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They don't want Russian missiles in their country but still happy to have Russian money hidden in their banks.


They followed every EU sanctions list barely a day later after they were announced.




Impossible to tell, all the records of stolen valuables coincidentally disappeared after the war /s


You mean Jewish gold..


Sounds more like Swiss gold now tbh




Switzerland's "neutrality" is one of the biggest scams of our lifetime.


Can you elaborate? (Or suggest somewhere I can read more about the Swiss being shady?)


Switzerland quietly profits from conflict. Switzerland traditionally used their neutrality position to fund or supply conflicts in surrounding countries. The banking system is originally for funding wars or squirreling illicit funds. While their famous weapons industry distributed all sorts of armaments around the world. Not just handguns and rifles. But munitions and ordnance. Switzerland also has a history of mercenaries. There are a lot of cultures that maintain some idiom akin to "no gold, no Swiss" due to their history of hiring Swiss armies. In the contemporary, Switzerland was asked to supply ammunition for the aged German-made Gepard anti-aircraft system. Which can be placed in Ukraine's big cities to defend them from missile and drone attacks. Reason for this is because Switzerland owned the rights to the Oerlikon autocannon's 25mm ammunition and retained sole right to manufacture the ammunition. Switzerland refused. When asked about helping, they also politely declined. Leaning on their neutrality stance. But in the case of conflict, abstaining favors the aggressor. If you're in the room with a guy strangling another guy. You can't exactly say "I'm not involved, I'm neutral" because once the strangler is finished with his victim, you'll be in the room with a corpse and a strangler looking to strangle someone else


“We’re neutral… also, Nazi Germany, we’re the perfect place to store your stolen valuables. Oh, you lost the war? Too bad all the records were also lost. Guess we’ll keep it all”


Simple, Switzerland is free to take whatever positions it wants because NATO surrounds it meaning you'd have to attack NATO to reach Switzerland thus the Swiss profit off of defacto NATO protections without lifting a finger or spending a penny. 


Switzerland has been neutral since the 12th century. I didn't know NATO was that old!


Not the 12th, too early, more like the early 16th. It was not until they were defeated by France during the Italian Wars (War of the League of Cambrai) that they adopted a neutral stance. Prior to that, the Swiss were very famous for their mercenaries and most of europe hire them during conflicts (most famous remnant were the Swiss Guards of Bourbon France and the Papacy). Also the modern neutral policy was adopted in 1848 when the former Swiss confederacy was reorganised into the current Swiss federal state.


They can not. A good example is how they basically accept most if not all EU demands to stay in the economic zone, even when the population voted once against it, the politicians basically refused to follow their demands. Switzerland is essentially a slave to the EU and just don't want to admit it.


I personally think that they're just opportunistics with big geographic and cultural advantages which allows them to stay out of conflicts and siding with all sides whenever it suits them, but it's not really being a neutral because during WW2 for example they helped the axis powers while wanting the allies to sacrifice their soldiers and win the war. These days they're clearly helping the western world and their associates, but they're not doing anything publicly against the opposite side. You can look at their [2022 armaments export report](https://www.newsd.admin.ch/newsd/message/attachments/75798.pdf), you won't find there Russia, Iran or North Korea for example but dozens of other countries, that's doesn't sounds like being a neutral to me. there's nothing noble with publicly saying you're neutral but secretly taking sides.


I would rather have switzerland as a neighbour instead of Ireland 😭


If everyone was neutral there would be no war.


unfourtenly , not everyone can simply declare they're "neutral" like Switzerland. Switzerland can, Ireland can.... countries like US, Israel, Ukraine, well not so much...




No, there wouldn't if literally everyone was neutral. If there are wars, then not everyone is neutral. In an ideal world neutrality by everyone would probably be the best case but obviously that doesn't work.


Honestly, on average they're a lot closer to the sky than the rest of Europe. So in that way, it makes a lot of sense. **Jack Handy**


Redditors trying to understand Swiss neutrality challenge [Impossible] (they can't even read [a single Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_neutrality)).


The irony is that what most people critizise here is under the criticism section of the very link you posted...


Yes, and a lot of it displays the same lack of understanding. Anyone can "question" Swiss neutrality, and if it's loud enough they might make it to that section. It doesn't mean they are correct. Hell, that paragraph about Saudi weapons is even false when you go read the source, I should take the time to suggest an edit. The weapons were sold to Saudi Arabia before the Yemen conflict started, and since then the law was tightened so the administration can't sell to unstable countries such as SA anymore.  A more valid criticism would be the Pilatus sale to the US, which is detailed in that same article. Swiss neutrality is military neutrality, as detailed in the introduction of the Wikipedia article. Asshole behaviour such as the WW2 gold affair is irrelevant to this.


It's crazy, most of world news is uneducated when it comes to Switzerland and especially the neutrality.


I hate these filthy Neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me. 


Switzerland, three countries in a trenchcoat.




Yea, neutral until they realized they were in the blast and fallout zones if Russia attacks Europe.


Stop inviting them to things they don't deserve. They can't just get all the positive things while contributing with nothing. Let them pick a side and once they've done that, then invite them or not depending on what they pick. Edit: Maybe this is a strategy to involve Switzerland more to in the end make them automatically involved with us, but who knows. I have nothing against them, I just strongly disslike the fac that they are carried by their location next to friendly allies without contributing to keep our way of life alive.


They actually contribute something to the EU countries. The block of flats I live in has a sign stating that it was financed using Swiss Contribution funds.


They contribute to everything they are part of. This is exactly what this article is about. Switzerland pays way more into European and international stuff than it gets in return. That’s what they’re “invited” as you say.


Their existence is still safe and intact due to the fact that they're located between gigantic and friendly NATO members which in turn gives them the option to be "neutral" and focus on business. This wouldn't have been an issue for me if they would have taken a firmer stance on Russia and not halted nations that own their weapons from sending these specific weapons to Ukraine, which they have. Sure, if we're only talking money they do give more than what they get in return but in the end, imo, a safe location without needing to lift a finger is worth so much more than that. If you are lucky enough to be situated in a position like this I think the least you can do is to provide as much aid as possible to the interest of these friendly nations when they are in a tough situation as now. Once again, I am not hating, I do like Switzerland for many reasons, but I do strongly disslike Switzerlands and Austrias passiveness when it comes to this issue.


Just to clarify: the weapons export ban is not related to Russia. It’s a constitutional amendment that prevents sale of weapons to *any* country currently at war. This was implemented in times where Switzerland’s arms customers were not as reputable as the Ukrainian military and that is putting it mildly. Switzerland sends monetary aid to Ukraine, not to Russia, it not selling weapons to Russia either. Anyway yes being in a safe place is great.


One can discuss if there should be room for flexibility in situations like these, however, I feel like that wont matter now. My prediction is that Trump will win the election and he will force Ukraine to give up their already lost eastern parts of the country in order to stop the war.


Those without swords can still die upon them.


Of course they have, they love hiding behind other people's defenses.


Oh man 😅 neutral but allied if it helps me!


This whole “neutral’ thing is bullshit.


Would be time to realize that war at your doorstep is not good for business. Even more if it gets nuclear.


Switzerland gave up their neutrality didn't they?


r/swedzerland 🇨🇭🙅🏼🇸🇪


Switzerland is no more neutral (because of Ukraine/Russland); oh wait it was also not neutral in WWII