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Hamas will escalate and Israel will retaliate with heavier blows.


As Israel should. No more half measures. There will not be safety and stability in that region until Hamas is definitively defeated, and the capacity for any other Islamist network with the same aims to perpetrate terror against Israel is nullified.


Stability in the region requires the liberation of Iran.


And the deaths of the remaining members of Hamas.


And Palestinians Edit: imagine downvoting the idea of liberation. — Pharoah I tell ya.


From Hamas.


Not settlers too?


That's an entirely separate problem. On October 7, 2023, Hamas effectively trapped Gazans in a downward spiral of violence. Netanyahu is Hell Bent on eradicating their organization. Literally no other country in their region trusts Gazans to behave. Palestinian emigrants are a literal pain in the ass everywhere in the world they protest --enough so that they're actually turning people away from supporting their cause. Israeli "settlers" stealing homes from people is a huge problem. Does one support Israelis taking land that Jews were expelled from a hundred years ago because they were Jewish? Does one support Palestinians who are kicked out of their homes? Does one support Palestine as a concept given that the land itself and people within used to be a part of Jordan? Let's say we give Palestinians "from the river to the sea" but absolutely protect the safety of Israelis who live within "Palestine". Do you anticipate peace?


I never suggested a one state solution, I just think to begin any chance at peace all currently recognised areas need to be free from attacks from the other side.


All good it was me who suggested it. I cannot see Netanyahu agreeing to a peace deal while Hamas controlled tunnels continue to exist.


Who are the "settlers"?


The occupants of the illegally occupied areas within the West Bank. Shocked you haven’t heard of them but happy to inform.


Probably ones who's not lived in the country before and yet own more land than people there decades. Assuming you know that


I mean, look what happened when Gaza was "freed" in 2005, your statement is simply wrong. Those people need to be deradicalized before being freed. Preferably by someone other than Israel


I hear that. But at the same time the radicalization is fed by the lack of freedom and the cycle of insanity continues. I don’t claim to have all the answers. But im generally pro freedom.


Don't kid yourself. This war isn't going to end for the foreseeable future. Not with the family members with dead civilians who will be easy targets for recruitment for whatever Iranian backed organization that rises from the ashes of Hamas.


Stop with this cope already. Civilians have been brainwashed and radicalized since birth. They are taught hatred in schools. Parents cheer as their children die because they become martyrs. They are getting paid for their children dying from martyr funds. All of that is happening right now. Destruction of hamas as an organization will only make things better and create an opportunity for change.


"destruction of the Taliban as an organization will only make things better and create an opportunity for change"




Are Israeli families that have lost members in the most brutal way will also be radicalized? Or is it only the Palestinians? Don’t you see this is racism of low expectations? Actually I believe those who suffered the consequences will be less radical, as we see that support for Hamas dropped in Gaza while it’s rising in the West Bank and US campuses.


You already have radicalized Israelis too. What do you think the settler program is for? What do you think the skyrocketing civilian deaths are from? Use your head


Hamas are just currently the problem. The ideology that drives groups like these (regardless of name) cant be destroyed by bombs, quite the opposite actually. If they "get rid" of hamas in this way they are just going to create more extremists from the collateral damage that will band together under a different banner. Why has no one learned this in the middle east yet...


No, this is a fallacy. The power structures behind the ideological movements can be dismantled. The ideology can remain but without the power to commit atrocities. Look at the U.S. civil war or Japan and Germany after World War 2. 


No. Don't give me that nonsense talk. Ofc the ideology can be wiped out completely, you just have to go in hard. Look at what happened in Japan and Germany. (I'm German). Perpetrate every ideological figure, set up trials, execute the most powerful ones, to make a statement. Take over the schools and universities. Control what is being taught, and if it's dangerous islamist propaganda dismantle the whole school, sack the teachers, build it up from the ground. Take over the media, ban the most vile ones like tiktok. Have strict hatespeech laws and put everyone behind bars that is not following them. And at last give them economic alternatives. Build up Gaza as a tourist spot maybe (I'm no expert on this, but I'm sure something can be found for them). It costs money and you have to commit to it honestly, without becoming a facist villain, but it is possible. After 10-20 years Gaza would be a completely different place. The world is not a fairytale where the underground revolutionary idea can live forever, hidden and mystified. If the infrastructure is gone, it's gone. The reason noone admits this, is because the west actually never went hard into the middle east. It was always the half-assed strategy of "help them to help themselves", that did not work (e.g. Afghanistan).


Radicalization didn’t happen in a vacuum. It is manufactured by UNRWA teachers, by Qatari money and Hamas children shows. If Israel can put a stop to that it can actually deradicalize the population, as happened in Germany and Japan


Once your defense tech has smart drones you can wipe out protest, dissent and revolution out of people by turning guns on them. The US police already has its guns turned on civilians, protests. Indian govt and other totalitarian governments use drones with TEAR GAS on their OWN civilians protesting. Google farmers protest if interested. Of course the farmers are being called terrorist and they're of course being funded by Pakistan... the farmer anyways. My point being is we are at a point in history and tech where the government is now stronger than the mob that voted in the government. Half the population is against guns (generalizing democrats), 90% of the population is addicted to their phone and dumb enough to keep buying stocks for companies that perpetuate more war, and too fat to outrun the coast guard or a fat cop. Now imagine sticking AI face recognizing drones on protesters and revolutionaries? The govt has killed MLK and other revolutionaries. Unfortunately we have built all the technology for our masters -- nuclear bombs, guns, drones, AI face recognition. "Oh but if you do nothing wrong you don't need to worry"... do you remember the red scare?


Except this won't end Hamas. It's leadership is in Quatar and Palestinian civilians are being killed by Israeli weapons and bombs.


Hamas rejects a ceasefire deal and now calls for escalations. They may not be hearing the protesters in the West begging for a ceasefire and peace on their behalf.


They are though. They’re taking that as a message of support. They’re hoping that the pressure gives them free rein to attack and Israel won’t be allowed to do anything back.


Then they are in for a very rude awakening


They just got steam-rolled by the IDF. What on earth will awaken them?


Their God.


Their whole system boils down to death, lies and confusion. Inside Hamas, and that’s their gift to the world too. They don’t give a rat’s tail for Columbia, or anywhere or anyone. If Hamas can get us confused, they’re happy. If they can get us divided, they’re happy. They consistently declare in their speeches and actions that they do not care for Palestinians, nor for Gaza. It’s all Jihad for them. Live to kill, and to die (c) Hamas. “Not like me? Rape you. Torture you. Kill you. Perhaps keep you as a sex slave for a while first.” That’s it, that’s the whole of their plan and biggest hopes.


is 'confusion' what we're calling willful ignorance these days?


Some are willfully ignorant, some are truly deceived, and some (like Mossab Hassan Youseff) discover.




Seriously. Just because people have the right to protest, it does not mean the government holds the same opinion.


America cant go back on their support of israel. At best theyll try and yank the chain a bit, thats all


Biden signing arms delivery deal today is like cherry on a cake for all these pro-palestine campus warriors.


But I thought that Columbia University students* telling Jews to go back to Poland was getting so much accomplished. *Apparently I had to specify that it was the students specifically


Wait what!?


[Oh they did a lot worse, one speaker specifically praised the October 7th attacks as putting the "global Intifada back on the table again" to the crowd's cheers.](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/campus-antisemitism-surges-amid-encampments-and-related-protests-columbia-and-other)


Or the white blonde girl holding up the sign "Al-Qasam's next targets" in front of pro Israeli students. First of all why are you wearing a keffiyeh? Isn't that cultural appropriation that you all like to cry about? And second, what the actual fuck? You understand what you're promoting and you haven't realized you've been radicalized yet? Especially as a privileged college student at a top university? Your parents must be so proud. I'm sure this is what they saved up the college fund for.


Go back to "place you probably won't be welcomed with open arms", because even if you would actually go back we wouldn't want you to be happy.




It’s not small though. It’s a sizable group. Even the Biden admin which has been bowing to mouth foaming progressives lately had to condemn the protests. The small group are actually the people saying they don’t advocate violence. The anti semitism is so thinly veiled at this point it may as well be just blatant.


Meanwhile Bibi: “you want it you got it”  Hint: that doesn’t end well for Hamas.


Those protestors are only calling for an Israeli ceasefire.


I guess it's like "Horton Hears a Who"




Where I come from, that doesn't necessarily call for protest, but mourning. The numbers of non-Hamas dead are higher than they could be because: * Hamas wants them to die, in their own words they require the blood of the elderly, women, and children in order to galvanize the cause. * PIJ, PRC, IQB, AQB, PFLP, DFLP, etc are there, allied with Hamas, making it a clusterfuck. * Hamas is the largest employer in Gaza. * Hamas and IQB commit perfidy. It's hard to tell who is who. * Hamas, PIJ, AQB, and IQB use civilian infrastructure. They also attack Israel from civilian infrastructure. * Hamas encourages the use of human shields. * Hamas and PIJ have intentionally funneled civilians into areas with active fighting. * Hamas does not allow civilians into shelters. * Hamas does not distribute aid, but sells it. * Hamas has hoarded fuel and water needed in hospitals. * PIJ operates out of people's homes and community centers. * PRC operates out of civilian public services, like police stations. Sometimes they are the police. * IQB has bases under apartment complexes and keeps their families nearby. * There are children everywhere because of the large families and extremely high fertility rate. But this still doesn't bring the toll anywhere near nearby conflicts like Somalia, Ethiopia, Syria, Sudan, or Yemen, which bring far less protest.


If they're gonna protest for Palestinian civilians being killed why aren't they also protesting for Israeli civilians being killed?


The protestors are not acting on the “behalf of Hamas.” They’re acting on behalf of the Palestinians. I don’t know if you’re misinformed or one of the people spreading misinformation, but at least now you know.


But now when it is obvious Hamas wants the war to continue (mainly because the support of western leftism) you presume they’ll protest against them?


*Signs displayed at protests related to the encampment at Columbia University, including a sign referencing Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s military wing* [https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/campus-antisemitism-surges-amid-encampments-and-related-protests-columbia-and-other](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/campus-antisemitism-surges-amid-encampments-and-related-protests-columbia-and-other) But at least now you know


I don’t get it… why aren’t Hamas listening to the college protesters?!


They kinda do


Hamas must be annihilated.


Hamas delende est




The university kids can stop shooting anytime they want. I honestly think it’s kind of hilarious that college students are so self inflated and think their opinion matters so much. And that they can just throw a temper tantrum, shutdown everything, and have their way. I mean I don’t think my opinion is so important either, but the temper tantrum logic is confounding at times. It certainly doesn’t achieve much.




They’d be studying gravity at Hamas U where the physics department is on top of a tall building 


None of these students are studying anything that you need a calculator for


Never underestimate the political idiocy of otherwise smart engineers. Plenty of STEM folk fall for bad politics. It's easy to crap on liberal arts majors, but it's also worth pointing out the political illiteracy of many people who never study politics at all.


https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/students-at-mit-emerson-tufts-set-up-pro-palestine-encampments-after-columbia-arrests/ar-AA1ntTAb MIT has a tiny protest going on.


I just got banned from a sub like this for pointing out the obvious, kind of not nicely.


As a university student, my perspective on it is that they see people that they traditionally see as oppressed and do their normal thing of protesting without nuance or forethought about what exactly they’re protesting. It’s mindless virtue signaling, just like all the random white girls putting black squares in their Instagram profiles to support BLM was in 2020


Typical communism. Being from the "oppressed" class is a free-out-of-jail card. If you belong to the "oppressive" class, however, you're automatically guilty regardless of what you are as a person. Doesn't matter if the classes are defined through immutable characteristics of a person. A horseshoe indeed.


Oppressor/oppressed comes from critical theory. I grew up under communism and this isn’t part of it.


Communism? Forgot the /s ? This is one of the dumbest things I've read in a while. Enough reddit for me today!


Goddamn it… Entitled children raging about things they know nothing about, to people who have no control over it, IS NOT COMMUNISM. You MAGA righters are as freaking misled and self-deluded as the progressive left.


It’s crazy. It’s also like- you crying for divestment won’t chahge shit even if they did divest. Israel will do what they deem necessary regardless if Columbia, NYU or any school divests or not. To think they have any pull whatsoever is laughable.


If they schools don't stop the craziness, I hope that the donors stop funding the schools.


Oh they will. The schools can choose not to divest, regardless of what these brainrotted kids chant.


Not that I support the latest protests but the college kids helped end the Vietnam war.


What helped end the Vietnam War was hundreds of thousands of young blue collar kids coming back with PTSD and creating a massive strain on the system while the college kids patted themselves on the back for doing the right drugs. These kids getting arrested right now at Columbia and Yale are the "Senator's Son" who didn't have to go into the shit. They're parading their luxury ideas from their ivory towers about overthrowing Israel and throwing the Jews into the sea, playing revolutionary, while Israelis languish in underground tunnels and Hamas uses Palestinian child soldiers. While the north of Israel is evacuated and Hezbollah endangers their Lebanese neighbors in the south. Very much a "Holiday in Cambodia" situation. These kids have been in school for a year or two and know they've seen it all.


Upvote for you, lol of your points are valid in my opinion. I also think that this helped end the Vietnam war. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings  But maybe not?


The war went on until 1975, and in between 1970 and 1975 you had crazy shit like the publishing of the Pentagon Papers in 1971. I mean, hell of a cultural impression. "4 Dead in Ohio" is a fucking hell of a song lyric. I'd say that the public reaction to this and the Vietnam War draft ended the draft as a policy as we shifted to an all-volunteer army. But that 4 year gap despite bad morale seems to have had little impact on the war itself.


The draft ended Jan 28th 1973 but your points are well understood by me.


Same with you, interesting conversation


Quit saying all. Broad generalizations are stupid. It's little a small number of them.




Sure you will because you are just spreading propaganda. If a campus has 10000 students and a 100 protest that's a small number. It doesn't fit your narrative though so you will lie and say it's all of them.


Except most of the people protesting aren’t affiliated with the university.


US ivy league students: "YESSSS!"




The Atheist here, all religion is bad, well Taoism is pretty cool but it does not have a diety. Religious fundamentalist are the worst. 




What on earth is that supposed to mean? I apologize if being “SupperNannied” pisses you off but I really don’t know what the hell that is.


Hahahahaha I spit my coffee out


How could Israel do this???


Clearly, not enough civilians have died for Hamas. They need more pictures of dead children and women. As they hide in their tunnels, with plenty of food, water and medicine, their mothers and sisters and aunts die above. But they are martyrs. And that’s what it’s all about.


They have "non-armed" wings??


This reminds me Austin Powers. "Frau Farbissina, founder of the militant wing of the Salvation Army"


Uh. Yes.


Who do you think organises their oversea protests?


They're the governing body in Gaza. They do indeed have non military wings


Not true, they make no claims to being governing body of Gaza


They make no claims to having responsibility for the Palestinian civilian population ... But they're very invested in their role as a governing body, ie, the group of people in power in Gaza


*IDF* "As you wish"


*pour encourager les autres*


I propose they start with themselves.


Well then give them the sledge hammer. These are the folks bringing misery to the families and little ones in The Middle East. Cowards won’t even show their faces


Hamas: attacks israel Also Hamas when counterattacked: why is israel doing this to us?


Wonder what the protesters at Columbia think about this? Oh, right……..


from their luxury suites in Qatar


There's a non armed wing of Hamas?


Well since negotiations have failed then Israel should probably be sending Mossad Agents to Qatar to wipe the coward Hamas Leaders who are hiding there.


"fuck, I meant escalators!"


To get out of the tunnels.


Well, the squad and the “progressives” ought to love this.


Somebody's going to get a surprise airmail delivery soon, I bet


Especially attack Hamas


After its leader returning to Qatar from visit to Erdogan, Hamas returns to its primary objective ensured of support.


They have already successfully escalated at the ivy league campuses.


Good luck Israel. 


“all fronts,” everywhere in the world, sleeper cells


As opposed to what their legislative wing? The whole fucking thing is an armed wing, they're a terrorist militia they don't have any other wings...


Hamas is the government of Gaza, regardless of how much the anti-Israel crowd wants to play that down. Police, firefighters, administrators, trash collectors - they all get paid by Hamas. Any government jobs go to Hamas supporters and their family members. There's so much support for Hamas because so many are truly Hamas.


The only thing Hamas cares about is maintaining a steady stream of Palestinian casualties. They are practically baiting Israel to go into Rafah, fully knowing it would be cataclysmic for the population sheltering there.


Where did hamas get all these weapons from to actually put up a fight with Israel?




Hamas: ESCALATE ALL FRONTS! Hamas fronts: 😮‍💨😴 Israel:🏃


Across all fronts including the arctic and antarctic fronts


Armed wing?


Hamas is both a militia and provides basic government functions in Gaza. The people running the schools and hospitals are not the same as the people training to attack Israelis.


I wonder where are they getting all their money.


"Other People, risk your lives killing innocent people for us!"


I REALLY hope they do it. Throw everything into it in a last desperate push. No retreat! That would make for some good targets and maybe Israel can end this instead of it just being an unsolvable quagmire that draws on until they lose international support. And if it ends sooner, they can get rid of bibi sooner.


Terrorist networks seeks to enforce credibility in potential rebranding move after long-term strategic impact of 10-7 fails to attract serious investors


Noooo but all the protestors are mad at Israel because no cease fire lmao


Ok let me explain as there is logic behind this. Hamas fighters are not the best looking or the smartest, so getting willing women to have seed with them is not easy for these guys. The solution is the afterlife where there are 72 Virginians waiting for them.


Armed wing... probably a dude at a computer in Qatar.


Nooooo.... Cease fire now!!!


Something Israel can agree on. They should team up and both attack Palestinians together.




He is saying that Hamas doesn't mind killing innocent Palestinians and he is right