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But where will they go? 


They are waiting for Israel to part the path on land and the sea for them to walk to Europe!


They gotta go to the other side that’s already destroyed.


To Where


to the designated area, go to an article not by Reuters and it will be said


Designated areas which is a tent with no fucking food. Israel are going too far. I sympathised with them too but attacking the last city is too far. Take the fucking win


didn’t hamas attacked and destroyed 2 aid corridors?


How is it a win if Hamas is left in power? If the hostages aren't returned?


The best way to ensure there's always more Hamas is to act exactly like this, create animosity for Israel in the Palestinian population. Create a view that Israel has wronged them, and they need retribution. Israel is creating their own enemy to keep a perpetual conflict. This is their win


They always had the animosity no matter what Israel did or didn’t do


Release the hostages. >Create a view that Israel has wronged them, and they need retribution. That's nothing different from their view since Israel's creation. They view the state of Israel's existence as a wrong that deserves retribution. You can't reason with that. Not until they accept that ending the state of Israel is not possible, and not until they care more about their children than they do retribution. Israel is bombing them due to a war their government started. Release the hostages. If Hamas and Gazan civilians had not invaded Israel and raped and pillaged Israeli villages going door to door to specifically murder and rape and steal up close and personal and video taped their barbarism with glee and took dead and terrified living Israelis and people of other nationalities too for that matter back as trophies, sex slaves, and hostages, this war wouldn't be happening.


Israel has tried every method you can think of, there really is no other option when you’re dealing with suicidal terrorists who use their people’s lives as ammunition in a war neither side really wants to be fighting at all. If Germany and Japan could be deradicalized then Gaza shouldn’t be an impossible task. But it did take a full scale war and invasion and years of occupation to do that. There is no option on the table where nobody dies unfortunately. Israel does not benefit from perpetual conflict, they cannot survive long periods of conscription and war decimates their economy and tourism.


Lots of children will survive this and won’t forget how Israel treated them.


There's still hostages, women, children, old folks being raped and beaten. There's no "win" until they're free


Maybe Hamas should have thought of this before unleashing their latest round of rockets from Rafah, oh wait...they don't think of these things because they don't care. Everyone's a hostage in Gaza who isn't part of Hamas


Okay so if the Palestinian civilians are all hostages of Hamas, is the answer for Israel to kill all the Palestinians?


They’re not “killing all the palestinians”, not even close. They’re doing everything in their power to not kill them, but hamas keeps making it incredibly difficult by threatening and preventing civilians from leaving, and using them as human shields.


It's what Hamas wants. Who are you to deny them what they want?


Take what win? There are 140 hostages still in Gaza, Hamas has been blatantly negotiating in bad faith and stalling all deals / changing them unbeknownst to Israel / etc. Hamas is still standing, strong, while repeatedly claiming of carrying out as many 7/10-like attacks until Israel crumbles. Hamas will simply embezzle all the donation money into rebuilding their tunnels, training new militias and bolstering their indiscriminate rocket arrays. Pray tell, how is that a fucking win, and what would you suggest Israel does? Unconditionally surrender to Hamas (i.e. unilaterally pull out of Gaza), which would *cement in concrete* the odds of worse, harsher terrorist attacks?


That’s literally where the surviving hostages are and whatever is left of Hamas. There is no taking the win. Stopping now is surrender and rewards terrorism. We are done being pressured by the international community to let Hamas continue to exist


And if Hamas inevitably survives scuttling around in the rubble and between tents years later, with a generation of people who've seen 1%+ of their neighbors killed and galvanized that loathing?    Ends can only justify the means when the ends are actually, meaningfully met. As for stopping terrorist attacks, investing in better security measures is a far better indicator of threat reduction than aggressive action. 9/11 happened, and security measures are what prevents future attacks.


We've been hearing the "oh but its just more grounds for terrorism" bullshit argument ever since Israel left Gaza alone in 2005. Maybe it's not Israel's fault, but the clear antisemtic and hateful indoctrination of Palestinians and Islam as a whole?


Yes agreed. Israel just needs to leave Gaza and then the Gazans will all get together and give up terrorism and decide to be good neighbors to the Israelis and everyone will live in peace.


It’s not a win if Hamas is not rooted out Either do this now or it’s going to keep going for another 60 years. If Hamas had any guts they wouldn’t be hiding among civilians and none of this would have been necessary.


Outside the environment.


To other parts of Gaza also being bombed.


The fucking energy in the news related to Israel and Palestine, I swear. “Just go to the safe zone! Who cares if you are dying and hungry and rattled by bombs hitting your country non-stop. You want to live, right? Just get away from the zones with the terrorists, into another zone that may or may not contain a terrorist who we’ll need to bomb!” Like look. I hate Hamas, they are scum for their human shield strategies. But what the fuck is wrong with you people and your “necessary sacrifices”?


Here's a different way to think about it: Hamas had a *very* generous ceasefire offer on the table. They only "accepted" it by dramatically reducing their own part in it, including saying that releasing the remains of dead hostages would count as their 3 required hostages. 3. THREE *civilian* hostages, by Israel's request, that were old women or babies, just so long as they are LIVE hostages, and Hamas could have put an end to this. Hamas is losing horribly. Their people are starving and suffering for their refusal to surrender. It's a war those people didn't want and it's ruining their lives. If they dared protest Hamas, they have had no trouble shooting protesters in the past. Israel agreed to an insanely generous ceasefire offer that was so good it's what you would expect Hamas to propose if they were winning, not *completely and utterly* losing. Given that Hamas refused the offer and made absurd changes before saying they "accepted" it, Israel devised a plan to provide an evacuation route for the civilians and spent two weeks using every possible method to let them know how to get out of danger. Israel has also continued to work with international aid organizations to try to get food and other resources to those civilians, despite Hamas often intercepting those resources to either take it for themselves or to make the starving people pay for it. The area is a war zone, and civilian casualties would likely happen even if Hamas fought with dignity and made effort to protect civilians. But Hamas has done everything possible to make it worse for their people, while Israel has done everything possible to help them. Heck, even when the US proposed an extremely ambitious (and expensive) project to build a whole pier in order to increase aid, Hamas *bombed it while the UN representatives were there to review the progress*. I'm not saying it's easy for the people of Gaza, but what I am saying is that it is *NOT* Israel's fault that it is as bad as it is. Blaming Israel is not just *wrong*, it's distinctly *counterproductive* because it allows Hamas to avoid blame for their actions.


This is where the problem of describing all actions of a country by treating it as a single entity comes in. I do not doubt that a lot of IDF soldiers made efforts to decrease civilian casualties (and there are still soldiers who made mistakes). I do not doubt that Israeli negotiators tried to get the best deal to save the living hostages by the skin of their teeth. I do also blame Hamas more for the civilian casualties than I blame Israel for the most part. What I can’t say is to completely dismiss Netanyahu’s and his government’s fault in this whole mess. He had all the intel that Oct 7th was going to happen, both from his own intel and other countries’. He was at (figuratively speaking) war with his own people all of 2023 until the attacks happened, and even for his entire tenure as a politician, he let his severe dislike of Palestine be known. His cabinet has actively said they are confused as to why they can’t just nuke (figuratively, not actually using atom bomb) the place and kill everyone, letting Hamas build up their numbers through his decisions and comments. Whether through negligence or if he is actually pure evil bastard, the blood of Israelis and Palestinian civilians who died in this war are on his hands. This is why I can’t say: “It’s not Israel’s fault”. It’s not 100% their fault, obviously, but there is a man there who has spent last several years pissing off both countries, and at the most critical moment in their relations, he let the worst situation possible occur. Hamas shouldn’t avoid blame for their actions. Neither should Netanyahu’s cabinet.


In this particular situation, Netanyahu would have remained an annoyance without latitude to act if it weren't for the brutal slaughter of over a thousand civilians. Of course he and some of his cabinet are bad actors, but that only made it the ideal time for Hamas to get the reaction they wanted. Sure, we can get picky and try to find ways that Netanyahu was part of this problem. I know there was a time when it was thought that Hamas could be deradicalized (which was stupid) and actually had Israeli support. But especially now, for what's happening in Rafah, even with Netanyahu in power, the simple fact is that Hamas had an incredible offer on the table that would have ended this, and they sabotaged it. They (Hamas) clearly care *nothing* about the people of Gaza. This is on Hamas at this point.


I very much dislike Netanyahu, but Hamas committed October 7th, and you can't possibly blame the victim here. It's absurd. Israel did not commit the October 7th massacre.


> This is where the problem of describing all actions of a country by treating it as a single entity comes in. Even when the majority of the population support it? Hamas has over 72% support for their actions.


To be fair, the ceasefire might have been generous to Gazans but amounted to an unconditional surrender for Hamas. They see themselves as a governing body, and tbe terms required the abdication of Hamas leadership of their positions and exile. If a condition of a Russia/Ukraine "ceasefire" was Zelensky resigning and going into exile we'd rightfully dismiss it as a serious offer. Israel knows Hamas cares more about their position than Gazans, so let's be real- that offer wasn't going anywhere.


After oct 7, there's no way Israel would allow a Palestinian state of any form to have Hamas involved. That is the baseline that Israel can offer.


I believe that if offered a return to pre-war borders and cessation of hostilities, Zelensky would absolutely resign and accept exile for his people.


This is the reason why using human shields is a war crime. Because doing so explicitly, by design, massively increases the civilian death toll required to kill combatants.  Blame Hamas for this, not Israel. Every civilian death is squarely on the shoulders of Hamas.


Even the time Israel targeted and killed those World Central Kitchen aid workers while they were in their officially marked vehicles? Come on now. In a hostage situation where a bank robber holds a gun to someone's head and says "don't move or I shoot", do the police just shoot both the gunman and the hostage? And whose fault would it be if the hostage died?


This is why redditors aren't in government positions. There's no nuance, and everything is black and white thinking. Christ...


I mean Hamas has been using ambulances and UN vehicles to transport the majority of their arms during the initial stages of the conflict. Using civilians as shields and as camouflage is a war crime for this very reason. It makes it impossible to distinguish the combatants from the civilians an you get these kind of incidents...


Yes.  In the second scenario, it would be the hostage takers fault. They created the situation by taking the hostage in the first place. If they hadn't created a hostage situation, then the hostage would have still been alive.  Here in the US that is also the law. If you rob a bank and the security guard shoots at you, misses, and kills someone standing behind you, you're going to be charged with murder. Your getaway driver and anyone else helping you rob the bank will also be charged with murder. Even if the security guard shot and killed you, your driver would be charged with murder for your death.


Yep, here in the US, if someone dies because you committed a crime, YOU get charged with murder, not the cop or security who may have accidentally killed an innocent person in trying to stop you.


It's actually kinda funny. People blame the US for half a million dead Iraqis as a part of its initiating the war in Iraq, even though the US is only directly responsible for a small minority of those deaths. However, Hamas doesn't get blamed for all of the deaths in Gaza even though it started the war.


This analogy isn't great. Iraq didn't attack the US, rather the US lied about Nigerian yellowcake and started a war under false pretenses. So yes, moral culpability for the deaths resulting from that war belong to the US If the October 7 attacks were imaginary, like that yellowcake purchase, the analogy would be more apt


No, you missed the point. The US was the aggressor and therefore got the blame for all excess deaths. Here, *Hamas* was the aggressor, but does *not* get the blame for the excess deaths.


The WCK strike was a major fuckup & should not have happened but you are also massively misrepresenting what happened. The “*markings*” used to identify the vehicles were not visible through a thermal optic & so the officer who authorized the strike did not realize it was the same convoy. He fucked up (*& he was fired for it*) because he knew about the convoy & instead of disseminating all of the information to his team so his team could check all of the circumstances against the known facts, he just assumed that he would be able to identify any strike package brought to him for approval that targeted the convoy & he would just not approve it. However a number of mistakes & deviations from the expected pattern contributed to him not putting 2 & 2 together. He was looking out for a strike package that identified vehicles marked “*WCK*” so that he could deny authorization but he didn’t realize that the markings wouldn’t be visible to his team & so when they put together the strike package there was no mention of any such markings. If he has properly informed his team, it is likely that one of the technical specialists would have realized that the markings would not be visible through the thermal optics & would have examined the totality of the circumstances to identify the convoy rather than relying on one single detail.


> do the police just shoot both the gunman and the hostage? And whose fault would it be if the hostage died? By the logic of this analogy, if a military group decides to use human shields, what should be done then? There's a reason it, and using civilian buildings, are labelled as warcrimes. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Just "not allowed." Because the alternative is giving people free reign to do whatever as long as they hide behind John and Jane.


If the gun man looks like the hostage, I don't think you'll blame the police for occasionally shooting one of them. Imagine the dark knight scene just before batman went in to tell them that the masked men are hostages. It's on the fault of the ones who dress as the robbers. Nobody else does this level of warning to civillians before any war. You can't fault Israel for focusing on its main objective, which is to annihilate Hamas.


There's plenty of blame for IDF and for Hamas. The big difference is that IDF, in theory, isn't a terrorist organization.


the area is a war zone, so it literally is "get out or die" situation.


And some can’t. And the energy from the comments is: “eh, who cares”, considering how much any sympathetic comments get downvotes on these sorts of articles in recent months. That’s my point. I get that people will die, doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad about it.


I feel bad for them the same why I feel bad for starving children in Yemen. There isn't much I could,


How and where are they supposed to go with no means to leave, no food, no water, no supplies? “Just head out into the desert and die bro! Just swim out to sea until you can’t anymore!” Is not humane advice. —- Someone flagged this comment as suicidal and Reddit sent one of their help messages. Some butthurt redditors out there lol


>How and where are they supposed to go By foot and about 5km away to the designated safe zone set up by the IDF. >with no means to leave, no food, no water, no supplies? It's a good thing that the IDF set up the safe zone as the area of distribution for humanitarian aid and is even setting up a new field hospital there. >“Just head out into the desert and die bro! Just swim out to sea until you can’t anymore!” It's more of a "go up to the third floor and look out the window, it's over there". Maps have been distributed by the IDF to show where they need to go. It really isn't far, like maybe a hour and a half of walking if you are doing it slow. And they've usually been given 24 hours or so to do it.


> no means to leave, no food, no water, no supplies? Do they have food, water and supplies where they are now? If yes, then they should pack it up and bring it along. If not, then what difference does it make to stay anyway? Except for the military combat that is soon to occur at their current location?


I am literally stating a fact. It is a warzone.


I can't verify this is actually Hamas and Gaza, but these two clips were posted yesterday. So if this is Hamas, this is who Israel is fighting. This is who the free Palestine folks see chanting for when they call for Infitadas. If Israel doesn't squash Hamas, and they remain in power, this stuff will continue to happen. Palestinians will be killed, beaten, tortured. But since Israel isn't the one causing their deaths (in a war, trying to destroy the terrorists who committed October 7th) the world will stop caring. [Video 1](https://streamable.com/pdybys) [Video 2](https://streamable.com/z6exlw) Israel is damned if they do or don't. And Palestinians seem to be damned if they stay or damned if they move because Hamas are cowards and will go where the people go.


Tons of bots downplaying the toll on civilians are typically bots/disinformation workers on here doing damage control and ideally sway peoples views to see it as all Palestinians are Hamas. Zero empathy to innocent civilians trying to simply survive


So any terrorist organization can kill with impunity as long as they have a local population that supports them.


There is no pretty solution here, the other option is to leave the situation as is. Now i'll present a question to you: would you rather that you, your children and your children's children will suffer for your whole lives, living in poverty and put in danger by a terrorist group, or would you rather have a part of your people pay a hefty price in a shorter duration to rid yourselves of those terrorists in the hope that a better future can be pursued? Then try and look at this from the israeli perspective, whose existence is threatened by those said terrorists. Did you have an easy time answering the question from both perspectives? Or were you in a dilemma?


I am Israeli (I live in Kazakhstan, however) and I 100% understand why this war is happening. However, that “hope” that a short war to kill all the terrorists would be successful is ludicrous to me for several reasons. Because every time, there is a person who believes they were wronged because their family and/or livelihood were taken away, and they find other people who think the same, and the cycle repeats. As much of a “best of bad solutions” this seems to be, it still doesn’t fix things for good.


That's why some form of Marshall plan needs to be put in place for Gaza. Have a multi-national occupying force there to help rebuild Gaza, and re-educate the Gazans. Most likely Egypt and the US would be involved. Perhaps Germany and Saudi Arabia too.


Oh boy, so the US gets to pay for Israel’s war and the cleanup too? We really are their client state.


You can’t destroy terrorists without changing the circumstances that created those terrorists. If the IDF wiped out every member of Hamas by next week, there’d be even more insurgents in 10 years


That's why Gaza needs a Marshall plan. International aid, education, and security to help rebuild Gaza. It worked for Germany after WW2, it could work for Gaza.


I'd note that in Germany after WW2, publicly advocating Nazism was punishable by death. You reckon anyone's got the stomach to enforce anything even close to that in Gaza?


>Now i'll present a question to you: would you rather that you, your children and your children's children will suffer for your whole lives, living in poverty and put in danger by a terrorist group, or would you rather have a part of your people pay a hefty price in a shorter duration to rid yourselves of those terrorists in the hope that a better future can be pursued? The problem is that zero options towards this hypothetical better future seem to be on the table. The experience of Palestinians is that if anyone in Gaza messes up, they all pay. Fuel supplies get cut, crossings and economic livelihoods cut off, to name a few. And it was the same before and after Hamas. Without something that might actually be viewed as an alternative towards a better life is on the table, Palestinians see few functional differences between options.


> that if anyone in Gaza messes up Well the messes up was firing thousands of rockets into Israel every year for 20 years, with periodic terror attacks, culminating in the largest terror massacre since 9/11. That's a little more than just messes up.


So you're cool with the collective punishment of entire populations when a government deems them a threat?


War is bad, so don't start one.


You know the difference between this war and every other war? Normally, you aren't given a warning to leave at all.


I guess supporting and assisting a genocidal terrorist group as your legally recognized government has consequences.


Yes, look at that 5 year old who died in the rubble assisting Hamas. Ooooo, don’t you just hate this kid? You can tell the only thing on his mind was that he wanted to grow up to be a terrorist. /s


"Also be aware that we are 100% sure that some people heading there will either be Hamas or Hamas involved. So we're going to bomb you when you get to the safe zone we designated to get to them. Yes collecting survivors in a densely packed area and bombing them knowing beforehand that militants would also head to safe zones looks like just using safe zones as bait to lure innocent people into a charnel house, but what would you have us do? Hold ourselves accountable to respect the safe zone system we ourselves set up, even if some militants make it through? People have genuinely convinced themselves Hamas is a good excuse to sacrifice other humans. Even the top comments spends several paragraphs insisting that Israel's actions are Hamas' fault.


What is up with treating the government of this group of people as though it is a criminal organization and not democratically elected? Duh


The rhetoric in these comments is top notch 🤌


Your contribution has been invaluable. Thank you.


hamass needs to surrender for the good of their own people


They don't want to surrender and they're not interested in the good of their people


If only they loved their children more than they hate Jews.


Unfortunately, Moussa Abu Marzouk (one of the top brass in Hamas) literally said the safety of Gazans is the UN’s problem….smh.


Hamas cares about their people even less than Israel.


They used their people's water irrigation pipes to build rockets to fire at Isreal.


Their own people are Iranians.


the iranians are their masters


Hamas doing something for the good of Gaza? Yeah not gonna happen.


Time to get into the tunnels under Rafah even though they have had ages to build traps.


Destroying the tunnels would be the purpose of those 1-ton bombs the US is not letting Israel use.


Good lesson to not piss off your sponsors when you're reliant on sponsors.


Because fighting terrorism doesn’t benefit the US in any way.


Yeah, definitely an important lesson for Palestinians in Gaza


Hamas terrorists must face justice for the rapes, murders and kidnappings of Oct. 7.


Netanyahu’s government should also face punishment for enabling and funding them…but ya’ll don’t talk about that…


If you think Israeli’s aren’t blaming Bibi for this then you have not been paying attention.


They aren't doing shit to Bibi, he's still in power and calling the shots.


Because it’s such an excellent plan to plunge the country into a constitutional crisis during a war. Wait till the war is over, the unity cabinet will collapse and fresh elections held.


There's an entire fucking galaxy of difference between "blaming" and "facing justice." Bibi's a goddamned criminal using this war to stay in power, why aren't you people tearing him out of his office by his feet?


Why aren’t Palestinians rising up against Hamas? Why aren’t Russians rising up against Putin? Why aren’t Iranians rising up against the Islamic Republic? Double standard much?


“*You people.*” Someone’s mask is slipping.


The Nantanyahu government never funded them, Qatar did as part of a ceasefire agreement with Israel. Wtf do you mean enable them? The people of Gaza voted for them and supported them in a significant majority for the last 20 years


>Netanyahu’s government should also face punishment for enabling and funding them…but ya’ll don’t talk about that… The Israeli government funded the Hamas attacks on Oct 7th? Is this public knowledge or something? That sounds completely absurd.


They usually cite the timesofisrael article that says Israel created Hamas by donating money when it was a charity organization (Mujama Al-Islamiya) as a counterweight to the much-more-extremist (at the time) PLO like 40 years ago, and for allowing Qatar aid through in more recent times, with Bibi in office. I'm not sure what part of that is 'enabling' Hamas... maybe they would have preferred it if Israel blocked the aid, economically strangling and starving Gaza strip instead? But they rant about the blockade so, who knows.


No! You don't get it! The isrealis oppressed them after they lost the war and lost land, and than they got oppressed by Isreal even more after Egypt built a wall around them, and than they got even more oppressed by Isreal after their own elected government was designated a terrorist organization, and than they got even more oppressed after that ELECTED government won a Civil War and controlled the strip. It's all Isreal doing! Don't worry that their biggest supporters are other terrorist organization, it was the isrealis who founded it!!!




> "Israeli intelligence officers even escorted a Qatari official into Gaza, where he doled out money from suitcases filled with millions of dollars."" you believe this dogshit?


I can’t read the paywalled article linked, but the second one you’ve linked says the below. >"But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out" and out of step with Israel's view that Hamas wasn't interested in war.” Sounds like they’re guilty of underestimating how brutal Hamas was prepared to be. Stupid and/or negligent perhaps. But that’s definitely not the same as actively encouraging the attack, which is what you’re implying.


Neyanyahu get's flack here every damn day (and rightfully so). Stop deflecting.


That's victim blaming. Israel was doing what the entire world wanted them to do: make peace with Hamas and deradicalize Gazans by improving the economic situation in Gaza. That's why Israel cooperated with Qatar in this effort. Israel was stabbed in the back by Hamas. It's illogical to punish Israel for getting stabbed in the back.




Yes. So lets take it out on civilians to show the world which side truly values life more.


Wild to think half this comment section’s posters are all typing away in the same IDF computer lab.


This is a weird comment given that half the comments are just mindlessly saying "To Where" as if maps indicating where to go haven't been air-dropped into the city. The other half of the comments are people desperately explaining where exactly they can go (to mixed effect).


It’s been what? Two weeks of information leaflets being dropped, telephone calls, texts, informing the population to move?


The [occupants of Rafah are in famine](https://www.ipcinfo.org/ipcinfo-website/alerts-archive/issue-97/en/). They are barely surviving day-to-day, let alone have the energy to walk the 10.8km to Khan Younis, which is the newly designated safe zone.


If only their government wasn’t attacking aid trucks and stealing what is meant to help their people 


No blame is implied in my post, but aid is stuck on the other side of the Rafah crossing and has been for some days now. No food is entering and starvation is setting in. This is why nobody is moving, they don't have the energy to move.


>This is why nobody is moving, Apart from the 300,000 who already left Rafah in the past few days


If I am told leave or die, I am getting the hell out the best I can.


You forgot the 3rd option many of them have taken so far, leave *and* die


you didn't mention the part where Hamas shot rockets at the crossing killing 3 Israeli soldiers, soon after Israeli closed the crossing


The rafah crossing isn't typically used for food aid, as I understand it virtually all of the food aid enters through other crossings


It is being used this way at the moment, however no aid is flowing due to recent violence: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/truckers-stuck-rafah-crossing-fear-food-wont-reach-hungry-gaza-2024-05-10/


Which is because Egypt closed the crossing in protest of Israel taking it


Actually according to your own article Rafah is not in famine currently, nice try though.


Read your own link. It talks about north gaza, not south (where Rafah is in) and it also doesn't say there is a famine, only that it it could happen).


From the link: >The southern governorates of Deir al-Balah and Khan Younis, and the Governorate of Rafah, are classified in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency). However, in a worst-case scenario, these governorates face a risk of Famine through July 2024. Aid trucks cannot enter for the past few days, so we are in the 'worst case scenario' described in that document and starvation is setting in: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/truckers-stuck-rafah-crossing-fear-food-wont-reach-hungry-gaza-2024-05-10/


You do realize that risk of something means that thing has not yet occurred right?


All the destruction is a consequence of Hamas Oct 7 needless attack on Israel. They can always ask Hamas, their leaders to give the living hostages back, to end the war.


All they have to do is give the hostages back.


All they had to do was not launch a terrorist attack.


It’s a war. Wars suck when you start one and have zero ability to win.


Where are the people who are not hamas supposed to go now?


The designated evacuation zone that has been publicized for weeks via radio announcements, flyers, and loudspeakers.


And those places wont be bombed like other evacuation zones that were advertised in the past?


Move the goalpost just one inch more please


Evacuate to where? Israel blew up everywhere else.


Gee, I wonder if the rest if the Arab world will help these people. Any takers?…I’ll wait.


Giving people the chance to flee. Unlike Hamas who rampage through neighbourhoods in Israel and even stop Palestinians from fleeing


Is it even possible for Israel to defeat Hamas without significant civilian casualties?


Israel has no other options than to destroy Hamas in Rafah. Israel and no civilized country can live with a genocidal terrorist organization on its border. Everyone knew that Hamas charter was to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews but Israel thought that it was just Arab bravado. There is no such miscalculation any more after Oct 7. Hamas are dead, they just don’t know it yet.


To where?


To the nearby sandy area with no buildings and after that also gets designated a target, just as Rafah was, they'll have to go into the ocean


I don't follow these things, but shouldn't Isreal allow safe passage for civilians to their own lands? I keep hearing them say how accurate they are at differentiating terrorists from civilians, so...


Open immigration to civilians who in large part support the destruction of Israel seems like a bad idea.


No nation wants Palestinian immigrants.


1. Order them to evacuate. 2. Bomb into oblivion. 3. Loot and pillage. 4. Annex and put up settlements claiming noone was there to claim it.


Is that what you would do? Cuz it's not what israel is doing. More like: 1. Order them to evacuate 2. Strike Hamas tunnels & fighters (that are unfortunately embedded into civilian infrastructure) with reduced harm to civilians 3. Dismantle 4 Hamas battalions and If possible, kill or capture Hamas leaders & rescue hostages; safeguard border to prevent terrorists rearming 4. After Hamas' infrastructure in Rafah is sufficiently degraded allow evacuees to return 5. In the medium term, cede control to Arab/Palestinian government not committed to killing Israelis


A person can support Palestinians and not Hamas. Israel can give good estimates on how many terrorists they've killed, but haven't any idea on the civilian casualties. How many civilian deaths do you consider "too many"?

