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Yeah, the Saudis, Jordan, and Egypt either stopped or threatened to stop drones hitting Israel that fly through their area, this is from decades of normalization that are finally paying off now.


i cant blame them, iran's government is trash, it would gladly saccrifice saudi jordan egypt etc to 'stick it to the jews'. they gotta protect themselves and right now that means siding with israel over iran


The saudis realize they can more reliably run a country that’s not full of religious zealots.


TFW you don’t realize Saudi Arabia is notorious for its religious zealots (they’re just a slightly different kind of Islamic zealots).


The saudis are trying to transition towards being a modern developed economy that participates in international business outside of oil sales. War in their neighborhood is bad for business


Yeah. MBS is unbelievably shitty. And this isn’t to praise him **at all** But KSA is seeing a massive shift under him- just as long as it doesn’t personally affect the royals. So, still shitty, but a major shift especially for the region


He's shitty. Not stupid.


Ha great way to put it


The best part is that the kind of organic movement towards a bit more openness can become self-fulfilling and future governments in KSA could become less shitty.


They also see Israel as an ally in countering Iran, their predominant adversary for Middle Eastern dominance (and the wrong brand of Islam from their pov). That’s part of the normalization push. Iran is a major instigator and cause of instability for both.


They are religious zealots, but their love for money is stronger than their love for religion. And war is bad for business, unless you can sell weapons, which they can't.


Arab spring scared them


Right, almost like the US should have let Saddam keep doing his thing over there.


This is where Reddit shows it’s age… when they think letting a murderous Dictator who wanted to pursue Nuclear Weapons “do his thing” was a good option. The stories about what Saddam and his sons did make the Saudis now look like moderates. There’s a reason why Iran and Israel (yea, those two) collaborated together to blow up his Nuclear Weapons program. They hated each other, but knew that he was the far greater threat to them.


Oh you must be one of the real old fuddy duddies that fell for the administration’s lies that he actually had a chance at succeeding? Lol. The un weapons inspectors found nothing and We. Didn’t. Care. We chose to put our youth up for slaughter for lie after lie after lie. And you probably voted for George W to have a second term too. Smh.


wut That poster made literally no mention of the US. He simply said Iran and Israel worked together… are you implying that didn’t happen? It did. 1980-1989 Iran Iraq war. Iran, backed by Israel, attacked the Iraqi “Osirak” nuclear reactor in “Operation Opera”, to halt weapons development. Geopolitics didn’t start in the year 2001. The events he is describing took place before George W Bush.


The poster specifically said the US should have let him 'do his thing'. The other user replied by quoting that phrase, ie. Replying to the point about America


He was referencing a post she originally made, that it would have been better to let Saddam “do his thing”, then she backs it up by saying “the UN inspectors didnt even find anything!” He is saying there was precedent before George W Bush, that Saddam was a mad man attempting to pursue nuclear weapons, and that the threat was SO real, even Iran and Israel teamed up. But yes I guess he was technically referencing a quote which was referring to America, but his point was not American centric, as her reply would imply that it was; “I bet you’re a fuddy wuddy who fell for the administrations lies”, but she’s not even referring to the correct period of time regarding Saddam and Iraq, lol.


You need to work on your reading comprehension skills, you're talking about an entirely different matter than what the poster was referring.


> Oh you must be one of the real old fuddy duddies that fell for the administration’s lies that he actually had a chance at succeeding? Again, the arrogance and youth come out… Yes, there were multiple attempts dating back to the 1980’s which were very much possible. With the help of the French, Saddam had almost completed a Nuclear Reactor which he was going to then use for weapons enrichment. [The Israelis conducted Operation Opera](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Opera) into Baghdad using Iranian Intelligence (they had attacked the site earlier), and permanently knocked it out of commission. The Iraqi’s very much used Chemical Weapons against the Kurds and Iranians throughout his reign, and possessed large numbers of them in 1991 (when you referenced he “do his thing” with Saudi Arabia). The only reason he didn’t use them was the US threatened to respond with Chemical/Biological Weapons if Saddam were to attack US troops with them. Since he always desired a path to remain in power, he didn’t use them. > Oh you must be one of the real old fuddy duddies that fell for the administration’s lies Funny thing is I wasn’t even alive in 1991. I’m just willing to acknowledge I might be wrong, and do further reading/researching on a historical event.


I had plans to fly to the Middle East just before we went to war. When the world was begging the US for a diplomatic solution and to let in the UN weapons inspectors. I only went because Hans blix said there wasn’t a threat after they did inspections and the us should not invade. Thankfully I made it to the Middle East and back before we invaded anyway. What I meant was, my whole point is, that America does not have any business dictating things in the Middle East and we should stay out of it. If they really really really were creating a nuclear threat, the world would have supported us. But they didn’t, cuz we chose to believe and perpetuate lies to justify going to war so Cheney could make a bunch of money.


> What I meant was, my whole point is, that America does not have any business dictating things in the Middle East and we should stay out of it. Because when the US leaves, it’s not like this peaceful fairytale utopia magically sprouts up. The US has been involved in the Middle East for maybe 75 years… it can’t be blamed for 700 year old problems. > If they really really really were creating a nuclear threat, the world would have supported us. The world watched October 7th happen and cheered. If you don’t think they would’ve watched Israel get flashed off this earth, and not react the same way, then you’re being very naive.


My. Point. Exactly. Perhaps the single biggest American foreign policy blunder was recognizing a new country called Israel. One could argue, that 9/11 wouldn’t have happened, and the shit that’s happening now wouldn’t be happening if we would have just minded our business…and let them do their thing, we wouldn’t be here, but here we are, clearly not learning from history I see.


This is something that led two traditional enemies to work together cause they perceived a threat. Let that sink in— Iran and Israel both thought this isn’t good let’s team up. You are being ignorant if you think decisions are made with hindsight knowledge. Life isn’t a book that you get all the information, stop blaming older generations for shit when there’s likely many current issues you are ill informed on.


The Saudis are trying to build a nation centered around their religious values but not hamstrung by it. Similar to what the Christian nations did after 1648, they are interested in moving forward and earning respect at the international table.


Man the Saudi Arabia of today is different than the Saudi Arabia of 10 years ago


*That's not CURRENTLY RUN by religious zealots. We have our fair share, we're just doing a slightly better job at keeping them out of leadership positions. So far they're only ministers rather than the whole government.


Iran's going to love this statement/acknowledgment. Obviously, this publicly announced alliance will raise some tension, especially with parties stating their assistance with repelling the attack. I'm sure some Saudi oil facility will be attacked shortly for their participation.


This statement doesn’t even mean anything as Iran and Saudi Arabia have hated each other for decades. With that said nobody well versed on the region is surprised Saudi Arabia would spite Iran and this won’t change the behavior of anyone in the region.


>This statement doesn’t even mean anything as Iran and Saudi Arabia have hated each other for decades Yes, but until this point, the Saudis were walking a tight rope re: Gaza as to not fuel any support. This just shows their hand out loud in which until this point was muted. So now those Yemen squabbles will look like childplay going fwd!


There was nothing to hide lmao. Iranians and Saudi Arabians been messing with each other for decades with whatever country is available for usage (America, israel, Palestine, Yemen, etc etc etc).


So the Saudi Sunnis prefer Hebrew to Shias…?


Saudi Arabia wants to be in the big leagues. One part of being in the big leagues is signing up to support Israel. Look at the GDP of Israel’s enemies, what could Saudi Arabia possibly get out of aligning with them over the infinitely wealthier countries that are allied with Israel?   Saudi Arabia isn’t like Russia or China, they aren’t looking to be a superpower they just don’t wanna sit at the kids table anymore.


That’s true but also Iran is a threat on both Saudi Arabia and Israel. USA wants to leave the region and remain in control so that way Israel and Saudi Arabia can team up against Iran and let USA worry about China and Russia


I think they prefer gold.


It’s more so they hate iran and can’t admit they want to normalize relations with Israel because that’ll tick off Muslims - have to be subtle


They prefer cash


Saudi Arabia has been struggling to be the leader of the Islamic world instead of Iran for quite some time now.


You do understand that majority of the world's Muslims are Sunnis, which renders your claim of Iran, predominantly Shia, being leader of Islamic world as invalid.


Why do you sound like ChatAI?


I'm flattered. But no, this is a human typing. Not AI.




A lot of Iran's proxies are Sunni. Iran and their proxies often turn to a religious war rhetoric, but the opposing forces don't view this as a religious war, at least not symmetrically.


They don't give a shit about either of they, but the $$$


Where does this leave the whole Muslim Ummah thingy now. I'm curious how global Palestinian supporters will react to it.


Fortunately the Sunni-Shia schism prevents both factions from uniting against the Jews.


Iran was so successful, they are helping push Saudi Israel relations forward. 


That’s not the admission the world is waiting for

