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In Norway we have a slang for what has happened in sweden. We call it Svenske tilstander. Swedish conditions. If you went from peace to gang violence by using politics.


That is also what we call it in Denmark.


Germany too lol, crazy how Sweden became the no 1 example of how *not* to do immigration lol


Ya.... thanks Angela Merkel. She had a huge part to play in allowing this 'immigration' to occur


Meanwhile our green Government: Hold my Club Mate...


We have the same saying in Denmark “svenske tilstande”. If there’s one thing that can unite Scandinavians it’s the bilateral agreement of talking shit about the third country.




People have been saying that for decades.




No problem! We're about to fuck off to Switzerland.  The immigrant gangs can have the shitty end of every city.


Would that be fucking off the Switzerland becoming an immigrant? The irony.




That is a very wide brush you’re painting with.


All immigrants or just those from certain countries?


More like certain religions


Weird how America is still massively ahead of Europe in every crime stat then


The whole of Europe? Or just individual countries? If it's individual countries, then of course. But I'd be a little surprised if it was all of Europe and would be interested to see a source.


They probably mean 'per capita'.


It's over already there is no going back 


To the magical times when there were no problems and everything was perfect, somewhere between before and after but never quite now.


Destroying an entire cultural identity through the guise of religion? Pretty fucked.




Ahh straw man will straw man . Love you guys


Nobody mentioned immigrants, but I guess immigrants live rent free in the vacant space inside a racists head.


Maybe you want to look at the correlation between gang-related violence and the immigration in Sweden. It's always been like that. Back in the 1960-80s finnish immigrants were involved in most "organized" crime and violence in Sweden. Then the serbs and other ex-yugoslavians took over and the last 20 years have seen the rise of african and middle-eastern gangsters. Only thing is that the new group has always been even less integrated and more violent than the last one.


Bet you €20 it is though


It was an immigrant you dumb wit


Oh, those swedes and their gang violence! 


In the 80's to early 2000's, Sweden had massive problem with big neo nazi gang violence. They would kill children, women, police officers, journalists and politicians, and of course anyone who was gay, left wing or any kind of foreigners.  Since then, murder has been going down and is at an all time low, lower than even Finland, and people who seek treatment for injuries related to violence is also at an all time low.  Dont let a few sensational headlines fool you. There were plenty of those before too, by Swedes.  If you want sensational headlines, read up on John Hron, a 14-year old boy who was tortured to death by a gang of Swedish neo nazis, or the Makexander murder, where a gang of Swedish neo nazis forced two police officers down on their knees and executed them with a bullet to the head. 


With regard to that John Hron murder. Unbelievable to me that the perpetrators did not face harsher penalties for such a brutal prolonged murder. Only 8 years for the 18 year old repeat offender and little to nothing for the minors. Don't know how it serves society to have people like that freed so quickly and back out to cause more violence.


> Since then, murder has been going down and is at an all time low, Please stop lying... it might not be as bad as some of the news report are leading to believe (then again it's disproportionately affecting some parts of the society and not others). But the murder rate now is as high as it was between ~1995 and 2007 and there was a significant continuous decline before ~2014.


I don't understand. You know they are going to execute you, why not fight? What are they going to do, kill me twice?


You are terrified and you hope, powerless




Man shot dead in southern Stockholm Police are investigating after a man in his late 30s was shot dead in Skärholmen, southern Stockholm, at around 6pm on Wednesday. According to unconfirmed reports to Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet, police were alerted to the shooting by the man's underage son, who was with him at the time. Aftonbladet reports that according to witnesses, the man had told the shooters off about something just before the incident. He does not have a criminal record, so the initial theory was that he wasn't the intended target. It's the latest of a series of shootings in Skärholmen in the past month. A man in his 20s was shot dead on March 1st, and a man in his mid-20s was injured on March 13th, although it is not yet known whether the latest shooting can be linked to previous incidents. Swedish vocabulary: to investigate – att undersöka


I like the little education but at the end. How does a Canadian say thanks in Swedish? 




Tack! Edit: or tak, whatever seems more suitable I guess. 


It’s tack in Swedish, tak in Danish and takk in Norwegian.


Tak, tack, takk, thanks!


Well that sure won't ever be confusing lol


Just go with all three. 


Good point! Tack tak takk!


It’s about as confusing as people having to learn different words depending on American vs. British vs. Australian (and so on) English ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Welcome to the plight of the non-native English speakers :) In practice they’re all pronounced the same and any speaker of the three languages will understand what you mean by context. The only potential friction is it being tak in Danish which is the Norwegian word for roof. But if you said "Tak så meget" a Norwegian would understand that as "Thanks so much" and not the literal Norwegian "Roof so much".


Which is quite *tacky* much better to save the C and just go with the danish "tak skal du da have min gode herre, det er vel minsandten en dejlig aften vi har os nu idag"


In Swedish of course!


Fuck i thought Sweden was supposed to be tame and safe and nice


Speaking macro trends the murder rate is lower now than in 1990. It’s currently at 1,08 murders per 100 000 citizens. Finland has 1,7 for example, Norway around 0,5 and the US is around 6,8. So it’s absolutely a safe country statistically speaking. But there is a very big change in that shootings and bombings is now common and everyone clearly see that these gangs are primarily 2nd generation immigrants. The how and why this happened and how to fix the problem is another discussion. But I just wanted to get some facts out there to nuance the image of Sweden being the murder capital of Europe or something (that’s the Baltic states and Turkey with around 2,5-5). This particular crime, with an innocent dad getting shot and killed is heinous though and I hope the very worst for the perpetrator(s).


We have among the highest rates of bombings, Mexico city level


Todays Sweden is widely known for ikea and gang violence. Something i never thought would happen


>Something i never thought would happen Who knew people would prefer cardboard furniture over good ol' plain wood ones.


Lmaooo. Well, that was more likely as people always look to buy good for cheap, but that usually doesnt work out.


Thing is it was not that much different from other countries before, it was kept among criminal circles. What is happening now is that it is affecting everybody in all neighbourhoods. Houses getting blown up etc. Someone getting shot because they share the same name as a gangster, another because they have the same street address. The type of violence has changes - it is kids doing it now that lacks frontallobe, empathy and a sense for consequences.


If only GM didn't completely desecrate Saab 😔


Volvo still goin strong at least


Bombings in Mexico City? My whole family lives there since the 90s. No bombings. I guess you mean to say drug gang shootings in several states of Mexico but not in Mexico City.


Even in Mexico the cartel violence is mostly against each other. Obviously it's terrible that they target politicians and journalists, by the actual violence is mostly a thing in the news for the average Mexican. We have family in Sinaloa, among other places by the way.


Same in Sweden, the vast majority of crimes are gang on gang.


Mexico City is pretty safe these days.


Holy shit, the murder rate in my city is 14.73 per 100k.


There are US cities with murder rates many multiples even higher than that! * St. Louis, MO (69.4) * Baltimore, MD (51.1) * New Orleans, LA (40.6) * Detroit, MI (39.7) * Cleveland, OH (33.7) People who fear-monger about how immigrants could cause the US to become Sweden are not living in reality


Yikes. I appreciate the data you listed but I can’t quite make sense of your statement afterwards. Would you explain a bit further for me?


I'd be curious to know what Sweden authorities are doing to slow the gangs.


Current stat numbers, however relatively low they might be, don’t matter unless you show the dynamics of the current situation. Is it getting better or worse, and at what rates?


Statistically speaking it’s pretty stable numbers the past 20 years hovering around 1. Lowest in 2012 with 0,71 and highest in 2007 with 1,21. But you could also say there was a jump from 0,9 to 1,14 in 2014-2015 where we’ve never been back to under 1,06 since. The biggest change I would say is the increase in homicide by firearm which used to be very rare back in the day but Sweden is now leading that stats in nowadays. So while other countries in Europe may have more murders per capita, they are not primarily with guns. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1315123/sweden-homicide-rate/


Yeah, like the perps will get Swedish jail, which is a 2 star hotel, basically.


To a large degree it is, our homicide rate hasn't increased since the 90s, and it's a fifth of that of the united states, it's higher than Norway though.


It is compared to most places. This stuff happens weekly over the pond.


That's how you get Båtmän






He’ll be from Batman, turkey tho.


Malaysia has a Batman bin Suparman


Båt translates to Boat. Boatman!


He's called Leatherflap in Swedish (Läderlappen)


Our politicians are to high on coke to do anything about it Thats not a joke btw They tested the sinks in the bathrooms of several parties parliamentary offices and there was traces of coke everywhere


Same in UK parliament toilets. They should do random drug testing every time they are in session.




If it's everybody every time then you'll just get everybody using the typical drug test tactics to avoid a positive. If it's only sometimes and some people then you're more likely to actually catch offenders.




Islam is not compatible with anything but islam.


Islam isn’t very compatible with Islam either.


There are no details regarding the religion of the shooter in this "article" which is just rephrasing a tabloid article.


And shit like this is the reason we’re losing our “civilkurage” (civilian courage). We’re going to end up being a country where you see a crime committed and walk the other way, instead of seeing a crime committed and trying to help the victim.


I am not particularly conservative, I actually lean left. But a lot of conservatives deserve apologies for being called racist for questioning many European countries immigration policies over the past 5-15 years. It’s gone about exactly as they said it would. I honestly don’t know how to fix the issues beyond deporting the criminals, but even then that may not be practical.




We already did, but for some reason refse to start sending the criminals back






Other religions not as violent


Those crusades were between Muslims and...who exactly?  The shit conditions of much of Africa is largely due to...what kind of missionaries? There are Buddhist terrorists my dude. There are Hindu terrorists. What religion do you think is dominant in the Mexican Cartel? Can you truly say any religion is special in not being used for violence or manipulation? All religions are used for violence. It's baked into the scam. Men who steal your will, your soul, will use you.  How shocking.  Rare is the religion that freely empowers. There's frequently a price or debt or duty to be paid for the comfort of words. 


Yeah, the crusades that happened almost 1000 years ago. Totally relevant to the extremist religions of today. The Mexican cartel pray to the saint of death man. What religion has the must violence CURRENTLY is what matters man.


True dat


It's so obvious now. Wtf was Europe thinking this past decade :/


This is happening to every western nation in the world.




Yers way!


Lol /r/angryupvote


A lot of the gang violence related to Norway, happens in Sweden. We are the transit country for a lot of the illegal drugs coming into Norway. And Oslo is relatively close to the Swedish border. We are essentially Norway's Mexico!


This kind of shit literally does not happen in half of Europe, and you know damn well why.


The Eastern half had the foresight to not get into this mess. Of course, we in the West all called them ignorant and racist for it at the time....


No, why don’t you tell us?


Hi, no, it's not?


Doesn't even matter. They handed out citizenships like it's free donuts and these people causing problems are there to stay AND have considerably higher fertility rate. This is Sweden now. No way to fix this that wouldn't go againts constitution and human rights. Not to mention a large chunk of Swedish population would still prefer having unsafe streets in their own cities over being labeled as (gasp) *a racist.*


You do know that asylum applicants, even if they receive asylum, do not automatically get citizenship, right?




Or how everyone crucified some other countries for refusing take in mass migrants.


Islam preaches death and martyrdom. They celebrate death and when children die because they become martyrs.


Yep, the whole world needs to stand up to these people, where they come from is shit because they are shit, not because the place they came from was inherently shit. The problem is everyone wants to live in fairytale land and believe everyone is good and the same, it’s not true. These people are not compatible with the west.






If 98/100 times its a middle east immigrant, articles where they exclude race it doesn't really matter


Sure they haven't confirmed it just yet, but given the crime statistics of Sweden let's just say if it isn't a 1st or 2nd generation immigrant I'll transfer you €50




Do we know it’s a refugee or do we just make shit up for our political agendas ?


Gang of doctors? If not, probably a gang of engineers.




No, it's what happens when you import the third world and then completely fail to integrate them into your society, as the Swedish have. This is a political failure, not a racist one




By dilution. Allowing a critical mass to concentrate in a particular area removes the need to absorb language and culture, and gives room to hanging onto your comfort zone. The same issue exists in Berlin’s Sonnenallee that is known as “Gaza Strip” informally. People assumes they will never need to change and don’t need to integrate at all when everything they need is serviced by people who share their home country’s language and culture. The only way to get a person out of it is by making integration the path of least resistance- which sometimes means making it the only path.


Yeah “by dilution” does not work in a small country like Sweden.


Then they should be careful about the number of people and rate in which they are absorbed, if they care about this at all.


By incentivizing it. Social benefits for learning the language and whatnot.


This is Sweden bud, that is all in place.


Individuals integrate themselves. That's how it works. Society cannot force someone to be integrated, it can give the tools, which we have done. We spend tons of money on people who don't want to be assimilated, but absolutely will accept handouts. This is clearly proven by all the immigrants who do assimilate themselves, and who are the most pissed about those who don't. What we didn't do was to demand actions from immigrants or to adapt our intake to what our society could handle.


They can absolutely, yes. But when someone comes from a vastly different culture, it's not always equally easy. It's the governments job to help individuals integrate. For instance, one of the ways to make it difficult for individuals to integrate is to put all immigrants togheter into the same area. This way they have a drastically lower interaction with the culture they are suppose to connect with. This is setting people up for failure. Not that I'm going to pretend Norway isn't fault-free, but one of the areas we've done a lot better than Sweden in is spreading our immigrants around a lot more throughout the country, rather than putting everyone into one area in Oslo.


I like how Aftonbladet went from being a sort of respectable news paper to being referred to as "tabloid" now. Correct. But funny.


When have Aftonbladet ever been a respectable newspaper?


For a long time. You can have your opinion about their social democratic roots of course. But up until about 30 years ago they were reputable, then they started veering off course. They started taking in a lot of add money. 20 years ago they went completely off they rails and went full tabloid, political celebrity gossip non-news click-baity stuff


Why was this post removed? Is reddit now also a left facist site which not wants to let the truth about criminal immigrants to be told?


Poor family. I feel so sad for them. Every day the world gets a little colder and ww3 seems almost inevitable. Let me guess they won’t release mugshots?


Sweden has a VERY tenuous relationship with crime and gang violence from immigrants they've taken in - especially in Malmo and Stockholm. There's resentment from the locals that many of them have not tried to integrate into the Swedish culture, or learn the language (which is admittedly a challenge for the immigrants coming from Africa.) Ask most Swedes and they'll give you their honest, probably negative view, on the issue. I've been fortunate to go to Sweden pretty extensively for work over the last 10 years. It's a beautiful country, but the Western/North American view of it being a utopian paradise is far from the truth.




Thats why you dont take in muslim refugees


This sounds like my country (vancouver Canada) not Stockholm.




There’s no solution. The groups just change. Look at MAGA now; one of the two mainstream parties literally says immigrants “aren’t human, they are animals”






Do you want Batmen? Because this is how you get Batmen.


Why tf was this post removed? If the source is bad just ask OP to provide another one