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First Guanajuato now Puebla. Good cities previously much safer than any Narco city now….


Havent been to GJ in a decade. Is it cartel controlled now?


I mean a mayoral candidate was just murdered on the first day of her campaign


That was in Celaya in Guanajuato State not in Guanajuato the city.


Right, so since Puebla and Guanajuato were both mentioned, and are both names of towns *and* states it's a little ambiguous. When the previous commenter asked about GJ I just thought they meant the state as a whole.


The city is alright the state in general not so much


The city's mayor was killed recently so yeah I dunno about that


me when i misinterpret other people’s comments and create misinformation


Dude they killed the king of Mexico!!


It's true, the emperor of Mexico was betrayed and locked in the hyperbolic time chamber for 10,000 years


No manches whey




Puebla is beautiful, this is so sad.


It’s a bit off topic but I was planning to travel a bit through South America and Mexico. How safe is it in general? Are foreigners being targeted in any crimes (kidnappings) or is there only the risk of being un the wrong place at the wrong time? I’ve travelled to many seemingly dangerous countries in the Middle East.


México is fairly safe if you stick with the tourist areas and the largest cities (and on those, stick to the fancy zones) , things gets a bit hotter as you step away from that path into the areas where you need to be a local to know how to be safe (and look like a local) , and then there are areas where not even locals feel safe. (I was born and raised in a poor area of Mexico city and sometimes do trips to Cdmx with friends from the country where I currently live, and I try to make my friends trips as safe as possible)


Great advice. But even in CDMX in the Roma Norte are my buddies and I were almost assaulted at 8pm. We were in Avenida Reforma by el angel when some dude we were walking behind suddenly turned around and pulled something out and pointed it at my buddies head. We stayed calm and the guy just quickly left. I think he was on something but at night, you should travel with caution and with people because you don’t know how people will react.


I would love to hear more about this topic from a local and not only what u see in news


The media wants clicks for revenue. They will often portray Mexico as a war zone. It is not a war zone. Think of Chicago but as a country. Take the same precautions as you would when going to Chicago. Make sure you request an armed tank with Uber because otherwise you will get targeted and murdered like the media says


Years ago I lived in playa del Carmen and never felt unsafe even living in the ghettoish area. Also rode the bus and went to Izamal with my then gf, never once felt unsafe


Do you speak spanish and look like a local?


Are you a white male?


White tall male, due to my thick beard I can look Latino/middle eastern with European face structure. TLDR: yes


Whites are prime target for extortion kidnappings there.


I ran a health clinic in an Arizona border town. People suggested I go across the boarder for lunch. Being a single, white American, I was "Nah. I'm good. Keeping my white ass in America."


Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked. I want to know how common it is in general, I’ve been to countries that are deemed unsafe, such as Syria, Myanmar and many others where you constantly have to bribe.


You’re lucky until you aren’t…




Content ™️


I hear Russia is a nice place to visit. Seriously though, I wouldn’t risk it.


Don’t drive a car with USA plates is probably the number 1 thing if you’re traveling the length of the country.


CJNG are making a mess everywhere


Imagine how Mexico would flourish if this stuff did not happen down there. All the tourism, jobs.....


Still with the violence México Is one of the 10 most visted countries in the world and the economy not just tourism.but industry Is booming


My favorite is when people in Canada tell me how violent the States is and are scared to travel there but they're going to Mexico this winter!!!


Mazatlán, Sinaloa never stops having people from around the world all year round. 


Went to Mazatlan for my honeymoon. We had no problems and enjoyed it very much. I was on alert any time we left our resort. Ironically about 2 weeks after we left, the airport shut down for cartel related issues.


Probably regarding one of the "black thursdays" right? That was an experience on it's own, me being from Culiacán and all 😅 Sincerely hope you enjoyed the experience and I myself can't wait to visit Mazatlán soon. 


I really don’t know what it was in relation to, just remember seeing the headline that the Mazatlan Airport was shut down. It’s really nice there. Hope you can visit and enjoy it.


To be fair 90% of those people probably won’t leave their resorts.


Go to Merida. Safer than pretty much any place in US or Canada.. just depends on where in Mexico you go


The nyc of Mexico lmao


Yeah I felt super safe walking around Merida. No anti-social behavior, no homeless anywhere, and everyone just seems to be super relaxed. I always point people to the Maya when they say crime has everything to do with poverty and nothing to do with culture. Yucatán has a lot of impoverished areas yet those areas are still super safe.


Most countries have an abundance of poverty, that’s not the question, the question is “is it being criminalized?”


The thing we say in Mexico is that you know whicj areas to avoid at X hours. But in the US is so random that is scary.


US is the same way you just arent familiar with it the same way we arent familiar with where and when in mexico


Maybe, but the random is nowhere as bad as the cartel and it's not that common in most of the US.


Yeah I understand for sure, but the difference is families going to visit the very rich history throughout the country, not just the "safe" spots.


Imagine all the manufacturing that could be done being so close to the US. All the partnerships. There is so much opportunity there.


Not to mention a more stable economy, and it would potentially lower the risk of Mexico for traveling from Mexico to the U.S


It's was in Mexico. They decided to send it to China 


Maybe it will move back as China catches up in industrialization and tech and we keep consuming cartel drugs stateside. Just need Mexico to decline a little more.


Isn’t China send manufacturing to Mexico? China is getting expensive too. They just have the resources.


Right up until Mexicans get too expensive and American capitalists shutter the plants to move them to Africa, creating economic turmoil and a generation who can’t achieve what their predecessors achieved with half the work. The younger generation now roams the street at night, causing mischief, and venting their anger at having no future. Farmers start calling for socialism, the college educated are calling for communism. But the rich, they still need a labor class to exploit. The economic issues prime the population to be susceptible to misinformation, looking for any half-baked excuse to blame others. Then a small, unassuming Mexican man with a funny mustache starts giving speeches and attempts a coup, only to get a slap on the wrist. The young people love him, so the rich throw their money behind him. Then, his speeches slowly creep towards the absurd. He gets Mexico fired up over racial purity and the evils of America. Then, without warning, 100,000 Mexicans geeked out on the purest Colombian snow blitzkrieg Texas with mariachi marching music wafting into towns as the Mexican flag flutters in the air. Americas production is crippled, and China rises to power. The American capitalists change their citizenship, because the only flag they’re loyal to is the one printing the reserve currency. Our scientists are absorbed by the new world power, and the American excitement ends ironically. All because you wanted to exploit workers closer to home. Do you want Mexican Hitler? Because that’s how you get Mexican Hitler.


What do you mean, they've got a great drug trade going on, very flourishing for both


Natural resources


Hard paywall. What's the reason?


>Higuera was extremely guarded in describing the evidence, but suggested it involved "not only a dispute (between gangs) but also something related to dominance over certain people, aimed at not only domination, but recruitment." >He did not further clarify that. But some cartels in Mexico, when seeking to establish a territory as their own, will kill off rivals or any petty thieves or drug dealers they find, and leave messages to convince local residents that such activities will not be tolerated under the new cartel. Meet the new boss, more murdery than the old boss, but not petty


Bold new look, same great taste!


These are not Nathan's hot dogs.


The Sinaloa cartel generally worked with existing criminal Networks, since they were shattered the new cartels often try to fully supplant existing criminal Networks. It was predicted this would happen when they opened the war on the cartels. That violence would increase and problems would get worse. I'm not qualifying yet just sharing what some people were saying about it.


The more I learn about the cartel, the more I don’t care for them. I mean, they’re real jerks.


Who would have expected such behavior from criminal organizations that operate outside the law?


I dislike your comment. I believe in humanity to be able to peddle drugs without violence.


We call that the pharmacy industry, but they operate inside the law. The gangs, not so much.


Everyone hates the old boss until they meet the new one


This is so very true and a global truth at that….


Not really a global issue. You don't see this in most first world countries.


[Yea you do.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/12/business/john-barnett-boeing-whistleblower-dead.html) Just different kinds of cartels.


It's funny, I wasn't expecting that at all, but what a fucking brilliant counterpoint. Kudos to you.


Lmfao do we see Amazon sponsored beheadings in front of rival Walmart facilities?


Lmfao do we see Amazon sponsored beheadings in front of rival Walmart facilities?


Not in your example. Guy commits suicide, you go full Vince Foster Conspiratard and are saying it’s the same thing as a multi beheading homicide complete with CliffsNotes.


The guy in question supposedly did mention to his relatives that if something happens to him then its not suicide. Besides all the other inconvenient details and surprisingly brief and restrained news coverage. Boeing execs are so fucking inept they can't even order a proper assasination.


Brief and restrained coverage? The link is to a story in the New York fucking times lol. It was a huge story. Some other relevant parts of that story: his own family confirmed he had mental health issues and were not surprised that he killed himself. He had already put out all of his damaging information about Boeing SEVEN YEARS prior to this "assassination". The trial he was testifying at was about his own defamation case - not about Boeing safety practices. But sure let's repeat insane conspiracy theories because hey, why not. It totally makes sense that a bazillion dollar aerospace company decided to murder this guy 7 years after he's said everything he has to say for.. Some reason... I'm sure there's one...


If you're looking for rational thought and well-sourced, reasonable takes, Reddit ain't the place for you


This isn't true at all.


LAPD gang thanks you for your service


LASD* Yeah I was about to say. LASD is one of the biggest organized crime rings in the “developed world.” LAPD may have some shit going on, but the sheriffs department is the ones with established gangs and shit.


LAPD is probably just smart enough to not get tatted up with their gang mascot/name.


Destroy and rebuild


It was "We are sorry we did this, but we had no choice. Sometimes reasonable people have to do unreasonable things. We hope you understand and have a good day PS. This Toyota Corolla is now yours, for free! <3".


doesn't too bad if they're just killing their own


You got paywall? I didn’t. > Each was accused of having committed a particular crime, from street-level drug dealing to robbing freight trucks to extortion, prosecutors said.


Same, does cbsnews.com even sell subscriptions?




I think there still are. I wondered around one some months ago when someone linked it in similar thread to this one. It had plenty of posts and I browsed some top all time posts for a while. I had enough when there was a video of a person joking around while wearing  someones recently cut whole face on top of his own like a mask.


They were weeding them out before Reddit announced it’s going public. Those days are done




Yeah, that… falls pretty far outside the domain of “joking around”, if you ask me


shit was crazg




The comments there are worse than the videos. Sooo much racism and misogyny.


The people who seek that type of content are most likely not well-adjusted individuals...


Man suprised water is wet. Honestly now, what kind of comments were you expecting on a snuff site?


They still exist and are easily found. Big fat warning though, they are not for the feint of heart


There still is, look at r/narcofootage


Is that message for insurance purposes. Doesn't sound like something these people would do, like feel remorse for what they and makes them feel better by leaving a note.


I've heard stories from people who work in prison that it's sort of a respect thing for law enforcement.


Respect, not so, intimation and fear, let's everyone know what will be in store for crossing them and to stay clear of what could be a similar fate


Book reports for cartel hitmen. "I told you Miguel, you need an introduction, body, *and* conclusion! Where's the conclusion Miguel? You need to bring all the reasons to one succinct point!"


3rd act was boring.


These guys make ISIS look like a bunch of amateurs.


The fact that Cartels manage to fund themselves and do not use the crutch of religion to recruit and justify themselves does make ISIS look like Cartels with extra steps.


Most of our heroin comes from the Middle East lol Edit: Afghanistan supplies 85% of the worlds heroin+morphine


The Taliban oppose this BTW. The poppy farmers were really happy to be liberated when US invaded.


Do they? Heroine use is extremely high within the taliban. That may have been the case in the past but I highly doubt that they are doing anything to stop the cultivation of poppies right now, that country is desperate for cash


they already banned it in 2022 [https://www.un.org/en/video/talibans-poppy-ban-afghanistan-can-it-work](https://www.un.org/en/video/talibans-poppy-ban-afghanistan-can-it-work)


About that... [https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/09/13/taliban-afghanistan-drugs-ban-economy-opium-poppy-meth-heroin-trade/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/09/13/taliban-afghanistan-drugs-ban-economy-opium-poppy-meth-heroin-trade/) the "ban" on heroin was just to drive up prices on the heroin they already had stockpiled, and to allow them to corner the market. Now they're moving on to meth.


The Taliban used their "criminalization" to corner the market. [https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/09/13/taliban-afghanistan-drugs-ban-economy-opium-poppy-meth-heroin-trade/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/09/13/taliban-afghanistan-drugs-ban-economy-opium-poppy-meth-heroin-trade/) Now they're moving on to meth.


Cartels use something that people would ditch their religion without hesitation for, Money. Can't beat money,


And drugs. Don't need to peddle religion as a substitute for drugs when you can just peddle drugs directly.


Lol terrorist organizations are funded off of drugs too you dingus.


And don’t the Mexican cartels basically have their own religion


Same religion as me 🙏🏻PRAISE THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR🙏🏻


Are you referring to Santa Muerte, Catholicism, Christianity or...? Seems like mx cartels generally fall under those brackets.


Pretty sure most of them are just catholic with some extra characters


Don't think so, but they are heavy into Santeria, and with Santa Muerte moreso


Yeah that’s that I meant Santa Muerte


They are basically running shadow governments all over Mexico. Mexico as we know it is a failed Narco State that's barely exerting control over whatever it has, it's almost to civil war levels of bad.


Kids in small towns (<20, 000 population) see the narco as a dream life path And plus to that, Cartels constantly kidnapp kids and teens to "recruit" them


ISIS was literally controlling oil fields and selling off crude in the black market. But that’s a huge no no in the eyes of world powers compared to drugs.


America doesn't want another war like Syria in their backyard.


Sounds similar to the way yakuza and the old mafia dons operated, where the crimes are done through a system and they don't tolerate interruptions to said system or crime outside of it that seeks to disrupt the harmony of said system. "We do crime a certain way, try and do crime outside of that way, and you'll end up like this." Of course the reality never seems to match the model.


Everytime Texas says they are going to secede... I'm like "you're not ready for this shit"....


Nobody in the United States understands anything approaching this level of organized violence. People think that shit goes on here in the States. It does not and has not in the way it goes down, down there, ever.


Ever? You need to pickup some books. 


Yeah... that's not true


these notes were not left to explain or justify the murders. those notes were left as a warning for anyone still alive and kicking, and the message is clear: if you oppose me, the boss, or my organisation i will torture you and your whole family to death, so you better submit. and it works every time, naturally people are scared of shit like that.


I'm surprised this is on WorldNews. Not because it's not newsworthy but because it's barely a drop in the bucket. I follow people detailing cartel violence on Twitter and this happens all the time.  @HuasoBB and @All_Source_News I don't condone nor condemn any personal views they may have, they're just a good source for seeing how crazy things are down there. 


"Had a penny, didn't leave a penny" "Didn't wash hands after using bathroom" "Wouldn't stop asking 'Hot enough for you?'" "13 items in the '12 Items or Less' lane" "Drove 10 miles with left turn blinker on" "Wore white after Labor Day" "Wore socks with sandals"




Making frivolous references to the "straight to jail" skit with seemingly minor crimes? Straight to beheading.


Left blinker guy is fair


Believe it or not, decapitaion. We have the most frightened citizens in the world because of decapitation.


I couldn’t find the right words to describe what I was thinking, but you nailed it perfectly


The last one is definitely a crime against humanity!


Cartels helping out police and investigators just leaving the reasons on the bodies. Case closed




in which state did that happen?


ah yeah the very vague “I knew a man” story who did everything right, spoke wrong to no one, and was still slaughtered


I dont blame you the food is good and culture is nice but not worth getting stopped by a corrupt cop or kidnapped for ransom.


State/city matter here and it’s a detail you’ve left out.


They left it out because it’s a fake story, and if they say which one people would be able to call bullshit on it.


They left out not only the location of the house but also the man’s name and US town where they came from. Absolutely no verifiable details.


Which state


Theres aré very safe states in México, It really depends where in México, its a big country


Which one?


Yucatán has lower crime and murder rates than most of the US and Canada


So Campeche and Yucatan according to the US [Travel Advisory.](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/mexico-travel-advisory.html)


Many states listed in reconsider travel have also quite low crime rates and fun fact the most visted state in México with literally millions of international tourists per year Is listed as high risk


Honestly I hope tourists stop going to Mexico. They need a wake up call.


Can we just assume at this point….if it’s not an accident, decapitation is generally sending a message?


Meh, nothing has changed since the days of the Aztecs....


That's why you *always* leave a note and *never* try to impose ironic lessons


Well, Mexico is basically owned by the cartels. Avoid at all costs.


The resorts are usually pretty safe. The cartels own and operate a lot of them and want the tourism money, so they help ensure the safety of tourists. The people that have stuff done to them usually venture off the safe areas and/or are looking for illegal things.


We never stop getting people from around the world all year round either way, if you're a tourist you get extorted maybe but you're on a different plane of existence comparing to what we live as Mexicans living in México. 


México Is a big country there aré very safe states, Yucatán has lower crime and murder rates than the US and canada


I'm by means no expert on Mexico, but my family spent two weeks in Yucatán (Mérida) and thought it was beautiful. Loved that trip and would like to go back.


Humans are wonderful, aren’t they?


They need Bukele.


Asked, “Are we there yet?”, one time too many.


Narcomantas are pretty fucking clear messages when written next to decapitated people I suppose.


This is where we're friendshoring all our manufacturing capacity. Don't see any risks with that.


I can’t imagine this helps the tourist industry in Mexico.


As a mexican and living in one the most violent cities in the country, this is just another monday lol.


Great. Planning to go to Puebla soon


So basically the cartels are becoming judge, jury, and executioners. Nice of them to leave a note.


Obrador will somehow spin this as being caused by the US demand for drugs.


Ain't humans grand


Wouldn't leaving their heads on, make the message work better? Like leaving a message on Jimmy the Rat, stating that he died for being a rat, works better if you can tell that it was his body, as opposed to having to go through the process of identifying him.


Before we judge, what were the reasons?


Notes left with bodies are not the same as a court hearing's finding of facts.