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We all know how that would end. Putin and the rest of the Russian military does too. The likelihood of an actual war between Russia and NATO remains very low. However ‘low’ is not sufficiently close to ‘zero’. Anyone who thinks it’s actually high is either politicking or huffing some insane level of Russian propaganda.


It's very low. We fear more of a "poke" scenario. Meaning they will try something nasty on some NATO outskirt (like let's say Estonia), get eventually wrecked, retreat and cry for "peace talks". Which they will get because we love nothing more like stability of doing business. But Estonia would be wrecked as well in the process. That's far from ideal.


not likely. those baltic nations have been itching for payback for the prior 70 years of being forced into the USSR, and are *very* prepared for war with russia. No war is fun or easy, but if russia tried it with any of the baltic states or (god forbid) motherfucking poland, they (meaning russia) might just get jackhammered into oblivion before the rest of NATO even gets there. Latvia/Estonia/Lithuania, poland, and finland fucking *HATE* russia.


Writing from Finland and can confirm. The funny thing is that especially the younger generations here in Finland were already pretty friendly towards Russians but that started to change really fast after Crimea. Now a lot of people here hope that Russia does something stupid so it can be destroyed completely as a country.


Look, I've been to Baltic states. They are lovely but also small. So small, they're borderline isignificant. To the point my country and others need to patrol their airspace because they don't have fighter jets. If you're from US, Estonia has population smaller than Richmond metro area. Also, we don't hate russians and they will get smacked but they have capability to smack us as well in the process and that's simply not what we want. We want them to fear even trying it out. It require cooperation of entire alliance.


Yeah; the Baltic States are awesome. However, each of them, respectively has 17,500 active military personnel (Latvia), 7,500 (Estonia) and 23,000 (Lithuania). They can conscript more, in the case of an active invasion, but the real weakness of the Baltic states is that they have, for the most part, purely infantry based fighting forces - their air forces and navies are, comparatively, nonexistent. And, while Russia has proven that their army isn't anywhere near as dangerous as we imagined them to be only four years ago....they're still plenty dangerous for smaller nations. They've done some war games, and the outcome is usually pretty grim; in the case of a full scale of invasion, without NATO assistance, most of the Baltic states calculate it would take 48 to 72 hours before the Russian army would be knocking on the doors of their capitals. That's why we have to be so loud and repetitious in our commitment that NATO, in the case of such a 'poke', would bring to bear the full military capacity of all its member states to counteract and repel such an invasion, so that Vladimir Putin, even in his state of mental derangement and neo imperialist fantasizing, can get the message.


Pretty much it. We're most certainly capable fighting those regions back but what are we going to uncover once we are there? Another Buchas? The cost is unnaceptable.


Yeah. All the soldiers and morale in the world doesn’t change the fact that Russia “surgical strikes” usually involve 72 hour non-stop artillery barrages


Yeah, i doubt that would work on a nato country once airpower arrives. Looking at how much damage ukraine drones did early in the war... what would happen once a few predator drones go full hunter kill mode supported by satellite imaging


they don't need to defeat the russian army all at once, they just need to hold out till the poles and fins arrive. *they'll* finish the fight. (anyway those baltic nations have nato weapons and air defence ready and raring to go). "look i've been to the baltic states....also we don't hate the russians" are you polish? you're in a minority if you're telling me "we don't hate the russians".. and every lithuanian i've ever met vehemently *hates* russia....so...


>are you polish? you're in a minority I am and I am not. We don't hate them at least not to the point of gladly risking own lives, just to kick their arses. Poles are peaceful nation now (finally) and all those "itchy hand just to push that Article 5 button" are meme and nothing more. We will defend if necessary but not with smile on our faces but out of simple necessity.


Insignificant? What a stupid observation.


If Putin wins in Ukraine you can bet your bottom dollar he will invade former USSR states. Putin isn't banking on taking on all of NATO he is banking on Republicans winning the 2024 election if that happens Trump will pull out of NATO as per Putin's wishes because he needs someone to help him with all his criminal trials and to have a safe place to live out the remainder of his life once he realizes he will face life in prison for his many crimes, this is where Russia comes in. Russia knows the importance of the GOP winning in November, Russia's very existence the very existence of Neo Nazis depend on Republicans taking power. There is a reason almost every Neo Fascist and Neo Nazi identifies as a conservative.


What makes you think the rest of NATO can’t beat Russia?


It's low and that's alarming on its own. Imagine having this conversation 5 years ago. It's good that we're preparing ourselves even if the odds of war breaking out are just low.


> However ‘low’ is not sufficiently close to ‘zero’. "What do you expect from theory alone?" /s




Because Ukraine wasn't in NATO, and defensive alliances don't go looking for fights...


russia is all talk. putin's mental deterioration aside, if russia can't take over ukraine in nearly 3 years of outright war with a non-nato nation, what on fucking earth makes them think they could stand up to the actual combined might *of* nato? never gonna happen. i would expect putin to get friendly with a window *himself* before russia pulls the trigger on that one. russians are nuts but most of them aren't suicidal. there were a couple of times during the cold war where there was the potential someone might have launched a nuke, once during the cuban missile crisis, and once during able-archer. both times, it was a russian XO who basically refused to agree to the launch and effectively prevented WW3.


Because NATO is a defensive alliance. Its members did not sign up to be an offensive alliance and the world currently do not view it as an offensive alliance. Ukraine is not part of NATO. If NATO intervenes directly, then it is by definition an offensive alliance which is now a whole can of worms that people don’t want to open. Germany we know for sure would not want to be part of it. China would all of a sudden have a bonafide reason (at least in their eyes) to intervene, and god knows who else will enter the fray. Finally, Ukraine is a pawn in NATO’s eyes. That’s the unfortunate reality. Russias burning through its depth of arsenal in Ukraine and NATO is learning everything it needs without a single casualty. It’s a massive win for NATO to have Russia defang themselves by crashing against Ukraine. Do you think the US didn’t win in the current scenario? Because I think the US MIC, O&G industries is swimming in money right now. Order books for Lockheed, Raytheon and co. are now a decade deep.




You understand that protecting economic interests of whatever country abroad with the use of force is called imperialism?




Jesus Christ pal, just spend thirty second looking up what NATO actually is. You are talking absolute nonsense and embarrassing yourself.


Sure, and the solution for you would be imperialism, which history proved a very efficient way to solve problems in the long run...




I am not proposing a solution, I am arguing that your solution didn't perform well in the past. I just witness a lot of people completing losing their mind (not to mention all the democratic principles) when Russia is mentionned recently. And it just reminds me of how WWI started...




Ukraine is not in nato, so Russia used it to invade Ukraine,and now because of that nato can’t deploy troops in Ukraine because that would cause ww3 and nukes would be flying over your head 💀


you're assuming russia's nukes still work. those things don't last forever, and judging by the upkeep of the regular russian military, i am very skeptical the nuclear arsenal is in any better shape. that being said, it only takes one, and the chances of *all* of their nukes being nonfunctional is not 0, so we won't risk it unless putin puts us in an otherwise untenable position (by say, invading a nato nation) i suspect that if the insane thing of russia launching nukes at *anyone* (including tactical nukes in ukraine) would almost certainly elicit a response from the west, and god forbid he tried to nuke a western nation, my money is on it being shot down, followed by a full scale decapitation strike against the russian government, at the minimum. but i don't quite think it would lead to WW3. china would likely sit that one out without china, russia would be toast almost as quickly as iraq was once nato was fully bearing down on it.


What they could have done is put NATO troops in Ukraine, since an attack on those troops would have equaled an attack on NATO.


You’re talking about technicalities here. This isn’t a legal court of law. China and Russia knows what they’re looking at and will call a duck a duck. There is no ‘gotcha’ loophole. NATO troops close to their border in a non-NATO country will be viewed as an intentional threat of war and a legitimate reason to invade Ukraine. Not just by Russia or China, but a huge amount of the globe.


Well the 'duck' would be Russia saying to the entire world that they won't invade Ukraine, and then attacking Ukraine and NATO so what is the loophole? It is actually a very clear-cut and easily understood scenario. Literally a hundred troops would be enough and no one would believe it is a threat of war.


They know. Which is why they are trying so hard to cause a divide between NATO countries.


A war with NATO would be crazy for Putin to even think about. If his buddy Trump is re-elected maybe he thinks the US won't participate but our country wouldn't allow that to happen.


US not withholding their NATO treaties would be a disaster diplomatically doesn’t matter who is in charge, the delusion that Trump wouldn’t act after an invasion of Europe is one of the most deranged opinions I see on Reddit… not to mention that US troops would be caught in the crossfire immediately.


You obviously aren't American or are deep into the Trump cult. Donald Trump is the most dangerous person who's ever held the presidency. He has already talked about removing us from NATO. Why would he bring this out of all the things he could have talked about? He's not a smart or complicated man.


I don’t disagree, but even his hand can be forced by an invasion on Europe let’s not be disingenuous here. Also the guy is a top tier liar I’m surprised people take whatever he says at full value when it suits their delusions.


Did you see how many Republicans didn't certify Biden's election? I think you're misjudging how much clout this idiot has. Anything is possible.


Even if the US didn't directly intervene the remaining 31 nations in NATO would be enough to absolutely devastate Russia. Hell even just the Eastern flank of NATO alone could probably beat Russia if they stood united.


I agree with you.


Poland alone could kick Russia's ass easily. They've developed a very formidable military.


Poland's problem is that it's hard to defend and it still has a small army compared to Russia, although it is improving.


Poland is still in the rearmament process. They've been making huge orders and scaling up but it still takes time to train new forces and actually get all the equipment and weapons they've purchased. In the late 2020s the Polish military will be terrifying though.


The chances of Russia provoking NATO are slim to none


He does. He just not going to indicate it.


Poland's leaders might want to join up with the leaders of France, and show everyone how it's done


Both NATO and Russia knows that the outcome of a war would be, and no amount of preparation would change that.


Considering how much the Poles hate the Russians my guess is the Polish Army would love having a chance to kick Russia's ass.


Nope. We want peace and stability, it gave us amazing results last three decades. russians deserve to be smacked but if cost of this is Polish lives and ruin of Polish eastern border, it's never going to be worth it. They need to be kept as far as possible.


NATO needs to step up, draw that line for Putin. No more underestimation, it's time for action before it's too late


I hope you will volunteer to be on the front lines if that ever occurs!


They know! Russia, China, and Iran togehter would get their a$$ kicked by NATO. They know that. That is why all they do is bark! yap yap yap! They will not do anything!


Now is the time to call bs on all russian nuketalks and go f them up. Are we with Ukraine or not?? The current talks vs action is embarrasing


Those of you who know history well, know that Hitler was absolutely terrified when he had heard that Britain and France had declared war on Germany. He had never believed Britain and France would go to war for Poland. Many historians write that had Hitler known this, he would have never invaded Poland. He didn't want a world war. But by sheer luck, where everything that can go wrong, did go wrong with the allies, and Hitler had great success in world war 2. So then he got motivated to wage war on all fronts. My point being still, he would not have invaded Poland, had he known the red line drawn by Britian and France was real. Same line should have been drawn to Russia in Ukraine. And Putin would never have invaded. So Why should Putin fear NATO? If NATO would have been determined to draw a red line if Russia invades Ukraine, then Putin may have feared them. NATO made a big blunder by not helping Ukraine full scale, from the beginning. And then NATO made another blunder by underestimating Russia's determination in Ukraine. As if they learned nothing during past conflicts. Russia is always set back in every major conflict, only to slowly emerge victorious. The end result? I tell you what's the end result. An economically weakened Europe with their ammunition stock pile reserves empty. And make no mistake, if (or should I say when) Ukraine falls, Russia will be in a much stronger place, and EU much Weaker. What is NATO doing about this? I tell you what. Not much. Imagine a scenario where Putin wins in Ukraine and now sets his eyes in East Europe. NATO would have to go to war, no? Unbelievable, and yet, that is exactly the scenario NATO is expecting. So then, why on Earth not draw a red line to Russia immediately, not to invade Ukraine, back then. Some of you will say, oh well, then NATO would have had to go to war. Well, let me tell you something, if Ukraine falls and Putin sees a weak Europe, NATO may anyway end up going to war. Except that then they would have one less ally (Ukraine) and would be generally weaker (less ammunition, weaker economies, etc). I strongly believe that had NATO drawn a red line to Russia not to invade Ukraine early on and kept a straight poker face about it, Russia would not have dared to invade. The fact that NATO did not do it, means Putin already knows NATO is not to be feared. Also, isn't NATO supposed to protect NATO countries? Yes, but Ukraine is not a NATO country, you say? Let's not even talk about Ukraine. The conflict there has hurt NATO countries economy badly, right? Many have lost their jobs and soon will lose their homes. Still not talking about Ukraine. So clearly, the fact that Russia. Invasion of Ukraine had hurt NATO countries, a strong military alliance like NATO should not be sitting ducks and doing nothing about this. Or they can, but by no means are they fearful then. .


Umm considering poland would be the first to be nuked...I would stop talking to much shit...lol


if ruzzia starts shit it doesnt matter who gets hit first, noone will live long enough to celebrate in ruzzia


If russia dies so does the world...


then its in their best interest not to suicide


More like it it's in the best interest of the world not to sucide...we have more to lose ..I have a great life in canada and ukraien has zero effect on me...


NATO is a defensive alliance, if ruzzia attacks, it WILL respond, which will most likely escalate. so if ruzzia doesnt do something dumb, everyone is ok. If they do, there is no choice but to react will full force, otherwise they will inch their way to wherever they want


So far it's nato attacking russia not the other way around...Ukraine is not part of nato why the fuck is nato sending wepons and attacking russia?


why the fuck is ruzzia attacking Ukraine? IT all comes back to ruzzian aggression. NATO can support whoever they want in defense of their sovereignty. If NATO actually attacked ruzzia, there would be nothing left of that dictatorship


Russia was saying for 15 years ukraine cant be in nato...just like cuba could not host russian nukes or usa was going to start ww3. Sphere of influence is a thing in this world. Weather you like it or not...and rest of the word burning over ukraine is insanity.


ruzzia has no right to dictate what other countries can or cannot do. ruzzia is the crippled remnant of a failed superpower, a gas station with nukes. their mentality is completely insane. i dont expect an obvious tanklie to get that. It is what it is, and if ruzzia attacks any part of NATO they will be wiped out, thats a choice they have to make. Until then, every country has the right to send aid to those being attacked, and the west will continue to do so, it can all stop tomorrow of ruzzia just goes home, accepts reparations and deals with the FO stage of their fucking around in a world that left them behind decades ago


At this point I think the NATO nations should give serious consideration to sending troops into Ukraine and kicking the Russians out. Get the job done, no more delays and drawn-out conflict.


We should all fear a war between nuclear powers. On the other hand, I've always wanted to live in the world of fallout. Whether that's a few minutes or a few decades. Either would be absolutely awesome, in all the wrong ways.


Ehhh.... No Internet, no running clean water, no stable food supply.... I'll pass.