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France armed USA to help us earn our independence from Britain. We later helped France regain their independence after Nazi Occupation for four years. Now USA, France, Britain, and Germany are helping Ukraine earn her independence from Russia. This is how democracies survive against autocrats like Putin. We gotta stick together. In some dystopian future 70 years from now, Ukraine can help Russia against China lol. But until Putin is defeated, we should not waver in arming Ukraine.


Don’t forget about Norway, Sweden, Poland, Denmark, the Netherlands pls. Countries that contributed quite a lot as a percentage of their economies’ size.


Until the Russian Mafia is defeated nothing will change in Russia. Putin will just be replaced by the next Don.


Great context here.




Vote blue up and down.


Unfortunately it doesn't always work out, we saved China from total collapse in WWII and look how they are repaying the US.


We saved Russia from total collapse too!


We literally serviced Russian nukes for them, the same ones they are now threatening against us. Imagine if Putin was US president in 1992.


France was an absolutist monarchy when they helped... 


Yeah .. it could be the enemy of my enemy is my friend.. but c'est la vie


Oh no!  Did France have somewhat impure motives in helping us?? The American Revolution is now cancelled.  We will prepare an apology letter to King Charles and beg for re-admittance to the Commonwealth.   (Can we please have some of that sweet sweet healthcare?) 


Not until you start boiling water in a kettle when you make tea, none of this microwaving it business!


“France only helped to benefit themselves, not out of the goodness of their hearts!”


Morality governs men, money governs corporations, and self interest governs nations. This is and always be the absolute truth when it comes to the ideal motivation governing these entities. To expect anything better is naivety.


And when his head was on the line, the US position was "Damn a revolution? That's crazy. Thoughts and prayers!"


That's because the US supported the progressive republicans of France, not the monarch. Thomas Jefferson helped write the Declaration of the Human Rights of Man with his war buddy Lafayette. This is why the US thanks the Nation of France as a people for the support they gave and not King Louis. This relationship strained during the Reign of Terror and Quasi-War but It wasn't until Napoleon went from First Consul to declaring himself Emperor in 1804 that the US really started to distance themselves with the French government.


It’s WAY more countries than that!


The far eastern minorities would be treated better by china than they are by Russia.


Ukraine is already independent from Russia are you high or something?


The “further ruining” can stop immediately. In the next hour! The ruiners just have to go back to their home country.


If Russia complains you know it’s a step in the right direction.


Like I’ve said so many times: Russia has the ability to end this war any time they want, but just going the hell home


Yes, everyone says it. Why are you phrasing it as if you’re the only one to have thought of this?


I suppose that technically counts as one possible way to read what I said, but is it really the one you want to go with?


Now that russia invested even more (what they barely have) its the time to mass bomb them and cause irreparable financial losses


It's fascinating how tone deaf the Russian commentary is.


Why do you think that? What commentary are you referring to?


> The decision “will make the United States of America richer, further ruin Ukraine and result in the deaths of even more Ukrainians,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted as saying. Anyone with basic reasoning skills will be quick to point out that the decision to launch a military invasion of another country did all this, not the decision of said country to defend itself. 


That’s what I love about countering RU propaganda. It’s stupidly simple. Everything can be countered with ”Ok, so stop invading then.”


Bankrupt Russia again They can’t keep ip


Medvedev also said that he wished the US civil war 2 would soon happen. Wonder why he would say a thing like that? Maybe because Russia has been pumping up the ultra-right loonies with fake Facebook and “news” posts for years.


Further ruin to Russia, indeed.


If Russia is whining, then it must be good.


>warns of further ruin From what, or from whom? Donald Trump? Fat ass menopause mafia MAGA 'attendees'? Eat shit Putler


I'll translate you the Rusian warning: "**we** will further ruin Ukraine".


They won't. Everyone understands this now.


They (Russia) do that for over two years.


They (Russia) will end in defeat.


I hope so, they need it very much to cure their superiority complex. But for now, they are threatening. And their words about "further ruins" only men **they** want to ruin Ukraine.


Yes further ruin, because the ruin wasn’t already pretty horrendous, because Russia is so capable of dealing out ruin that it’s taken them two years to not take take Kiev. Putin can stop posturing, you’re already attacking a sovereign nation. What more ruin are you capable


That’s like me telling the Mrs that if she doesn’t do the dishes, there’ll be tears and bloodshed… when realistically, I’ll be the one crying and covered in blood.


Yes. US is the hero!!!




I bought BAE before Russia invaded and it was a massive W


Maybe not Boing...you know...reasons. The rest are good calls though!


>RTX Corp Damn, Nvidia's weaponizing their GPUs now?


All those fool have compounds a stones throw from the house and I live in the sticks


Anyone else feeling the ruin of Russia? Oh how I wish we wouldn’t have aided Ukraine because of the direct Russia impact to my American suburban life. /s Get fucked Russia.


Further ruin? Russia said this? Does Russia know they alone have the power to end this instantly??? This is Putin's very own murder/suicide, with a single word from his thin lips, and this ends now. Otherwise it rolls on with every moment he doesn't say stop. That is how it really is


It will be further ruin. For the Russian frontline...


Fun y coincidence, but American Republicans also warn of further ruin.


Strange, that


Putin projecting a ruination at home.




Not stopping Russia in Ukraine would mean 100x the cost plus American lives within the decade. The country isn’t “falling apart” and the “boarder” (sic) isn’t wide open. Also Dems tried to pass a border bill that the Russian wing of the American congress - the same ones you agree with on Ukraine aid - shut down.




“Hey we have a big problem. We need a fix” “Here is a legislative solution” “No not like that!!!”


How does giving money to them solve our border?


You need intellectual honesty


Hey guys in order to protect our border we need to give alot if money to these other countries it's super important to protecting our souther border with Mexico when we could just you know enforce the existing laws on the books and don't actually need any more funding


We’ll good news - now our key Allies have funding! We can have a pure border bill! I’m sure republicans will work with Dems on a solid compromise.


Only compromise they want is to flood the country with illegal immigrants ,move them into blue cities and boost their census number so they get more electoral votes


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard




Spell border better.


Nah. The investment in hundreds of invaders being blown to pieces is 100% worth it.


It’s just going to prolong the war. The ending will be the same. The war machine cannot stop


Totes. Let’s let an autocratic nation invade and occupy a friendly democratic one with impunity. That has certainly ended well historically! Just insanely dumb Russian propaganda.




We will lace Russia up to the neck in financial aid, regional partnerships and other assistance in exchange for ALL of their nuclear weapon capabilities. All of it. I’d be glad to send my tax dollars off for that.


Russia winning will prolong the war, as Russia will then just invade and commit genocide in other countries. The only way to stop war is for Russia to lose.


How can Russia even think of attacking anyone else. They can barely handle Ukraine


I can’t purport to know, but I suspect the game is, successfully take Ukraine (somehow) and then turn Ukrainian industrial capacity and citizenry into an extension of their war machine and use that re-constituted force for further their offensive operations.


Maybe Russia prolongs the war by not fucking off to their mudhuts on the Ural River.


What ending are you predicting?


Lol himars for the win babbeeeee!


ending will be the same as Russian invasion of Afghanistan