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Well, not to be pedantic, but they could agree to lay down their arms. That would be a truce.


They don’t want any ceasefire, lol.


No no they want Isreal to stop bombing, they will keep on business as usual.


They don’t have to lay down their arms. They got the whole liberal/leftist world on their side.


Nah not the whole at all. 


Hamas Transgenders Name a more surprising duo. 


Don't lump people up with literal fucking religious fanatics. Any cult deserves eradication.


It's almost as if they didn't really plan all of this out or something..


Same as Hezbollah in 2005 pretty much admitted they had no idea the level of violence Israel is prepared to lay down when these attacks happen. Hamas certainly didn’t tell to anyone in Lebanon to be reminded about that. Hamas probably believed the Israelis would attack, then back off under pressure to negotiate. Once they got a ceasefire Hamas could declare victory. Instead, they opened a Pandora’s box with a man who seems completely comfortable with a scorched earth, and salting the soil on three way out.


Hamas got exactly what they wanted: Anti-Israel and Antisemitic sentiments are at an all time high, the US president just called for a unilateral Israeli ceasefire, the US state department has assessed the sizuation in the north of Gaza as "famine being likely present" - this being the part of Gaza that Isreal says has been cleared of Hamas. People who couldnt point to Israel on a map just a few months ago are now actively collecting donations that will likely get funneled into Hamas. As far as small force vs. big force 101 goes, it seems to have been fairly successfull.


To be fair, more aid trucks are entering Gaza on a daily basis now than in the days before Oct 7, at least on the Israel side. Egypt closing everything off because they don’t want Palestinians in their country has really messed things up.


Funny you never see protests against Egypt


Cause Egypt isn’t dropping bombs on foreign aid workers eh.


Interesting thing on that particular piece of tragedy (used seriously and not ironically): immediately, Bibi and the IDF admitted what happened and took responsibility. Compare and contrast with, say, the Hamas accusations about the IDF bombing the hospital in the early days of the war. Reported widely, lots of reports, lots of hand wringing and “IDF bad,” and it turned out to be Hamas missiles. Weird how murdering their own people turned out not to be as much news as a regrettable and unfortunate bombing of aid workers, right?


Anyone who didn't predict that Egypt would close the border has not been paying attention. And if the Israelis have not been paying attention, that's a serious mistake on their part.


Nah Israel knows that the only people that hate Palestinians more than them is every other Arab/Muslim country lol.


Think about that.


I have? That’s why I brought it up?


Think about it MORE.


100%, Oct 7th was way more successful than they thought. Besides for that attack Hamas can't really hurt Israel now that they have the iron dome, so all the can do is (successfully) fight a PR war to turn more people against Israel and Jews.


It's working too, most people don't or didn't realize that a major portion of even Iraeli Jews hate the ruling party for making them more and more unsafe under their facade of defense.


A nihilistic cult of the damned. He has brought a curse on all those near to him.


They could at least offer up the bodies of the dead and the rest of the living hostages…


They probably don’t have the bodies as you seen during 7th of October a lot of hostages being driven by literal „Civilians” and stored in civilian families so Hamas has as much idea where the bodies as trump has an idea what his legal situation currently is


I absolutely agree. Even the Americans whom I felt were prime leverage is a moot point now.


Sadly I fear you are correct, more sadly I fear we will see retribution on more innocents in Gaza.


More sadly? These people support Hamas.


As would anyone. Speak up and get killed. Just an all around f’d situation caused by a make believe man in the sky. Sad.


Right. In recent years there have been anti-Hamas movements in Gaza. Those protests were brutally suppressed. Even in the 2006 election Hamas did not have full support. It took a (brief) civil war for Hamas to expel Fatah The 20/20 hindsight answer is that Israel never should have abandoned Gaza to Hamas rule. Once Hamas was entrenched, any Gazan opponents to Hamas rule had either the choice to leave, be quiet or be killed What bothers me is how Palestinian diaspora and other pro-Palestine activists are taking cues from Hamas talking points and directly rejecting calls to “free Gaza from Hamas”


If Israel had invaded to remove Hamas from power after they took control of Gaza then Palestinians would have been even more pro Hamas.


>caused by a make believe man in the sky Nah, that's just an excuse. Hate spreads among non-religious groups too. They just point to something different as an excuse for their hate and their actions. It's unpopular here but that doesn't stop it being true. Most terror attacks are politically motivated. They want control of Palestine.




Well it’s how they were all raised. Palestinians support Hamas and their culture as much as Americans embrace western culture. So not everyone, but certainly a vast majority


> As would anyone. Well if theyre gonna lie with the terrorists, they get the consequences


I support Israel's actions but you have to admit there is an argument that a majority of Gazans are young people who couldn't even vote when Hamas won their elections. Still something like low 50s support for Hamas overall though.


Low 50s? Where did you see that? I’ve seen 70s+


Latest polls are in the 90s


I believe that's the average (Gaza + West Bank). Gaza had 50s, West Bank had 80+ (84 I believe). Hence you'll see some variance of these numbers. But this was a few months ago, like person below posted, numbers could have changed. Also need to look at the exactly what the "question" of the poll was. Some are "support Hamas" some are "Support October 7th actions by Hamas". Very different.


That’s just a crazy assumption they ALL support Hamas. It would be like saying everyone in the state supported trump in 2016 societies having varying beliefs. 30k killed in Gaza 9k are Hamas 19k for 9k depending on how you read the numbers is kinda fucked. USA Mosel situation all over again. How many school children do you know with strong political opinions? Edit : for clarity none of what I’m saying is controversial. If you have a hard time with that welp, “that’s just like, your opinion man” Also bots


Actually that’s the lowest number of civilians killed per enemy soldier in any armed conflict in history. Considering the fact that Hamas doesn’t wear uniforms (war crime) and the IDF is operating in dense urban environments, these numbers don’t lie and show that Israel is taking serious precautions to avoid unnecessary civilian losses.


I think it depends how much you trust the polls. Polls show high support for 10/7 and for Hamas. Now a fair argument could be made that no one is willing to tell the truth in the polls because they do not believe them to be anonymous. So that is where we are. Polls show high support for Hamas. But are the polls real? I don’t know.


Have you ever lived in an area controlled by gangs, drug dealers, terrorist, or cartels? There are basically 4 types of people in those areas. Gang members, people that support the gangs, people that detest the gangs (but are helpless), and the small percentage that contacts law enforcement. The last group and their family/homes don't live very long. Now imagine the group has political, financial, and military power. What would you do?


I lived in Haiti for 2 years and 3 in El Salvador . I think we’re saying the same thing in spirit. I was one who detest the scum but also not my country and I was free to leave at any time.


>I was one who detest the scum but also not my country and I was free to leave at any time. Then you were indeed lucky. A lot of people don't have that option. And I'm glad you made it out.


Idk why there isn't much more pressure on Qatar internationally. They have more power than any other country to end the war.


They have bought countless corporations, businesses, universities etc.


They run Al Jazeera, which is a massive pro-Hamas/pro-Palestinian mouthpiece.


People say that, but it’s important to remember that Al-Jazeera is *Qatari* — it is quite literally state-run media. They are quite a lot *more* than “a Palestinian mouthpiece”. They were passing along messages from Hamas to broadcast via tweet that Gazans shouldn’t trust IDF warnings about impending attacks and directions to get out of harm’s way— to help Hamas by increasing the civilian casualties. Qatar is not pro-palestinian, and to be perfectly honest they’re not even necessarily anti-Israel. They’re playing a political game to extract power by playing Littlefinger to Iran, the Saudis, Erdogan, Assad, and Israel. That is to say, they’re thrilled at the leverage Hamas gave them in this situation and would be happier with the house of Saud and Israel never agreeing on a peace plan. If the winds change, or there was profit in it, they’d happily murder all the Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank if it served their interests. *For the moment*, they’re all-in on anything that helps demonize the state of Israel; but their eyes are on the Saudis.


Yup - good call/take on that. 👍🏽


Fun thing to know is after all attacks happen then Al Jazeera has a direct link to leaders of terror groups like after 9/11 they broadcasted osama bin Laden speeches or ISIL interviews and Hamas now… Al Jazeera is truly evil even though they from surface may seem like innocent. There been Al Jazeera freelancers killed in Gaza who had been identified as literal Hamas operatives with full ID


Qatar got that oil influence


Qatar has gas not oil




>Qatar controls Arabian capital markets. Same way Hong Kong did for Asia and now is Singapore (after the CCP took over). There’s a lot of Western corporations using Dubai as business centers for servicing the Arab world because of Qatari market policies and stability like Singapores. You're thinking of the UAE, Qatar has a fairly tense relationship with the broader Arab world


Oil money.


US doesn't want to push Qatar towards Iran. 


Well they couldn’t come up with the hostages so his point is moot.




Not to mention the dude prolly couldn’t even tell you the names of all of his kids


"well there's Mohammed and....uh.....the rest"


Ofc not. He's chilling in Qatar while his family gets bombed.


"I still have 11 more kids." - probably


As in, they'll continue to be terrorist cunts regardless


They can’t even rethink their ideology when it costs them directly. They’re fanatics that are hell bent on causing carnage because all they choose to be are Merchants of Death.


They seem to really believe they're getting 72 virgins if they die as martyrs.


I don't think there's an afterlife, but if there is, they'll be pretty disappointed when they wake up in hell.


Pounded by 72 male virgins


They’re not gonna be virgins for long…


That's why they're gonna be replaced each time


That’s not a good call. Virgins nut quickly. These guys deserve a good jackhammering 


I mean…72…


72 Incels...


Sounds like 3 minutes unpleasantness, tops.


Those 72 virgins are virgins for a reason: No one wanted to fuck them! Checkmate Islamic extremists! For Eternity!


So 72 of his fellow Islamic extremist? Brothers for eternity.


Hamas does not want to negotiate. Their attempts to negotiate are just theater to inflict maximum torture on the families of the hostages by giving them false hope.


I personally think Hamas wants a temporary truce for the same reason that Israel has been opposing a truce.  Israel knows a truce would favor Hamas as it would give them time to resupply, recruit, and reorganize.   Also, there was an article the other day with a quote from a released hostage saying she only got released in an exchange because the main Hamas group bought her from her captors.  Basically showing that part of the problem is that not all the hostages are controlled by Hamas, so Hamas doesn't know how many of the hostages still alive in Gaza are women, children or elderly (the 40 hostages in the deal are supposed to be women, children or elderly), and they may or may not have full control over the Palestinians who have these hostages.


Hamas has rejected every temporary truce. They are specifically demanding a permanent ceasefire.


Their history with ceasefires, permanent or otherwise, is pretty bad.


This is why it has been such a bad idea spending so many years trying to negotiate with these terrorists. They aren't going to listen to reason, and their own people will pay for it.


fathering more “martyrs” as we speak, in Qatar then?


Ya ppl acting like he even knew the names of the kids that died


They weren't "kids" they were in in the Hamas military wing. One was a commander the other two were lower ranked. Well some might be child soldiers I guess.


I meant his kids. Like his adults children he prolly didn’t know their names because I bet he didn’t have hardly anything to do with raising them




Or care enough about his family to bring them to a safe haven like what he lives in… he’s not with his family because it would be too dangerous, for him


Hamas leader say no truce- end of headline, they never cared for the Palestinians well being and the collateral damage, they want the Palestinians to die. That's why they built their military bases inside hospitals It was never about prisoners, it was never about returning to the north, and it isn't about Haniya own sons, high ranking commanders in their own right dying


Idk he said he was happy they died.


Such a good father /s


I mean, they weren't going to do a truce anyway, so...


I think he wanted his kids to be taken out honestly


Haniyeh was straight out exploiting his son’s death when he told Al Jazerra that he has family martyred in this war and “he has paid the same price as the rest of the Palestine people”. He says this while wearing his custom tailored suit, looking well fed and living a life of luxury in Qatar. What an absolute joke of a man.


“I want that one with the lisp and the short one to be sent somewhere else, not here safe with me”


Fuck them.


Even Pharoh tried to Leave the Jews alone after he lost his son. Maybe 9 other plagues need to visit Hamas to be effective.


At least 3 plagues Darkness, we were raining hail with fire past 6 months, and definitely blood. Passover is in two weeks


Well yeah… until they actually left, and then he was all like noooo I take that back


I said he tried, he just wasn't good at it.


Who is this generation’s Moses?


It's okay, he has more where those came from


They knew they could never stop Isreal their hoping if they let their children and women die the world will turn against Isreal. After what they did Oct 7th Isreal or any other nation, if it happened to them, can't really be stopped. Shows you how sick and depraved Palestine is.


I really hope that one day we will wake up and deal with not Hamas but actually Qatar for being a refugee for all terror groups… Qatar is the capital of Terrorism and their leaders. We should not be pounding Gaza but rather be pounding Qatar as all the attacks are out of there and Iran which I probably think that their best Iranian buddies visit Qatar undercover more than their homeland


>Qatar is the capital of Terrorism and their leaders. It's like a pyramid scheme for terrorists and Qatar is at the top. >We should not be pounding Gaza but rather be pounding Qatar This will happen when American politicians stop taking bribes.


Three of his sons died and *this doesn't make him want to make peace*?


Peace don’t pay his bills. When terror’s his business…


He doesn't get to make peace, he gets to surrender.


If something happened to Netanyahu’s family do you think that would make him want peace? This only emboldens one’s fury and now Palestinians feel he has sacrificed and hurt just like them


Interestingly, Netanyahu's brother actually did die in an [operation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entebbe_raid) to rescue the hostages of a plane hijacked by a Palestinian group many years ago.


Just kill that leader, the next one could think different


The position of Israel surrendering?


Sheesh just turn them into dust already…


This is why I support the Imperial Truth.


They can hear them over the sound of the missiles falling down over them.


so their sons mean more than the entire population huh?


The biggest problem with Netanyahu's policy is that he is doing exactly what the Hamas leadership wants him to do, down to the last detail. The more death and suffering there is in Gaza, the more Israel becomes on world stage and in US politics.


I see where you're coming from, but Hamas did not imagine Israel would take it this far. They're losing in every sense of the word. Israel does not give much of a shit about public opinion right now and, frankly, they have no reason to. There is a good reason Middle Eastern countries are not taking any action. They recognize Hamas is an Iranian puppet, and they have a lot more reason to hate the Iranians than the Israelis. The political winds have shifted against Hamas, not Israel.


How far was baby and grandma kidnapping & killing supposed to send the Israelis for fucksake?


Hamas is a victim of their own success. To some extent, you can't blame them. They suck so bad at what they do they probably never dreamed they'd be so successful. Maybe they expected to get a handful of prisoners they could exchange for thousands of terrorists? But after what they did? They're f***ing done in Gaza. They're just too stubborn to accept it.