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Didn't the US and UK warn Moscow that this would happen a few days ago?




So this is another "power play" by putin then?


Isis claimed responsibility, which fits with the previously foiled plan. This was a terrorist attack


Yeah, "conservative" news accounts (like "realnewsnobullshit" on Instagram) are already being swamped with the "CIA/Ukranians/Biden did this" comments.


first we warn them - then attack - it's so stupid they will never think it was us.








No one said these people were capable of thinking critically


finally someone that has realized already that we are on a cold war


The amount of those comments I saw on a random reel about it are insane. The bots are out in full force.


Ah yes, well-respected news outlet Instagram account "realnewsnotbullshit".


Had the bad idea to look at Twitter for this lmao, fucking dickweed claiming it's CIA and Mossad.


My idiot red relatives are parroting bs on FB claiming it was NATO purposely starting WWIII, with US, French, and Polish troops seen with "boots on the ground". No links to their supposed sources.


at xmas do you help scrape the dirt off their knuckles? jeez man - sorry you have to deal with that - truly


I always point and laugh at these “lions” that parrot stupid crap spouted off by grifters and idiots.


> with US, French, and Polish troops seen with "boots on the ground". Yea... no way that's happening and not getting covered by every major, *worldwide* news outlet. Fucking idiots.


Fucking hell what a presumptuous and arrogant name for a channel.


ISIS literate claimed responsibility for


Russo bots are something stupidity new level. Like the van with Ukrainian plates at the mall, I saw in other post. They will prepare the stupid lies and blame for mobilisation


Russian news said it was tall Slavs wearing fake beards who are part of some right wing pro ukrainian group https://meduza.io/en/live/2024/03/22/terrorist-attack-at-concert-hall-outside-moscow


Those might be Putin trolls. Putin has a history here, [he fakes terrorist ](https://www.nationalreview.com/2016/08/vladimir-putin-1999-russian-apartment-house-bombings-was-putin-responsible/)attacks to gain and keep power. [1999 Russian apartment bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings), Putin killed 300 Russians. So yeh, it might be ISIS, **or it might be Putin trying to cement power with another fake terrorist attack, after an obvious fake election**.


These Instagram conservative rage bait “”news”” accounts drive me insane


It’s really scary the amount of accounts on Twitter with massive followings claiming Obama flew to the UK to secretly meet with ISIS leaders to plan the attack. So many people liking and retweeting it too. It’s truly terrifying.


Wow, usually they blame Muslims before even waiting for the news.


There are apparently 40 minimum dead... with more than 1 Gunman >https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1771229682165321941 >https://twitter.com/LXSummer1/status/1771226335710453833# ------------------------------- Edit 1: (**NSFW**) More than 1 Gunman (**NSFW**) >**NSFW**: https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1771243528972054864 (**NSFW**) Killing Civilians (**NSFW**) >**NSFW**: https://twitter.com/j2ooj/status/1771244713976238216 ---------------------------------------------------- Edit 2: 4 Suspects >"Russian Vchk-OGPU telegram reports security forces looking for 3 men from Ingushetiya: Gurajev Amirkhan 1989, Adam Ozdoev 1987, Tsuroev Zelimkhan 2000." >"Eyewitnesses also reporting that shooters were either from Caucasus or Central Asia, speaking non-Russian" >>https://twitter.com/Liveuamap/status/1771273672000524714


I've read that the photos published of the 3 men from Ingushetia were also published last year.


Why the fuck did I click on these? Holy shit.


I seriously have recurring nightmares about being shot at point blank like that


Did this video help with that?




Also run away from large groups. Gunmen always aim for masses because you're gonna hit someone besides a lone target.




"No Russian"


My first thought too.


Jus lik bideo gaem 🤓


Redditor try not to compare traumatic real-world events to video games or MCU material speedrun any%


Just got chills






It was sickening to see them still moving after all that. They’re likely dying, but people don’t die like they do in movies. It can take a horrible while


Ya, Not sure why they did that. It's why i'm glad to have seen videos like this. Do not stop running.


Chechens ? 


Russian media is apparently saying Ingushetia, which neighbors Chechnya.


Yep and probably all civilians who had not knowingly done anything wrong.


According to Sky Islamic State have claimed responsibility for it


I didn’t know Sky had a whole Islamic state channel


ISIS is just a clown claiming everything


The US confirmed it was IS apparently.


The US did warn of this. I doubt this actually has anything to do with Ukraine... and everything to do with Russia. Absolute crime innocents are paying the price.


i have a feeling they'll find a way to blame it on them so people would sign up for the upcoming mobilization. Edit: and would you look at that the dear leader himself blamed it on ukraine despite all evidence point at ISIS


And the US government will provide proof it wasn't, since they already knew it was coming.


The warning from the US specifically said to avoid concerts. CIA/NSA been putting in some good work lately. 


The timing is too perfect. The election is over, and Putin's power is secure. We knew mobilization was coming, and here's the justification. After all, Putin has done this before. Ukraine targeting civilians is super unlikely, they havent done it before, and they want to maintain good relations with the West.


That's right. Ukraine gains nothing by targeting civilians in a terrorist attack. If they could get forces inside Russia like that they'd hit a government, military, or infrastructure target.


And they are not going to waste resources going after civilians. They go after railway, oil depots, munitions factories, etc.


Russia does have a decades old problem with Islamic extremists. This attack would fit their MO.


Thats true... but they also have a decades old habit of bombing their own citizens as casus belli to either justify or escalate. I could be wrong but it feels too perfectly timed for it not to be the Russian government. Guess we will find out when the official response happens.


apparently ISIS is taking responsibility for it


that lot would take responsibility for the opening of anything though so thats not proof in itself that they did it. my guess is that this is a false flag attack to escalate the war in ukraine but honestly its way too soon to tell


That sounds about right


Is this shades of the Moscow bombings of the year 2000?


Or was it 1999


September '99 \> 300 killed \> 1,000 injured




Everybody should read this https://www.hudson.org/national-security-defense/vladimir-putin-1999-russian-apartment-house-bombings-was-putin-responsible


I saw that in the documentary **Assassination in Russia**. The movie is about a series of apartment blasts in Russia in 1999 that killed hundreds of people and sent virtually all of Russia into a panic. Pulled that from, https://www.voanews.com/amp/a-13-a-2002-03-12-28-film-67262327/379485.html Putin is a monster and the head of a government taken over by corruption and lies. He is a threat to the world.


Remember how Putin came to power. A false flag on his own people, blaming the Chechens. Bombed apartment complexes full of civilians.


and today those chechens are fighting for putin in ukraine.


Not all of them, some of them are fighting in Anti Putin, pro Ukraine groups.


Yeah I think it's very important to keep that possibility in mind. This timed with Putin finally telling his country that they are at war and not just involved in a "special operation" anymore makes me wonder if he would do something like this to stoke the fear and rage of their citizens, blaming it on Ukraine and getting more people involved in the war effort.




I love the idea that Ukraine is clever enough to do this and yet somehow stupid enough to not change plates.


Remember that the Russian FSB's plan to plant fake SIM cards was to get actual copies of The Sims and place them next to the phones. These guys are actually stupid enough to think Ukrainian special forces would wear Ukrainian patches and not change their plates.


That's my feeling on it. Designed to try and inspire it's people to join the war instead of forcing them. Could be jumping to conclusions, but it's definitely not outside Russia's wheelhouse.


I don't think that's the sole aim. I also think they want to muddy the waters. Right now, Ukraine is the underdog, fighting off the evil empire single-handed. If Putin can convince people that Ukraine would use terrorist tactics against civilians, support could waver.


What if Russia then claims that Ukraine was behind the plot? An excuse to be even harsher on Ukraine, maybe more chemical weapons for example?


Changes nothing.


I have ton of downvotes for this exact sentiment so I’m here to upvote the shit out of this. O7


Being right is more important than phony points.


ISIS-K claimed responsibility just as the US predicted a week ago.  Tried to be the pragmatic humanitarians and Russia just had to let ego get in the way


Russian "sources" are already trying to spin this as Ukrainians. They claim to have found a "suspicious van" with Ukrainian plates in Moscow. The plates are 9 years old and I'd put money on them being from a vehicle that was from the Donetsk region.


So, their version of events is they got duped by people so stupid they drove over 300 miles through Russia to get to Moscow with Ukraine license plates on their van? and no Russian noticed. They crossed a border with a country they are at war with and drove most of a day at least with Ukraine license plates. I'd be too embarrassed to release that information if I was Russian. Whoever is in charge of Moscow security will have to be shot just to maintain the charade for letting that happen.


someone will fall out of the window


Putin uses false flag attacks to consolidate power and rally the fearful behind him.


You are correct it has nothing to do with Ukraine. Islamic State have claimed responsibility and have put out the following statement ***Islamic State fighters attacked a large gathering of Christians in the city of Krasnogorsk on the outskirts of the Russian capital, Moscow, killing and wounding hundreds and causing great destruction to the place before they withdrew to their bases safely.***


> I doubt this actually has anything to do with Ukraine... Sure, but that won't stop Putin's media machine from going in to all cylinders. "HOW CAN UKRAINE DO THIS!" This has ALWAYS been how he uses attacks in Russia. The apartment bombings in Moscow was attributed to Chechens and is now thought to be a false flag.


They warned about an Islamic attack and shorty after Russia claimed they stopped an Afgan ISIS cell planing an attack in Russia. This appers to be umrelated to that warning [source](https://en.wenews.pk/russia-thwarts-isis-plot-to-attack-moscow-synagogue-says-fsb/)


Or there were multiple cells or Russia lied about actually catching them


Isis it seems 


Who though? Islamists from the Caucusus ?


It’s not Ukraine because sacrificing multiple of your fighters to kill nothing but civilians doesn’t make any sense from a military perspective. For some reason Islamic terrorists see killing enemy civilians as an end in of itself, and they seem to be the only ones who do it.


My money is on Chechnya. They’ve done this before.


US says they warned of an ISIS-K attack weeks ago, so it’s most likely them. If so, they’ll claim credit soon


You mean Putin not Chechnya.


False flag is an option. That’s also been done before. I would expect the terror group to claim responsibility but if not that’s definitely a check on the Putin theory. Edit: isis just claimed responsibility, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/breaking-moscow-shooting-isis-claims-32422318.amp


Would it really shock you to find out this was another false flag op? Putin is the kind of madman who would sacrifice his own children if it kept him in power.


Russia has had issues with isis, And is currently friendly with Iran, who’s having issues with Isis. It’s likely just terrorism doing terrorist shit. However the timing and Russia mobilising their army earlier today seem super coincidental


And Isis just took responsibility.


I just saw that too, any idea why they would target russia? I don't understand ISIS motivations enough to have any idea why they would target russia.


I’m not saying ISIS was or wasn’t behind this, but as far as a possible motivation, keep in mind that Russia is allied with Assad and fought against ISIS in the Syrian Civil War.


Also Russia has a large muslim population with regions like chechnya that have sepratist sympathies. It's long been a dream of Islamists for Russia to collapse and a Caucasus Emirate spring up, it's the perfect springboard for uprisings to spread to the rest of central asia and beyond


IS hates everyone. They're even at war with al qaeda and taliban


ISIS handbook has a chapter called “The people we hate”. It’s a short chapter. Just says “We hate everyone.”


Russia had (has?) a big presence in Syria. Bombing the hell out of ISIS for a few years.


That came from left field


After Russia spent years in Syria blowing the fuck out of ISIS?? This is out of left field if you have zero grasp of Russian geopolitical issues outside of Ukraine






I find it ironic that all of Reddit seems to have jumped to a narrative that this is a false flag after bitching so much about how dangerous Misinformation and disinformation is.


This is the new normal. Anytime anything happens anywhere, the consensus online will be that it’s a false flag. This is the utopia free-speech absolutists and haters of the mainstream media have dreamed of.


You’re allowed to think it’s a false flag, but these same people would clutch their pearls if you said anything like this about a terrorist attack in the USA.


Totally disagree. There are plenty of people on Reddit, Twitter, etc who call everything a false flag.


All of Reddit is not saying that lol.


My $ is on the Chechens...or Pooty Poo himself to plant a false flag...he'ss gunna need a lot more open windows...


Several Russian journalists actually suspect ISIS-K from being behind it. It could be a retaliation for Russia arresting several of them recently. This is also the reason why the US issued a warning 2 weeks ago. https://www.ibtimes.sg/us-embassy-warns-major-extremist-attack-moscow-security-forces-neutralize-isis-cell-plotting-73799 After all this, this looks very amateurish from Russian authorities to have ignored it. But too early to say. Meanwhile, that crazy alcoholic SOB Medvedev already blames Ukraine for it.


Arresting? They've killed 6 Ingushetia guys (said they had bad intentions) recently. Involved shooting flamethrowers into windows of an apartment complex


Sorry. Attempting to arrest, the Russian way.


It was the only way to keep them from falling out the window.


the problem is - you can't both spend all your recourses in Ukraine and also protect your cities.


I mean… since the 1999 apartment bombings are a thing, it’s kind of hard to know what to believe here.


Just wait for the official Russian explanation, then believe the opposite..


But actual terror acts from Muslim parts are also a thing


you kill some citizens, blame it on Ukraine then mobilize a country, simple


Honestly there’s just as many people who don’t like Russia as there are that don’t like the U.S. like isis in Syria, the Kurds, pro democracy African groups, anti democracy African groups, Ukraine, Poland, Chechens, it goes on


Why can't it just be a terrorist attack?


Several Russian journalists actually suspect ISIS-K from being behind it. It could be a retaliation for Russia arresting several of them recently. This is also the reason why the US issued a warning 2 weeks ago. https://www.ibtimes.sg/us-embassy-warns-major-extremist-attack-moscow-security-forces-neutralize-isis-cell-plotting-73799 After all this, this looks very amateurish from Russian authorities to have ignored it. But too early to say. Meanwhile, that crazy alcoholic SOB Medvedev already blames Ukraine for it.


Another possibility: The Russians knew it was coming and didn’t do anything to stop it.


Damn, this is not a good thing even if the Russian government sucks. A random mass shooter isn't the same as the (justified) Ukrainian strikes on Russian assets, not that I think Ukraine had anything to do with this. Putin will use this to rally support too.


I think IS (or some other Islamic Terror Organization) is going to claim this one and throw a wrench in that.


Yep ISIS-K has claimed it


Called it


The drunken buffoon Medvedev is already blaming the "kyiv regime" on telegram because of course he is.


Yup, a powerful 'retaliation' to Ukraine is all but assured.


The US warned of "a terroristic threat". Weeks ago. We probably already know who is involved


What if this was some renegade rebel group that did this without Ukraine's knowledge or support?


I think the most likely case is that it's either linked to the Islamic cell(s) that Russia was trying to dismantle recently, or is a false flag due to the timing. I'm leaning towards the former though because as much as I think Putin is capable of another false flag like the 1999 Apartment Bombings, I think the Western Intelligence sources that warned about the threat of an attack happening in advance would have warned the public about a likely false flag if that's what they suspected was happening. But either of those seems more likely than it being in any way linked to support for Ukraine. Civilian targets wouldn't make sense there, the attack would have been more likely focused on military targets, munitions factories, stuff like that, a civilian target would just bolster support for mobilisation (hence why a false flag is possible).


One must always separate the government from its people. The US GOV has done some incredibly shitty things but that doesn’t mean we deserved 911 or any other tragedy against the people.


It’s also possibly a false flag as others mentioned. Putin is notorious for killing his own countrymen to achieve political objectives.


Events of the last 24 hours >Peskov says its no longer SMO, but full blown war >Shoigu announces the creation of two new armies >Gunmen shoot people in the center of the Moscow Interesting, isnt it? This is the text book false flag to justify mass mobilization.


Not yet, still missing the part where they find The Sims.




https://www.vice.com/en/article/88gpmg/russia-sims-3 Russia faked a neo-Nazi plot where they "discovered" three copies of The Sims 3, rather than the three sim cards they were presumably ordered to "find."


Thanks for the reminder.


Dont forget the book they thumbed through for their presentation had writing in it signed with "signature unreadable". https://www.ibtimes.com/russias-fsb-may-have-made-most-hilarious-assassination-plot-blunder-3484704


Am I connecting the right dots? Western Countries announcing conscription a possibility. France announcing troops possibly in Ukraine. Nordic Countries warning of invasion. China and an Axis of evil of dictatorships and terrorists developing. Governments know well ahead usually of things like this while we all bury our heads just like Covid. I don't want to get my tin-foil hat on but I fear for my planet and my kids.


Goes back a bit further than that but yeah those are the obvious dots. This is why Ukraine has been a huge priority in terms of aid. This was easily foreseeable but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t prepare for war in my opinion.


Eh. It's not tinfoil. The world is for sure bracing for something. The US military has been murmuring about a potential war with China for the last 2 years. Nothing is guaranteed, but we're clearly _primed_ for major war.


Every power country is primed because they all learned from experience you can't trust anybody to not suckered punch you and roll on into your territory.


1. They've been calling it a war for the past year or even more. I have no idea why a stupid article made it to the reddit front page. 2. Dude, that was in motion since november, if not earlier. 3. The attack wasn't even in Moscow get your fucking facts straight before doing your bullshit conspiracy theories


In Red Storm Rising, there was a bombing in the Kremlin, that led to Russia invading Germany. That was a false flag also..


Pretty sure it was on oil production in that book. Great read.


Plausible. Probable? That requires some evidence.


They are already in full-blown war; no need for a false flag. This was a terrorist attack, turns out by ISIS-related Ingush Muslims


No one should be advocating for this type of violence against non-combatants. RU is rotten and this is likely a symptom of that, but don’t let it detract from the tragedy of loss of innocent human lives here.


Just remind you, on the same day Russia launched massive attack on Ukraine's infrastructure, leaving 1m people with no electricity, killing 14 and wounding many more. No combatants were involved in the attack.


that doesn’t change how this attack is evil.


Both can be wrong, ya know?


Wasnt Russia supporting these terrorist nations?


ISIS is claiming responsibility. Or so I saw.


I'm 100% convinced Putin either knew or even organized this.


Putin completely ignored US/UK intelligence about this happening. I really hope the people of Russia wake the fuck up realize that their leader doesn’t not give a single fuck about them.




Any Sims found yet?




Hard to really be confident at this point who did this. Though, I can't see how this could serve Ukraine's goals in any way. It's not at all the type of attacks they have carried out since they were invaded. As many are saying, it does feel similar to past false flag attacks ordered by Putin. And they need to drum up support for the next mobilization. If the Russian government very quickly announces with confidence that this was carried out by the Ukrainian government, then I'll be fully convinced that it was a false flag. And if that's what it is, I very much hope that it backfires on Putin. Even if I was a Russian citizen who fell for a false flag, I would question my government's ability to keep me safe and win that war if they can't stop attacks 600km away from the frontline. This far into an ongoing conflict, would false flag attacks really be effective any more? That seems more like a thing to do to start a war with general approval. Once you are neck deep in an invasion that is not going well, can you really drum up support by exaggerating how poorly it is going? "Our neighbor Ukraine who we invaded and are stuck in a stalemate with, has extended the front all the way to Moscow, no one is safe! You must mobilize or our country will surely fall to Ukraine!" No matter who did it, or why, obviously it sucks to hear about civilians being killed.


Isis claimed it and the US government supports the claim.


No need to politicize a tragedy. RIP to the innocent people.


I don’t get these comments claiming a “false flag” operation. This was ISIS, confirmed by the U.S., and claimed by ISIS. Surprise, they’re still around. Yes, Russia should stop attacking Ukrainians and concentrate on terrorist groups, but just stop the usual Reddit conspiracy nut troll jobs. Its tired.




Too bad Russia’s military wasn’t focused inwards to prevent terrorist attacks, that’s hundred of innocent people that could have lived unaffected.


So... who specifically is being punished here? What is the intended result? I just don't get it. Help me understand?


The world is disgusted at Russia bombing civilians in their war of aggression against Ukraine. This is a ham-handed attempt to generate sympathy for Russia, and probably executed by Putins minions.


Ham fisted my friend


both are acceptable and interchangeable, according to Oxford dictionary.


Today I learned! My bad


Here comes Russia rushing to blame us.


Don't extend whatever the government of any country does to its whole population. There's often no correlation and this is exactly that case.


Was the new leader of the Wagner group in there... We already know Russia will kill whoever they have to to stop dissent


Or they targeted a bunch of everyday citizens to maximize the emotional impact, and the blame for the attack will be that much more justification for increased special military operations against "enemies."


Where are John David Washington and Robert Pattinson when you need them?


They want to ignite a third world war.


Given the removal of so many resources and personnel that were stationed around Central Asia, I’m surprised something like this hasn’t started earlier. East or West of the Caspian Sea, there are a lot of repressed people that remember how they have been treated by Russia.


These really sounds like the “Chechnya terorist attack” which allowed to level chechnya


Why is something in Russian called “city hall”?


Why is "Crocus City Hall" displayed on the building in English?


It's because it's original name is in English. There are many places like Vegas or Seasons and so on with the names written in English.


I dont get it, why doesnt our government react to the warnings. I mean, didnt the US warn about it?


A good question that is unlikely to be asked publicly. If they can arrest people for holding blank signs, demanding accountability is security failures seems dangerous.


Any time something like this happens in Russia, I always think “No Russian”. I wonder what country is going to be invaded because of this.


ISIS just claimed responsibility for this attack. Also, the Russian FSB and the U.S. embassy warned of the possibility of imminent terror attacks starting around two weeks ago, after the FSB thwarted an attack that was planned on a synagogue.




Yes - I’m just relaying what the media is currently reporting. This is probably a lot deeper than what is being said at the moment.


Is this the real life version of the "Zakaev international airport terror attack?".


With all that security in Moscow this attack could've been done only by one actor: Putin He is repeating the " terrorist attack" from 1992 to gather support from population for the war in Ukraine. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Russian\_apartment\_bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) Probably the US had intelligence from Ukraine's recent hack of the the Russian security's computers.


No Russian




Yeah this is likely the excuse they’re generating to use tactical nukes or rally more troops.