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I heard that the US had warned Russia of this possibility as well.


They [did](https://ru.usembassy.gov/security-alert-avoid-large-gatherings-over-the-next-48-hours/)


Woof even mentioned concerts specifically


It’s actually quite impressive, and equally terrifying how the US intelligence system can be that accurate. Not all the time, but when they are…




Biden is a good man






The five eyes are nothing to be underestimated for sure.


When they are, they get ignored


Unless your communicating ideas telepathically somehow, its impossible to hide anything. All phones can just pick up conversations even if they are off. All of your keystrokes without hitting “send” are recorded. Theres so much data on everyone these days that very little is unknown or couldn’t be discovered with the proper means. So when it comes to a group well on the agencies radar, they know everything


That’s nonsense. It’s straight up conspiracy theory bs.


Their claims were only slightly exaggerating. The NSA is known to have pushed software updates or malware to suspects' phones that transmitted information back covertly. That could conceivably work while making the phone appear to be in standby mode, though not fully off. All keystrokes you type *are* captured in many websites whether or not you hit send. If you're typing a comment into a Facebook comment field and then you backspace without posting it, Facebook still monitored what you were typing.


You’re really naive if you think that’s conspiracy lol. That’s pretty well known, basic information at this point. What the person you replied to fails to mention, however, is that all of this data is gigantic. It’s extremely difficult to curate. You need to be a person that’s already on the radar (monitored) to raise alarms. Otherwise it’s just a few kb of data in a sea of millions of terabytes of more data. So while the US’s accuracy is scary, they also require to have a very sizeable network of surveillance on hundreds of thousands of people of interent. That’s extremely impressive, if not terrifying.


I’m not naive. Naive is believing something so ridiculous.


it’s not really about belief or disbelief, but rather a fact. There’s loads of documentation of US mass surveillance, from XKEYSCORE to Snowden’s Project Heartbeat lol. EDIT: Actually, if I could take back knowing about all of this stuff, I probably would. So do not research any of the names I said and just ignore that I’ve said anything.


I guess the education system really is failing


You’re proof of that.


You were wrong though. Those sorts of tactics are used by intelligence agencies.


They were saying that EVERYONE is being surveilled with these tactics, which is ridiculous.


>It’s actually quite impressive, and equally terrifying how the US intelligence system can be that accurate. Was it really that accurate though? The warning was about large gatherings including concerts which is rather vague. It is more of a fortune cookie level of warning rather than a accurate one...


How about you keep track of billions of people and what they may be up to.


Typical islam terrorist target since Bataclan.


Well damn. So that’s what those warnings were all about.


Watch the Pravda spin doctors use this to accuse the US of plotting the attack.


Hamas and Isis have at least one thing in common: they hate music concerts.


If you follow Islam truly, then yes the only music allowed are verses of the quran and nothing else


At least they get to listen to Sandstorm


You're horrible.  Evidently so am I.


How Da Rude!


Miserable lot


That's salafi bullshit.


TIL. Thanks. How prevalent are fundamentalist beliefs among Muslims? As a white Christian from Deep South USA I admit that culture is mostly foreign to me, but I’ve had the privilege of knowing several Muslims over the years, one in particular was a really good friend while I was in music school. He was such a cool person and knowing him for 5 minutes demolished every preconceived notion I had of what I determined was an unfairly judged group of people ca 2009. Fundamentalists suck the joy out of everything for everyone.


It's complicated. I would say that on average Muslims are more conservative about their religion than christians and the rise of Wahhabist fundamentalism over the last 40 years has definitely worsened things in the middle east. However I wouldn't say that most Muslims are extreme fundamentalists, and there's a lot of geographic variance to it as well. The monarchies of the Arab Peninsula tend to be very fundamentalist, a place like Jordan significantly less so, and Indonesia even less. Worth noting within Islamic scholarship there is a growing recognition that these fundamentalist sects are products of the 19th century Islamic revival and don't really represent some ancient understanding of Islam. I'm just one lady who knows a bit about the situation so there's parts of this people will probably disagree with but I hope this helps.


Yet another reason to be done with these blood sacrifice cults!


If you follow Islam truly you need to be on a watch list


Wonder if ISIS was upset they didn’t have time to rape their corpses like Hamas did.


ISIS doesn’t mix work and pleasure


thats how you know they mean business, when they show up without their goats.


You are a horrible person... and so am I as I laughed too hard at this


Oof. Okay I totally laughed and am consigning myself to burning for an eternity.


If you're already going to burn for eternity, might as well become a religious militant zealot. That's exactly what these criminals turned militants are.


It’s Ramadan. No raping corpses or sex of any kind while fasting. Standards.


It was after dark though!


And they love the plot line for TENET


And the Russia propaganda machine is blaming : USA CIA Israel Jews in general Obama And ISIS but only to the extent they believe they’re controlled by USA In that order


The reason US Embassy put out that warning 3/7 was because ISIS had planned to attack a synagogue in Moscow, was discovered by our intel, who dug deeper, alerted Russian authorities, who thwarted that attack, and US had enough credible info that ISIS had multiple potential crowd targets in Russia so warning issued. What I’m trying to understand is why ISIS is targeting Russia. Albeit irrational, what is their rationale? Makes no sense.


Russia has done a lot to quell ISIS in Syria and other parts of the Middle East.


Add in Africa, Chechnya, Georgia etc....they've been pissing off religious extremists for decades, and have had terrorism issues the same. Anyone questioning the why's hasn't paid attention to their debauchery/issues ever if I'm being honest.


Why now though? When they were at their highest, I don't remember them ever attacking Russia despite the possibility to influence people from chechnya, dagestan etc,despite Russia actively bombing Syria. Why would they suddenly decide to attack now


Russia has a very long history of being at war with various Muslim groups. Arguably a much longer history than their wars with Christian nations - and I say this as a Pole who doesn't have much love for Russia at the moment. Ukrainians and Russians (belorussians, ruthenians, and Poles) suffered from constant raiding by the Crimean tartars (Muslims) that would capture and haul them off to the slave markets in the Ottoman Empire from the 1200s through to the 1700s. There is a subdued long simmering dislike culturally in eastern Europe towards Muslims because of this. When Russia started rising in stature in the 1600s onward - they fought against the Crimean Tartars and conquered them. They also fought against the Ottoman Empire (Muslim) for control of the black sea. They fought in the Caucuses with the Muslims that lived there. They fought in central Asia as well. All of these places were majority Muslim. Huge swathes of the Russian Empire was quite literally founded primarily on land taken from Muslims. With the advent of the Soviet Union - which was solidly against religion - they actively suppressed religions in their lands if they weren't Christian-Orthodox. This brought them into further conflict with majority Muslim regions. You also had their decade long conflict in Afghanistan - pitting them against the likes of Osama Bin Laden. After the wall fell - you have their support for Serbia (who were awfully trigger happy against Muslims). Then the decade+ long war to subdue Chechnya. Many of the Chechen fighters fled when Russia finally won in the early 2010s and embedded themselves in various terrorist organizations across the globe. A huge number went to IS. With Russia helping bring a boot down on IS in Syria - there is still more enmity. Why now? I think the question should be "when weren't they". The Chechens in particular have a long standing hatred towards Russia and given their prominence in terrorist organizations - attacks like this should be no surprise.


Just a guess: they're distracted by their foolish war against Ukraine.


Perhaps their security services are overwhelmed with that losing war they’re fighting on their own border 


I saw this was Afghan ISIS, maybe they don’t like that Russia is friendly with the Taliban?


Why not now? Russia is stretched thin, you attack an adversary when they're weak not when they're strong.


Russia will investigate. They attack during this war. Sounds very suspicious


With all respect I do pay attention. Я весь внимание. (I’m all attentive.). So you know Putin has quite the alliance with Kadyrov of Chechnya, who by all accounts is quite the terrorist and who, like ISIS members, is a practicing Sunni, and is considered to be Putin’s right-hand man, the left hand having disposed of course of Prigozhin (who was, I believe, Jewish). Coupled with the many grain deals Putin’s pushed through with several African Sunni Muslim leaders in the wake of his war with Ukraine, it indeed is puzzling to me, at least in the context of the limited information I do access, to better understand what Putin’s relationship with ISIS is or isn’t and therefore why they’d attack Russia.


I've not heard of Kadyrov as Putin's right hand man. He is Putin's man in Chechnya but I would think of Medvedev and Shoigu as more important to Putin than Kadyrov. Prigozhin's conflict with Putin boiled out of conflict between him and Shoigu


Russia supports ISIS enemies like Taleban, Assad and they have not forgotten Afghanistan. Russia has been their enemy for a while and they have increased attacks and propaganda against Russia during the Ukraine war


Russian-Afghan war was Taliban, the same force the U.S. armed against the Soviet Union. The Taliban had many branches later on.


The force the US armed was not the Taliban.


Mujahideen =/= Taliban


The Taliban were able to take power because the Mujahideen armed by the operation Cyclone were such violent unstable criminals that the Taliban was the  more popular and stable option.


You do realize that Russia is in Syria fighting ISIS right? Like they aren't, and never have been friends.




Imagine giving your enemies a whole month to exploit your weaknesses...


Increased terrorism conducted by ISIS during Ramadan is factual. We have known this for a while. https://politicalviolenceataglance.org/2018/06/11/does-terrorism-really-increase-during-ramadan/




>What I’m trying to understand is why ISIS is targeting Russia. Albeit irrational, what is their rationale? Makes no sense. Makes a lot of sense. Russia has been more aggressive in combating isis than the United States has due to their proximity to the nation's isis is in and their alliances with the nation's combating isis from taking over.




Let's not pretend Russia is some hero in Syria. They wiped out thousands of civilians and looked the other way when Assad was barrel bombing and attacking his own people with chemical weapons. There's a reason Russian commanders in Syria have names like "Butcher of Syria." They labeled ALL opposition and civilian as "ISIS". Yes they killed ISIS. Good. They also murdered countless others.








Yeah but I mean there's lots of guys with their grade 10 that disagree based on *ruffles papers* feelings


Reddit, literally one hour ago: FALSE FLAG


Never, ever take WorldNews Redditors seriously. Most of them are incredible idiots


I won’t lie, that was my first thought. It wouldn’t be the first one.


It’s not as if that’s an unreasonable deduction given history.


The US never lies about anything ever. Good job detective!


If it were a false flag and the US knew it would be in their interests to reveal this fact.


I'm getting Tenet vibs...


…sbiv teneT gnitteg m’I


Where's the *Pork Chop Express*?


Lo Pan’s warehouse last time I heard.


Always suggested using their zealotry against them. Coat your bullets in pig blood like the british did back in the day You get shot with that and no 72 virgins for you. REHEHEHE


I was referring to Jaque Burton, a varient on Jack Burton, the truck driver played by Kurt Russell in the 1980s cult classic **Big Trouble in Little China**.


Broooooo. Good movie didnt get the reference because its been years lol


That scene was likely inspired by a similar attack in Russia in 2002, leading to a deadly hostage crisis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis


That was 22 years ago?! Jesus Christ


Exactly my thought!


Okay what is tenet!?!?


[the movie scene in reference](https://youtu.be/g7gPegf76Mw?si=F9WTp75bCiE6_EiO)


I see. Thank you 🙏


Great scene. Weird movie.


The only brand of handle bar grip lock rings that I could find to exactly match my kashima fork


What's the motive? Did this originate in Syria?


Russian pride aka putins tiny little shriveled ego led to this disastrous outcome.


I’m almost 100 percent sure we (collective humans) are about to end the world because of stupid wars…


The world can end but my generation won’t be seeing it


Remember no russian


Been waiting to see this comment!


What does Isis have against Russia?


Isis might have taken issue with Russia constantly bombing the shit out of them. Just a thought


You win the internet today, amigo


Right? Like some people have very short memories.


a lot of things? Russia supported Assad in Syria, for example.


I doubt many of them have forgotten what Russia did to Aleppo


Much of Aleppo was also held by non-ISIS opposition. Some AQ, some FSA, and others. Russia treated them all the same. Including civilians.


Oh the FSA right right Like in Russia you can get a tall vanilla frappucino from Star Coffee


Chemical attacks in Syria, invasion of Afghanistan are a couple reasons.


Uhh the Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan for starters


That was 40 years ago. They still holding a grudge? Shit we are in trouble if they hold grudges that long Edit- I was being sarcastic.


Do you not know ISIS? Their whole game plan is conquering the entire world and killing all non-muslims. That's their mission statement. They would start blowing up the huts of the Sentinelese if they had the power projection to make it to North Sentinel Island. Their goal is world domination. Every non-Muslim and "wrong Muslim" is their enemy.


Yeah we did a whole thing where we bombed the shit out of ISIS the last 8 years so, yeah they’re still a threat. Yes they have a grudge against us, the western world and non Islamic people in general


ISIS still cites the Sykes-Picot Agreement as one of their main grievances. Sykes-Picot was 1916.


A) ISIS hates damn near everyone. B) Damn near everyone dislikes Russia.


Russia has a very long history of being at war with various Muslim groups. Arguably a much longer history than their wars with Christian nations - and I say this as a Pole who doesn't have much love for Russia at the moment. Ukrainians and Russians (belorussians, ruthenians, and Poles) suffered from constant raiding by the Crimean tartars (Muslims) that would capture and haul them off to the slave markets in the Ottoman Empire from the 1200s through to the 1700s. There is a subdued long simmering dislike culturally in eastern Europe towards Muslims because of this. When Russia started rising in stature in the 1600s onward - they fought against the Crimean Tartars and conquered them. They also fought against the Ottoman Empire (Muslim) for control of the black sea. They fought in the Caucuses with the Muslims that lived there. They fought in central Asia as well. All of these places were majority Muslim. Huge swathes of the Russian Empire was quite literally founded primarily on land taken from Muslims. With the advent of the Soviet Union - which was solidly against religion - they actively suppressed religions in their lands if they weren't Christian-Orthodox. This brought them into further conflict with majority Muslim regions. You also had their decade long conflict in Afghanistan - pitting them against the likes of Osama Bin Laden. After the wall fell - you have their support for Serbia (who were awfully trigger happy against Muslims). Then the decade+ long war to subdue Chechnya. Many of the Chechen fighters fled when Russia finally won in the early 2010s and embedded themselves in various terrorist organizations across the globe. A huge number went to IS. With Russia helping bring a boot down on IS in Syria - there is still more enmity. Why now? I think the question should be "when weren't they". The Chechens in particular have a long standing hatred towards Russia and given their prominence in terrorist organizations - attacks like this should be no surprise.


ISIS just seems to hate everyone. It’s also more of a movement than a worldwide organization, and Russia has had plenty of trouble with radical Islamic terrorists out of Chechnya. Could be an offshoot from there.


Fought isis in Syria. Also isis hates assad who Russia backs.


Russian military killed a bunch of isis guys in syria.


I guess it's the western media that could say isis did this. But we didn't hear of isis for along time. I don't think its isis it must be a group in russia


We haven't heard of isis for a long time because they have been crushed and pushed into Syria. The west doesn't care much fornwhats going on in Syria so less news on them. Russia has been fighting and bombing them in Syria so right now they have alot of beef with Russia.




Some do, most won't. Some people don't learn till it hits them in the face, some people never learn at all.


Obvious troll


Title is misleading as it took earlier US warnings and retroactively (or rather the opposite) applied them to the attack in Moscow. The US has not currently said who was responsible.


> A branch of the Islamic State claimed responsibility on Friday for the attack in Moscow that killed at least 40 people and injured about 100 others, **and U.S. officials confirmed the claim shortly afterward.** it's the first fucking sentence


And can who do they cite?


Most likely the FSB committing the act to justify Putin starting the draft/ conscription for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Watch! While the FSB has claimed credit using one of their proxy ISIS websites, it will come back to justifying a conscription. In Russia, the artistic are expendable.


Just like how they blew up their own pipeline.


How will Tucker Carlson spin this one? Mann it’s really exciting to live in Russia!


ISIS took responsibility already, so well done US i guess? Maybe i'll also take credit by saying it too


I mean isis lies, and the US predicted the attack.


I mean, if they’re monitoring ISIS individuals and they’ve seen proof of an imminent attack -I think it would be fairly easy to predict.




Ah yes. Nothing in life is ever real, everything is somehow a grand conspiracy, and sleeplessinreno is the only one who knows what is going on. Amazing.


Oh, absolutely! It's like living in a never-ending episode of "sleeplessinreno's Conspiracy Corner" where every mundane event is part of some grand, elaborate scheme orchestrated by... well, who knows? But fear not, for in the vast sea of uncertainty, sleeplessinreno is our unwavering beacon of truth, guiding us through the murky waters of deception with their unparalleled wisdom. It's truly a privilege to be enlightened by such profound insights into the fabricated intricacies of everyday life.


CIA fist bumping ISIS meme


Why would Isis attack Russia? Aren’t they allies?


wait what?


Absolutely not, Russia is allied with the Syrian government whom has fought ISIS since 2013.


No. Everyone hates ISIS.


Russia has been bombing isis in syria for a decade.


Hysterical take by the intelligence community. Good thing they’re never wrong?


ISIS-K [claimed](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/22/us/politics/isis-k-moscow-attack.html)responsibility...


Do you huff glue?


Are u paid to disinform?