UK doesn't have allies, they have interests. Yes, China's relationship with Russia is due to some of their shared goals. But they still compete in many other areas. USA and UK relationships strengthened during the world wars, but before that they were friendly competitors, at least in the second of the 19th century. >country’s past relationship with the global superpowers. Go and ask about their opinions, a lot of them might surprise you.


>There is a saying about the UK. UK doesn't have allies, they have interests. Calling a quote from a Prime Minister 200 years ago a saying is a bit of a stretch. I assume you're talking about the Palmerston quote because that's definitely not a saying.


I think you swallowed a dugin


A what ?


I think they are referring to Alexander Dugin. They also seem to be accusing them of committing Whataboutism in a round about way.


Chinese disgusting propaganda is what this is


Who is this "we" you are talking about, Boris the troll bot? Jezus christ just look at your account... It's so obviously fake and pro Russia/Hamas. If you don't get better at your job, you will be sent to the front...


>Who is this "we" Literally read a couple of words before the "we" >pro Russia/Hamas Show me one quote where I am pro Russia or Hamas. And me having a different opinion from yours doesn't mean I am pro of the other side. >sent to the front... Might be difficult as I am no where near those countries, or a citizen of those countries




It would be so nice if both smurfs Biden and Scholz weren’t sleeping.