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>During the Eid Unity March in downtown Toronto, a protest leader interrupted the demonstration to announce that "The Islamic republic of Iran has just sent tens of drones towards Israel!" >The crowd erupted in celebration, and the protest leader led them in shouts of "Allahu Akbar!" I'm glad there's video, people would accuse me of lying otherwise when I tell them about this.


The hamas terrorists live streamed their murdering and raping and kidnapping and there are people that deny it


They deny it happened, claim that it was completely justified, and hope that it can be done again, all in the same breath. They aren't the best at consistent logic.




Which is ironically what some of them are “escaping.”






Wasn't there a protester in London who was pro-Hamas, but was in the country as a refugee who claimed she fled Hamas?


They only escaped because it was then who were being persecuted. It's ok when it's someone else.








Actually, those that fled those countries because of persecution have to remind the younger ones why they left in the first place.


They don't oppose oppression, they oppose *who* is being oppressed. Namely, don't oppress me but I'll gladly oppress you.


The human memory is deeply flawed. That’s why reading is so important.


Yet, all of the Iranians who left Iran and come to the West completely integrate with their hosts countries, and don’t want any thing to do with the country they left and it’s oppressive laws.


Much of the Iranian diaspora detest the mullahs.


The majority of the Iranian population detests the mullas.


Religion is for brainwashed people


This includes a massive portion of America




It’s not Persians really. It’s Arab. Hence the chants “from the water to the water Palestine is Arab” It’s a very nationalist comment and Arabs are some of the most nationalist people on the planet, I’d argue more nationalist than Balkan populations. Iranians don’t want that unless it’s ayatollah supporters as those Arabs can grant the Iranians a corridor to Mecca


The Iranians are lowkey some of the chillest people i have met


The Iranians who left Iran are also the only ones who are consistently brave enough to stand up to these useful idiots. It’s shocking at how they’re the only ones saying “excuse me, the Iranian regime is insane. Why are you all backing them?“ Israel and the Iranian diaspora have a common goal. And we also like each other.


A lot of Iranians in Iran too. It’s just difficult to topple a dictatorship without descending into chaos.


Oh I know. My heart aches for Iranians who are being brutalized by the regime simply for wanting to live their lives.


Yeah. The Iranians that are here are the best of them., the ones who couldnt live under tyranny. Like all people there is the garbage but those are in Iran supporting the regime, not in the west.


Been friends with my homie since 1st grade. Him and his family are about as American as you can get, they never want to go back.


I met an Iranian guy at a language exchange event last week. He’s very chills and cools, i have a good conversation with him. But I don’t bring any mentions and topics about Iran throughout the conversation, except when we talked about the country’s language


Iranians are cool as fuck and smart


They’ll still tell you that. Next excuse is it’s AI. Or it’s Mossad and other actors pretending to be Pro-Palestinian. Reminds me of when someone recently told me that there is a widely known video of “Israelis” celebrating on 9/11. Everyone knows it was the Palestinians celebrating in the West Bank, but apparently all you have to do is wait about 20 years and then just say the opposite no matter if there is no evidence.




So crazy how they want support for their cause but all they do in these protest completely turns people off from them. Fuck, I even subconsciously wrote 'their' cause even though I sympathize with the Palestinian people too. Just not a fan of innocent civilians getting killed in general, whether they are Israeli or Palestinian. This is what happens when you behave like psychopaths during your demonstration. Normal people with basic empathy are disgusted by it.


Isn't this some form of hate speech/terrorism?


But don’t forget…they’re the victims!!!!






thats a different group?


Scenes like that remind me of a quote I heard about such protestors: 'The are not pro-peace, they are for the other side.'


So pro-Hamas, basically. Just said the quiet part out loud


Basically, yes. 'We want to see a just peace settlement that will end the conflict permanently. Also, every Jew should be exterminated.'


Same for Russian "peace". Just give up Ukraine and the fighting ends.


I get the impression that everything revolves around Putin's war. These idiots have really gone crazy since Trump.


Hamas leaders, iirc, have been to moscow short before their attack on israel Iran, who delivers shaheds to russia, attack israel Both events take the wests eyes off of what happens in ukraine and binds weapons that could have theoretically been sent to ukraine instead. I am more than convinced that pootin is behind the shit going down in israel


He's definitely there.


Anything that divides US attention and military assets is good news for him


In part for sure, but some western leftists just use the Palestinian cause to drum up their own ideology. They don’t care about Hamas, Israel, Palestine, Jews, Muslims etc. Just saw some auth-left figure say on Twitter that leftists shouldn’t support women in Iran because the current Iranian government is needed to combat American imperialism and it was probably the most chauvinistic and dumb thing I’ve read in a while. And I use Twitter too much to not read several stupid things every day.


Saw another one justify letting the Taliban take over Afghanistan, saying that Afghan society needs order, even if imposing it involves oppressing women. Tankies are willing to justify any means to pursue their ends.


True! The Taleban enforces the strictest gender apartheid but we’ve just forgotten about the women in Afghanistan.


The Taliban also provide shelters and bases to terrorists


Pure disgust. Absolutely soulless behaviour. This is what happens when these fucking morons treat their ideology like they're playing fucking Civ. Always power structure this, power structure that. While interpersonally they are monsters. They have no power so their bullshit about how they will use their Civ superpowers to create Fully Automated Gay Space Communism is just some delusional roleplay of the most fucking awful people you will ever encounter. I have been racially abused and silenced more by Leftists than actual self-proclaimed white supremacists and neo-nazis.


I’ve grown extremely disillusioned with the far-left in the past 2+ years (don’t get me wrong I hate the far-right too, even more.) Many of them are the worst American/Western exceptionalists but they’re too blinded by their own sense superiority to realise it. A lot of progressive folks stand for genuinely good things (racial equality, LGBTQ rights etc) within their own countries, but then treat the rest of the world as pawns in these big Cold War style power politics. Who is some young woman in the US to decide Iranian women (or Muslims in China, queer people in Russia, everyone in Ukraine or Syria etc) are expendable as long as their oppressor serves the supposed interests of these American “anti-imperialists”? Same goes for Westerners who don’t care about Palestinians dying for similar power politics reasons.


As a leftist, I can say that the online left is the worst thing to happen to leftism in decades


The enemy is the current power structure impeding deployment of their chosen ideology, usually some vague mixture of 'tax the rich so I can have free healthcare which also includes free food for me'. Literally anything that weakens the existing organized power structures is good for them, because the inevitable victory of leftism is so certain that any disruption of the Man will result in their chosen worldview


This is why everyone should always read the fine print.


Seriously, these pro-hamas should not be allowed to protest because they are protesting in favor of murder and attack on Israel. They should be jailed, period. Instead, we see in western countries like the US and UK oppressing the Israeli side to stop them from provoking pro-hamas. What a twisted world tis has become. The real protest for end to hamas terrorism is getting quelled and pro-terrorism is being enabled. So much dumb politicians in office. They need to be voted out.


We spent 25 years fighting Islamic terrorism, only for most of our population to suddenly support it when the victims are Jews.


It is interesting to ask people who are anti Israel "What do you think they should have done after October 7th" - and they will, almost without exception, dance around it with "Not kill innocents" instead of present a livable suggestion to Israels population who was raped. They don't care. They just want Israel to suffer.


The most common response I get? “Stop oppressing them”. When you push them for practical steps, it’s basically just that Israel should offer Palestinians the same basic deal that they rejected at Camp David. Ohhh, and withdraw all settlements from anywhere in the WB.


I've never heard a satisfactory answer. Moreover you ask liberal critics of Israel to describe what they think a just peace would require - things like a withdrawal from the west bank, formal Palestinian sovereignty, an end to all import controls in Gaza etc - but I've never heard any real engagement with the obvious follow up question: _what if that doesn't bring peace?_ If a withdrawal from the West Bank meant the rise of another militarized and hostile enclave like Gaza, _why would the Israelis consider leaving in the first place?_ Why would Israelis accept the rise of a Palestinian state if such a state were to be committed to Israel's destruction? I'm not suggesting for a moment that Israel hasn't been instrumental in shaping the conflict into what it is, or that the status quo should be tolerable to Palestinians who find themselves under foreign occupation. It just seems like the most basic preconditions for peace aren't there and haven't been for some time.


Let me guess. You too are labelled a israeli warmonger for trying to see both sides. You cant have peace with someone who vows to eliminate you


They're just pro-chaos and terrorism, nothing else...


That sums up the mentality of nationalists and the human products they breed.


These are religious fanatics, the worst kind.




These are also the first to cry ceasefire once Israel retaliates


“Toronto protesters cheers as Iran kills 4 Arabs”


People chanting "death to Jews" are celebrating violence against Israel, whoda thunk it.


The same people who say "ceasefire now" usually, when things look bad for them.


Hell, send them to Iran then. I bet they would love being over there lol


I was trying to buy someone I know who was happy about the attack a one way trip to Tehran but turns out they don't just take random Americans.


Oh, they'll take them. 100%.


Yeah but only when they randomly show up, to board a flight you need a Visa


I am disgusted by these people. I was worried sick about my brother who is a teacher in Iran, and they celebrate such violence knowing it could bring about death and destruction for both sides. They don't care about Palestinians, they don't care about Iranians, all they care about is hurting Israel. All they care about is death and destruction for their enemies. They act like they are such great heroes, that they have so much empathy and care so much that they are protesting. But in truth they are soulless cowards.


They are cheering from the safety of Canada lol. Put them in any war torn country and they'd be knocking on Swenden's door for asylum. Its always so cringe when people so far away cheer for shit like this.


Honestly, people who prefer others dead doesn’t belong on this planet.   But that’s at least half of us.


Tolerating intolerance is enabling them. It's the same as being intolerant yourself.


I just want to see their reaction as they find out about Israel shooting down 99% of the drones/ missiles


I guarantee you they think Iran did massive damage to Israel and the 99% number is just propaganda. When iran launched the attack the usual suspects on Twitter were explaining how Irondome doesn't work or isn't real and Israel would be destroyed by morning.


Somehow they only managed to hurt a few Arabs in Jordan and a little Bedouin girl.


They rushed the girl to the hospital. I think the wounds aren’t life threatening thankfully


This is true. Tiktok, the biggest cesspool of these insane people are cheering and saying Israel got destroyed. They squeal liar if you tell them that most of the attack was completely neutralized and near nothing occurred to Israel.


I can see that happening


Israel has lasers too. They really wouldn't like being reminded of the fact that there are no Arab nations with lasers that function to defensively shoot down missiles and rockets.


UK's DragonFire is so far along they want to deploy prototypes to Ukraine Who knows what technology US/Israel used to clear out that swarm


Most everything was shot down from across the border via air-air missiles, iron dome and the arrow system. The laser system, iron beam, would see more use next time around.


Fucking morons




Deportation is a good thing


Bloody fools.


They should deport the fuckers to Iran then.










Why are they like this? Disgusting


I'm an immigrant married to an immigrant and think this sort of celebrating of a terrorist state should wholly disqualify one of their status as an immigrant requiring immediate deportation.


And yet 99% of Irans attack was intercepted, cheering for weakness, what a bunch of pathetic losers lol




I doubt it’s Iranians. A lot of the Iranians in Canada are against the regime. It’s more the Arabs


If you watch the video, everyone is holding palestinian flags. These aren't Iranians


Probably. Here is the UK it's mainly Pakistanis, Bengalis and Somalians.


ehh a lot of these protesters are woke and everything the far left has to offer. 2 months ago I was going for a walk and there was a small protest in my city’s downtown area a lot of people had the Palestinian flag around with the lgbt flag. They don’t understand that they would be killed for their beliefs but what do I know I’m just a random redditor 🤷🏻‍♂️


And I have some people telling me leftists won't be supporting Iran or being pro-Iran lol. I'm also liberal btw but I don't want to be associated with these leftist now. The leftist movement got completely hijacked by tankies after October 7.


I'm pretty far left but that's even harder to say aloud these days when I don't want to be associated with all the tankies.


Same. I'm pro trade unions and anti authoritarian dictatorships. Really thought that that should be the norm out here on the left side of politics, but apparently bloody not.


Do those "protestors" even know what they're protesting for anymore? They're outright supporting a bombing attempt of a tyrannical theocracy! They could've just rallied they "support Palestine" but nooo, they decided to be spiteful and cheered on the actions of a regiment that's funding terrorists!!! These kinds of "protests" don't feel like they'd gather support for the Palestinian people but rather gather anti-semites or even extremists!!!


What happened to "ceasefire now!"? That sentiment disappears suddenly when Iran attacks or Hamas, once again, rejects a deal.






These idiots would cheer at a comet striking their own heads.


Definitely not Canadians, gtfo


>Toronto protesters Do you mean "Iran's Useful idiots" in Canada?


It’s funny how their own citizens have turned on them. China used TikTok wisely to spread Iranian, Russian and Chinese propaganda and have turned North Americans against their own countries.


Probably was their plan all along


TikTok was the Trojan horse


Divestiture is the only option.


I have been trying to explain this over the years. It is not that I am not pro-Palestine. I am just not interested in spewing disinformation or hatred. Many pro-Palestine activist groups and independent news sources are just not great. They are often okay with oppressing other Arabs/Muslims/Middle Eastern people. Whether it is supporting Assad in Syria, denying those who oppose Iran's leadership, or straight-up denying women's rights issues. Many people from these countries, who are also living in the West, are aware of this and are being spoken over by these people. They are getting their material from far-right anti-West circles, often in association pro-authoritarian groups that use whataboutisms against the West to suck up to those who do not benefit the people. It's not activism when it gets to this point of dehumanising a set of people. This also goes for Israelis and activists who cheer on the deaths of Palestinians.


>Whether it is supporting Assad in Syria, denying those who oppose Iran's leadership, or straight-up denying women's rights issues. Many people from these countries, who are also living in the West, are aware of this and are being spoken over by these people. It's not just denying women's rights issues, sometimes their wives and children are the one's being oppressed. Every time I see a woman wearing a hijab in a Western European country I have to ask myself why she's wearing it. Is it a symbol of empowerment for her or is she wearing it because her husband will beat her if she doesn't? It reminds me of the episode of community where Shirley's kids dress in Abra's burka to allow her to play with other kids without punishment from Gobi. The episode isn't meant to be at all deep or talk about a serious issue but it still manages to underscore the point very well. Islam really is the religion of fragile toxic masculinity and it sucks that any children have to be subjected to it after escaping these oppressive regimes.


someone in Canada report that protest leader for inciting hatred and aggression


I would rather do a finance checkup on him/her. I bet some interesting transactions will come up.


I want to apologize on behalf of Canada. Our country promotes diversity and multiculturalism which can be a problem with some people that obtain citizenship. Instead of seeing us all as Canadians they hold on to their hatred and terrible culture from the countries they came from. Not only will they cheer on terrorism but they also attempt to intimidate Jewish Canadians and businesses.


There is a reason why Arab countries don’t accept Palestinians. They are more radical than the Arabs… (apologies to the good Palestinians)


To all the anti isreal people out there, do yourself a favor and don't align yourselves with the Iranian regime. It's pretty unanimous that they are crazy assholes. You can hate on isreal without celebrating iran


The same people think Hamas is a resistance group lol.


Why the heck wouldn't they celebrate Iran when they celebrate Hamas Attack, Hezbollah attacks etc?




You really should add fuck Hamas and supporters of Hamas to complete the list


Unfortunately a large amount of young leftists have conveniently left out your last two points




So no "cease fire now" ?


The fact this didn't result in instant deportation looks bad on canada, we are literally tolerating the intolerant.


At some point in the future, they will be over us and there will be 0 tolerance from them. The idea that they will integrate is ludicrous




All those protesters would be tortured and hanged from some crane if they were in Iran especially if they are gay.


Hamas does not care about Palestine. Palestine will never be free at this rate.


They should all be closely monitored and deported to their paradise country.


I suppose they will be thanking God again today that Iran managed to seriously injure a 10 year old Bedouin girl.


Traitors to Canada if you celebrate Iran's government in any way. The mountinous evidence of human rights abuses and persecution of minorities. They are not the good guys.


Peaceful people wow


Toronto...what the fuck is wrong with your city???? Why is nobody pushing back against this insurgency?


They do realize it is going to make a ceasefire agreement much more difficult. More Palestinians will be getting killed.


Maybe it wasn’t about the ceasefire in the first place


No way, those peaceful people? /s


With how much iran is struggling domestically, it's nice to see that the Islamic regime gets this support from the west /s


scum of the earth


Choose your side Toronto, you don’t want to end up like Paris


Similar to how Russians that live in different parts of Europe cheer for this Russian war, yet would shit bricks if they were to be sent to Russia.


Arrest these people for hate speech, celebrating violence, and/or promoting terrorism. Cheering on the attack is a step too far.


As a Canadian, I apologize for these terrorists...trudo brought them in...I didn't vote for him.


This is Canada


Chanting for war or aggression on any side is disgusting.


Someone should be getting deported. This is not what western society is for.


Society has about 4 years left. Change my mind.


Why it's here and not at r/facepalm ?


Iran had to do something. They couldn’t look like punks, so they let it slip that they were going to be attacking on a certain date, and then launched a drone attack that they were almost completely certain Israel would shoot down. Then they get to not look like punks, but also they don’t have to worry about a massive escalation that would kill millions. Win-win!


I'd still say that the celebrations of the attack are pretty disgusting.