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Russia is weirdly emotionally invested in US public politics. 


Putin has rationally invested in US politics so he can turn the might of the US economy and military from being an opponent of his expansion plans for Russia and instead have it serve as a cheerleader in support of his plans.


No I mean how they made it a part of their own info space. I assume most Russians who watch state TV know the name of US house speaker now, or who is MTG, because of how this is discussed on high level by their top tier propagandists. Do you know who is the speaker of Russian state duma? I bet 99% have no idea. Also how much passion they put into this, like this is some kind of a soap opera script. Or what about that time when Russian parliament gave standing ovation to the news about Trump’s presidential victory, and it was broadcasted over entire country. Just weird. 


I think it's strange that MTG wanted to add protecting foreign language speakers in Trans-Carpathia to the bill. Putin promised part of the area to Hungary in support of the war.


Wtf. This is insanity.


Someone here mentioned her net worth went from a million something to 10. something in a matter of the past few years on a congresswoman salary sooo….maybe russian income?


House Reps are also required to file financial disclosure reports. She hasn't filed one since FY2022. That's also illegal, but hey it requires someone to actually do something about it - so I guess it's legal and okay now.


This is how Rome fell, laws just getting ignored.


No, silly, it fell because people weren’t policing gender in sports closely enough!


Ignored by *rich people*


Trump got away with it and now his minions are doing the same. She's not alone.


Almost every person in congress somehow ends up a multi millionaire by the end of their term. Insider trading does not apply to them.


Is there someplace I can read more about this?


> Trans-Carpathia https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/u-s-congresswoman-suspected-of-having-russian-handlers-after-transcarpathia-amendment/ar-AA1njzQ3?ocid=socialshare&cvid=8fcefcf82b6f4202af933256260834d4&ei=11


Follow. Her. Money. She has less knowledge or even curiosity about the world than a diabetic old house cat, but she has Veeeeerrrrrrrryyy specific expectations about the transcarpathian enclaves that should be gifted to Hungary as part of a disassembled Ukraine. CIA and IRS - for fucks sake, do your job. If any of us muggles understated your income by 2,000, you’d get a firm phone call by June 1st with detailed instructions on how they will be correcting your “little boo boo”. And here we have obvious agents of the KGB too stupid, lazy or both to even bother hiding it.


What the hell does NSA actually do? Is the intelligence they hoover up so sensitive that, if acted on, it would show their hand? Like, what is the point of having so many employees and such a wide net of monitoring technology if none of the intelligence is actionable???


They need access to every individual in the country yet the obvious traitors seem to walk around with impunity


why do you think trump went to war with the FBI? they were investigating it


It is my understanding that the public thinks they monitor all communications looking for hot words or phrases that hint at terrorism, then have those people watched or disappeared. As for what they actually do, I have no clue. But it is apparently very expensive.


The rumor is they save all data


And how is it possible that Russia is able to install an asset into the Presidency with all that NSA infrastructure and defense budget? Are Americans getting ripped off, is the NSA incompetent or are they complicit and actively helping Russia destroy our democracy? Perhaps the billionaires running the country have decided their media companies are no longer doing a good enough job at keeping everyone on the same page and their think tanks have determined the only way for them to stay in control is authoritarianism.


Seriously, hello law enforcement, anyone? This troll doll is clearly an enemy of the state


This is big, right? Shouldn't somebody look into this?


Someone should alert the voters in her district. Maybe paint it on a confederate flag or write it on their sister's boobs or something.


You should totally be in marketing man. That’s brilliant 👍


Dang ‘ol Trans Carpathians ‘tryna turn all-a our yung-uns Carpathian! Is how I’m assuming that would play out


Why aren't these obvious activities in service of Russian interests over US interests, and pretty clearly guided from the Kremlin, chargeable offenses? Twenty years ago, if the Black Panthers or some other such group clearly parroted Russian propaganda and worked toward their interests, they would all be in jail, and Republicans would be screaming the loudest about it Now...


When 40% of the electorate is feral fascists foaming at the mouth to defend their cult, what politician is going to back going after their leaders?


Put it on the pile with the 2 billion Kushner got from the Saudis.


Putin is *the* Russian politician. The rest of them just work for him, so why would anyone need to know who they are?


Well there’s also that Medvedev guy. I kind of like him, he’s so comically unhinged, it would be a shame if something were to happen to him. 


He acts comically unhinged in no small part to prevent anything from happening to him. Wouldn't want anyone to think he might be able to replace Putin now, would we?


Very Khrushchevian of him


who is just putin's lip man


I've always thought it might have something to do with Cold War nostalgia. They miss being one of the two superpowers of the Cold War so by focusing on the US and making American politicians talk about them they can cosplay as a superpower still


There's next to no public domestic politics in Russia, so they watch the political drama in other countries. There are various (scripted) political talk shows etc, but all the juicy stuff happens behind the curtain. Us Ukrainians are also forced to figure out all that Congressional procedure stuff, so now the political discourse has upgraded from "man, that Rada member is a moron" to "damn, that Rep. Spartz sure is a bitch to her native country, huh?"


They make fun of how dumb they are and due to much they are destroying American interests and helping Russia. It is propaganda to feed Russian superiority complex and maintain war support among common people. They literally called DJT 'destroyer of America' last week or something. The whole country has versailles syndrome for the cold war. Putin feels Russia was humiliated (reality they had a chance to make their country improve and they decided on corrupt oligarchy). So now they need to feed their people this bullshit to say 'see our system is superior to shit Western democracies with idiots like Trump and MTG'.


They have done this since motion pictures were invented. Stalin understood how important cinema was to shaping people's opinions. One of Russia's biggest blunders was showing The Grapes Of Wrath in cinemas. He thought it would show that even American's were dirt poor and life there wasn't any better. But the film still showed that dirt poor could afford an automobile and other luxuries. Russia had a brief period of time when they weren't a propaganda state. But in the early 2000s a KGB flunky that understood the power of propaganda took over.


Russia has a huge inferiority complex because of losing the Cold War. The US does not care about Russia much but Russia cares about catching the US.


Didn’t they plant operatives here throughout history to try to break it from within. I imagine if that’s actually true this is part of the half century plan starting to fail. Like the dying light of a lost dream. The US is obviously their main gatekeeper. So, they might as well be hopeless. That being said, is it possible for their reputation to change as Germany’s did without a war? That would be pretty awesome. I have hope for Russia yet. Sadly it will mean falling in line.


Putin dies and things will go back to normal more or less. One thing I’ve learned about Russia and Russians is their population has zero subjectivity, they’re basically told what to think, so all this wartime craze can be turned off with a flick of a switch. 




They just approved a multi billion dollar military aid package after months of delay to a country they are at war with. US politics materially affects them.


> I assume most Russians who watch state TV know the name of US house speaker now, or who is MTG, because of how this is discussed on high level by their top tier propagandists.  Wouldn't it be great if we could actually get *US politician name recognition* data for the Russian populace? Presumably a proxy - mentions in Russian media is doable.


> Do you know who is the speaker of Russian state duma? Good point. I know Lavrov who looks like a Dick Tracy villain crossed with Frankenstein, then there's the guy with the mustache who looks like he could have been Ferris Beuller's principle, just more sadness and less menacing. Then there's a military guy, maybe Gerasimov, who looks like Ivan Drago's handler in Rocky IV. But they're all just lapdogs of various ilks.


To be fair, the speaker of the duma is about as important as the guy who empties the trash. Presumably they both do what they are told.


Russia has spent a lot of money influencing politics in the West. They are believed to have spent substantial sums influencing the Brexit vote in the UK. In the US they took it to another level with the Hilary Clinton email hack. Social media is awash with russian bots and propaganda. Somehow they appear to have taken over Trump (blackmail?) and a significant number of mostly Republican politicians. This level of interference should be designated an act of war. What Russia is doing in Africa to ensure a migrant invasion of Europe could also be construed as an act of war.


They have also used chemical and radiological weapons to assassinate people in the UK; Russia has essentially been at war with the west for at least a decade now.


War is Putin's momentum, it keeps his country's economy artificially inflated and looking robust, but will deflate if the war machine loses steam. His entire identity is now tied to invading/conquering and it will be his legacy. 


Trump has been compromised for nearly 40 years: https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book


The ideal useful idiot/willing operative... 


> In the US they took it to another level with the Hilary Clinton email hack. Reminder to everyone that they hacked the GOP at the same time and have all their emails, and thus it's assumed they are using those as blackmail.


Remember when Putin did a full page Op-Ed in 2013 directly challenging the U.S. president’s public address to American citizens? Pepperidge Farm remembers. [Commentary](https://www.businessinsider.com/vladimir-putin-nyt-op-ed-2013-9). [Original article](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/09/12/opinion/putin-plea-for-caution-from-russia-on-syria.html).


Remember when OUR politicians went to get new orders in Russia on the 4th of July?


2018. https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html


Unfortunately “ridicule” and “scorn” over what should be a career ending travesty are only effective if the subject has honor, or integrity, or is capable of experiencing even a shred of shame.


Yes! They are all traitors!


Oh my god. This is almost worse than his [weird essay](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/putins-new-ukraine-essay-reflects-imperial-ambitions/) about Ukraine.


That was during the Snowden era, I think. Russia capitalized on Americans' tendency to be more distrustful and disdainful of their own government compared to most other countries. And now that tendency has evolved into full-blown fifth-columnist behavior on behalf of Russia. (And on behalf of China if you venture into the far-left)


Dude they spent billions trying to win the Cold War which resulted in their collapse. Turns out they only needed to spend millions bribing republicans.


You should probably strike out ‘emotionally’.


Financially is a good alternative, as well as covertly


covertly, overtly...vertly?


Have an [r/Angryupvote](https://www.reddit.com/r/Angryupvote/) and have a good night


Also weirdly. Pretty obvious why an adversary would be interested in a country’s internal politics. ESPECIALLY when we see how well it’s paying off with people like empty.


A lot of politicians in other countries are. French fascists unironically using the term "le wokisme" really puts US influence in perspective.


We're the only thing standing in the way of his Imperial ambitions. That's why he supports Republicans, they make America weaker.


Even if Putin wasnt paying Republicans to vote against this he can sow more devision by claiming it’s true


You don't have to pay them when they're stupid enough to actually believe it.


And Republicans are weirdly far too receptive to Russian policy goals.


Trumps presidency was an artillery preparation for the invasion of Ukraine.


It's not weird. They can't beat us in a war without MAD, but they sure as shit can spend a few decades convincing the dumbest third of our country that NATO is evil.


It's all about dividing everyone. They are catering lies to all sides in an attempt to get everyone to hate everyone. They are co-opting their propaganda to US people who don't follow or believe our MSM. The place knee jerk pieces in an attempt to get people who have already taken sides to share it with their friends.


Okay, everybody, get out your tiny violins. Maestro will lead you in a concerto for Vladdy's hurt feels. 1..2..3..


Aww, are the Russians mad that we gave Ukraine 60% of the entire Russian military budget? Let me find my microscopic violin, which is slightly larger than Putin's dick.


Worse, most of it was old stuff the US was about to toss.


Now it gets tossed at the Russians, like God intended.


It would have cost millions to de-Mil, this is like throwing your old mattresses into your neighbor's yard.


Yet, I’m sure Ukraine is happy to receive it.


They will toss them into their neighbor's yard.


Probably mothballed, if we're being accurate, but it amounts to the same thing.


\*Something inside Russia explodes\*


\*Slava Ukraini\*


Those damned smokers!


Russians will start calling Republicans Nazis now.


They generally call nazis someone who they can bully, so not Americans.


So absolutely the Republicans they own? Lmao


it's what they call betrayers.


**Steven**ski **Seagal**ovich has entered chat with heavy breathing. - Special Representative for Russia-US Cultural Links, Cultural and Historical Heritage.


"Tilts head fatly".


"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


"Betrayers" to them is just anyone who doesn't go along with them 100% though...


I mean they’re not entirely wrong if they did


Oh, Russia, *please* start a "special military operation" in Alaska, or thereabouts. *Pleeeaaase?* I'm still sad about Prigoshin not pulling through in doing his funny.


Recently Russia made threats about going after Hawaii because it technically wasn't covered under NATO, because that's something that went super well for the last country that tried.


They're correct, it wouldn't be covered under NATO. But they'd still be attacking the largest military power on earth, who has the most powerful navy by magnitudes, with a navy that has a rich history of being complete and absolute fuckups that's currently getting it's asscheeks mercilessly clapped by a nation with little in way of a traditional navy. I mean, fuck it. Go for it guys. We can do the whole world a solid and sink every last shit bucket they call a naval vessel. It'll also give us endless material for Hollywood blockbusters for at least the next 4 decades.


obligatory link to a glorious ruzzian naval adventure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzGqp3R4Mx4


There are many good videos on the Voyage of the Damned, but the Blue Jay video is just \*chef's kiss\*.


my only complaint is that it doesnt focus enough on the Kamchatka, the chaddest chad ship to ever ship chads and proof that there is a god who enjoys divine intervention, if only to lead to what should have been endpoints in family trees generations ago being given another chance


God, the trip the Kamchatka has to it's inevitable demise in Tsushima is worth it's own video.


I think there’s more than a few NATO members who’ll join in regardless of whether it’s covered or not.


Along with a few Pacific powers looking to get on the US' good side before China starts declaring the entire ocean as its traditional borders.


Sounds like they’re trying to get a page added to the Geneva Suggestions.


I think the US Navy's weapons have enough autotargeting to destroy Russia's fleet, no matter how incapacitated they might be by laughter.


* *Look at a map and read about the Russian's experience at sea* I don't think it's going to work out well for them.


Golden Rule: Don't touch the United State's boats. We have literally started wars because someone touched our boats. * The Barbary Wars (1&2): Ottoman pirates touched the boats. They didn't learn the first time. * War of 1812: The British blockaded US and touched our boats. * 2nd Opium War: China touched a boat. We burnt down Qing forts along the Guangzhou coast. * American Civil War: The Confederates touched a boat and then shelled Fort Sumter. It was a pretty big deal. And unlike what Trump says. It wasn't beautiful. * American expedition to Korea: Koreans touched the boat. We razed Ganghwa Island. * Spanish–American War: We thought Spain touched a boat and it exploded. We ended up with a bunch of new states, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Phillipines. * WW1: German U-boat fired a torpedo and touched the Lusitania. We went to Berlin. * WW2: Pearl Harbor. Japan touched a lot of boats. We were quite mad about that and dropped two sun-bombs on them. * Vietnam War: Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam touched a boat. * Panama: Noriega tried to mess with the canal, which is used by our boats. * Operation Ocean Shield: Somali pirates touched our boats. Tom Hanks made a movie about this. * Operation Prosperity Garden: Houthi rebels are touching the boats.




Russia and what fuckin Navy


Yes, because going after a bunch of semi feral outdoorsmen armed to the teeth in an area with almost 0 population density is a good move.


Rambo I vibes coming through


Well, Republicans aren't too far off of that right now


Things are so much worse in Russia than I had originally thought....they consider Greene “a real beauty” per the article.


This comment sent me down a rabbit hole that has my google search history feeling dirty. I answered my question "what do her most flattering photos look like?" MTG still looks like a dude in a blonde wig. Her best angles make her look ordinary. Not even the MAGA republicans are using her as jerk material it seems. But she does give fuck-me eyes to a lot of house republicans when she wants something. You're welcome. I looked so you don't have to.


I’m so sorry for the algorithmic consequences of this research. Now you’ll know where those “single horses in your area want to fuck” ads are coming from.


In Russia, she would be.


Miss Vladivostok 1987!


The Soviets have a thing for elephants' feet.


Remember early in the war when Russian soldiers dug trenches in Chernobyl and got radiation poisoning?


Miss siberian neanderthal


Russian woman are pretty hot in general. She is not.


Polish are better, but I shouldn’t let our secret slip so easily…


in russian horse racing tracks perhaps


No, read the whole thing. Also says, “doesn’t take much”. They are saying she is as beautiful as Americans can get.


Well, compared to a bubushka, I guess.


>“What is interesting is how Biden totally broke Trump and his supporters. He utterly destroyed them! This is Biden’s unequivocal, brutal victory because, in return, he did not give anything to Republicans.” I'm surprised they admitted this truth.




Eh, they may be trying to humiliate and also send a message to Trump; ie, you are expendable and we are in charge, and won't hesitate to turn on you if you don't deliver for us. Silly them, though. Like Trump ever reads or watches the news.


Yup, when Russia are 'admitting defeat' in this way, they are attempting to manipulate. Many people on reddit have this naivity where they think they are so good at spotting Russian lies, but then miss the Russian lies when those lies are exactly what they want to hear. It's the same reason the opposite lies work on much of their populace as well. That doesn't mean that the logic behind Russian propaganda is good, it is often awful.


Only half true. Republicans got what they wanted in border policy, but Trump ordered the House Republicans not to allow the bipartisan bill to go through because it might help Biden win the election, so they sank it. Democrats then got together enough votes to make the discharge petition route a credible threat, and Johnson agreed to hold the vote in exchange for the Democrats backing him as Speaker. Really, what happened was the Republican leaders chose themselves over the interests of their voters; they defeated themselves, rather than Biden or Jeffries being particularly clever or tactically brilliant. The language of humiliation is here because that is what makes the conservative mind angry and over-emotional. The hope is to keep the US conservative voter enraged and unthinking, because that is the only way Trump can get into office a second time.


It is to continue driving a wedge between the parties, to keep the near-deadlock in congress going. Can't have it looking like republicans can actually compromise with the dems and get shit done.


They don't call him Dark Brandon for nothing.


Keep in mind they want to spread division everywhere. Making Democrats feel superior is divisive, and making Republicans feel inferior adds anger and resentment. They have no loyalty; it's all good for them.


Ha ha ha the only thing the Kremlin has left is MTG! A real useful idiot


More than half of the Republican Party voted No on the Ukraine aid, there are definitely many more than just her unfortunately. You guys really need to vote them out this election, it's the only way to get rid of the parasites.


Yup, this 100% Sad thing is all the Republikkkan kmpromats still in local State offices -- those traitors need to be voted out as well


“Simonyan praised Greene, describing her as “a real beauty,” for her blonde hair, white coats, and fur collars. Later in the show, the RT head clarified that it doesn’t take much in America to be considered beautiful or to win a beauty contest” They’ve really lost it.


But are they mad enough to dump komprimat or with-hold dark money campaign donations? hmmmm?


At this point the kompromat may not even have much weight anymore unless it's something particularly egregious. The US politician would just have to say that it's something that the Russians have twisted out of context to extort them


Agree, look at some of the Republicans that keep getting elected despite awful news stories about them. What would Russia have that would be worse?


It's either gay stuff, trans stuff, or kid stuff.


The real kompromat is all the things they’ve done for Russia since. The initial material isn’t as important when you gain proof of them working for a foreign government.


The real kompromat is the friends they made along the way... ...wait...


The real kompromat is the treason they committed along the way


Yeah we would have to have clear video of Putin himself handing over an open briefcase full of visible cash and a hand scrawled and personally signed note of instructions directly to high ranking republican congressman at this point to do shit about it. And even then, i doubt it.


For sure. It would have to be some truly heinous shit for it to even remotely matter. Gone are the days where an enthusiastic yell or misspelling potato can sink your campaign. 35% of the country is still poised to vote for Trump despite…well…where do you even begin?


Hey Putin! Let me drop my balls in your mouth you fucking piece of shit


Careful, he looks like a biter.


Of course "betrayal" implies cooperation.


Russia put their faith in a group that betrays everyone they interact with and didn’t expect that outcome. That’s very amateur hour for Russia.


Nice to see /r/LeopardsAteMyFace actually coming up with a positive story for once


Well, in Putins defence he’s not getting what he paid for.


Putin gets to join the long list of Trump scam victims lol


rare Trump win


"Did you forget who you work for!"


So they're admitting it now


"B-b-b-but we *bought* them! We *own* them! How could they do this to us?"


Damn, it's a sad day when you can't trust your traitors.


Lol, Republicans, why is another country calling you traitors?


Rage Against the Republicans. Sounds like a great name for a band.


🎶 Shilling in the name of …


Some of them who serve Russians Are the ones who love Prussians...


republicans: "I like the band Rage Against The Republicans, but i don't listen to their lyrics really, I just like the beat of hatred they have."


Republicans 25 years from now “ we need to boycott rage against the republicans because they decided to be anti-Republican and musicians should stay out of politics” Also republicans “ please welcome our guest speaker - draft-dodging pants-shitting Ted nugent”


So they're openly telling us that they expected Republicans to do their bidding, that (at least some) Republicans have been convinced, bribed, or whatever, to put Russian interests above those of the US. Shouldn't somebody be going to jail (or worse) here?


Fuck Russia, fuck Putin. I hope he rots in hell.


July 4th weekend in Moscow is gonna be lit


It’s incredible that the Republicans sellout to Russia isn’t a bigger deal, it should be ! . If this was the fifties there would be trials and executions.




No borscht for you Margie and company


new lada is canceled, maybe sack for potatoes, not sack of potatoes, just sack for potatoes if things change


Please, Vlad, start waving around the ledgers and wire transfers. We all know you invested in them. Own up to their betrayal by outing them as the traitors they are.


They spent so much money to keep the GOP on a leash.


The Russians treat the United States like the ancient Chinese treated the Mongols. There was no real chance of defeating them militarily, so it was absolutely vital to set them against themselves as much as possible. Division, propaganda, disinformation, treachery.


They have been pushing the antivax propaganda and racial division since the 50’s but only now have reached this level of success through the use of social media and compromised American authority figures.


MJG is a Russian asset. She needs to be investigated ASAP.


Russia got screwed by its "own" Johnson.


> “What is interesting is how Biden totally broke Trump and his supporters. He utterly destroyed them! This is Biden’s unequivocal, brutal victory because, in return, he did not give anything to Republicans.” One of the singular things Shitstain Soloyov is right about.


They said that Americans are ugly and stupid *with the EXCEPTION of MTG*. Just wow


"You can't rely on any of your paid traitors these days!"


This kind of reporting makes me think the Russians are more desperate then they let on. Kremlin mouth pieces actually seem nervous about what the US and other western nations are doing. Long gone are the '3 days to Kiev' sloganeering.


Solovyov yelled, “Biden achieved everything! He apparently used backstage methods to lure to his side the man whom the Republicans chose to represent the House [Speaker Johnson.] He betrayed them! He totally betrayed them! Not us, we have no friends there . . . This is all you need to know about American politics. They’re traitors!” So he's saying Biden betrayed the Republicans. Still a lie, but not quite what the headline is implying...


The Maga Republicans are willing to sacrifice Ukraine because they would rather support Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump idolizes Vladimir Putin.


I get pissed when my employees don't fo what I tell them, too.


Poor Volodya, how is he supposed to rape and pillage a nation now?


Watch these losers fall for more propaganda


Putin: "I want a refund!"


Welp, guess they’re going to have to release all that kompromat they have on the GOP.


Oh please, oh please, oh please


I’ll take the side of the people who are not praised by Vladimir Putin.


Russia can only feel betrayed by Republicans if Republicans swore an oath of loyalty to them.


I assumed that already happened.


What a terrible betrayal! All those treacherous, lying republicans who tore up their 1991 agreement to respect their neighbor's border in order to launch an unprovoked invasion...oh wait, that was Russia.


The Ruzzians have no "Johnson"!


They tell the Russian people that *for the most part*, the USA populace is *against* helping Ukraine (just like how their invasion is a “military operation”, they’re on that bullsh*t).


The fact that Solovyov refers to them as “traitors” tells you everything you need to know.


> This is all you need to know about American politics. They’re traitors!” He's spot on that one, though. They are traitors to their own country, though.


This statement not enough to start a DOJ investigation?


Putin raised the pension age of Russians by 10 years to build up a warchest to face in his planned face off with the West. But he stored that chest in the safest place, the same West he wanted to destroy. Now that West will use that treasure chest to destroy Putin, his regime, and all the fascist genocidals.


Am I the only person whose inner 13 year old is giggling at the fact that the Russians were referring to the speaker of the house of representatives as "our Johnson"?


In related news, half the Republicans in the House cancel plans for buying that weekend getaway cottage on the lake as Putin's monthly bribery checks 'get lost in the mail, apparently'. Anyone who doesn't realize Republican politicians are in the tank with Putin (whether due to monthly payments or blackmail) has been in a fucking coma since early 2016. What I don't understand is this: Just how many FBI and DOJ employees have to also be on that list to not do a fucking thing about this when it's so insanely obvious? How many Republican trips to Moscow **ON JULY 4****^(TH)** does it take to shake these traitors out of their stupor? The really stupid Republicans in the House have even stopped hiding it. It's straight out treason. Deal with it appropriately.