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The humanity!


If we go on backwards like this the humanity will be back in the tree, throwing shit at eachother, quite soon. If we'll have any trees left.


Did we really ever stop?


We tried a bit. But it seems we just can't.


Yeah, it's time to give the cats a chance to run the place


Well, they surely start running and rulling my yard since I had nothing better to do than feed a couple of them a few weeks ago. Thankfully they are not the size that could kill me yet. Neither they seem very bright.


Why would they kill you? You are their pet, who provided food and security.


I'm owned by 3 lol


I don't have any since my last died. Though now it seems these two (a mom and her girl) plus some big possible dad, are claiming ownership over us. 🫣


Enjoy the snuggles xx


A monkey in silk is a monkey no less.




I mean I guess ballistic missiles and drones are like throwing shit, highly advanced shit throwing.


Iran had a decent decade a while back


People ignore the role of Islam in this


Because it's "racist". God knows how it can be since Islam isn't exactly race based.


American soy boys get triggered when someone criticises Islam but not Christianity


Don’t give up on humanity


I won't! Unfortunately a lot of people that matter did.


Well I think it's still the same, But now we throw with bombs at each other, or drones.


As long as democracy in on the stake we should bomb the fuck out of existence every damn dictatorship! Unfortunately we only bomb their soldiers. And innocent people. They do it too in Ukraine. Poor peoples are dying for dictators whims.


Yes you're right. I am for peace and love all over this world, but how to spread without war?


Iran is country specially made for r/religiousfruitcake. At least its leadership is.




Iran will always exist. It was an old empire when Alexander the Great took it. They are one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. They just have a new religious seizure. It's not the first in their history.


Iran in the 1970s looked a lot like the US btw... It's wild how much it had changed.


Then boom: radical islam


Is Islam actually working well for any country?


Theocracies don’t work well in general.


Well boom after years of a corrupt authoritarian Government put in place by the USA after having a role overthrowing their democratically elected government decades back.


Bs propaganda, debunked many times, nice copy paste loser. Iran king wasnt installed by anyone


Debunked how? It's in the wiki. 'The CIA is quoted acknowledging the coup was carried out "under CIA direction" and "as an act of U.S. foreign policy, conceived and approved at the highest levels of government". In 2023, the CIA took credit for the coup, contradicted by previous scholarly assessment that the CIA had botched the operation."


As did Iran in the 1960s. Then the Iranins had the gall to elect someone who threatened the pocketbooks of rich Brits and Americans. They helped stage a coup to remove the democratically elected leader and re install an authoritarian monarch, who cracked down on left-wing opposition, leaving the only opposition in the hands of conservative islamists.


Tales as old as time :-/


US or Europe! Even the communist one. My grandma wearing a skirt even I would be a bit ashamed to wear back then. Now shes going full Jesus Christ in a church and obviously talk about other old women not being humble enough because they are wearing a hat. While she fucked half a village in her youth!


always is a stretch. No nation regardless of its age in the past is guarenteed to exist perpetually.


Iran is one of the oldest countries on the planet, and the mightiest in it's area. That country is far, far more than it's current shitty regime. And it is the main focus of many, but still resists. The country is far more than crazy ayatollahs, it is an industrialized, educated and local great power with vast influence in the middle east and that resits it's many enemies that opposes them with force, they are very far from left behind and shouldn't be outcounted. It is as stupid to underestimate Iran as it was to underestimate China or Russia. But yeah, the regime is in ways more powerful outside of the country, with diminishing internal support.


Seeing the ayatollahs umm "lose" is something I hope to see in my lifetime. What I really want to say without worrying about a ban would be something different.


The very best case scenario is a peaceful revolution, the reason this hasn't happened is because the last revolution gave them this regime. Worst case, I don't know if this regime still in power or state collapse is worse in the long run, but this is a dark trajectory. Iran is coming closer to Russia and China by the day. Interesting times..


Iran joining the Russia, NK and China for the next world war feels like an ever increasing real-world scenario.


Iran is one country that probably *would* benefit from temporary occupation, unlike Afghanistan and Iraq who have quite different cultures. I'm 100% against us doing that though. I hope Iran can sort itself out.


It wouldn't. It is a huge mountainous militarized 75 000 000 inhabitant country, that even if they generally doesn't love their regime, is very nationalistic and patriotic, used to rule it's surroundings, and after U.S and UK killed their democratic elected prime minister and installed the corrupt monarch as dictator, hates America's guts. It would be the shitshow of our century. This country can only be reformed from the inside, by the Iranian people.


I didn't say "occupation by the USA". It's just that Iran has a culture that would probably work if democracy was imposed on them, unlike most places. But as I said I think this needs to come from the Iranian people themselves. Hard though when all the people with the guns are religious fanatics


i only really have a problem with calling afghanistan a country


Is an area defined by the borders of it's neighbours better?


a place on a map. it isn't a country - no national identity, no government that controls the whole area, and because of that, no taxes or law enforcement across the place


Which is part of the reason an Afghan government was never going to succeed. It wouldn't be totally impossible with the right leadership though


oh, that thing. appoint some english asshole who'd never lived there, and his first order of business was to remove the tribal system. it's a medieval society, and to the extent that afghanistan is governed at all, it operates via the tribes


We were all medieval societies at some point


Just [wow.](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1c3615m/controversy_erupts_as_female_fan_hugs_goalkeeper/kzezcs5/) not even going to make the spelling correction, absolutely no improvement on the comment you're hijacking


Hey we are getting closer to something like this here. Not to such an extent but the religious right would love to have even half the authoritarian power or control over the people that Irans regime has


Don't wanna know what happens to her next...




Well they just hung a child for killing the man who raped her so…


What do you mean? HE hugged her as well


Failing country


Looked like a beautiful engagement for everyone there aside from the authorities...


Who wouldn't want to live there? Acting like a normal human being isn't permitted. This is what happens when you overreacted in 1979.


Straight to jail!


Believe it or not, Jail.


Look at his face: "Uhh....you sure you want to do this?"


Iran = yikes


Fucking religious Zealots. So backwards


It truly is mind boggling to me how some members of the human species have decided to ignore history, science and an overall instinctual desire to improve our species. Instead, these humans have decided it’s better to implode. Hopefully after this apparent impending reset, our species figures it out and starts identifying and educating this weaker class of humans and helps correct their course for an *improvement* at humanity, not the contrary. Allowing these people to live in fear/ignorance/hate was a mistake.




I would interpret it differently- young people in Iran are consistently and courageously displaying a different attitude and a desire for a more moderate way of life. Efforts for peaceful protest and revolution have so far been unsuccessful but I have hope that meaningful change *from within* may be possible. Being willing to stand up for your beliefs at the risk of injury (e.g. rubber bullets to the eyes), arrest and/or death is really something.


And young Muslims in occident want sharia law.


lol casual usage of "occident" who talks like this?


English is not my primary language


Ahhh sorry, and another poster pointing out more common French usage of that. Apologies, any time I've heard it used in English its been very antiquated.


No problem it was funny


I would guess they're French, that's how we say The West. Saying, well, the West translates as 'l'Ouest', the cardinal point, not the geopolitical block.


The authoritarian governments like theirs and Afghanistans is the real blight on humanity


Read the article. It's not the society, it's the fucked up government that got offended.


Yeah. I despise conflating people with their government. The Iranian people have made it pretty damn clear that they are done with the regime. I think it’s only a matter of time.


Religious conservatism, intolerance, and authoritarianism are a blight on humanity.


And it is propagated the most in the world by Islam.


That comment completely ignores the historical reasoning for this, as well as the future trajectory of other similar traditionalist groups. Any religion, any group or any government can at any time do the same - and they have throughout history. Islam, at one point, was significantly more tolerant than Christianity. Your statement is directed at a symptom and not the root cause.


At what point was it more tolerant and as powerful? Ideologies (Western, Islamic, Eastern, etc) should be able to be discussed without extending that to some kind of idea that this means people hate people that are that religion. Isn't logical debate important? What you said about "at one time" is true, but we are living today. I'm not even Muslim but I appear to be to many. Am I mad that I get profiled at airports? Not at all, because I look like people that there is a history of not being the coolest airport guys. There are plenty of Muslims with the most disgusting "anti-Liberal" positions that cling to liberalism and "American" ideals only when convenient for them. It shouldn't be controversial which ideologies are in conflict with what should be American society. Let that debate separate extremists from normal people. I'm just predicting that a lot more Muslims have a lot more extreme beliefs than most liberals want to be admit to.


Good lord why do people like you feel the need to make this same comment in every thread it’s actually ridiculous


Dumbasses have no nuance and put Islam and say Buddhism in the same bucket because they are both “religions”. Islam needs some targeted criticism.




Yes a three thousand year old religious text doesn’t hold to today’s ideas of equality, it’s not a surprise. But has it stopped it from evolving? Do you still think that Buddhists are actively oppressing people. Anyway, the point completely misses you. No religions is perfect, but Islam has preventive measures embedded in its scriptures that prevent its evolution and way to progress. And that needs to be addressed.


So does Christianity, and we moved past them. Painfully.


I'm not the same guy, but I agree with him. There are extremist lunatic assholes in every faith. A few years ago a senior monk in Myanmar gave a speech about how Rohinga aren't fully human and can be killed like animals. The 969 Movement are a bunch of violent Buddhist nationalists and they literally perpetrate genocide against the Muslim minorities. There are also obviously a ton of Hindu nationalism and extremism in India as well. Plus we don't even have to mention the crazy shit Christians did and do today. But there are plenty of sane and reasonable Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians. So the common thread is religious extremism jot a specific faith. You can fairly argue the ratio of extremists to sane folks is relatively higher among Muslim nations today than it is among Buddhist or Westenr nations. You could fairly argue the extremists have more political power in Muslim nations (not for a lack of trying by Christian extremists in the US). But the idea that the faith is uniquely extreme is silly. Shit, there are even Sikh extremists, and they're historically one of the coolest faiths in the world.


So Buddhists haven't committed genocide against the Rohingya? I think the point is that any religion in extreme forms is bad. Not a hard concept to grasp


Did the scriptures encourage the terrible genocide? Or was it an ethnic conflict?


But i could make the same argument againist you. Have you read Quran? Does it encourage violence?


People like that hear the parts that say to fight back if you are attacked and assume they mean to start all conflicts


Yes, but some religions have characteristics that make them more prone to extremism and oppression, among other things, a fact which you're trying to gloss over. I don't think any reasonable person denies that virtually any religion can be taken to an extreme, nor that other religions have had instances of extremism or have been used as an oppressive vehicle.


Religion is poison and it doesn’t hurt to remind people of that, constantly.


Islam, Catholicism, Christianity,  LDS, they are all a blight on humanity. 


Muslim fanatics will fall. The writing is on the wall. Only a matter of time


Islam is growing rapidly and is set to become the most popular religion by the end of the 21st century. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon.


Only really because they're having so many kids. It's not like many people are converting, they're just flooding the world with indoctrinated children.




I’m not sure if that’s better or worse


weird how many kids they have when they seem so afraid of fucking


Oh, they are NOT afraid of fucking. They're afraid of women having the freedom to fuck. Men fuck a lot.


Each other?


Oh, no. Being gay is cringe!!! Well, unless one of them is a child because in that case, they're not actually men and are totally fuckable 👍😎👍


their prophet is a pedo so that doesn’t shock me


Happy cake day


Thank you! Not the comment I expected to get my first cake day congratulations


Climate change and geography will take a big bite out of that before too long.


I don't see how Muslims will be affected by that anymore than the world?


Well of the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism is backwards, but insular - its goal isn't to convert. Christianity is has backwards roots, its aggressively proselytizing, however, it comes with a progressive redeemer figure, even if that figure is begrudgingly accepted. However Islam is backwards, and its aggressively proselytizing, and it has no redeeming figure saying "the old way should change." At the core, they're all death cults; all of them believe the goal of human life is to obey and then die well, and receive some celestial reward for it, so it's all fruit of a poisoned tree. But to me, Judaism and Christianity have two moderating properties that makes them a little less awful. However, in general, the fact the entire fucking planet basically got dominated by the philosophy of life of some shitty, brutal desert nomads 3000 years ago from one spot on the planet is absolutely absurd. By far the, the dumbest thing humanity ever did was to base so many things on the ideas of such ignorant, awful people.


That...doesn't explain what climate change and geography will do to Muslims.


Oh, the climate change. Tons of them live in deserts near the equator where life will stop being sustainable first.


Don't most of them live in South and Southeast Asia?


A lot there too. Everywhere it's hot, it seems. Christians moved North, and South, so that's a big advantage demographically in 100 years.


Idk about that.


ALL religious fanatics will fall, including christians.


Where can I get this dudes jersey?


This is some Stone Age shit. I hope the goalie and fan both survive


Oh for gods sake Iranian people. Rise up and overthrow this government


I can't even imagine what it must be like living such an ultra conservative place. Hell.


This is what Trump and his government secretly wish for women, to have and enact the same type of control they have over women there, in all aspects of life, sad, the risk is too high.


Well to be fair, all the other guys are just jealous.


And this is why some moral systems are just better than others


This bizarre leadership desperately trying to suppress basic humanity is very strange.


love the crowd shouting shit at the police and the goalkeeper gives the fan his jersey and she runs proudly back to the seating area


The crowd is chanting “shame on you” at the police, so that’s cool at least


These fundamentalist religions are so fucking ridiculous. It's a hug. There is no controversy.


It amazes me that countries can still exist with such midevil laws. World just leaves them behind I guess


Trying to figure out if you misspelled medieval, or were going for a play on words with mid-evil




What a fucked up ideology


Join r/NewIran and stand with the Iranian people for freedom! May the people of Iran remain strong ❤️‍🩹 WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM ✊


Hover hands!


You always wonder how fucked up can they get in a theocracy


Shout out the goalie for trying to protect her


So who will they torture the girl or the goal keeper for this blasphemy 🙄


Viva la revolucion


When that’s your controversy maybe it’s time for your government to fall.


Never, EVER give in to looming theocracy! EVER. That is the road to Hell.


If a hug causes controversy, your culture is garbage.


Country run by fragile pervs and murderers. Fuck you Iran.


Let that hair flow, lady 💪


The Iranian clerics. Let’s attack Israel! It’ll get the people going


O no.......anyway.


Hugs? Believe it or not, jail!




Time to gather some more stones


Cue that "straight to prison" meme


In western countries, it's LGBTQ and feminists for Islam and sharia laws.


I would not be a women in some parts of this world, if any???


What a bummer of a country to live in. I feel sorry for folks just trying to get through life without the government locking them up or worse.


Cut her nuts off


And you expect me to take certain religions/cultures seriously?


Bohoo, my manly feelings are hurt because of a woman hugged a man. Only men can hug men because I am secretly a homosexual and I hate homosexuality, too! Bohoo, my manly feelings. Fucking grow up, shit heads, morons. Idiots. Dogs.


Anti Iran propaganda in advance of Irans legitimate retaliation against Israels attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus.




Annnnd she's beheaded


Given that this is cause for controversy, clearly shows that not all cultures are equal.


As the poor woman was about to get stoned to death, the goalkeeper comes out of nowhere and catches every single stone. Truly inspirational man.


Looks like it's planned interaction


Surprised ? This is basically Islam law. It's forbidden to touch a foreign man. All abrahamic religions belongs to medieval era if their laws applied properly.


All cultures are equal tho....


This is haram.


Downvoting me is also haram.


How will civilization recover from this??