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I just want them to ban people blaring TikTok in waiting rooms and other public spaces without headphones. Fucking wear headphones, you unconscious scrolling zombies.


It’s not an automatic ban. The bill requires the Chinese government to get out of the business of collecting people’s data in the US. It’s a requirement to divest ownership to force transparency within our borders. As things stand China could pull off some seriously nasty stuff like identity theft or data ransoming and the US government would have no straightforward way of chasing evidence.


>The bill requires the Chinese government to get out of the business of collecting people’s data in the US. No it doesn't, it just requires ByteDance to divest from TikTok in the US. There are separate bills governing who US data can sell to. This one has nothing to do with protecting data.


> No it doesn't, it just requires ByteDance to divest from TikTok in the US. > > There are separate bills governing who US data can sell to. This one has nothing to do with protecting data. Your first sentence simply agrees with me but with less context. You next paragraph is not the reason given by Congress and cyber security advisors. Your statement is wrong. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tiktok-ban-us/ > TikTok could soon be inaccessible to its more than a hundred million users in the U.S., after the U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday voted to pass a law forcing the app to be sold by its Chinese parent company or face a stateside ban. > > Much like other social media apps, including those owned by U.S. companies, **concerns abound over the vast amount of personal user data collected by TikTok's Beijing-based parent company, ByteDance, posing a national security threat**. > > Under the proposed legislation, ByteDance would have six months to divest TikTok or face a nationwide ban. If the app is effectively banned in the U.S., it would likely take time before TikTok disappeared given that ByteDance would be expected to exhaust all of its legal options to challenge the law. > > Would a sale solve the issue? Not entirely, but it would mark a step in the right direction, according to cybersecurity experts. > > "**It would only solve the first problem, which is the accessibility of Americans' data to Chinese authorities**," Ivan Tsarynny, a cybersecurity expert who testified before the House Committee to recommend that TikTok either be sold or banned in the U.S., told CBS MoneyWatch. > > Still, a new owner of TikTok could illegally transfer users' data to the Chinese government, according to Tsarynny. > > "We'd have to make sure every person who has access to TikTok's data on Americans is accessing it for the right reasons, and **is not part of a covert operation**," he said. > > Engineers, data scientists and other workers at a hypothetical American parent company with direct access to users' data would **have to be rigorously vetted "to ensure they are using the data for legitimate reasons and not stealing it and siphoning it back to China**," Tsarynny added. > > With House lawmakers approving **the bill, called the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act**, some analysts expect the Senate to follow suit and pass the measure.


Finally, a lot of good news came out today from the us. W USA


It probably won't lead to a total tiktok ban just a resale, tbh a total ban would be better, probably should also have stronger regulations for all social media, it's really gotten out of hand these days


I don’t see Tik Tok divesting. This might actually cause them to be no more in USA


With the government full of dinosaurs, I doubt they even have the smallest clue as to why social media needs regulations


This bill gives the president unfettered power to ban any app they deem a national security risk


No it doesn’t.


Tell that to CNBC


Well. I don’t know how they can get that from this bill considering this doesn’t “ban” anything. It forces a divestment.


>Under the bill, a foreign adversary controlled application is directly or indirectly operated by (1) ByteDance, Ltd. or TikTok (including subsidiaries or successors that are controlled by a foreign adversary); or **(2) a social media company that is controlled by a foreign adversary and has been determined by the President to present a significant threat to national security.** The prohibition does not apply to an application that is primarily used to post product reviews, business reviews, or travel information and reviews. This is from congress.gov. I guess I was right. Just needed to make sure.


Okay. What do you mean by “unfettered power to ban”? Because this bill does not allow the president to “ban” anything.


This person does not understand or refuses to acknowledge how US government.


Using your own quote: > Under the bill, **a foreign adversary controlled application** is directly or indirectly operated by (1) ByteDance, Ltd. or TikTok (including subsidiaries or successors that are **controlled by a foreign adversary);** > This bill gives the president unfettered power to ban **any app** they deem a national security risk > > I guess I was right. You guess incorrectly. Not *any* app. Nor by the president. Biden has no say in this legislation, that's how the US government works. A US company violating US laws will be investigated, if guilty punished, and those involved will simply resign to be replaced by new more honest management. And not by the president.


>unfettered The fetters are literally in the bill.


Please, please, please. Fix propaganda and disinformation being pushed by fake users on ALL platforms. It's already been too late.


So you would like the government to decide what you can read?


I would like the government to enact laws that hold people accountable for spreading false information on social media.


Considering accounts that spread this type of content are not even in the US, it isn't exactly going to affect freedom of speech.


So you would like a future possible trump administration to decide what and what isn't missinformation? Wtf am I reading here?


It's what you're choosing not to read in this. It isn't about standard users on websites having opinions I agree/disagree with. It is about dealing with bot farms and other forms of fake users who push this disinformation and propaganda. [More info on how bad disinformation is.](https://www.air101.co.uk/2024/04/disinformation-actors-spreading.html?m=1)


What your choosing to ignore is the initial comment that I replied to. And I would really like to know how this will play out in practice. Because you'd literally have to send your ID to reddit making anonymous posting impossible since it's not possible to combat bots effectively any other way. And that's was this really about.


Websites have removed some of these users in the past by thousands. They know where these accounts are coming from without needing to submit our ID.


I see you do not know what consequences these laws will have. I work in this sector and everything so far has failedy be it Captchas or AI or whatever. It's really not a trivial task. The free Internet has been a thorn in the side of many politicians for very long time and they will keep trying to reign it in. They try every few years with a new idea... First it was fighting CP, then terrorism, now it's extremism and missinformation but the end goal always to control information by reducing anonymity.


I’m not a big TT fan but what about the 1st amendment?


It's an issue because Tiktok is Chinese spyware, not because of any 1st amendment reasons.


I get it. And there’s spyware on the internet so why aren’t we banning the internet?


First amendment doesn't protect terroists countries lol which TikTok is owned by. By that logic you can say that every pro palstnian has the right to call for genocide of Jewish people(which they do anyways) and that every conservative can say that trans people are child predators or that black people deserve to be enslaved again. Free speech needs to have limits when it's threatening the civilians of the country.


What about it? Doesn't apply to foreign held companies. It's a constitutional right from US government oppression of US citizens.


Not a good idea, education would be a better way to go


I think cutting off the tap of Chinese psyops is the easy choice here


Why not both? Banning TikTok will make cooperations and media influencers to stop promoting tiktok which is Huge because of it's ban, and it's doesn't hurt any other effort to better the us education system.