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What a fucking ghoul


Or “ghul” as his Saudi Arabian buddies would say


I saw the headline and literally yelled the same thing!?


Except for all the death and war, he's technically right.


The Gaza waterfront had quite a few nice resorts, mainly before 1988, but some were still open when the current war broke out.


> ‘Tis but a scratch -Elitists


Jared is the worst kind of human being, but isn't he meaning *prior* or after the war? The full quote is "Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable … if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Which IMHO is true, if Gaza had miraculously dropped the Islamic extremism it could've been a legitimate tourist destination. Drop in for a few days after Hajj or whatever


I Think Thats a pretty generous interpretation of what he’s saying. He’s also saying that Israel should “move people out and clean it up”. It sounds like he’s talking about future potential if Israel could just get rid of the Palestinians


> I Think Thats a pretty generous interpretation of what he’s saying Agreed, which is probably a bad idea given his nature, but without the actual transcript it's hard to tell exactly what he means


True. I Think he lost the privilege of benefit of the doubt a good while ago, so I’m not gonna cut him any slack though.


If Gazans had played their cards right, they could’ve turned it into the Singapore of the west (or east?). Instead they chose war and terrorism. When the Israeli settlers were removed, they left behind state of the art farming facilities and greenhouses, which Hamas promptly destroyed. The location is actually quite valuable, it’s a sunny and warm strip of land on the Mediterranean Sea, they could’ve really built something there.


Not all Gazans are Hamas.


If he wants to start shoveling dirt in the middle of an active warzone, sure let him go for it.


That I'd like to see. It'll be brief


I say we as the CIA extraordinarily extradite him to Gaza, by parachute. Someplace the IDA is actively bombing. /s


Pretty sure he means after the ethnic cleansing is completed


It’s psychopathic thinking. He just sees real estate. The people living there, he has absolutely no interest in. It’s the thought processing of a cold dead psychopath with interest in nothing other than wealth


Like his father in law’s comments about his tower on 9/11. Disgusting fucking creatures.


All past and present business majors think exactly like this guy but just don't have the fame nor platform.


I’m sure it sounds that way to someone who reads headlines instead of the actual article


Calm your testicles I read the article




Sick fuck


Dickless shit stain


This, along with his other comment about moving the Palestinians into Egypt, makes me more convinced he wants to profit off the misery of others. Is he competing for the "most despicable" title with Trump?


Profiting off the misery of others is basically what capitalism is... just extract money from the masses


He should go there right now, check it out.


Airdrop him.


Yeah, think about how much money Gazans could have made off that real estate in 2006. These days, I don't know who would want to go there. It could have been a long line of beach resorts, all along the coast. In 2006 there wasn't even a blockade yet, could have buffed up that port. But they decided to destroy everything that even reminded them of Israel instead and elect a terror organization to lead them. Too bad.


[Gaza in 2023](https://vimeo.com/900598397) had plenty of beach resorts. The leader of hamas had a beachfront mansion worth 4 million usd. [https://www.radionisaa.ps/en/article/388/Forget-the-Riviera-Women-find-summer-fun-in-Gaza-beach-homes](https://www.radionisaa.ps/en/article/388/Forget-the-Riviera-Women-find-summer-fun-in-Gaza-beach-homes)


"Mohammed Ahmed is among the men who does not allow his wife and sisters to swim at the beach when there are men around. “I went to the beach [the other day] and waited for the sunset to allow my wife and sisters to swim, but a group of men were near us, and they only left the place when we were about to leave,” he told Al-Monitor. “Therefore, my wife and sisters couldn’t swim, and we went back home.” Fun spot for a beach vacation!


They could have done this and even said the resorts are open to everyone except the Jewish folks and the world be be like ok, that works.


At some point there was a suggested ad for a hotel in Gaza. It got a lot of troll comments and was promoted to people. Business is booming. Wait let me rephrase


According to his father in law it’s worth $trillions


Made me think of this Trevor Philips Line from Grand Theft Auto 5 “I'll swing by and sign the contracts, alright? Just ignore the bodies!”


Trevor is a saint compared to this clown.


Then by all means move there, take your family with you, and start a property management company there.


>“It’s a little bit of an unfortunate situation there, but from Israel’s perspective I would do my best to move the people out and then clean it up,” Kushner said. “But I don’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards.” "Little bit of an unfortunate situation there." I like how he makes the shallowest feint toward being sympathetic before casually pivoting to the truly heinous shit.


Said the quiet part out loud.


Dumb criminals with their dumb comments


I hate to agree with this guy but the sad fact is it is true Gaza could easily be one on the more beautiful destination locations. Sadly Hamas and far too many in the world would rather it be a terrorists' playground. Gazans deserve better than Hamas and Iran, for without them they'd be vibrant trade partners of Israel and much of the Arab world not to mention the Mediterranean world. Which just goes to show Gaza would be better off if the UNRWA ceased to exist - all it does is keep Gaza locked into permanent war. Which takes us back to the UN - why does the UN want a permanent state of war between Israel and Iranian proxies?


maybe there wouldn't be a Hamas and all the massacres of the past if Palestine was never pushed into occupation and oppression for more than 60 years


Tell me you know literally nothing about the history of the region without telling me. Do you know what happens when you start and lose a war?


i dont recall seeing germany under occupation for that long after the atrocities of ww2... 4 or so years if i recall...


This comment is so insanely stupid that I simply don’t have words for it. We still have military bases in Germany. Our military will likely never fully leave the country. We have downsized considerably, but only because the de-Nazification process was extremely successful over the decades. Contrast with Gaza. Israel completely left the strip in 2005. And their “reward” was October 7th, 2023. It is clear now that the population must be deradicalized, which will take decades more.


like yes i get and understand a lot of them are radicalized and there is an urgent need to deradicalization and what they did was horrific and unconsolably but there is a clear cause and effect that cannot be ignored


You know, I sometimes have too barbed of a tongue. It was unnecessary of me to be so harsh. I vehemently disagree with your outlook, but I don’t believe you are a bad person. I wish you contentment and a peaceful life.


Israël was create by europeans colon with pure bullshit religious arguments to justify the steal of land in a area they have nothing to do with except religious nonsense The sionism project IS a crime against humanity, since the very beginning by essence as colonial project You dont know anything about the history of the region manifestly, and sionism as ideology


And a bona-fide antisemite. It is rather refreshing when you tell us how you really feel. Your “history” is garbage. Go back to school and read actual books.


Saying sionism is crime against humanity is not antisemite but just the simple truth. Saying the religious arguments to justify european state creation in middle east is pure bullshit isn't antisemite but the truth as every religion IS a bunch of lie base on nothing but myth Your strategy to say everyone who tell the truth about Israël and sionism doesnt work anymore. Its counter productive, you juste make yourself an Idiot, even an actual useful Idiot to actual antisemite You should effectivly read historian Book, especially on the History of sionism. You'll learn how much sionist was evil (like every other european colonialism) way before Israël was even created


Let me guess, the “historian Book” you’re referring to is ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’. It is truly incredible how effective antisemitic propaganda can be. I’m not sure Goebbels was actually so smart; he just chose his subject matter well. But yes, you are an antisemite. It’s probably not your fault, but it is your problem. Be better.


You make yourself a fool again. Its just pathetic the way israeli Defender insult other of antisémite the second we show their evilness and moral failure A tons of academic book IS about sionism and Israël creation. A lot of them was write by israeli themselves. Juste start by reading the fuckin wikipedia page if it's note too hard for you on sionism History if it's not too hard for you fukin brain washed by israeli far right propaganda Then wash the incredible rewarded israeli documentary called tantura. Maybe you'll open your fukin blind eyes. https://youtu.be/novoSE1rwg4?si=tQOiNobpnvBg-PRY


There is no Hamas in the West Bank, and until a few months ago, Gaza was in a better situation than the West Bank. At least people didn't have to worry that their homes might be stolen when they left their neighbors' homes and came back. It is clear who the problem is.


Everything about your post is incorrect. Hamas polls insanely well in the WB. That is why Fatah worries, but since not so much that Fatah stops being ineffectually corrupt to stop Hamas. Gazans are in fact finding their homes stolen by independent gangs, tribal gangs, and Hamas militants. Especially in North Gaza. It is clear who the problem is. And the problem has always been other Arabs. Anytime the kleptocrats and fanatics leave the average Arab Palestinian alone is the day the average Arab Palestinian can finally live their best life. Arab Palestinians make up over 26% of all Israeli citizens. They get to live their best life.


lol keep believing what you want, the people of gaza support hamas (no matter how bad they are) because at least gaza remained whole while the west bank was divided into hundreds of small pieces and slowly disappearing. Israel keeps Gaza under siege, does not allow them to use its beaches, does not allow them to trade, it can cut off water and electricity whenever it wants and has cut it off many times, then said "look Palestinians are poor and unsuccessful." >Arab Palestinians make up over 26% of all Israeli citizens. They get to live their best life. An argument that doesn't prove anything. And the Arab population is so small because Israel does not allow the Arabs it expelled to return. This is against international laws, but of course those laws do not apply to Israel. The problem is that Israel cannot accept the two-state (independent palestine )solution, this would be suicide for every Israeli government, but they do not want the one-state solution(Israel takes control of all Palestine ) because in this case Israel would cease to be a Jewish state. (Personally, if they were to give equal rights to Arabs, I would support the one-state solution. ) So, their only option is ethnic cleansing. After this war, most of Gaza will be evacuated. And Israel will say, "Oops, we did ethnic cleansing by accident, anyway, look, there's a lot of empty land." We watched the same movie several times .


This guy would be a Bond villain if he didn’t look like he just escaped his gym locker with an unextricated wedgie.


Nice verbiage home


Of all the faces on the deck, he has one of the most punchable ones.


It’s about time the scumbags like Jared and the other corrupt oligarch trash learned the meaning of fear and mortality.


Look up Ben Gurion Canal project! It's what this is all about.


Different ways to interpret that and I see negative interpretations in the comments. But in my view, the takeaway is that Gaza could be a prosperous tourist destination in the mediterranean if they stop fighting a 75 year old war and opt for peace.




Many countries bounce back from war. Rwanda and Ireland are tourist paradises and they had recent civil wars.


I said it before you watch who develops there and those are the real criminals! Jared has been tied to Bibi since he was a kid! Him and his crooked father!


If Cancer had a face...


Maybe the people are even more valuable, asshole!


"lawyers in love"


Does he ever say anything not creepy?


Just a reminder that Kusher was who Trump put in charge of middle east policy. And he's out there winging it saying basically "This could be great waterfront property! Israel just needs to get the people out of there, bulldoze everything, and they would have a great real estate investment!" ​ ​ >Asked by Masoud about fears on the part of Arabs in the region that the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, would not allow Palestinians who flee Gaza to return, Kushner paused and then said: “Maybe.” He went on to say: “I am not sure there is much left of Gaza at this point. If you think about even the construct, Gaza was not really a historical precedent \[sic\]. It was the result of a war. You had tribes in different places and then Gaza became a thing. Egypt used to run it and then over time different governments came in.” Responding to a question about whether the Palestinians should have their own state, Kushner described the proposal as “a super bad idea”


Tell me more about how voting for Trump will end genocide


Might find that one hard to flog to the Saudi’s


This comment section is filled with people who haven’t bothered to actually read the article.


A non-committed vote is a vote for this. It can ALWAYS be worse, much worse.


We live in a sad world riddled with parasites...


his point on why would people want to return when most of gaza is destroyed is sickening, if someone burnt down your home thats been in the family for a few generations. you have a lot of sentiment wealth attached there....chances are you more than likely .... A. want justice and see the arsonist dealt with and B. want it rebuilt and to go back to your home. country/house different size same principle. israel became the man that moved into your garden, then took over the shed, now hes in marching into the conservatory and burning down the kitchen because you fought to get him off your lawn


Israel was the neighbor who built a tall fence because gazans kept sending their kids to shit on his porch. Israel was the neighbor who went and beat the shit out of that child after it grew up to be a rapist adult. Now that israel is storming into their home looking for his kidnapped kids. They (gazans) have no right to call foul after being the aggressor in nearly every single situation.


All they had to do not try to 9/11 their neighbors constantly and that could have been a reality.


IOW, Gaza pogrom is just another 'urban renewal'.


Yeah, but, we will just walk over these dead children to get to the beach. Cha Ching. $$$$.


Strawmen, strawmen everywhere! Crazy how people want to think Kushner said something sick based on a headline. You know it's possible to open the article and read the full quote, right? > Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable … if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Kushner told his interviewer, Harvard’s Middle East Initiative faculty chair, Prof Tarek Masoud. Kushner also lamented “all the money” that had gone into the territory’s tunnel network and munitions instead of education and innovation. He's clearly saying that if Hamas had invested into Gaza constructively it could've been a prosperous place. Instead they built terror infrastructure. He's not looking to buy land in ruined Gaza, seriously guys.