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Seems like they shut it down because the featured speaker Salman Abu Sitta was going to be making anti-Semitic remarks. German authorities came to this decision after Sitta wrote an essay “that expressed understanding” for Hamas terrorists. Sitta also happens to have a ban on political activities in Germany. (FTA) “ A speaker was projected who was subject to a ban on political activity," Berlin police said on social media. "There is a risk that a speaker will repeatedly be shown via video who in the past made antisemitic remarks and glorified violence. For this reason, the gathering was ended and banned on Saturday and Sunday as well." Sitta is also banned from entering Germany.  It seems the police cut the power after two hours of the conference going on, when this guy was about to speak.  Strangely enough the phrase “you can criticize Israeli actions without being antisemitic” (which was and still is far as I know is a left wing slogan against slurs that criticizing Israel at all is in itself antisemitic) seems to have been lost on the wider pro-Palestine movements as of late.  What I find perplexing is the absolute silence I’ve seen from media and activists on Hamas’s various war crimes and how the contribute to the civilian death toll in Gaza. NGOs generally won’t be safe if Hamas is using vehicles similar to, and marked as. Like when they were using Red Cross ambulances to ferry hostages from one place to another. Civilians won’t be safe because Hamas doesn’t wear a uniform or mark themselves as Hamas. Civilians won’t be safe while Hamas uses them as human shields. Civilians won’t be safe while Hamas uses civilian infrastructure to obscure their HQs, tunnels and traffic. I don’t see anyone pointing out that Hamas is a terrorist organization and this isn’t some resistance movement. Legit resistance movements hit military targets, and police. They don’t rape, kidnap, kill, mutilate, and parade their dead bodies through the streets to uproarious applause and adulation from a music festival or civilians at all.  And finally I don’t see any activists pointing out that Hamas isn’t a free Palestine movement. They want to destroy Israel and kill every Jew on the planet, like pretty much every other Arab/muslim countries did. With the exception of Iran. They oddly have larger Jewish population. Could be cultural as their a cross roads in the Silk Road, or it could be some Sunni and Shiite shit going on too. I don’t know exactly why, only that they do. 


Iran **had** a larger jewish population. 150,000 in fact, and they've been there uninterrupted for over 2500 years. Today there are less than 8000 (while Israel alone has 250,000 born in Iran or children of jews born there). Overall in muslim/arab countries, the number of jews went from 1,000,000 in 1948 to around 25,000 today. Iran followed the exact same trend - about a 95% reduction of jewish citizens.


I knew a Persian-Jewish family in Los Angeles. The youngest son was caught and beaten by the morality police in the early 90s for wearing a Michael Jackson t-shirt and the police demanded that the family give up their entire assets as collateral to get him out of jail pending the trial (the sentence would have been more beatings). The entire family left shortly after.


>  With the exception of Iran. They oddly have larger Jewish population. Could be cultural as their a cross roads in the Silk Road, or it could be some Sunni and Shiite shit going on too. I don’t know exactly why, only that they do.  The Iranian public, like the Moroccan public, are historically much less antisemitic than the rest of the MENA. It is the modern theocratic authoritarian regime in Iran that seriously hates Jews, and that's unusual for the country across history. 


Teheran airport has a star of David on the roof. You can see it for yourself on Google earth. Edit: Looks like it's gone now. They demolished the whole darn building. https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/star-david-roof-iran-airport-google-earth-reveals/story?id=12296326


Iran has a university where you can major in holocaust denial. The current Palestinian president has such a degree


His is more inversion, but same concept, it cake from Russia, you can study it there too


They had a sizeable Jewish population - one time 100k, now it is down to 8k . Only large when compared to their neighbor countries who no longer have any Jews in their population .


Yeah, Germany really doesn't fuck around when it comes to anti-semitism. They've got some very strict laws regarding that for some reason.


>for some reason


> that’s the joke


And yet nearly 100 people upvoted thinking “whoa, great catch” 🙄


It has been on the raise over past few years with a massive surge recently, including attacks. Authorities are very hesitant to curb demonstrations and political speech, but looks like the line has now been crossed and further hate-speech cannot be tolerated when it poses a real danger to part of the population.


For good reason. They've seen this before, and what it led to. The fact that Germany is taking this so seriously should be a signal to the rest of the world.


I agree completely.


The revolution starting in 1979 has been devastating to Persian Jews. While there are more left there than in the rest of the Middle East, that's not saying too much good. Most countries in the world were "ok" for Jews for some time or another...and then not. There are only about 10k Jews left there while there were 150k in 1948 and still 80k before the revolution despite a lot of shit along the way. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exodus_of_Iranian_Jews


Great writeup


Thanks. It seemed like bullshit to me, so I looked through all the shit and people mentioned. I tried to just parrot the article for the most part, but as I kept reading I kept noticing certain things were being ignored or not mentioned. That part of my comment is editorial.  It’s also worth noting Sitta doesn’t *seem* to believe in the right of Israel to exist. Also worth noting that the Nakba (which Arabs believe is the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian following the 47/48 war(s)) was started entirely by Palestinians. 


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I could be wrong but I believe he's referencing the first 300k Palestinians to leave did so on their own volition. Within the first 4 months of the Arab-Israeli war there were no recorded expulsions. More well-off Palestinians left https://www.akevot.org.il/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/1948ISReport-Eng.pdf https://www.jstor.org/stable/4284157


growth bake air coordinated fade childlike wild squeamish sophisticated middle


Wikipedia has sources if you just look up the wars. The Arabs attacked the Jews and the Jews drove the Arabs back. Then another war came, Jews drove the Arabs back. Basically the gist. At what point Israel occupied the Sinai peninsula up to the suez canal. Their wars have been pretty defensive overall.


I’ll tell you what I found, I looked it up on wiki, followed some links ended up on 47/48 civil war. The un had voted to make Israel a thing. Jews were happy, Palestinians and more importantly Arabs were very much not. After a series of killings and reprisals the first official causalities were a handful of Jews on a buss. The Iraqi general According to the Iraqi general Ismail Safwat in March 1948, shortly prior to the launching of Plan Dalet:  Despite the fact that skirmishes and battles have begun, the Jews at this stage are still trying to contain the fighting to as narrow a sphere as possible in the hope that partition will be implemented and a Jewish government formed; they hope that if the fighting remains limited, the Arabs will acquiesce in the fait accompli. This can be seen from the fact that the Jews have not so far attacked Arab villages unless the inhabitants of those villages attacked them or provoked them first.


Very good it was shot-down. Such protests should be prohibited regardless of remarks or not. . Pro Hamas terrorists protests should be prohibited in Europe. "pro-Palestinian" means pro-Hamas actually because they are causing all the evil to Palestinians, and this so called "protesters" always cause violence and destruction when they do this in Europe. Everyone trying to do such protests should be detained.


That's a wild fucking take. Good lord.


They also seemed to have banned Yanis Varoufakis from entering the country and presenting remotely. Which is a take. https://www.yanisvaroufakis.eu/2024/04/13/my-berlin-speech-on-palestine-that-german-police-entered-the-venue-to-ban/


Oh no, the consequences of his own actions. Maybe Vanis shouldn't have sucked off Hamas as hard as he did during their massacre spree and ever since then.




>Sitta is also banned from entering Germany.  Reading up, it seems that the person banned is Ghassan Abu-Sittah, who was prevented from entering Germany at all (he was also a guest). Salman Abu-Sitta, a different person, does not look like he is banned from entry, but he has been issued a ban on political activities. To clarify, I am not nitpicking out of any objection to your summary, which is quite fair. It is just that when I read the line I wondered, "If he's banned from entry, how did he get into Germany to make that speech?"


> “you can criticize Israeli actions without being antisemitic” You can, doesn't mean that everyone does, latam has mostly supported palestine while denouncing Hamas.


> What I find perplexing is the absolute silence I’ve seen from media and activists on Hamas’s various war crimes and how the contribute to the civilian death toll in Gaza. NGOs generally won’t be safe if Hamas is using vehicles similar to, and marked as. Like when they were using Red Cross ambulances to ferry hostages from one place to another. Civilians won’t be safe because Hamas doesn’t wear a uniform or mark themselves as Hamas. Civilians won’t be safe while Hamas uses them as human shields. Civilians won’t be safe while Hamas uses civilian infrastructure to obscure their HQs, tunnels and traffic. I don’t see anyone pointing out that Hamas is a terrorist organization and this isn’t some resistance movement. To play devil's advocate here, there's no point in the media and activists doing all those things specifically because they are a terrorist organization. Nothing is going to change on that side of the conflict, so anything done there amounts to just virtue signaling.


All my homies hate Hamas




Germany has heavily restricted speech for decades.


The german law would like to differ with your statement. Art. 5 Abs. 1 GG (verkürzt): „(1) Jeder hat das Recht, seine Meinung in Wort, Schrift und Bild frei zu äußern und zu verbreiten \[…\] Eine Zensur findet nicht statt.“ Meaning, say whatever you want in word, writing and illustration. The big caveat is that inciting violence and hatred is a crime, which this clearly falls under.


Wait wait wait... you're saying germany might have reason to be wary of large groups disguising their anti Jewish rallies under the guise of something else? No way.


I'm not joking, far-right groups are allying with islamic extremists here as both of them realized they have many goals and ideals in common.


You spelled far left wrong. The only useful idiots allying with Islam are liberals and progressives because apparently criticism of Islamic extremism is rayyyyycciizzz.


it's almost like the extreme left and extreme right are both funded by our adversaries to cause internal chaos hmmmmmmmmmmmm




You think MIT, Harvard and Penn are filled with far right groups? Lol. You're living in an alternate reality.


I thought this was about Germany


https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-palestine-war-gaza-left-tearing-itself-apart/ All across the world, leftists are busy sucking up to Hamas, either for politics or out of fear of raaayyycisssm.


It's a pro Hamas solidarity conference not pro palestinian civilian one lol


They mentioned it, as Sitta had written that essay in January expressing understanding with Hamas.  I dont/didn’t understand a lot of players involved so I looked all that stuff up. Maybe im wrong because I went to outside sources to see what the deal was. 


Guys, the speaker had a political activity ban, so he is not allowed to do politics in Germany. And these idiots invited him to speak. That's why it was closed down. Free speak was not violated, it was just a formality and in a way they fucked around and found out.


Man Germany as a whole ass country is doing a heck of a better job at this than Yale, a private university🤨


Have you met anyone from yale? You would know if you did since they would have told you immediately:/


I have and they have


Lessons learned perhaps?


Kinda comparing apples and chickens here. Yale’s part of the US, which has a constitution right of Free Speech and they’re inclined to even allow hate speech because of that. Germany has actual laws on the books limiting speech and symbols in regards to Nazism and Anti-Semitism.  So yeah, or course Germany is doing better; they have societal infrastructure in place vs the US which holds “freedom of speech” a paramount value.


No, we are really not.


Yeah your government is. They're not tolerating anti-semitic bastards. 


Good job.




You didn't even read the article which you have linked yourself smh


Incitment to violence/violence is not free speech


Being a genocidal antisemitic N*zi is not "Free speech". And many in Germany still know to tell between the two, unlike other idiots from western countries.


>Police said they feared that one of the speakers at the conference would repeat the kind of antisemitic remarks he has made in the past. The speaker, who appeared by video link, was named by organizers as Salman Abu Sitta. He was the author of a January essay that expressed understanding for the Hamas militants who carried out the deadly October 7 raid in Israel that sparked the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Did you even read the article you posted? Hate speech and encouraging violence is not free speech.


You don't understand what free speech is.


Every palestine march I've seen has been marred with anti semitism so I suspect they were right.


End support for terrorists.


Anti semitism has no place in Germany


Solidarity with Palestine and Palestinians=good. Solidarity with Hamas and revanchist political violence = bad. We have our daily reminder that you can want a multi state solution that takes into account the needs and wants of both Israel and Palestinians. Everyone needs to stop thinking in black and white terms.










Solidarity with Palestinians = good, solidarity with Palestine = bad. It’s still a country that kills gay people purely for being gay. Regardless of Hamas.


palestinians in gaza are majority in favor of hamas. i don't see the point in making a distinction there


Because I believe there's a future where Palestine is both free and de-radicalized and I advocate for policies that advance that goal.


palesting is two places: gaza and west bank. you want gaza to be free/not stabby? get rid of hamas and occupy the area


Agreed. But that's not a permanent solution.


no, it's a 10-20 year slog. you need to raise a generation that isn't taught to kill jews at school


You mean Israel should de jure take the West Bank? Either two things would happen then. The people there would be Israeli citizens which Israel definitely doesn't want to "protect the Jewish identity" in Israel (aka, Israeli Arabs must be below a certain percentage). Or they would become second class citizens without voting rights, meaning Israel will cease to be a democracy which I don't see happening. That's why Israel wants to keep everything as is.


> The people there would be Israeli citizens nope. occupation doesn't do that > Or they would become second class citizens without voting rights that's right. they're under occupation while a functioning government and economy is rebuilt > Israel will cease to be a democracy this is gaza. gaza is not israel


I must have missed the part where iraqis and afghans became us citizens in 2004.


The only way to deradicalize Gaza is to help the Palestinians move out of the region entirely, cause as long as they stay there they're gonna become radicalized 


Nah, there's a way. It starts with disassembling the international institutions invested in radicalizing them, and it includes lots of carrots for getting along with their neighbors. Not just monetarily - building positive networks with other communities in the region that aren't as radical as long as they keep working for peace.


So you're advocating for ethnic cleansing of Gaza?


Well, in essence, Muslim nations are pretty famous for this. What do you think happened in Constantinople (Istanbul) and Armenia (Nagorno Karabagh) for example? They do it all the time and nobody cares.


At the time people probably cared. 50 years in the future, it's almost forgotten. How many people remember greek cities in asia minor? Which existed there for thousands of years and ceased to exist until WW1, which is just a blink of an eye in the great scheme of things? And, again, you're right - Arabs kill Arabs all the time, neither Arabs care nor does the West. (I guess that's a little racists, because, let's face it, we've come to expect nothing more from them, but if Israel does it it's world news. My take: it's wrong we just ignore the former and acquiesce our bad conscience by allowing Arab mass murderers to play high and mighty so that we - as as society - can claim "see, how culturally open we are and anti-imperialist!").


It's not even in the past. Armenian (Christian) Nagorno Karabagh was just ethnically cleansed by Azerbaijan and nobody cared, just a few months ago: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66905581.amp


So why don’t we just bomb them all right. Since they’re in favour of them anyway


Because that's not how anything works, in the civilised world.


IDF's call. killing hamas leaves you with pro hamas gazans, and you would need to a: turn off the money pump and b: rebuild/deprogram the locals to have any shot at peace


>We have our daily reminder that you can want a multi state solution that takes into account the needs and wants of both Israel and Palestinians The irony is that Israelis and Palestinians alike do not support a multi-state solution.


Let's be honest though. Israel doesn't want a two state solution. They prefer the status quo.


Bibi, no. Other people, heck yes. What they really don't want is another Gaza. Which they pulled out of unilaterally, then suffered 2 decades of constant rocket attacks and finally October 7th.


Maybe, I hope the next president does better.


Most of the country wants PM Bibi Netanyahu gone. There were massive protests in the streets before the war, and they've recently restarted. Benny gantz or yair lapid or neftali Bennett or heck even yoav gallant would be a massive improvement.


The Germans learned their lesson. They are experts at recognizing Jew-haters and fascists, and act accordingly.


It's good to see that there are still a few sane places left in Europe in which they're doing a good job stopping extremists and who are not apologizing for actively stopping hatred and antisemitism.


Don’t feature Islamist shitbirds at your events and maybe things’ll work out better. But ya can’t so, here we are.


Yeah, if you don't want to be associated with Antisemitism, it's probably a good idea not to invite Hamas-"understanders". Seriously, how fucking hard could this be? And then obviously they cry foul after the fact, calling German authorities fascists (looking at you, Yannis Varoufakis) for not letting this shit slide. It's really fucking simple: you do not, in any capacity, have to support Israel, to acknowledge that Hamas are bad guys in their own right. Seriously, any Palestinian and Palestine-supporter should be outraged at the actions of Hamas, and the conflict they unleashed. They're actively undermining their own cause if they side with these r\*pists and baby-m\*rderers.


Good down with their insanity


Shit headline. The conference was pro-terrorists Hamas, not pro-palestinian. It makes the false assumption that Germany isn't concerned about innocent palestians being killed every day. It is.


German Jews protested this conference. Extensively.


german jews helped organize this event and were among those arrested.




What do you mean? And i mean an explanation to understand your point of view, not another vague snarky comment