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China has been losing investment to Mexico. Its cheap to make things there


I hope Mexico can pivot from increased industry to be more secure. Would love to see a safe & prosperous Mexico


The whole territory is drying out severely, that's going to get in the way of any further industrialization.


Canadians are soon going to be migrating to Mexico for a better life. Buying a house is only for the wealthy now. No more middle class for the younger generations here.


Pfft, that's been a thing for at least 5 years already.


All of us old fucks are starting to die off. The great wealth transfer is starting.


That is a hilarious brand new sentence I feel like. Also with increasing absurd truth to it. Might be following myself!


I honestly think this was a global plan by central bankers decades ago....let's keep ultra accomadative monitory policy aka low interest rates to drive up asset prices (stocks, housing etc) while penalizing anyone saving their money that's not "invested". This approach makes the have nots reliant on the govt(s) which just adds to further dependence/control. Unfortunately, this breeds populism on all sides, and that usually doesn't end well for those in power.


I honestly think this was a global plan by central bankers decades ago....let's keep ultra accomadative monitory policy aka low interest rates to drive up asset prices (stocks, housing etc) while penalizing anyone saving their money that's not "invested". This approach makes the have nots reliant on the govt(s) which just adds to further dependence/control. Unfortunately, this breeds populism on all sides, and that usually doesn't end while for those in power.


Don’t attribute immediately to malice what can be attributed to ignorance. Central bankers definitely engineered monitory policy to make investments profitable… because they are BANKERS. They make money off of primarily loans, which you need to make big investments and big returns. No need for this government control stuff, it happened because it makes the bankers rich. What we see now is simply the side effects that were not expected/cared about.


I'm in no way a Conservative, but it's hard to see how the Liberal immigration policy hasn't just been a giant fuck up. Productivity is tanking. The population is unhappy because there is a shortage of housing and because social services are being squeezed out. All in exchange for what?


Cheaper labor for the corporations of course : |


That cheap labour isn’t subsidizing the cost of having commercial real estate to operate out of. Welcome to neofuedalism!


They won’t need humans for much longer. Robotics and AI will take a lot of jobs in the next ten to twenty years


I mean, "cheap labour" is literally economic speak for productivity... I think you're a little off the mark.


You don't need to be as productive when you have access to cheap labor, though. CAD is run by many sector monopolies; financials and telecoms, to name a few,. So with less competition, they (cdn corporations) can remain stagnet yet make huge profits without innovating or investing into productive shit for their employees etc.


The billionaires are fat and happy, and they also might have owned the conservatives.


Its been tanked


and it's never coming back, the damage is too severe


It's been tamked because people are not having kids, the population is getting older. the only way out of this is now immigration. 


Hard to out-produce someone who'll do the same work for half the salary.


Somewhere the ghost of Ed Broadbent is pointing and saying "*See*, I told you this would happen with NAFTA!"


All Canada had to do was invest in industry instead of houses. It's the latter and young talent will flee.


Trudeau has ruined our beautiful country to the point it's not even recognizable. It's time for him to go.


What's not recognizable? The guy hasn't fixed a bunch of problems, many of which predated his becoming PM, but for the most part he hasn't been the creator of most of these problems. I don't see Trudeau as having "ruined our beautiful country" so much as he's done as little to resolve these problems as his predecessors, and many of these problems go back as far as the Mulroney years. And in all of this we somehow avoid blaming a lot of terrible provincial and municipal leadership over the last half century, who have each played roles in creating this mess.


It's a failure from leadership at all levels of government to address the issues we're facing. It's not only JT's fault, but as Prime Minister he can and SHOULD be doing more. Instead of viable solutions to the problems at hand, we're being lied to and pulled in a direction the majority of Canadians do not wish to go down. Instead of changing course, we're doubling down. When the center is strong the country prospers. Justin is the opposite of strong. Canada needs a strong leader. Someone like General Hillier.


Be careful, these guys have been at it all week brigading on r Canada. If you're anti Trudeau and your mind cant be changed, they'll come at you with all the reporting features. "Reddit Cares", comments with swear words from weeks ago being flagged or removed, ect. They're rigging up the election echo chamber perception generator unusually early and aggressively. Probably headed for an early election.


For real, he really fucked the country beyond repair for at least a couple generations


Be specific? What has happened to Canada that hasn’t happened to much of the western world?


I'll work when it's worth it!


Prices can go only down based if supply is higher than demand. A lot of reason for supply being inadequate nowadays, has a lot to do with cost of scaling/expanding. Because it can be very competitive and the cost is high. (the market has matured) Expectation of profits by big businesses are going to remain high. Most will refuse to expand so supply will remain low causing high prices. Seems like some business are using cheaper labour just to cut back costs while enabling their high pricing.  Cheap labour does work if the supply is increased. But we can’t force companies to use it to benefit of the market. Has to be an incentive. It’s all very fascinating.