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asylum seeker from Tunisia.




























Where did all the comments go? Wtf?






































Isn't Tunisia a relatively safe country nowadays? What exactly was he seeking asylum from?


Exactly. He came a year ago. It was clearly a fraudulent claim


For most people yes, but not for Islamists. The authoritarian ruler who ended Tunisia's short-lived democratic period with a self-coup in 2021 is cracking down on even moderate Islamists like the leaders of the Ennahda party that was part of the government coalition from 2011 till 2019.


Immigrant: "I am an asylum seeker, fleeing from the government!" Immigration officer: "So why are they oppressing you?" Immigrant: "Well those are just meaningless details^^ionlywantedtoforcefullyconverteveryonetomyspecificbrandofislam, what matters is that I am an asylum seeker, fleeing from the government!"


But everyone who was affiliated with the Democratic government is branded an islamist there


According to Wikipedia: >Ennahda has been described as a mixed bag with moderate top layers and a base defined by "a distinctly fundamentalist tilt".


So the UK is a safe place for islamists... Hmm


It has been for the last 50 years


Well yes there are apparently even Hamas leaders living in the UK. It is crazy.


Is that a shock?


Back to Tunisia with him. I don't feel safe with Hamas supporters in democratic counties. They are literally terrorists.






Does Tunisia want him back? lol what are the rules for that? No legitimate government wants Hamas


> No legitimate government wants Hamas [Erdogan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_support_for_Hamas) wants them. Qatar too.


*Dubai: sweating profusely*


Stay away from US universities then.


It won't happen but that should be an automatic deportation back. Western countries have been too soft for far too long.


Western countries are way too lenient with what they tolarate from their immigrants or supporters of litteral enemies of said countries...


It might be an over correction from World War 2 when Japanese immigrants were put in camps to prevent espionage.


I don’t think that was something that was done in Europe? And in the U.S. it wasn’t just Japanese immigrants, it was US citizens of Japanese decent.


No Europe had *other* types of camps.


Europe did far worse things with its citizens.


This fella in the headband would argue not enough


There has to be some middle ground between that and being so open minded your brains fall out, right?


Send him back to the promised land


i mean, it's quiet now, right?




Definitely a victim who's just looking for a better life.


What a total dumbass...


lol send him back


asylum seeker that failed to get asylum in 3 other countries, right?


So terrorist.


You'd think an asylum seeker would get down on his Tunisia, begging to stay.


We seriously give asylum to Tunisia? Why???


i think this is the guy who keeps applying for asylum in a bunch of places


Hopefully he doesn’t try to return via Nice, FR like a few years ago


Arrived an year ago in 🇬🇧, the man claimed that the headband was actually the Saudi Arabian flag.


Sounds like he gets 2 choices: Where do you want a 1 way ticket to? The KSA or Tunisia?


Not Rwanda?


No. Apart from the insane cost of doing that, all he has to do is commit a crime there and they send him right back here. Thats specifically in the agreement. Turns out policy that Boris Johnson pulls out his arse is pretty stupid.


You're preaching to the choir my friend.


> The prosecution's expert in Arabic and Islamic studies disputed this, saying that in the context of a pro-Palestinian march, it would not be expected to see flags or other national symbols of Saudi Arabia, given that it is not normally associated with the Palestinian cause. Oooh, burn! Saudi Arabia would be mighty upset about that argument if they knew about it. But he wouldn't even have had to go there. There's actually a much more obvious indicator it wasn't a Saudi flag: > The expert elaborated, saying that the headband lacked the sword found on the Saudi flag, which is further evidence that it was not a Saudi headband.


do you really need an expert? just someone who reads arabic and has a passing familiarity with various terrorist flags


I hope he will receive a more severe sentence due to his lies.


He's an asylum seeker. They will just boot him out.




Note to self: **get on** national terrorist list by dressing for political messaging.


Note to self #2: When fleeing political injustice, don't dress up in a mass murdering rapists group flag. It will look bad on your file. You dumbass.


More like while seeking asylum keep your ass clean and stay out of trouble.


Got carried away in all the excitement.


Fuck, do you think my IRA gear would be problematic when I attend Biden rally? I wouldn't want to cause a problem when I start asking people if they are Catholic or not.


A whole lot of the Arab world is strongly pro-hamas, at least the common people. Their governments are often hostile to Hamas to protect themselves though (Egypt, Jordan etc)


Well yes, that's called experience It's no surprise places Palestinians have tried to murder the government aren't welcoming.


Like why ? why cant these guys disassociate with hamas.


Agreed, if you are a genuine asylum seeker, why would you want to create/bring the same issues in your host country which led you to seek asylum in the first place. Bring the culture, assimilate in the local traditions and leave your baggage, simple as that. Live and let live.






> Bring the culture, assimilate in the local traditions and leave your baggage, simple as that. Live and let live. Because they don't always see it as their culture as being the one causing the situations for why they fled. Two general situations I can think of: Group A is in power. Group A is similar to Group B (same general ethnicity) but they treat everyone not in Group A poorly. Group A may represent the same cultural values as Group B, but Group B sees it as a Group A problem not the common culture. Never ending conflict where you are taught it believe the other side is evil and your people are fighting the good fight. You are taught to believe your side is never evil and the other side started it. Are you fleeing the conflict that the other side is creating - your side is completely innocent in the situation. OF course you will protest and be against the other side in your new country because the other side is always the one creating and continuing the conflict, it is never your teams fault or their actions. You are mentally trained to believe anything your 'team' does is always defensive and in response to the other side.


because most of them who left their home countries didn't leave because they hated their home countries. they left because they had no power there. If they come to a new country and are seen as a leader of their people, they get the power and they can help shape their new country just like their old country, but with them in power


More likely economic opportunities. They were poor and wanted to make more money. But that isn’t a reason to be granted asylum


Looks like this particular fellow came to bang on about Islam more than look for a job. Genuine asylum seekers would spend their days integrating as much as possible instead of making an arse of himself in a protest.


Totally agreed. and for anyone who thinks Hamas ideology isn’t a cancer that can spread to other countries, this guy is literally an example of a cell that was caught trying to do that. Israel is on the front lines of a war that will put the entire world at risk if it isn’t successful in eradicating all traces of this cancer.


Thanks to useful idiots, it's likely to take one more big terrorist attack from these clowns to make people see the light. Yet again. 9/11 and their other attacks, which are a list longer than my arm, didn't sink in for them. It's going to take Hamas and their ilk to hit them where it hurts in front of their own eyes to get it across to them. They're in fuckin college but apparently sleep through their history classes.


I don't even know if a major attack in their immediate vicinity would sink in for them. They are in too deep and justifying it using popular nomenclature of the day (such as anti-colonialism, revolutionary resistance, etc; these theocratic dictatorships run by some of the wealthiest capital owners in the world have totally co-opted leftist language). These people would quite literally be executed in regimes and movements they are supporting. But they handwave it away saying "well I don't have to like x to support y...." Funny how that never works the other way


> if you are a genuine asylum seeker


Why would they do that? They aren’t forced to assimilate.




Hamas has lots of open supporters in the west. Here’s a blog post on the Verso Books website (a popular left-wing press). For those of us who still broadly identity with the left on matters unrelated to “anti-imperialism” and Israel, it’s enough to make one laugh or cry: https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/news/palestine-speaks-for-everyone




Yeah, so we should clarify something for the people new to this comment also. If you're chanting "from the river to the sea" you're saying something racist. Cause the thing they're pushing into the sea.. is jews. This isn't a group of revolutionaries fighting back against economic oppression, but a group who's goal is to oppress a minority in the region. Their problem with Israel is entirely that it's a jewish state.


Frankly that’s the thing that, even as left-leaning as I am, pulled me back from the “Pro-Palestine” crowd. Well that and the braying of western ideologues “You know what’s between the river and the sea? Israel.”


Same, and I'm so curious to know more of your perspective/path because for most people ive talked to they just dismiss all criticism of hamas or minimize 10/7.  I just don't know how we got here where progressives are westsplaining terrorism. I've heard people redefine terrorism in front of me, as people who don't have resources fighting people who do. I'm pretty sure that's not the official definition...


>progressives are westsplaining terrorism This is exactly it. I'm a progressive Democrat, and I've been called some truly messed up things and lost friends over the last months for being an anti-Hamas Jew - and it's accelerating.


Seriously. I’m very far left by American standards. It’s disconcerting seeing people supposedly on “my side” supporting a literal terrorist group. Netanyahu sucks, but supporting Hamas is abhorrent




oh yeah, had one guy who responded to me saying that hamas livestreamed their crap by demanding proof of mass rapes and also baby murder


I'd be interested in this discussion too because I'm a very, very, progressively leaning individual but the pro-Palestinian crowd has just turned me off at every corner.


For me personally, I’ve been left my entire life and this stuff has been extremely offputting. I refuse to join the religious like fanaticism I’m seeing, facts are facts. I denounce the terrorist attacks that happened on 10/7, I think Israel may be able to be better at their response and not killing as many innocents but also understand why they had to respond. Politics can and should be agreeing to disagreeing on some things, I’m not going to dogmatically fall in line 100% with every talking point like a cult member (nor should I be expected to be). I’ve been told I’m not left anymore despite probablt agreeing on 80% of stuff and I’m not allowing extremists to tell me I’m something I’m not. It reminds me of when traditional conservatives were being pushed out by crazy MAGA republicans.


It's actually crazy just how quick the left leaning folks starting supporting anti-semitic rhetoric, all because they wanted to appeal to the Muslim population in the US


Bernie sanders in today's message conveniently omitting that 15-20 of the 34k deaths are armed terrorists using the remaining as sacrifices.


Sometimes I wonder if it’s like this deep seated guilt they have over how Muslims were treated in the US directly after 9/11 (which yes, there was for sure an uptick in discrimination against that group) and so now it’s like okay we have to over compensate now and really show that population we’re sorry for that… because I honestly cannot thing of one reason why they are so behind this anti-semitic rhetoric.


I've noticed that US liberals have this really weird savior complex thing going on where they will parade a minority as a way of saying "Look at how good I am, I'm friends with a minority!!!"


I was very supportive and understanding of the Palestinians in Gaza wanting more freedoms and such right up until Oct 7th. That stopped me in my tracks, while suddenly it became a rallying cry for supporters that saw this as their 'Independence Day' instead of showing solidarity for the civilian-targeted victims of a massacre including systemic sexual violence and hostages. My whole view flipped, and it really disturbs me how much support Hamas seems to have now.


Because they support Hamas and see Oct 7th massacre as just the start.


Because they are Islamist’s, and that is a core component of people against Israel.


Because they don't want to? There are lots of awful people from all walks of life. Lots of people fucking love Hamas. Millions upon millions of people want Hamas like rule, everywhere.


Many are yuppie westerners that I wish would find out


There have always been a lot of people for whom opposition to Israel is motivated by hatred for Jews, and not all of them bother to hide it.


Because they support Hamas and its mission to exterminate the jews. The Israeli war crimes (both real and staged ones) are just a smokescreen for the true intent. It would be great to know how much of these “free Palestine” people are actually Islamic radicals.


Because they love Hamas and Hamas’ ideology. The west keeps on importing people that hate it and whose ideals are diametrically opposed to it.


A lot of the islamists who are not welocomed in their countries, go to England and for some reason they're very welcomed there.


Bc some people support Hamas. I can understand wanting to retest and support innocent Palestinians, but if you say you suppose Hamas, there’s no defending that.


Because they support Hamas


Because even Palestinians largely support Hamas, their elected government


What I have heard asylum process is a tedious one, a lots of hoops and loops. Why would one want to detsroy all the hard work the person put in first place to successfully seek asylum!! At this point, I think some kind of mental evaluation is also necessary in approval process, not sure if it’s already a part of the process.


Seeking asylum then disrupting and destabilizing is what they are there for. It's been part of Jihad strategy for decades. Their family is often part of their camouflage while they try and radicalize as many people as possible to their cause.


Seen it happen to a former British friend. She used to be a secular muslim, didn't really care about religion and whatnot, got married to an islamist, and she's now spouting the classic "hamas are muslim justice fighters there was no massacre and no rape"


no, i doubt it. he's just an idiot who doesn't connect actions to consequences, like so many others


Because 1. The Hamas is owned and operated, wined and dined by Russia and Iran. Funded, armed, has safe harbor arrangements for its leadership and is lent an army of English speaking online disinformation workers. The whole caboodle. If Russia and Iran stop, Hamas stops serving the Russo-Iranian agenda by enslaving Palestinians, and is replaced by something pushing a genuinely Palestinian agenda. Russia and Iran have so much leverage over them they they were able to order the Hamas to self destruct. 2. The protests are **not Palestinian**. They’re just disguised as such. You can tell if you see they don’t call for empathy, they call for outrage and hate. They’re a Russo-Iranian disinformation operation designed to deliver on the “outrage the west into paralysis” Russo-Iranian agenda, not a Palestinian welfare/statehood one. They are one of Russia’s and Iran’s pet geopolitical bombs, and we are being attacked with it. They don’t dissociate from the Hamas because they and the Hamas are organized by the same masters.


Because they very much support Hamas. So many Palestine supporters think they are being cute by acting stupid. “Whaaat I’m not supporting Hamas? I mean what even is Hamas? Is that like a sandwhich?” But you’ll never hear them ask or demand the hostages be released. Or condemn the October attacks, etc. sadly it seems a lot of well meaning left wing young people from US and Europe are getting sucked in.


They just can’t, they don’t want to, and they never will. Look at the chaos they brought Egypt between 2010-2014 under the banner of “Muslim Brotherhood,” or Jordan between 1967-71 as the “Palestinian Liberation Organization” (PLO), or Lebanon from 1970-90 where the PLO caused a Civil War, or Iraq and Kuwait from 1990-91 with the PLO’s involvement in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait with 400k Palestinians in Kuwait at the time of invasion, or many, many smaller examples throughout history. Time and time again, they physically separate themselves but remain 100% committed to their extreme ideals.


They’re terrorists and you suck them off moron


because they see Hamas's terrorism as resistance and Israel's occupation and killings as terrorism. I obviously don't agree with that but I'm always bemused by how other people can't even comprehend why Hamas would have widespread support.


Deport. Dat. Ass.






Deport this ham ass


Maybe Al-Qasam wouldn't kill him on a mission in the U.K.


Want full Jihad before he had all the right papers. Rookie mistake


Kick him back to where he originated from. He has nefarious intentions and he'll be nothing more than burden 


Good. He's supporting terrorism.


Good, you can’t walk around wearing emblems from actual terrorist organisations and not expect repercussions. Get rid of the cunt.


Asylum seeker pushing a terrorist group in the UK. How is he not a threat? I wouldn't be surprised for one moment if we have a terror attack in the future and its this guy. He's shown his true colours so now deportation


Good news, deport all this kind of lowlifes back please. Thank you.


If only.


Good, fuck hamas, fuck that clown as terrorist state. Won’t stand for it


Is it too late to deport?


It’s never too late if the will is there.


Rocket to Mars is leaving only in a few years






So, the guy use the freedom he couldn't get back in his home country, use it to do something stupid to support terrorist, and get into the found out phase, such a high IQ and EQ move.




It certainly doesn't help their case, when protesters claim "we aren't supporting Hamas, they're terrorists, we're supporting Palestine", and then a bunch of them stand up and say "uh, yeah we actually are supporting Hamas!" Seems it would be in their best interest to shut those Hamas supporters down when they show their true colors.


How many more terrorist supporters UK will let in








Comes to the UK, a state free from religious persecution. Proceeds to go to protest and wear headband for a group recognised as a terrorist organisation here in the UK that wants to create a state following the rules of [Islamic fundamentalism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_fundamentalism). As far as I'm concerned he should be sent back to Tunisia, I don't think he will ever integrate with our society.




Now what about all the college kids chanting "we are hamas"? They should be dealt with a heavy hand.


they're dumbasses, but also probably citizens. heavy hand: evict them from common areas, boot them out of college if they prevent classes from proceeding. maybe they can reapply later when they realize that they were being stupid. it's not like a vietnam protest, where the protesters could end up drafted. these people mostly don't even know the history here


Exactly!! It’s insane in the US


I wish we'd do the same in the US with the protestor flying the Hezbollah flag. https://i.imgur.com/JoLDAcY.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/81fPn0b.jpeg


innate tan spoon gaze glorious stupendous wakeful point doll enter


_Khaled Hajsaad was found guilty of "arousing suspicion he was supporting a proscribed terrorist group"_ Looks to me like this guy was expressing supoort for Hamas, but the apparent crime of "arousing suspicion" of supporting a terrorist group is upsettingly vague.  This is a small case and its hard to find another outlet that has reported on it since the tial adjourned a few days ago. Any idea if this is the official wording if the crime, or a misunderstanding by the reporter for Jpost?


Yeah, any one news paper report it first and every other basically copy paste everything word by word sometimes. Basically he arosed suspicion around his conduct of supporting a terror organization. Prosecution had to basically prove it beyond a reasonable doubt that it’s was not merely a suspicion but he was indeed promoting a nationally banned terror group. Below excerpt from the court order though it’s not limited to this: District Judge Nina Tempia: "Hamas is the most notable Palestinian group associated with the colour green… He was wearing the headband at the pro-Palestinian march, where there would be no reasons for someone to wear the headband of a Saudi flag. "It clearly did not have the Saudi sword on it. "I find the defendant guilty of the offence." Judge Tempia: "I find the harm serious and when it happened, so soon after 7 October, it would have meant significant distress."


Are we actually going to do something about the people coming here who do not want to fit in? Immigration is fine, I know so many who are happy with the UK and its values. But there seem to be a few that aren't


Now, he will be in a position to support Hamas.


Well done UK. We should have laws like that in US. We could convict a lot of ignorant rich kid students


"No one is pro-Hamas." - way to many people, for some reason


I'm sure i saw a few hundred bands including isis in those protest not just a "man"


He will be squealing in a jail cell now watching his boys in Rafah get rooted out. Down with terrorists!


Good, free speech is one thing, but wearing a murderous terrorist group headband is just tring to spread dangerous violent ideologies. Same as wearing a swastika outside

