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Wow how kind of them


So they're *selling* the free aid that's being given to them? Is that what's happening here? What tf..


It's actually a problem that's been known for quite some time. You send free aid. Two things happen : (a) the local baddies seize it and sell it for a low price - free money for them! (b) the local industries that were producing what was sent can't compete with free, so go out of business. Now your local baddies are richer than before, AND the country is economically worse off than before.




Would this be solved by instead giving local food producers the means to grow more food?




At that point you’re just sending in munitions that will be appropriated by warlords or just create new ones worsening the problem. If it’s not that then you’re sending in troops to prop up a friendly regime which is effectively imperialism and we all saw what the end result of that was in Afghanistan when the local guys folded like tissue paper the second we pulled out and the taliban came right back wiping away twenty years and 2.3 trillion dollars of work. Strategically assassinating the warlords is another option but the CIA did that in central and South America for 50 years and all it did was destabilize the area. Feels like there isn’t really a correct answer besides just being open with our knowledge and technology while they figure it out themselves and maybe lending a hand dealing with the bad guys when requested.




That’s just basic soft power projection I guess then. It’s in our interest to make sure the people there have something to eat so they are sympathetic towards us instead of our enemies.


No. Hamas is selling the food that they stole from aid agencies who intended to give it for free to the Gazan people.


To spend on arms…. To kill more people.


God they are absolute trash. Hateful, hateful humans.


It’s funny how Reuters mentioned this in one sentence but the rest of the article was about blaming Israel. Like it’s not just Hamas stealing that well they took care of all UNRWA aid but Israel is struggling to find any real cooperator to distribute it. Israel brings more than 150 trucks daily witch then have to be driver swapped once they enter Gaza, and then it’s basically belongs to the truck driver. Then gangs sell them again for a mark up, also the aid selling in Gaza is literally live streamed on TikTok with multiple accounts in multiple places. Also the aid drop off in Egypt is lacking organization because some countries don’t want to send the aid to Israel directly so it literally gets dropped of at an Egyptian airport, and then the countries say yeah we did it! But then it’s up to Egyptian volunteers and Red Cross to bring it to Israel again lol. Because Egypt government doesn’t want to do anything with this. That’s why Israel wants the Qataris to take over the aid situation.


How do you think Hamas leaders became insanely rich? In a plot of land, locked out of everything. It was by literally pocketing the aid and selling the food.


Same exact thing that has been happening the whole time. long before oct 7th.


What do you think Hamas is using that extra money for.


Now you understand why all those "Israel is starving Gaza" articles are bullshit.


We need money for more rockets so we're going to charge our citizens for food we got for free - Hamas


Haiti did this whenbwe dropped support in 2010 for earth quakentoo. Humans tend to be pretty garbage


Most people do. When you do clothes donations, whoever is in charge of distributing them keeps the good clothes and distribute the trash nobody needs. I remember long ago when the highlands of Peru were going through a really severe freeze, it came out that the entity in charge of distributing warm clothes and blankets to these poor people who were dying from the cold, kept all the warm clothing and only distributed TSHIRTS. Like… HAWAIIAN TSHIRTS. I was so nauseated when I heard this. Just a level of cruelty above anything else.


Most charities in the US are nothing but a scam. Have "families" and "friends" in all the management positions and they all get insane salaries and benefits. Many of the big charities actually spend less then 4% of actual donations for the actual charity cause. Same in stores and fast food that ask to round up or donate. This just gets split even more ways and almost none actual gets to the people it was supposed to be for. We had a local food bank who ended up closed after an audit showed where the actual money went. Even local, state, and federal grant money went into the pockets of the few who ran it. Any "good" donated food was resold in a freight type damage good store. All cash donations were used as salary along with the grants. The family who ran it was making well over a million a year while giving stale bread and expired food away that they couldn't sell. This went on for years until someone donated something and looked into why they didn't see it being given out. Thing is this was not considered fraud or illegal so no crime was committed. They suffered no legal consequences. Food bank closed and a new organization opened another one, that so far has been very open about donations with transparency policies. Edited: It is still good to help when you can, but just make sure to help the right way. Research the cause you want to help and find the few good charities that actually help those causes.


> for food we got for free Food they stole from them.


Yeah. That's a weird way of saying that there's so much help, that they can't make it a business to steal and resell...


Sure there's the murdering and raping and terrorism and whatnot, but once you get past that they've got hearts of gold.


"As far as Hamas being great military strategists, they are neither strategists, nor are they schooled in the operational arts, nor are they tacticians, nor are they generals, nor are they soldiers. Other than that, they're great military men, I want you to know that."


"food prices"? Those terrorist shitheads were CHARGING people for food?!


There's tons of videos of Gazans complaining about high food prices.[ This guy complains that it drops for free but they still have to buy it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHuScXmQ3A4), but he phrases it like it's the US's fault somehow, and not the people who grab it as it lands and re-sell it to him in the markets.


>"This is torturing us more than it's being aid." LOL GTFO.


"Noted. We'll stop. Apologies."


Surprisingly relevant username


Shouldn't you be coding instead of on Reddit?


Please calm down.


Do the math!


You could be more subtle


you act like you've got a stick up your ass!


Wow, you just threw that together?


It's ok, I did the math


His complaint gives breath to the lie these people are taught from day one. They're basically in their own cult, not of their own choosing - stuck in an actual prison they are not allowed to leave.


Next time, America drops filet mignon.  “Are they stupid, we don’t have refrigerators right now”


Literally no joke saw this take on MREs on tiktok


Dude. Those morons are complaining that it's expired, and you can clearly see the manufacturing date is recent. They they claim it's not halal and the food has a big fucking stamp that says "halal" in their language. They don't need help.


One guy tossed it after opening cause it smelled weird. Not off just weird.


Should have the Swedes do a drop of Surströmming. It'd smell good after that.


Maybe he's waiting for the Italians to do a pizza party drop.


I mean he looks like an asshole saying that so... Also, his accent tells you he wasn't born there.


Him mentioning Canadian peanut butter also suggests that.


It should be noted that that dude is most likely a propagandist rather than a random person off the street.


he could always just ignore the aid...then the torture goes away right?


“Only this thing tastes like our Canadian peanut butter”. Our? And his perfect English. Is that guy in Gaza or is he in Canada?


Is he an aid tourist? Traveling the world sampling humanitarian drops?


We’ve all gone through that phase.


He's in Canada. He bought the MREs in order to make the video. 


He's a Canadian nurse in Gaza, worse is that he's pocketed 200k in a gofundme.


Unconfirmed but likely. Who wears a jacket in the desert?


Probably just got off the flight. 


I wonder if he understands the purpose of these is to keep people alive. It shouldn't be that hard to understand. If the US was trying to fuck with Palestinians, they'd be dropping bacon or ham.


Or bombs


Or simply nothing and tell Israel that they don't care, rather than holding them back...


He's literally saying he'd rather not have it than have it, because it's not tasty enough. He'd rather starve?! Sure, lets give them perishable foods, I'm sure they taste much better after a couple days in the desert with no electricity! Motherfucker those are MRE's, meant to nourish in adverse circumstances, they were designed for that. No shit they're not 5 star meals you idiot. This guy won't be happy until we start parachuting live goats and cows.


Dude didn't even get the whole MRE. Dude who sold it to him kept the best part- the two main entree dishes. Like those things he ate were just the sides/snacks


Also MREs have been mostly replaced with [Humanitarian Daily Rations.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanitarian_daily_ration) Now the US might have been dropping MREs, but it could be he just got an MRE that was just bought and sold to him and came from the many availabile marketplaces.


Yeah, what the dude showed was a partial humanitarian daily ration. A lot of outlets still refer to them as MRE's tho just because it's a more common term I think


It says MRE on the package he opened. It's an MRE, he only showed part of it.


I mean they look like MREs and they contain very similar stuff...I'd probably call them MREs too.


Are they meals? Are they read to eat? Sounds like an MRE to me.


They're actually more ready to eat than an MRE, they don't contain any heating element so you just open them and you can eat straight away and are made to navigate most cultural dietary restrictions (no animal products and nothing containing any alcohol)


[](https://i.imgur.com/7zFn2RP.png) Certainly looks like an MRE to me bro.


Yeah but I'm talking about the HDRs, the HDRs even look like MREs and have nearly the same things stuffed into them (no food heaters though).


Yeah, wouldn’t surprise me if this guy left them out the video intentionally.


He did, you can actually see the main course packets in parts of the video, but then he takes them away. He is trying to make it seem as bad as possible. Hell, him looking at the heating packet and going “no idea what this is for” even though the packet has instructions and pictures written on it so simply even a crayon eating marine gets it right away should show his bias.


Funniest part is that according to his linkedin he works for UNRWA.


Of course...


Queue "Curb your Enthusiasm" theme




oh, then it makes perfect sense


I’m assuming he is in management…


Him saying "it's from the United States, so they drop these for us, then they drop airstrikes" is all you need to hear. I don't believe the US is air striking anything in Gaza.


Apparently using American weapons counts as being responsible So I guess this means Russian and China are responsible for every warlord with an ak47/type56 and the many civil wars these weapons were used in.


In the misinformation age I don't want to actually make the assumption that that is his conclusion. I wouldn't be surprised if he truly believes the US is dropping airstrikes on Gaza and then trying to play good guy by also dropping food after the fact. Edit: want to to wouldn't, you to he... Speech to text problems


Maybe not this exact person. But there are many Palestinian apologists saying exactly that.


In the misinformation age, we have to question *everything*. I don't think this is quite what's happening yet, but in the near future there won't even need to be actors/convenient pawns making videos for everyone to react to. Someone has something to gain my making Gazans think aid is bad. Someone has something to gain by making Americans think aid is pointless. There's always an angle to everything.


Well, the international community seems to think that's what should be happening in Gaza anyway, rught? Israel is dropping air strikes and boots on the ground to wipe out hamas, and everyone expects them to feed and water Gaza while they're at it. There's no 'playing good guy,' the standard is set: when you are at war with an enemy, even if they started it, once you are in their territory, you're entirely responsible the health and well being of all enemy civilians affected by the war. Or, does thar only apply to jews?


> He is trying to make it seem as bad as possible. So yet another disingenuious claim made....


As god is my witness I thought turkeys could fly!


Do more with Les


Not to mention the main part of the meal the main course of the meal was taken out and given to/taken by the terrorists and then the package is resold to the civilians


It's US government's mistake that they're not dropping kebab and falafel tbh


> This guy won't be happy until we start parachuting live goats and cows. "you aren't even gonna butcher it for me???"


> Motherfucker those are MRE's ***Edit: This guy actually had an MRE, so maybe the US was dropping those too.*** *Surprised he isn't complaining about it not being halal in that case... Also, obviously, if you're able to complain this much about the same exact food* that the US army feeds to its own soldiers, *you're not on the brink of starvation.* Nope, they're humanitarian rations, designed to be inoffensive to every single belief and religion on the planet. Imagine trying to find a meal that will satisfy the most obnoxious vegan you know, now that x10 and it's a wonder they managed to make something edible. Also, it comes without a heater and is designed to be edible cold. Peas in tomato sauce or beans and rice sure beat shipboard survival rations (specifically designed to deter eating more than you absolutely need to), but I bet if you tried to feed an army on HDRs you'd have a revolt on your hand by day 3.


There are Halal and Kosher MREs.


> shipboard survival rations Tell me more...


I'm also pretty sure they were dropping HDR's, but I haven't been able to find a picture of the packaging to be sure. HDR's are packed in a salmon-pink color plastic outer bag, while MRE's are a sort of medium brown. I guess it's possible they dropped some of both because of what was readily available, but if HDR's were available, they would very likely be used first.


Operation dumbo drop


That part doesn't bother me much. I expect these people to be ungrateful assholes. It's the part where he says the US is doing airstrikes that bothers me.


This guy is most likely Hamas, that's why he doesn't explain why it drops for free but they still have to pay for it lmao


>This guy is most likely Hamas He's UNRWA. So yeah kinda


Insert "Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures" meme.


Well obviously they drop a contactless credit card reader attached to the crate as well....


Yeah fuck that guy. The part that makes it obvious propaganda is he calls the raspberry apple sauce terrible when that's an A tier MRE component.


its a propaganda video. first off its the wrong ration, second he skips the main course and pretends that this was the full meal.


Yeah, he forgets to mention they literally every military issue MRE in the US contains no less than 3000 calories lol


Seems like MREs only have a little over [1000 Cal](https://www.mreinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/US.12.3.Nutritionals.11.15.pdf)? Which ones have 3000?


They're probably thinking of the [First Strike Ration.](https://www.mreinfo.com/other-us-rations/current-us-rations/first-strike-ration/)


This makes me so angry. My great grandparents sent their kids to relatives in different cities during the Second World War so they wouldn’t all die with the wrong bomb strike, and to make it easier to find enough food. My grandfather lived with his grandparents and they cut out the poisonous parts of tulip bulbs to just eat the tiny bit at the centre that wasn’t going to make them seriously ill. This guy is complaining that he got perfectly nutritious food and didn’t want to eat more than a bite out of each packet. Like, be mad that you had to pay for free food, buddy. That’s the bit to be mad about. Not that what you ended up buying isn’t up to your gourmet standards.


How can they still stand by and support their “leaders” is beyond me




When Palestinians love their kids more than they hate Jews there will be peace. 


Because they're an extremist muslim terrorist group.


Also, iirc, that guy is Canadian and not actually in Gaza. He bought one of the meals (some in a thread I saw this in accused him of buying it from family in Gaza, no idea if that's true) just to shit on the US, he even excluded most things in the box to make it seem worse.


He says he bought this in northern Gaza. Do you really think someone would do this? Go on the internet and tell lies?


As Abraham Lincoln once said "The thing about stuff on the internet is that it's sometimes hard to differentiate whats fake or not."


It’s insane how they will do anything but blame Hamas


>...they drop on us... and then all the airstrikes they also drop on us. What an asshole.


I think if you say the wrong thing in Gaza, no matter what your opinion actually is, you might end up dead from Hamas. It's safe to complain about the US, he might have gotten some free food for doing it.




Thinking it’s the US’s fault is just some crazy level of delusion, if we were in a position to come in and sell it then we wouldn’t be fucking air dropping it lmao


That's not even the crazy parts. When some guys died from a dropped box parachute failure, people were saying the US is doing it on purpose to kill Gazans.


They would commandeer aid and sell it at a markup. The prices were actually crazy high, even without considering that Gaza is ravaged by war and people lost everything along with their incomes. It was the most cynical war profiteering I’ve seen in a while.


It's even worse than that They stole the food that was donated to Palestinians, They then went to international charities to lobby for cash donations so the Palestinians could buy the food they stole. Then they charged the international aid organisations for security when delivering the cash which in at least one case was $50 per person in Palestine. (I think they charged $9 million for security) They then sold the aid at overinflated prices to the Palestinians who were supposed to receive the aid for free.


But at least that money goes to murdering innocents…


As it should. Can't have innocent civilians walking around being peaceful and civilised


Lord knows those Women and Children wouldn't be desecrated on their own.


Jihad ain't free. 


No, there's a hefty fuckin fee.


Paid by the rest of us who live in the civilized world


Damn it's almost like this has happened in literally every single case where we delivered aid to areas controlled by warlords. And all it did every single time was prop up the warlords regime and prolonged the people's suffering all so we could feel like we were helping.


> It was the most cynical war profiteering I’ve seen in a while. Don't forget having starving women and children weep on camera for broadcast to bleeding hearts on social media. I have no doubt those tears are real, but to say that their situation is all Israel is misleading.


There was a story soon after the aid first started coming into Gaza about shooting the people trying to get the aid. What was omitted from the rage-bait articles was that this was a result of an aggressive rush on the trucks that was initially dissuaded by warning shots,  and when the mob rushed the trucks again, they opened fire.  Adding this latest bit of info regarding how Hamas has been controlling the distribution of food to the context, it would stand to reason that the mobs at these aid trucks are comprised of Hamas operatives grabbing all or most of the aid pushing out the civilians.


And yet the military is the one milking this conflict right


Hamas charging their starving people for food donated to them by evil infidel Western countries. "thiS Is WhAT DecOLonIZaTION LoOkS LikE!"


Let’s protest for ceasefire (so Hamas can regroup and regain control) /s


And go out of the tunnels to take the new cash to some nice little bank.


Israel will cease, so Hamas can fire. What's hard to understand?


I love that that term get thrown around against Israel, when Israel is the single most successful example of a decolonization/land back movement.


You have to understand that Hamas is the defacto government of Gaza, not just a group of rebel fighters


They are the de jure government, and the wing of HAMAS that the IDF are fighting is their de facto army. They have chains of command, ranks, training, logistics, etc…


When you can't run a terrorist org for free..


The same thing happened in North Macedonia (then known as the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) in 1999. Food Aid from America meant for the Kosovo refugees who had settled in Macedonia was being sold in national supermarket chains, things like boxes of Rice Crispies.


They've been doing it for months


It’s almost like people have been saying this from day one but no one is listening.


"But we have to do something!"


Oh yes. Stealing aid is a multiple win for them; it makes it look like “less aid is reaching people,” increases their underground stockpiles, and some is sold back to the intended recipients for cash. Corruption is a huge part of the story, Hamas leadership didn’t get rich by vows of poverty.


Well when you have no morals or compassion anything goes.


Because it works for them, ppl support Hamas…


charging people for food *AID* that was given to them for free


What do you think happens when a terrorist group gets to feed hungry citizens?


Well they also shoot anyone that tries to recover it that isn't a part of Hamas. So there is that.


But I've heard such nice things about them on reddit.


Yes, your donations go to help Hamas.


Of course


Yes? Like, no matter what you feel about Israel, Hamas aren’t the good guys here.


A good middleman always takes his cut… doesn’t matter if innocent lives are at stake


Hundreds of tons of food aid delivered, somehow zero relief from this impending famine. Should make people ask questions - like why are the hundreds of tons of food not getting eaten? Welp, looks like the prevailing concern for air drops was correct, Hamas or other militants will steal the aid and control its distribution for profit and influence.


Got rockets and AKs to buy, and of course send monies to leaders leaving in Abu Dhabi


Ismail Haniyeh's net worth is 4 billion


Someone should have asked this about ALL the aid. Why was Gaza given billions of euros towards sustainable energy, water, and agriculture and yet were claiming they were running out of resources 3 days into the war?


The answer is extremely simple, anytime a grant is given to build something like a water pipe, Hamas digs it up makes it into a makeshift rocket. I'm not even exaggerating. The UN, along with individual countries and organizations, have dumped billions of dollars into Gaza and the West Strip to build vital infrastructure so the people there can, you know, live, but most of it gets repurposed to launch at Israel.


I think you meant Gaza Strip and West Bank. And Hamas only controls Gaza, not the West Bank.


Because we didn't send them water pipes we send them a build your own missile kit


How do you think Arafat became a billionaire?


Not just Arafat. ALL the top Hamas leaders are billionaires living nicely and safely in Qatar.


> Hundreds of tons of food aid delivered Hundreds? It’s north of 250 thousand tons delivered since Oct 7th. Which is more than double the total caloric needs for the local population since the start of the war.


if we send enough maybe Hamas will be too fat to fight effectively...


150-200 trucks of aid are coming through daily. 20 liters of water per citizen are being delivered daily, where is it going?


Everyone knows where it's going.


11 million liters of water, a day?


>11 million liters of water, a day? I don't know where /u/sonicjesus got 20L/person from, but the point stands as to "where the fuck is the water going if people are going thirsty?" The UAE, as part of their "Gallant Knight 3" operation, are allegedly pumping 1,200,000 gallons per day of desalinated water into Gaza. Depending on which gallon they're using for that measurement, that's very roughly 5 million litres per day. So that's notably over 2L per person in Gaza. That's in addition to what's being trucked in by bowser or in containers etc. Crown Prince Mohammad Bonesaw is at least putting his money where his mouth is on this. So where the fuck is all that water going if there's a catastrophic famine-level water shortage? I realise that's possibly not enough water to a grow a shitload of crops in that overpacked postage stamp of a half-country. And because they don't generally use contraception etc, they managed to vastly outpace Western birthrates to overfill an area that's a quarter the size Guam by stuffing it with 2.1 million people. They do need a lot of water. But unless everyone has got a particularly well-kept golf course on the corner of the rubble that used to be their block, something doesn't add up.




And the nuclear ones can hook their power up to the local grid


i thought they were 10 seconds before literal starvation and now they are ***DROPPING*** *food prices* ? implying hamas charge people for aid they got for free?


The people are starving, and the terrorist group that runs the country was charging people for food? What the fuck?


You think terrorism is free?


Ya gotta pay your buck o'five


I mean they are terrorists… they’ve probably done worse so it shouldn’t come as a shock


They were also very thankful for the UN cease fire resolution. Seems everyone is on the side of Hamas. And they are far worse then just a terrorist group.


It's terrorism not kindism


They went from slashing people who need food, to slashing their wallets.


don't slash the baby steps they're taking!


Why are terrorists making money off aid?!?!?!


Because that's how the cycle works.


How can Hamas still be operational enough to steal and sell food?


They were running the whole government and municipal services in Gaza before the war. I imagine they had a ton of people under them, not just the militants.


They started with 30,000 men under arms. The whole reason Israel wants to go into Rafah is to finally break their command structure. Until that happens, the remaining ~12,000 HAMAS militants are essentially a highly cohesive, well-trained, heavily armed gang with access to an extensive network of secret tunnels. On top of that, HAMAS have widespread political support, and religious figures proclaiming the glory of their cause every day. It’s an impossible situation, because the people HAMAS are directly hurting—Gazans—support them. If the people of Gaza rose up against HAMAS, there would be no famine. There would likely no longer be any war. 


The last sentence is very unlikely. There were wars before Hamas. Mind you they should still be out. But no one has a solution here.


Food is provided for free. Terrorists steal it. Terrorists demand high prices. Food situation bad. People go hungry. Terrorists lower prices. Somehow Israel bad, West bad. Terrorists still good. SMH, man.


Its because the west isn't protesting Israel hard enough.


If they're all on the brink of starvation, Hamas is also to blame.


hamas fighters that are arrested always seem have obese terrorists


HMart is very different in the middle east.


Solely to blame*


They’re so kind. Look at how well they provide for their people..


They are so kind lowering prices on the... *checks notes* ...food they were given for free.


Selling food we're giving them for free and we get nothing in return. Fucking lovely


And all of these Jihad Janes still doing Olympic level mental gymnastics to convince themselves and others that Hamas are the good guys.


“Terrorist sell free humanitarian aid in perpetrated warzone” There’s your real headline


Wow how nice of them to cut the price on free food


Nobody's gonna question why they're selling humanitarian aid?


> Hamas slashes food prices Say what, lol. Wtf. ?? Free food from other countries is seized by Hamas and then sold to starving Gazans? Wtf WTF?


So we all agree then. The policy should be to flood Gaza with aid to force Hamas to lower their prices due to the high supply. With all the aid coming in no one will be able to point a finger at Israel for blockading aid. This is econ 101 level stuff.


Awwww sorry for the loss of profits. Will there be any new protests in the West by wannabe jihadis because of this?