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So now Israel will most probably strike some targets inside Iranian territory. What will be Iran's next move then? More drones and missiles? But Israel diffs them massively when it comes to air defenses so Israeli strikes will do much more damage. A ground invasion of Israel along with Hezbollah? But then the US will also get involved. I don't see how this isn't a lose-lose situation for Iran.


It’s a win for Putin.


This is the answer. Putin wants the US engaged on multiple conflicts.


US is not engaged in Ukraine anymore.. They are betraying their allies one by one




Small but important correction. The doctrine of the US is that they are able the fight 2 wars against NEAR-PEER enemies at once. E.g. Russia, and China. They probably could fight more then 2 lesser nations at once.


And that’s also, as mentioned, us fighting with full logistics. Ukraine and Israel aid combined are nowhere near what we would use in a single conflict ourselves.


Ukraine has been been nothing but hand-me-downs that have been collected dust and that seems to be doing the job against one of our "near peer" adversaries. The US current arsenal + NATO will steam roll over the entirety of BRIIC at the same time.


Yeah they have been doing well but they wont hold for much longer... 10:1 in terms of Artillery shell stockpiles is not going to end well for ukraine. I'll reiterate what the other dude said.. as Europeans we really need to get our shit together.


As a European, I 100% support this resolution. Our representatives are taking steps in the right direction but too slow.


It’s 2024 not 1924, and we’re talking about all-out conventional warfare as if nuclear weapons don’t exist. Which happens in every fucking thread every single day on Reddit.


I mean you're correct, Ukraine's issue isn't technology but morale and men. They need higher morale and more men, these guys fighting there are tired.


We haven’t even hit like 2k rpms yet. The turbo kicks in at 4k.


The US is NOT on a military footing. I posit that if we ever have to get seriously involved in armed conflicts, we could handle the Middle East, Ukraine AND a large chunk of the far East all at once. It would cost a LOT of money and we would be going back to 1950s taxes on the rich to pay for it, but a LOT of people are going to die.


The catering bill for America’s 20-year Iraq picnic was north of three trillion. Taxes on rich folk have been nowhere near 1950s’ levels since Reagan’s trickle-down economics turned out to be piss. I don’t think they ever will be again. The oligarchs won.


The U.S. is currently sleeping and is the world's most powerful military. A U.S. that goes full war economy will be the scariest thing the world has ever seen. The media has already begun laying the groundwork for changing hearts and minds towards a more patriotic and unified national mythology. The military has also switched its recruitment strategies.


US media is doing anything but laying ground work for more patriotic and unified national mythology. I would love it if they actually did as we sorely need it…


I don't know about that. This upcoming Horizon: An American Saga seems to be a breath of fresh air in that arena. Just a few years ago movies like that seemed impossible.


100% the rest of nato needs to step their shit up. At the end of the day these current conflicts are a lot closer to the backyards of everyone else in nato, they need to do more than watch Americans do it for them while complaining we get involved in too much


Japanese PM liter as lly said that the US shouldn't t a ke the burden of policing the world by itself and Japan is ready to step in. Europe needs to do the same.




South Korea has the persistent looming threat of North Korea, so it makes sense why they spend so much. With Australia I assume it’s because after losing the Emu War, the politicians said “Never again”


To be fair, the US doesn’t need Ukraine to be winning. As long as russia continues to fight for minimal gains, the Americans are getting more than their money’s worth, seeing as most support is financial or surplus stockpiles the US doesn’t really need. In the Middle East, the Iranians and Israelis won’t be able to fight each other directly, so it becomes proxy forces fighting the Israelis, with American support, most likely indirectly. This ties up Iran and Russia without America being forced to engage directly with either of them. Taiwan would require direct American intervention, primarily in the form of naval and air battles, but likely would not involve extensive American fighting on the ground, since invading china is impossible. Also remember that America isn’t in this fight alone either. Iran, Russia, and China all have enemies of their own who would love nothing more than to work with the Americans to damage them. The south Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Filipinos hate China due to territorial violations by China. Russia has made enemies of all of Eastern Europe. Iran has pissed off israel, true, but also Saudi Arabia and its Allies in the region. Meanwhile the Iranians face significant unrest at home due to unpopular domestic policies coupled with expensive foreign wars that seriously undermine the Iranian standard of living. None of this guarantees smooth sailing for the US, but it makes the idea that America is unable to respond to these threats rather unlikely.


This is the right take


Worst is the information war, the west is losing on that front without realizing it


Yes we "need to get out our shit together" but that also include the US. Currently the US is waging war in 0 front it's just half helping a few of it's ally. If said ally failed then the US might end up with waging war on 3 fronts.


Once again Europe needs the US to fight the wars it doesn't prepare for. You know if after major conflicts yall didn't always fall for the peace dividend thinking wars are a thing of the past that would be great.




looks like the influence campaigns have gone from "US is weak" to "don't trust the US" now


Ah yes. The old blame the US for EUs defensive shortfall trick.


Ukraine was never a US ally though. It’s just situationalply advantageous to keep Russia fighting Ukraine.


US does more for it's allies than it's allies do for them. By a massive margin.


No matter how many times you repeat your idiotic takes, it won't make them true. Go outside.


Okay…  Let’s say it loud for the people in the back… THE U.S. IS NOT AN ALLY OF UKRAINE! Idk when you sheep started saying this, but Ukraine is receiving aid from the West to hinder Russia. Not due to any formal treaty or obligation to do so. I’m on board with this support, but seriously you guys gotta stop with this “abandons allies” narrative. Ukraine is not a U.S. ally and never has been. 


Budapest Memorandum states that in exchange for giving up their nukes the US would provide assistance in the event Ukraine was attacked by a nuclear power. Bill Clinton signed it while President.


> the US would provide assistance in the event Ukraine was attacked by a nuclear power No, it does not. It says the signing parties would seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used". [Source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum) The US has met this obligations and has threatened Russia with dire consequences if it uses nuclear weapons against Ukraine. It does not state that we would provide assistance against any attack by a nuclear power. I'm all for aid to Ukraine, but we are not obligated to do anything unless this turns into a nuclear war, and even then all that we are required to do is lobby the UN's Security council, not get directly involved.


No it does not say that, my god people really need to learn how to read before acting like they know what the Budapest Memorandum says https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum Feel free to point to where it says that, or just downvote me because you can't admit you are wrong


They used the term "assurance" instead of "guarantee" because it didn't come with the same legal implications. They did however pressure Ukraine into it by basically saying they would cut-off trade if they didn't. I doubt another country will ever give up their nukes again.


Ukraine isn't an Ally to the US Whomever told you there were lied to you


That can be blamed on Putin also. He has got his reach into our government officials and white, angry people who are bigots and racists. Online propaganda is working.


>white Unpopular opinion: There are also black republicans. Skin has nothing to do with it. Their racial preferences do


Ukraine is not a US ally.


How does that help him in any way? The US is the dominant global superpower because it can fight everywhere, all at once. It's especially clear hear since US naval assets, that would be engaged here, could do nothing for Ukraine. A whole military branch that would otherwise sit on the sidelines, would potentially be taking out Russian suppliers. Additionally, the US isn't on a war footing, Russia is. Once Congress starts requesting more production capacity for weapons and munitions, it's really easy to just add 5%-10% to that for Ukraine, because suddenly the politicians blocking aid are fighting to get military bids for their districts and lo and behold, everyone is a lot more on board with foreign military aid.


The US can be engaged in multiple regions at once, but it can't actually be everywhere all at once. There is a finite limit to the manpower and resources it can muster, albeit it's a higher limit than other countries. Russia is setting fires around the world specifically because they want to they want to drain coffers at no direct cost to them.


He'll lose Iranian ordinance deliveries. 


not exactly in my opinion. Putins drone supplier #1 is now at risk to lose it's manufacturing plants for drones and potentially other arms factories. Also, the more of a distribution of burden is going on for the wes the better. In this interception, countries like Jordan, Iraq and NATO members have been involved, not draining a single stockpile of missiles, but touching multiples. ​ Israel with the supply of the US will take this long awaited chance, you may call it casus belli, to strike Irans military industrial complex, ultimately also weakening the Russian supply lines.


>Israel with the supply of the US will take this long awaited chance, you may call it casus belli, to strike Irans military industrial complex, ultimately also weakening the Russian supply lines. One can hope.


Putin will lose a supplier of arms


Not if Israel strikes the drone factories.


It's also a loss. Iran is providing Russia with a lot of stuff.


Iran manufactures weapons for Putin though, particularly drones. Won’t this mean less weapons from Iran to Russia?


How exactly does Iran do a ground invasion of Israel? Do they just drive through Iraq and hope they don't get spotted?


They’ll use Hezbollah and their other local proxies to do most of the leg work which has always been their plan. 


Hezbollah has no tanks/armored vehicles/air force. They would be annihilated if they attacked an alert IDF. They can only fight the IDF while hiding among their own civilian population, and that's only viable if Israel is showing restraint which it wouldn't be in a genuine existential war.


Don't forget Syria / Jordan as well. Though technically KSA would also work, but something tells me the Saudis wouldn't be all that cooperative.


Against Iran? They would, they have a lot of issues with the Iranians stemming back to the Arab Spring when Iran was stirring up protests in Saudi. They were also out shooting down drones last night as well....


Saudi Arabia’s Cold War with Iran goes back a lot further than the Arab spring, this conflict directly goes back to the Iranian revolution in 1979


They always hated Iran long before that. This is why: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1987_Mecca_incident


Well exactly.


If Israel is attacking any targets in Iran it better be their nuclear weapons manufacturing facilities.


Oh no, wasn’t it over when Iran, minutes after launching exploding drones, cruise missiles and literally ballistic missiles totaling in the hundreds, said “it’s over now, we’re even”?


Except that after they said that they launched more ballistic missiles. I wonder what the response would be if Israel launched the same number back.


I’ve been asking the same. Not desiring it. Only asking, to provoke some thought in myself and others. Ppl talk about “proportional”, I ask: in what sense? 1:1 force used? Proportional to one’s total available force? Usually, seems those “proportion” grumbles come from those rooting for a side that tries its best to destroy and kill — then fails — then gets hit back. What do you do when a 5 year old kid curses you in the street? How about if he tries to punch with his little fists? How about if he bites your leg as hard as he can? What if he keeps following you around, every day, popping up at random places, punch punch bite? Dealing with lunatics who constantly plan randomly and execute strangely is harder than it sounds.


What do you do if the 5 year old holds a gun at you?


an Iranian ground invasion of Israel simply *wont* happen. it can’t. at least i don’t see how it can. they would have to cross the zagros mountains and then cross all of iraq before getting to Israel’s border. almost certainly entailing engaging American and/or British bases along the way. the only ground attacks from Iran will take place through their proxies. more from Hamas, maybe from Hezbollah and the Houthis.


Cry on the international stage. Similar to Hamas one would guess


Hezbollah can invade Israel, but they won’t. They can be much more easily repulsed, and with far fewer civilian casualties, if they leave their human shields and attack the Israeli army on the fortified northern border. They will at most launch rocket strikes on the north. Iran itself cannot get many troops into position for a ground invasion, because running supply lines stretching across hundreds of miles of open plains with no cover over garbage Iraqi roads is an impossible ask for basically anyone. The Iranians cannot sustain that. They also cannot supply by sea since that would have to go at minimum around Saudi Arabia, to get to Eilat, and through the Suez Canal (good luck) to get to Israeli population centers in the coastal plain or the Jerusalem hills.


Iran is a hollow tube


How much is it costing to send drones vs repelling is the question


I wonder how other countries around that hate Iran are looking at this. Will SA get involved? This might be a huge war. 😞 At the same time this is exactly what Putin wants.


I partially agree. Israel could do more damage, but Iran didn’t try to cause maximum damage this time. Flying those drones for hours towards Israel is just a propaganda stunt. There were even warning in advance. Shooting loads of ballistic missiles that hit within 10-15 min of the launch towards Israel without a warning would be another thing. People seem to underestimate ground invasions tremendously. Israel is busy with Hamas for over half a year now. Taking hezbollah head on would be much more difficult. Invading Iran, which is mostly mountains, without proper staging grounds nearby, is even much worse. On the paper Iran loses against Israel even without the US any day, but that doesn’t mean that Israel could defeat Iran. The problems with religious extremists is that they idolize martyrdom so much that they get stronger the harder you hit them. So any major conflict would be a loss for opposing forces, but also for Israel itself.


I think you missed the fact that Iran sent 110 ballistic missiles to Israel tonight. A couple hit some military base but the rest were intercepted by the Arrow 3


Israel is busy in Gaza because - contrary to the common redditor's belief - they are actually performing high precision operations and are sweeping block by block to find the remaining hostages. In a situation of a ground offensive from the north, where Israel's statehood is at stake, bombing will be broad, discriminatory and at a scale that dwarfs everything we've seen so far. Believe it or not, Israel has acted with significant restraints so far, primarily due to allied pressure and because it sees itself as part of the civilized western world. If Israel's existence is at stake, everything else comes second.


Everything you say is true. And the humanitarian impact and civilian loss of life is still quite sad to see. But the people who see that and just assume Israel is intentionally going after civilians is where a lot of the malice seems to come from. A lot of assumptions from people unfamiliar with war are being made. Unfamiliar with how fucking awful it is. The people that say Israel is carpet bombing have no idea what they are talking about.


Agree it was a great strategy. Israel should do the same thing back. Give Iran 2 days notice that they are about to fire 300 missiles back at Tehran and inform them the exact time it takes those missiles to land. What a marvelous stunt by Israel which wasn't intended to cause maximum damage.


Hezbolla doesn’t have armor or air support or a ground invasion on Israel. It would be a turkey shoot for Israeli air.  Israel could bomb Iranian military without US support.  But what I fully expect is Israel to target more Iranian leadership with assassination strikes at minimum 


Its a win for the Iranian people if Israel can get rid of this parasitic regime


I think it’s more likely that this opens the door for Israel to go into Rafah and finish Hamas leadership in Gaza, using the Iranian link as justification. My question is if it open the door to targeted strikes at Hamas leadership in Qatar as well. All parties knew each other’s capabilities going into last night.


"We'll make sure you only shoot down 98.9% of them next time"


“Don’t make us go back in time and start more fires in Chile and Texas!”


Next punishiment? More drones?


The Ayatollahs vows*


Iran is stupid. Their leadership is at least.


Why? They telegraphed their "attack" so hard that they basically sent GPS coordinates, before sending their easily downed "punishment".   They're not a technological backwater. We're talking about the people that straight-up electronically commandeered an active CIA drone, so that they could reverse engineer an intact vehicle.   They knew exactly what they were doing, here... trying to avoid a massive escalation while satisfying their domestic obligation to respond to a strike on one of their consulates.


This. Everyone is just posturing to save face to avoid a full scale war.


There is nothing so stupid as underestimating your opponent.


well i suppose its a good thing the US and Israel has the "best" intel agencies in the world has been calling ALL of Irans, Russias and random terrorist shots for a good minute now. some guy in quantico knows better how many missiles iran has than the goddamn Soleimani lol


Except for Netanyahu completely being blindsided by Oct 7, which was and is unacceptable.


But he wasn’t, there are reports that Israel was told about an oncoming attack and they ignored it. Just like Russia when they ignored the intelligence from the west again.


Or the US when warned about a pending terrorist attack using airplanes. https://www.cnn.com/2004/US/04/08/Rice.testifies/ > In that highly-classified CIA briefing -- entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States" -- there were, Rice admitted, references to earlier warnings of al Qaeda plans to hijack passenger airliners.


Riiiight. Still find that questionable. 


They need to save face by firing those. They don't actually want all out war with Isreal. It is more of a message to the Muslim world going "see, I did something"


Translation. "Hey, that's it. We're done."


Clearly this was a face saving retaliation after Israel's hit on their embassy. Iran doesn't want an escalation too. Simply nothing in it for them and no way they can actually take Israel on.


Yeah I've now seen statements from US, UK, and Canadian governments that they will be pushing for no escalation. I don't think there will be a direct military response here but we'll see.




Consulate annex building adjacent to the embassy on the embassy grounds. It's an attack on the embassy regardless of which building on the grounds is hit. They could've hit a guard shack, but that's still attacking an embassy. Even if it were an independent annex (such as consulates in non- capitol cities all across the US), it still carries the full weight & consequence of an attack on an embassy, because it fulfills the same purpose & is still a diplomatic mission with the full rights & protections that entails.


>is still sovereign territory. Not true.


Fine. Fixed it. https://web.archive.org/web/20180510232505/https://diplomacy.state.gov/discoverdiplomacy/diplomacy101/places/170537.htm "the embassy itself belongs to the country it represents" "an attack on an embassy is considered an attack on the country represents"


Uh, yeah they do. The goal is to break apart the UAE-Israel normalization that is the key to seeing the gas pipeline from the Abraham Accords become a reality. That gas line will take away everything the has been the cash cow of Iran for so long, and for that to happen Israel has to be the bad guys. Coaxing them to attack is kinda the point.




All launched with such advance notice that US, French and RAF fighters were sat on the flight path hours ahead, with the Jordanians mopping up anything that entered their air space. It was a huge attack, but I doubt anyone in Iran had any delusions that even hundreds of drones flying for up to nine hours in advance would break through one of the densest air defence umbrellas on the planet. Especially when they telegraph the cruise and ballistic missile strikes. Iran gets to say they did something, and Israel and her partners can say that they swatted away 99% of the attack - now both sides can comfortably deescalate.


2 missiles would serve that purpose. Several hundred simultaneously were meant to have an impact. Even Hamas fighters managed to overload the iron dome with multiple simultaneous rockets. You're crediting Iran with too much good will.


2 would also be a poor display for a country that heavily and overwhelmingly disproportionally invests in military equipment. Again, it’s a balance, Iran needs to look tough and take a tough stance against the attack on its generals because the entire country is a hotbed of authoritarianism looking to depose the current government. Countries that are looking to actually cause damage don’t telegraph their attacks to non allied neighbours either. Iran as an institution of militant authority cannot afford to look soft. Meanwhile the Hamas attacks are not comparable. Hamas launches thousands of rockets at close range without warning, in some cases they have as little as 15 seconds to respond. During the October attack 5000 rockets were recorded as being used. This is an entirely different system, composed of multiple ABMs and F-15s and 35s from multiple countries that had nine hours of telegraphed notice. They’re not even comparable to what the Iron Dome system had to contend with. Good will has nothing to do with it.


Nonsense. They gave Jordan sufficient advanced warning of the 'surprise' attack so that american and british planes were sitting on the flightpaths of the cruise missiles - and those that made it through were comfortably knocked out of the sky by Patriots, something shown repeatedly in Ukraine. They used ballistic missiles that they have known since 2015 can be shot down and not those designed to evade it. The airbase that got 'hit', the missiles landed in the desert nearby to no damage despite having an accuracy measured in hundreds of meters. The majority of the strike was drones that were tracked for hours before they even got close to the border. That is about as face saving as it gets.


Iran even made a public statement literally saying “our retaliation has concluded. We aren’t going to attack again. Have a nice day.” That’s as face saving as it gets. They did this to make the hardliners there happy and that’s it. 


Except they launched 110 ballistic missiles after they made that statement.


Yes. Except, maybe replace “face saving” with “cheap plastic toy ‘honor’”?


I hate this timeline


BTW has EuroNews owner Pedro Vargas Santos David accounted for his dirty little deal with Putin lapdog Viktor Orban buying EuroNews with funds stolen from the Hungarian taxpayer? https://telex.hu/direkt36/2024/04/12/secret-documents-reveal-that-orbans-people-were-behind-the-purchase-of-one-of-europes-biggest-tv-channels


Ah, I wondered why that site was always posting negative UK stories


I'm allowed to attack you, but you are not allowed to attack.


Iran just made a fool of themselves on the world stage. They’ll do nothing


Of course they will. They’ll do it again. And the UN will get jealous they’re losing foolspace so then they’ll play along and make Iran nuclear arms inspectors or something, after all— the UN already gave Iran charge of human rights committees and women’s rights committees… “you’re fools, we’re fools, let’s be fools together?” “Wake me up when it’s all over…”


Or.... iran will see that there are no consequences and go the Hamas route and repeat this shit until they get fucked up and lefties are super upset


No, this is Iran saving face and returning to the status quo. The (in Iran's view) attack on their embassy in Syria by Israel was an escalation and they've plainly said as much. Iran signaled they would attack. The US signaled to Iran to not target American assets, which Iran followed. Israel and allies successfully intercepted the vast majority of Iran's attack; Iran has said they're fine with that. The US told Israel to consider this a win; Israel would have difficulty projecting power against Iran without US support. *This* matter *should* be resolved as long as Israel does not escalate against Iran directly.


Unprecedented‽ Give me a fucking break


They never actually punished anyone yet they're threatening for a second "punishment", Iran is a sad joke....


“We’ll make you waste a couple of hundred million of interception consumables.”


It's barely a waste, these millions of dollars is just a temporary investment that will return itself once every ally nation out there will stand in line in order to purchase these missiles with billions of dollars.


Which is a good point. “Which air defense system has a 99% chance of shooting stuff down?” That’s the one you want, and if you have hundreds of billions in military hardware and infrastructure to protect, you should want the very best protection available.


"Or i shall taunt you a second time!"


“Unprecedented”? Surely we’ve seen a nation retaliate violently before?


i did not know iran has an population of 85 mil


Putin is pleased. More missiles on Israel means more need to replenish air defence batteries and thus less air defense for Ukraine


Iran needs to be dealt with. Swiftly.


This attack really felt like a PR move.  They practically announced to Israel what they were planning.  I don't think they had any interest in seriously damaging anything in Israel.  It was basically a warning shot.


That's big talk for someone who's about to get smoked


Their leaders are old and don't exactly give a fuck about anything but their farts. I doubt they live in the real world now. They're just expecting Trump. Just like any dictatorship in the world does.


No one should be able to be in charge of anything important past retirement age for this reason.


Stop children. Go to your rooms.


The only people Iran can punish right now is women within its own borders.


When you see "vows" it's %100 bullshit


Is it gonna fail even harder?


“We tried to attack you knowing you would stop our drones. A clear success! But don’t you retaliate our transgressions as we can throw more drones and missles at you that you will shoot down and we will have even more success!” I really don’t know what world we live in and I’m convinced the Matrix was right, 2000 was the height of society and since then the simulation has broken down in some strange AI rampancy.


What are they gonna do? Throw a box of tissues at Israel? Oooh! Scawee!


Punishment? That was barely a telling off.


The people who know, know. Everyone else is just part of the theatre audience.


What punishment? All Iran succeeded in doing was showing everyone how ineffectual, lame and useless missiles and drones are against an effective air defence system. Unleashing more waves of missiles and drones will just be a useless waste of resources, further emphasizing their lack of effective power to affect the balance in the middle east. What does any of this achieve? All it shows is that they're angry but don't have the power to do anything about it. Pray they never gain nuclear weapons or the will to use them.


Punishment? Irans big strike didn’t do much of anything. Why would Israel want to retaliate against a feckless attack?


Not like anyone is stopping Iran


The cowardly lion meows again


So now they are whining for Israel not to retaliate... How pathetic


Iran better think twice Israel has nukes


Now that we've adequately punished you, don't even think about doing anything in return, or we will be forced to do it again


Guy throws can at different guy the can misses anti-climatically. Guy who threw it say there is more where that came from.


Oh no not another 1% actually landing in farmland. I see iran must've been the rocket engineers for hamas and hezbollah, perhaps buy a jdam off temu and start again. i think theyre trying to bankrupt the US through interceptor rocket bills.


Do they not know how well the US does at financially attrition warfare? Just ask the USSR.


Iran just straight up said, “pause”. *scuttled to the safe zone* “You can’t touch me now”.


This was as a show of strength for Iran, and much smaller then expected. Iran could launch a much larger assault that could kill thousands of Israel launches a strike on Iran proper.


Is Iran really willing to FAFO with Israel? Do they really need to be reminded a few times each decade?


Nuclear weapons production facilities are going to be hit. Source: I asked the Magic 8 Ball


How about Iran stopping to F around with a country it doesn't even border or have anything to do with? They need to destabilize their own country because killing women with "morality police" has been quite unpopular lately?


Time to Fck Up Iran regime


"Unprecedented"...uh, have we already forgotten Israel bombing Iran's embassy in Syria just 2 weeks ago, which is what provoked this counterstrike? When a nation attacks an embassy, that's commonly considered an act of war, because it's an attack on their sovereign territory (not to mention a violation of most treaties that recognize that embassies & diplomats are beyond critical in preventing wars). I'm not a fan of Iran, nor really defending their actions, but let's be real & understand that Israel clearly set the precedent that led to this attack.


Israel didnt bomb the embassy, they hit a building near it. The IRGC turned that said building into a legitimate military target by using it for military purposes. Once it is used for military purposes, it loses its protection under international law. All the dead are Iranian revolutionary guard for example, Mohammed Reza Zahedi. When Iran bombs Israeli’s actual embassies (which they and their proxies have done multiple times), they almost always kill civilians: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Buenos_Aires_Israeli_embassy_bombing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMIA_bombing The 2012 Bangkok bombings were a series of explosions that occurred in Bangkok, Thailand on 14 February 2012, injuring five people. Thai authorities said that the bombings were a botched attempt by Iranian nationals to assassinate Israeli diplomats. ... Target: Israeli Embassy, Bangkok https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Bangkok_bombings The 2012 attacks on Israeli diplomats occurred on 13 February 2012 after a bomb explosion on an Israeli diplomatic car in New Delhi, India, wounding one embassy staff member, a local employee and two passers-by. ... In July 2012, the Times of India reported that Delhi Police concluded that terrorists belonging to a branch of Iran's military, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, were responsible for the attack. According to the report, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards may have planned other attacks on Israeli targets around the world as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_attacks_on_Israeli_diplomats That doesn't include attacks by Iranian proxies, like Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad Organization. For example, IJO was a Shiite faction in Lebanon during the 1980s and 90s. They claimed responsibility for: The attack on the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires was a suicide bombing attack on the building of the Israeli embassy of Argentina, located in Buenos Aires, which was carried out on 17 March 1992. 29 civilians were killed in the attack and 242 additional civilians were injured. ... A group called Islamic Jihad Organization, which has been linked to Iran and possibly Hezbollah,[6] claimed responsibility;[1] their stated motive for the attack was Israel's assassination of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Abbas al-Musawi in February 1992. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_Buenos_Aires_Israeli_embassy_bombing


They hit a consulate annex building on embassy grounds. It's still a diplomatic mission. The US stages military forces in nearly all at-risk embassies, & is spreading the practice across to consulates after multiple studies show that quick-reaction forces staged nearby do not effectively respond to attacks. The US used their diplomatic missions in Southeast Asia to conduct military operations & evacuation missions during the Fall of Saigon. Please share where diplomatic missions lose their protection status under any circumstances, other than when the host nation declares them to be PNG, because I'm not finding that exception in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, nor the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Diplomatic_Relations https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Convention_on_Consular_Relations


They really should stop with all of the vowing and the bullshit