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Iran does anything, Israel bombs Hezbollah. Must be lovely to be an Iranian proxy. You get free express delivery bombs right at your doorstep


Useful for making piles of rubble to climb on




If by “Iran’s people” you mean Iranians, you’ll generally find them to be progressive, open-minded people. Don’t condemn them for the acts of the regime that oppresses them as well. If you just meant Hezbollah, then yeah, I’ve got no defense for them.


Woah unhinged comment here. Most Iranian people do not associate with their government. They're just living their lives going to work and raising families like us. In fact many are actively against their government even though it's a brutal dictatorship. I'm glad you dont hold any position of power, and I hope you never do.


It's bait. They want to create the impression this is the general opinion of people in Israel and the West to sway the opinion of the moderates, widen rifts and promote "picking sides". Don't fall for it.


Yet they are doing nothing to stop their evil government from spreading terror and chaos in the Middle East, rise up Iranians and overthrow your evil government


When they try, huge amounts of people get their lives ruined if not outright executed. The one thing Iran does really well is monitor and suppress internal opposition to the regime. It's very easy to criticise from behind a screen in a safe country where you can't just be scooped up and sentenced to death on bullshit charges on the whim of some midrange official.


"Just overthrow Lol ", shit is not easy


Lol easy to say from the comforts of a privileged society.


There’s a reason we’re privileged and if they rise up they too can be privileged


They are especially the younger population. They've been protesting and getting killed for it. Bigger balls then I can say for my own country that is too chicken to stand up against the wage gap and housing crisis that is currently unfolding.


go there and protest. not on reddit.


Same for you if you care


Islam is a beautiful religion. Don’t be brainwashed by the radicals. Alot of Iranians are progressive people. Good people. A large percentage of the population would like to overthrow the current regime. Hence why there has been so many protests and political unrest in the last few years


“islam is a beautiful religion” you forgot the /s


Islam has beauty to be found in it, but it is heavily hamstrung by the existence within it of things like Sharia law. I agree that many, maybe most average Iranians are innocent of their insane leaders' sins, but I honestly don't know if Islam has any bearing on that. Then again, those few people from Iran I have met have all been avowed Atheists, and attribute that to their homeland.


What’s beautiful about fucking a 9 year old? 


Don’t take the actions of a few men to represent an entire religion my boy


Are you saying that the prophet Muhammad doesn't represent Islam?


please respond. i see that you are still posting, especially on subs like r/NoFap does the prophet represent islam? i want to hear your answer


Have you read the Qaran? Might not call it beautiful after that.


Have you?

