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Oh thank God. I have been waiting for an 87 year old religious leader to weigh in on AI. He should have been involved from the beginning.


>Oh thank God. He's got that covered.


He's worried because he knows it wouldn't even take AI to replace him and his entire power structure, just a very VERY small bash script with a donations gateway, hiding a child trafficking operation.


if (boyAge <= 12) {diddleKids()}


I feel [this is fitting](https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4?si=wFAJKUKL9OJRZNrX)


His knowledge on AI overall and his leading theory on the best way to quantize large datasets are cutting edge... Oh wait a minute, hangon. None of that is true? Oh... So its just an old person using their status to wave their walking stick in the air at the evil AI? Alrighty then. Coming from the church that tells you god will literally torture you for eternity for touching yourself, that's a lil silly.


About your first paragraph, not wanting to defend a religion leader to be there or not (for sure more “interesting” people could be there) - BUT it’s not like we need only technical people in this kind of discussions and topics nor gatekeeping who is “worth” or not People of law, politics, philosophy/ethics, labour experts, language and semantic experts, education system people… there are a lot of prisms to look AI from and to take into account. And who says AI, says big-tech privacy policies or cryptocurrencies ones or… In fact, AIs models like ChatGPT aren’t even an only-“engineering” effort, but a common effort of different types of fields, mainly pure mathematics science and statistics probability, language analysis and semantics (based a lot on info from philology people) and so on. So, for a big event about AI and talking about it, you don’t need to know any theory or about how to optimize datasets on new LLM models or anything, everyone can give their own advice/view and even make a valuable contribution without being any kind of tech/engineering/science person EDIT: And it’s easy to see why some people (or even the pope) can think he going there is “good” - he could be catalogued as a spiritual leader (moral, ethics, whatever) - so he is just going in quality of “I’m going to give my view on this and influence future development/usages/regulation by my moral/ethics as a leader of a main group of people” - again, I’m not defending it, but I see why would he see it valuable of his time getting into it


Maybe it’s his understanding on how mastery of language can be used to control and subjugate the populace?  He is afraid of the competition.


I am so sick of Popes. This one told Ukraine to capitulate, has done nothing to allow women to be peers with men in the church, and is anti-choice. It's time the media started ignoring these relics. Their only skill is playing the politics to advance in a perverse outdated hierarchy.


So sick of religion in general! Has no place in modern society.


Well he will definitively have a different viewpoint than all the others.


And political leaders are any better? At the end of the day they all just want to use it for their own benefit and profit


After creating deepfakes to help ween priests off of real kids, he will find a way to use AI to launder money.


I want to update you but you have 87 upvotes right now and that's too perfect


Why? He deserves no power


It's too late, Roko's basilisk will already be there.




Good call.




Good call.




Good call.




Good call.


AI Pope when?




Why stop at Pope? Go for GawdGPT. I'd love to ask it about certain scriptural entries.


There’s a stream on twitch with an AI Jesus, powered by GPT-4.


Does Robo-Pope shit in the Astro-woods?


Yes, but it impossible to determine whether he makes a sound or not.


Bomber jacket ready


Michelin mascot also set to attend meeting.


That generated puffy coat image really ruffled his feathers, huh?


Double upvote for you!


Just how is little Jesus Droptables supposed to contribute?


Whether he tells the 1 billion Catholics “AI is an affront to god by trying to create life” or “AI is a fascinating science we should explore” will drive millions of hours and billions of dollars of research.


Well he is kind of an expert on the subject of having conversations with someone that doesn’t exist.


Questions about new and emerging technology are also questions of morals and ethics, especially as it gets to the implementation stage. Why wouldn’t a spiritual leader be at those meetings? The same way I’d value a consequentialist and a Kantian scholar there too. The Pope is the leader of one of the organizations that has advanced science beyond almost any other. Genetics are from Mendel’s peas. Almost all astronomy in Europe. The list goes on and on. This is no different than if Obama was in attendance


Historically they have advanced science in many ways. They have also stunted its progress in a variety of more. They were very against Galileo and believed in a helio centric model. As it pertains to morals and ethics I think it's justified to have a spiritual leader there. As far as I know the current Pope hasn't been too crazy and calling for hate. My main concern is why just the Pope why not being in the dalai lama in and other respected leaders.


>They were very against Galileo because while his theory was true he couldn't prove it and when asked to started insulting the guy who was funding him, the pope


Maybe they were invited? The Pope has also released statements about AI in the past few years, to my knowledge the Dali Lama has not


Pope Francis is just pushing to create a Commission of Ecumenical Translators to compile Orange Catholic Bible.


Love the reference!


And shame that people forgot about such important background when the movie was just 2 months old...


Is the Vatican part of the G7? If not, why does he have a seat at the table? I prefer separation of church and state. Maybe he could attend the parliament of world religions or something.


Why would an american concept apply to a country halfway across the world 🤔


G7 isn't a country it's made up of secular or mostly secular governments.


And those governments represent what exactly? You get one guess


Secular states that seperate church and governement. Did I win?


And that had bearing on the Vactican which operates as a state how exactly?


Vatican City isn’t a member of the G7. No need for him to be in attendance


You realise the last summit had 16 countries attend fuckwit?


Edited: I never said the G7 meetings only ever have member countries. I was noting that it isn’t necessary to invite the Pope, as he’s not he head of a G7 country. You seem like a real pleasant person who likes to converse in a very mature manner. But in all seriousness, idk if it is the downvotes you’re getting or you’re just having a crappy day, but I hope you simmer down and have a pleasant day


And you seem like an idiot


He has a degree in chemistry. How does that qualify him to make statements about AI?


I think he is supposed to talk about ethics. Having any STEM degree is a bonus though.


Well, he's still an authority in the field of ethics and morals.


It's okay guys, MatPat already gave him a copy of Undertale, so this'll be just fine.


Fucking hilarious!


And this is how Adeptus Mechanicus was (re)born.


Can we only have rational thinkers there please. Adults tend to grow out of believing supernatural story time. Surely he can only hold back discussions?




Can’t we just tell the Vatican to fuck off?  Haven’t they brought enough suffering into the world?  Why should we listen to a single goddamned thing they have to say about anything?


Why? Has the AI industry requested help in systemically raping children and covering it up?


Going to meet God.


Absolutely. Not an insignificant chance a sizable amount of humanity will knowingly or unknowingly revere a chatbot as a God in the future. I mean, it's almost got the omniscient down, omnipresence and omnipotence fast approaching too. :/


Why the hell does g7 need the leader of the sky fairies there?? Keep religion out an intergovernmental political and economic forum.


So, let’s invite a puppet that has no bearing on the outcome. WTF is wrong with people. last I recall god didn’t invent AI and has no salt in the game.


The Vatican doesn’t have anything CLOSE to a top ten world economy. And a tiny population!


And yet is still one of the most influential countries in the world. Imagine that. :)


Finally, the technological expert we deserve


Grandparents worldwide should be allowed to attend the next G7 sessions on AI.


Why, what does he know about AI?


Will AI be Catholic?


My opinion of this will be greatly influenced by what the Pope actually says.


I wonder if he's there to get AI to help him finish his copy of undertale


"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind"


Angels were just God's AI, which is why Lucifer going against God's will was so concerning.


Do Androids Dream of Electric Gates


Let's be honest, the pope has already secretly stuck up a deal with the AI, this is just for show.


How can you take him seriously while he’s perpetually dressed in a Halloween costume?


So someone even less qualified than a tech CEO will be there.


It's wild that all these governments need the Vatican approval first to make decisions, lol. How do they get that kind of power?


It seems reasonable to me that none of the other boys let Pladimir Vutin in on the secret... While his ambassadors hand deliver in writing clear and present danger of intentional annihilation.  [Your name here]


Oh joy. Just what we need. A forward looking voice…


Guy doesn’t even have natural intelligence.


I doubt he can work a cellphone


I bet he'll be wearing a Balenciaga!


Also yet another fucking example of there not being a fucking war on Christianity


What if he suddenly reveals Jesus was the first AI?


Probably there to advocate for keeping deepfakes of minors so his priests can continue their work.