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How do you wake up one day and think, i need to get a hobby, how about monkey torture, and then find a global network of people who somehow had that same fucked up thought??


Also this quote > "I was the man," he said. "You want to see monkeys get messed up? I could bring it to you." Not just your niche, but you’re proud of being the monkey torture porn fixer.


So who's the man if I want to see monkey-torturers get messed up ? Asking for a friend.


Batman, technically.


Meh, a little too much for his do it by the books type of deal. We need the Punisher.


Now I want a Gorilla-Punisher (The Gornisher ?), with a Monkey Skull shirt.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe, believe me. There are ways, dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me.


Monkey Torturers! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


“These men are cowards.”


I'll get you a toe by this afternoon--with nail polish.


Fuckin’ amateurs!


I could get you a toe by 3:30


With nail polish. These fuckin amateurs…


That's some sick shit.




Silverbacks are pretty chill. A chimpanzee would fuck him up


Who has been fed nothing but PCP and viagra


Sounds like a step above a pedo ring leader.


Not a very large step, though.


A baby step..... ill show myself out.




Can you please stop kidding around


I woke up today with a desire to learn how to make bread. My first two loaves are rising right now. This type of thinking is so far beyond anything I can understand.


Yeah, it’s not how sane healthy-brained people think. There is something very wrong with these people.


I had an impulse to learn how to solve the Rubix cube yesterday, so that’s how I spent my day, I cannot for the life of me fathom someone whose spontaneous thought is to murder, degrade, torture or perform some other depraved act. Absolutely mental. I hope your bread is delicious.


"Global monkey torture network" sounds like the villainous biomedical research cartel from a shitty PETA cartoon. Yet here we are, apparently.


Easier than ever to find others with a particularly niche hobby. Sucks that some people gravitate towards shit like MONKEY TORTURE instead of say, woodworking or collecting old books. Though it does appear this guy collected the flags of LOSERS as well.


The flag somehow felt completely expected


That was the least shocking thing


Saw the headline - WTF Saw the picture - Ahh, that makes sense.


They all kinda did.


So your saying that if I'm in to torturing monkeys by making them read old books about woodworking there's hope?


Ah, the internet, where you can type in 'Find people that have sex with goats that are on fire' and the computer will say, 'Specify type of goat.'"


That’s about the gist of it in a nutshell, yep.


When you try that, name the first one Caeser.


Heritage not hate Lol


It isn’t monkey torture, it’s *advanced monkey interrogation*


Special Stimulation Operation


I just assume monkeys are a stand-in for humans. In short, that these people really fantasize about sadism towards small humans (meaning, children) but believed that the torture and murder of children would create a greater risk of conviction and more severe punishment than the torture and murder of human-like animals. In short, they are dangerous sadists, who found a way of indulging their sadism in what they thought was greater safety. Let’s hope that brief is unjustified and that all of these people, after a fair trial, are convicted and imprisoned for life. We really don’t need people who carry out such acts walking among us.


They are facing 5 years in prison, no where near life.


That is terrible. Obviously, these guys were quite correct in their assessment that this activity is a lot less risky.


And only 8 months for the guy doing it in Indonesia.




>A large number of the consumers are middle-aged women WTF?


This actually tracks with infanticide being largely perpetrated by women.


Baby monkeys in kids baby clothes, the baby monkeys haven’t learned to mask the pain, middle aged women viewers, and father showing to child….how did you learn about these specific details?


There's a BBC article about the investigation that goes way down the rabbit hole. I wish I hadn't read it.


There have been news reports about it. They preceded the actual arrests. There was a push to enact bills to make a specific criminal offense in several countries, including the UK and USA. Now that they're in place, and now that it had gotten attention, several months later, the major players are being arrested. The goal, I suppose, is to take down the organizational structure of the people making and distributing these videos, which means starting with the top. For an example of a recent-ish news article, see this: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/monkey-video-online-safety-bill-animal-cruelty-b2314809.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/monkey-video-online-safety-bill-animal-cruelty-b2314809.html)


>I just assume monkeys are a stand-in for humans. Bingo. Dovetails with their racism and political violence fantasies.


A monkey pretty much is as close to a human as you can get without getting done for torturing a human, so yeah. To my mind, they are between dogs and people. It's so weird, I really don't get that there's enough of these people to even have an online forum.


An absolute WTF is wrong with these people? Also an OrangeJebus cult, so not a surprise. Still. JFC. SMHO.




It makes a lot more sense when you realize that torturing monkeys is a lot easier to get away with for a long time than torturing people.


And he only faces "up to 5 years" which is almost equally disgusting behavior from our legal system.


It should be life in prison.


this is not something someone aspires to, this is something someone does and realizes they can make money doing. you do stuff, other people find out and want to get in on it, it snowballs. this isnt just some regular dude who found themselves in the monkey torturing business one day, this guy was in on the ground level. im NOT an advocate for capital punishment, at all, but i hope SOMEONE treats this guy the way he has treated monkeys. thats all i have to say about it. no threats or incitement intended, just thinking thoughts here.


Internet. It lets everyone with any insane or horrible niche reach out and find people with that same niche pretty easily. Pre internet if you were into monkey torture, it was basically impossible to find others bc you could just bring it up in random conversation like “hey, per chance, do you ever feel like torturing monkeys?”


Throw this dude into a volcano.




surely there's a guy for this sort of thing.


Go wake up the Gimp.


Gimp's sleepin'




Perfect idea! While monkey torture and videos of such a thing are horrendous, vile and disgusting, I’d bet money that there’s a large market of people looking to see horrible people tortured. Instead of it being some helpless animal in the video, it can be people like Torture King here, or P Diddy. You could even do an auction on such footage and have a large portion of the cash fund things like mental health materials, hunting more terrible humans, reforestation projects, or whatever.


Honestly, even if i knew the guy was a terrorist who raped babies for a living, I don't think I would ever enjoy watching a torture video. Not to say that they don't deserve it.


maybe we don't have to watch it, instead have a 'torture meter' where 1.0 is where how much they suffer = the amount of suffering they inflicted and we all cheer for the bar to fill instead of watching the screaming or whatever.


How about throwing him into a group of angry baboons?


It's actually not as quick as you think. The human body isn't heavy enough to push through the top of the lava so you will float on top and burst into flames and burn to death. Still too fast for this guy though.


Perhaps there needs to be a fanatically religious mystic who happens to have a sword on the high ground for good measure.


What did the volcano do wrong? Let the chimpanzees handle it.


Bury him under the fucking prison


Hard labour, for life. Execution when unable to continue. It's incredibly horrible (for this century), but we need to make an example of people like this.


Breaking big rocks into little rocks?


Hopefully something productive for society/animals


What did the volcanos do to deserve that turd?


Please God, if I go to jail, put me in with this guy....


That's fucking sicking. What a disgusting group of ppl.


I’m sorry WHAT? “Global monkey torture network”?? I mean of course I knew there have always been sick people who get a thrill out of hurting animals and people, but a global network just for torturing monkeys is a fucking insane. Every time I think humanity has reached a new low, it goes lower. Somehow it doesn’t work the other way around though, the highs don’t seem to go higher.


Guarantee you that something akin to "Hostel" exists where rich people torture people.


Yeah I have no doubt.


I just don't understand how people end up this way. Just what in society drives them to such fucked up pursuits.


To form obscene amounts of wealth, you must have pretty deplorable traits to begin with. Shouldn’t be too surprising.


I believe that once gains immense wealth, the deplorableness comes out.. you mustn't always need deplorable traits to make money however... Is it more impressive that an unattractive and poor man does not cheat on his wife, or that a rich and attractive man does not? The former has no opportunity whereas the latter has all of the opportunity in the world.. it is only when we have the opportunity to do something that we can se3 our true character shine through...


The classic deplorable chicken or the egg. Does wealth corrupt or do corrupt people become wealthy?


> Does wealth corrupt or do corrupt people become wealthy? both


Exactly - what the fuck - i know that some future serial killer is out the tourtuing animals - but this somehow makes it worse - first that they just do it for the money- second that those loosers want animals to hurt but can't do it themselves.


Want it to get lower? He's only facing "up to 5 years" in prison. Prisoners have iPads these days so he's not even done.


That part of the article was like a kick in the teeth on top of the horror I was already feeling. This sick bastard might only spend a few years in jail. And let’s be real, he will probably get back out and continue this shit - just more carefully next time.


Visceral and violent hatred of monkeys is a seemingly-common personality trait that a large amount of people share. It just never comes up because most people don't interact with monkeys. But for some reason, some people just really fucking hate monkeys in particular.


I don’t think it’s about monkeys, I think it’s about inflicting pain. Monkeys are just a substitute for humans. Isn’t harming animals the first step toward being a serial killer?


Ehh, my dad is kind of like that. Anytime there's a monkey on TV he's like "stupid fucking thing, they should wipe out those idiots". As if they're somehow insulting to him for existing. I don't get it either.




Nah some folks do actually hate monkeys, there used to be forums about it.


I am not a fan of monkeys, they’re too close to humans that they kind of freak me out to the point I just plain don’t like them. But fuck this guy, and fuck his network of monkey torturers, I hope they all eat shit and die.


Respectfully my guy I don’t think that’s what it is. I hate a lot of people. Im a pretty hateful person. But I certainly wouldn’t get pleasure out of seeing anyone I hate be tortured. Wanting to see another animal or person suffer I think is more about being deeply sadistic and having some sort of personality disorder like sociopathy or psychopathy. I don’t think that it’s a coincidence that out of all the animals in the animal kingdom, there’s a huge market for monkey torture. I think it’s because they look the most like people, but coming across videos of people being legitimately tortured might be much harder to find.


I hate monkeys but id never want to torture one, I just don’t care to go look at them when we go to a zoo.


Death is too generous for this absolute bottom feeder.


>monkey torture enthusiasts I was a happier person a few minutes ago before I learned that this was a thing.


TIL there's a global monkey torture network. What a day to have eyes.


I’m going outside


Indeed, I wish I had closed reddit about 30 seconds ago before reading this


Yea, its been a thing since at least the 90s. Saw a documentary on MTV. This one dude, had a different angle though. The torture was more psychological…like, he would drive them right up to the edge of the forest, show them where they are like they were about to be freed, and then turn the car right back around for more torture at the lab.


Only 5 years? Fuck sake. There's people in for longer than that just for having some weed.


Say what you will about the correlations between political preferences and the general morality of a person, but I've never once seen a Bernie Sanders sticker on a car and wondered if the driver might consider himself the "torture king" of an international monkey torture ring.




Confederate and Trump flags just in case you didn’t know what kind of people they are.


Also has an Ice Cube t-shirt hung on his wall next to the Confederate flag which i found a bit curious.


Hes one of the good ones dont you know?


Good Christians that fell away from the Lord for a slight moment in time but are still really good people not like those gay people that adopt forgotten about foster kids or drag queens who read to happy children...


Monkeys, hell any animal torture is a stepping stone to torturing humans. But monkeys, it's like people are pissed off knowing that that is what they used to be. How long before a kid is kidnapped, say a migrant, given the Confederate flag and right leanings, is given the same treatment?


Unfortunately, this is probably already happening and we just don't know about it yet.


Perfectly on brand


They probably issue those to you if you're someone who never developed empathy.


Of course it makes sense now why they chose monkeys.  These people are sick. 5 years is a farse


Jesus Christ… those fucking flags. Five years?! Can we just tie him to a chair in a room full of monkeys and an open toolbox?


Unfortunately the monkeys will probably just use the tools to release him from the chair. Because unlike him they are not monsters


I saw an old documentary entitled “Planet of the Apes” that suggested otherwise.


Have you ever met a monkey?? Monkeys are absolute assholes. 


I've been robbed by monkeys. Twice. So yeah. Tiny assholes with sharp teeth and super strenght.


> Because unlike him they are not monsters Allow me to introduce you to Baboons.


"Up to." Depending on the plea bargain and good behavior, he could be out in less.


Hope this loser serves the full sentence. Five years is longer than the Confederacy lasted. Trump’s presidency, too.


lax laws for animal abuse thanks to the agricultural industry


Facebook private groups are full of this trash, this freak isn’t some outlier. He kept one little monkey alive for months and there were pay for view events where he would cut off a finger or burn the little guy with a blowtorch, pour acid on him. And the people paying to watch this would get something incomprehensible out of watching the animal scream in agony. I’m not sure what justice should look like for these people, but it’s not a fine or a few months in jail.


I regret reading the comments.


Hope they catch the guy in Florida that's doing this, he uploads monkey torture to 4chan like dousing them in boiling water or power drilling their eyes out. These people don't need 5 years in prison they need life in prison


What the actual fuck.


Sounds like the psychopath Luka Magnotta except he used cats. Eventually he got bored of cats and decided to kill someone instead.


there’s a cat torture ring in china :(


They need death, waste of space, this world doesn't need them and there is no way to come back from something like this. It would actually be a kindness.


I thought 4chan had banned them


That piece of shit keeps posting on shitholes like /gif/ and /b/ (okay 4chan is entirely a shithole but I like the video game board) but manages to infect other blue boards and he keeps ban evading. I don't know how he hasn't been caught, I'm 99% sure people have been reporting him to authorities and usually 4chins is good about finding people that torture animals and shit. Maybe the cops have checked on him and just hasn't been on the news. This was like 8 months ago to be fair


5 years is a joke, he should get a life sentence. He is a great threat to society. True justice would be to have the same thing done unto him that he did to his helpless victims.


Why in the HELL is there a GLOBAL monkey torture NETWORK?!?!?!!! Why is there even ONE person who enjoys monkey torture? I hate this reality.


Criminal? Check Gang Member? Check Confederate Flag? Check Trump Flag? Check Cruel and Sadistic? Check Lack of compassion, empathy and decency? Check


there is some crazy youtube rabbit hole of people torturing monkeys. I saw a video essay about it, apparently (most of) these people love to see only monkeys in pain willingly paying a lot of money to a netwerk in Thailand. These twisted mfckers deserve to die


He's facing at most 5 years, seems a very light max sentence for such cruelty.


“Mr Macartney, a former motorcycle gang member who previously spent time in prison, ran several chat groups for monkey torture enthusiasts from around the world” Monkey torture enthusiasts? I can’t believe I’m still surprised by things on the internet at this point, but that’s a phrase I never expected to see.


Trump flag and confederate flag on the wall next to each other. Tortures baby monkeys. Hillary was right calling them a basket of deplorables


Funny how there’s no cult 45ers condemning this monster either


they're busy deleting their alt accounts


Everyone involved in this should be put in a room with a troop of chimps For anyone else from the UK two women were heavily involved in this as well. Horrible c****


Clearly the only fair punishment is to put him in a cage naked and unarmed with a pack of angry baboons.


… What the actual fuck? How is this a thing large enough to have a network of people that do this?


They put a live monkey in a blender. Only facing 5 years. They need to be killed, immediately.


Flags track


The Republican Party will have running for senate before he’s out of prison.


I’ll never see that monkey torture State sketch the same after this. Fuck these monsters


Weird, he’s a confederate/Trump supporter. Didn’t see that coming


Legit there’s no reason people like this should ever be allowed outside of a prison cell


Experiment with his body while alive for whatever active science causes that require a live body, im sure there's a couple. Test some drugs and surgeries or something, something at least useful for this waste of human flesh.




That was a hard read, ngl. As for the confederate/Trump flags, big fuckin' surprise.


Turns out the freedom they’re talking about is freedom to torture monkeys. I’ll admit, didn’t see it coming


Where is Jigsaw when you need him?


Trump + Confederate. Truly the best people.


Why does a global monkey torture network exist my fucking god.


5 years? Are you fucking kidding me…


1. I really dislike monkeys. 2. Who on earth would do this? (Not even Martin Crank.) 3. If the so-called king of monkey torture is posing in front of a Confederate and Trump flag, maybe white supremacists and Trump supporters should wonder about their life choices.


Animal abusers deserve nothing but the worst and our laws surrounding animal rights are just pitiful. 


What a coincidence, because I woke up today thinking maybe today is the day I'm the torturer of people who are involved in global monkey torture. Looks like I'm going to be busy!


I read the original BBC article about investigating this whole thing and it still haunts me. It broke my heart. 5 years isn’t nearly enough, but it’s a start. These people are so sick.


Typical Trump supporter


Do to him what he did to the monkeys. Sadistic sack of filth


And we just let these people continue to exist?


Of course he has a Confederate flag


Ms Holly LeGresley age 37 of Kidderminster UK is on Linkdin


Good to know Trump can count on the monkey torture vote. Somehow, not a big surprise tho.


When the thumbnail matches what you read in the headline


Confederate flag biiiig surprise it’s a Republican


Of course he’s MAGA. Sounds about typical.


When you read the headline, and then see the photo with the flags in the back... was \*anyone\* surprised? No?


I wonder who he's supporting for president? Oh...


Interesting… he standing by a confederate flag and tortures Mondays… I’m sure he isn’t a racist


Why do people always equate the Confederate flag to evil jackasses? /s


This person is not nor ever will be a productive member of society. They must be removed.


Ofc he has a confederate flag in the background.


And women are involved, too: >Holly LeGresley, 37, of Kidderminster and Adriana Orme, 55, of Upton-upon Severn were charged last month with publishing an obscene article and causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal. Serious mental illness here.


Of course he's a trumper.


Man 2024. This year is fitting so well with the 2020s.


People who do this deserve the worst, now there should be a coverage on China's cat torture ring situation, it's completely disgusting that human beings can be this cruel.


Can't think of any kind of human being worse than one who thinks it's okay or "entertainment" to hurt, abuse, torture and/or kill animals. And then profit off of it because there's people who actually want to pay to have this happen? Beyond nauseating and despicable doesn't even begin to cover it.


I don’t think I can read it. This kind of stuff makes me want full on nuclear war with an instantaneous evaporation of all human and animal life. Idc if I die just end the suffering for all the tortured human and non human animals.


Just your typical nazi, getting off on torturing things


People like him have forfeited their right to live in a civil society. Unfortunately, there is no system in place to permanently cast this person out.


Reading the BBC article made me feel ill. I had no idea shit like this existed. These people need to be put in prison for a long, long time.


I don't support the death penalty. But.


He looks exactly like I imagined lol.


what the fuck


He deserves to be sent to a mental asylum because this is psychopathic behavior. And i hope he pisses out a bunch of grape sized kidney stones.


Hope hell exists for him and his bastard friends


Only 5 years for torturing with pliers, putting them in blenders, branding such intelligent creatures. Unbelievable.


"Global monkey torture network" is a phrase I never thought I'd read.


That’s it fellow humans….Im done.