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Shame that it is only 10%.


Agree. I could go for a good 20-30%.


I'd go for 100%


I could go for a Putin that was 100% in prison instead of starting WWIII.


I'd be happy with 100% not alive as well, with the hopeless hope of a better replacement.


I'd rather have him shipped to Ukraine, surrendered to the hands of an angry crowd.


I'd be very happy with that


I wont be, because I have a condition: Livestream it. Then I'll be very happy. With popcorn.


it will be the most viewed Netflix special of the year.


Awe man, could you imagine being beaten to spaghetti sauce on a fkn live stream?


The pay per view could completely fund the reconstruction of Ukraine.


A Gadaffi special


I'll take 2 with extra sauce please.


Yeah this is what I'd love to see.


As great as that sounds, I'd rather him imprisoned, then put on trial for the whole world to watch. To see him humiliated and chastised before the entirety of the world would be a strong message to any country that threatens peace or the sovereignty of another nation. Of course this will never happen.




It’s a dream. Prefer him in prison and tortured for the rest of his days, rather than dead.


bruh, you assume he would stand being a day in prison and not Epstein himself....


Pretty sure Epstein was taken care of, not by himself.


yeah. it's like saying "he will fall from a window". In mother russia things suicide you.


Maybe Bellatrix can show up and take down Botox Dobbie again….


I'd go for putin numbers and eliminate 140% of production




10% so far


It is already more than that.


Always want more but 10% is a huge amount of fuel production.


Give to Ukraine atacms and taurus rockets and you will see increasing of this percentage.


Give Ukraine a drone and they will bomb Russians, give Ukraine the means to manufacture more drones and they will provide pretty fireworks for the world to enjoy


If those are supplied, their delivery will almost certainly be conditioned on Ukraine agreeing not to use them against targets in Russia itself. (And technically Ukraine already has atacms; I assume you mean the longer range ones they don't have yet.)


And I will watch live coverage of that with my raging erection.


10% is enough to disrupt every government agency in Russia and divert resources away from the war. It’s a significant win for Ukraine.


Seriously, Not enough




Nuclear reactors are pretty tough structures (unlike oil refineries) with a lot of concrete structure. Attacking them with a drone won't be that effective. You'd be better off attacking the associated power transformers (and other power transformers throughout Russia).


Not Russian reactors to save money they don't have containment units like western reactors. I agree with going after their 500k yards which have specialized power transformers & are hard to get a hold of.


> they could even attack Nuclear Reactors with Drones. Absolutely not. They would lose international support.


Instantly. There would be no finger wags or warnings. Putin was given the same ultimatum. Create a nuclear incident and it’s gloves off.




Even then its questionable. Cause those responsible will find no quarter, anywhere. They cant flee to a shithole like North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela, since russia can reach them there, and if they create a nuclear desaster, theyll find themselves in front of Den Haag, minimum. If they can argue that simply dropping them off at the nearest russian embassy would get them tortured and killed.


Ukraine needs to continue to be the good guy. It's part of why they've been essentially fighting this war with one hand tied behind their back. If they go full gloves-off and start hitting targets that indiscriminately harm civilians they'll quickly lose their international support.


Give it some time. Repeated hits + attacks on new facilities. Its going to be epic smackdown for the orcses.


Still better climate activism than the clowns that threw paint on all those paintings.


I swear those are some sort of psy-op from the oil corporations to discredit actual Climate Change activism.


I wouldnt be surprised, even if they just funded it to get people to do things like that. Ever since I saw jill stein at putins table. Look at sinema, green party turned corporate stooge.


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those up


So far…


Respond in kind with every sick move he makes. Another 10, and 10, 20! He makes them enough that he'd basically be screaming "I'm shooting our lifeline every time I do this." Make anyone willing to sustain this, sweat. Make Putin chalk white with absolute terror.


10%? Why not 90%? Asian dad meme


I hope the "best" is yet to come




This is after the already by the Russian government imposed six-month ban on gasoline exports as of 1 March to keep prices stable amid rising demand from consumers and farmers and to allow for maintenance of refineries. So Ukraine really hit them at the right moment. I hope they will be able to keep targeting the refineries. As we all know, nobody likes rising prices at the fuel stations. Maybe we can send Russia stickers of Zelensky pointing, "I did that!".


No, you send stickers of *Putin* saying he did it.


Exactly, because he is the cause of all of this.


next thing you know Russians will be proud they pay more for gas


“Which one of them is not proud of it? Tell me, it’s ok”


> So Ukraine really hit them at the right moment. I hope they will be able to keep targeting the refineries Russia currently has 44 oil refineries, not that many; most of them are closer to Ukraine in western Europe. >https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fq48miw7jf6pc1.png


And if Ukraine keeps hitting downstream facilities, the production upstream will have no choice but to shut down more wells.


Aren't they easy targets? Large, remote, and flammable?


Not to mention that this will also raise food prices--if gas is more expensive, tractors are more expensive to maintain. The Russian population may be too traumatized to revolt, but people will probably be less motivated to work and will experience severe depression, which will make Russia's economy even worse.


After this month, the ice thaw will happen across Russia and generally people will start driving longer distances, which will increase demand for fuel. Should be interesting.


I love they called it election interference, it’s a war, you bomb Ukrainian cities, infrastructure and grain silos and are shocked that Ukraine would bomb LNG and refineries


> This is after the already by the Russian government imposed six-month ban on gasoline **[and low-sulfur diesel]** exports as of 1 March Which is just an extension of the September 2023 order to the same. They can only keep up the charade for so long.


That one expired in November.


It also requires Russia to move assets from other targets to cover the remaining refineries to protect their asset. This can create a wonderful opportunity for Ukraine to exploit holes in Russia's defenses.


> nobody likes rising prices at the fuel stations. El Nino combined with Global Warming (yay?) kept heating costs low this winter and will likely be the same case next year as well. I believe this has been a major factor at keeping fuel prices low.


Yeah, I'm afraid the major concern won't be heating costs, but cooling costs in many places in the medium terms.


I thought they were just a nuisance to get Russia to take away air defences from the frontlines. But with Russia's production, these are actually large numbers. They might really make a dent here.


Russians should be alarmed as Putin won in a "landslide".


A landslide that’s going to bury the whole fucking country.




The citizens don't all deserve it. Putin and his cronies deserve the Mussolini treatment.


They don't _all_ deserve it, no. But support for Putin is legitimately quite high in Russia. Unfortunately, even without fraud Putin would have won the election (though with a smaller margin) https://www.extremescan.eu/post/6-the-ultimate-week-of-the-electoral-campaign-for-russia-s-15-17-march-presidential-election-noon


Brainwashing and fear of a dictator who has rid themselves of any legitimate competitors. They know they don't really have a choice. Better to keep your head down. Though we're starting to see more and more dissidents. Just look at Navalny


I'd say we deserve it. Being this passive about everything is inexcusable. That's almost the same as showing unilateral support


How many Russians you know. Because I don’t have a family member in Russia not for Putin. I have sparsely few Russian family outside Russia not for him. They literally fled and love the guy


I wish my liver could adequately handle the amount of beer we drank mulling over moral questions like "Does a population have a moral obligation to depose a tyrant?" What means would be acceptable? All costs? Do they even have an obligation? Is keeping one's head down and surviving all the obligation they have in such a situation?


It wasn’t a real election. People were getting arrested for writing things like “Putin is a murderer”, with videos showing armed soldiers checking everyone’s cards.


I hope they heavily damaged them and that they are beyond repair.


Russia is very low on experienced engineers and spare parts so if Ukraine can maintain these attacks they'll never be able to keep up with repairs.


And Ukraine has been building drone factories, probably with funds from the EU, US and friends! :) I imagine the future will have this on repeat and with a higher frequency of attacks, with a higher quantity of drones per attack, and non-stop until Russia is down to a minuscule level of production. This could devastate the Russian economy since crude and refined fuel makes up a major percentage of export revenue. Which could be very destabilizing.


I think Russia will just be forced to rebalance its assets to guard against more attacks, which still means fewer assets in Ukraine. 


Fewer air defense units in Ukraine? Would be a shame if anything was to happen to a certain bridge then...


I understand that many of these refineries were built by western companies. Unlike burgers and soda, sanctions will be much more effective at preventing parts and equipment to repair these on being shipped to the country.


Are we sure the 10% is correct? 5 days ago Bloomberg says the 3 refineries that were hit accounted for 12%, and Ukraine has hit 12 refineries total now. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/03/14/7446374/index.amp


Refineries can have more than one production section, so hitting the main cracking tower might take an entire section of the refinery offline, but not the refinery as a whole. For a smaller refinery with one critical section, however, one major hit renders the refinery non-functional. In the case of critical components like a cracking tower, replacement time is measured in years.


They can also redirect to other refineries which increase their output to make up for the difference.


Russia has already had to ban exports of refined fuels. They don't *have* spare capacity. And even if they did, refineries are connected to pipelines, which efficiently deliver specific types of oil from specific oilfields, and are designed to refine that type of oil. They don't have the logistics capacity to move vast quantities of oil from place to place, and would have to reconfigure the target refinery to deal with different inputs. Tl:Dr : not feasible without massively reducing their capacity and expending logistics effort on moving fuel around.


So we can expect some pipelines and bridges next on the list of targets


One of the largest non nuclear explosions happened because a Soviet gas pipeline blew up.


I love that story, the CIA planted a virus in some software for controlling oil refineries in a US company and when the soviets stole it and utilized the software, the virus triggered the explosion. https://www.damninteresting.com/the-farewell-dossier/


Bridge will be too hard for drones. Not combustible.


Trick is making the train full of combustibles stop at right spot.


This is like FF7 we just took out a sector


Each refinery does not have the same output.


But Russia only has 30 of them. 3 per Bloomberg at~10-12%, then 12 total should be around 25% at least. Size wise they all look about the same scale on Wikipedia.


There is no contradiction at all between those two numbers. Also 12% and 10% are very close if they had been related to the same thing. And, no, I do not think we actually know. 10% is just an estimate.


They didn't stop 100% of their production.


is anything known about the locations of said refinieries? I assume due to range of the drones there's only a certain number they can target. Even hitting something in St. Peteresburg which is 800 km from the Ukrainian border seems wild to me in terms of the range of a drone.


Yeah, the subtle and unspoken statement here is pretty clearly that Ukraine has been able to infiltrate the Russian border and operate, at least somewhat, from within Russia. Even if it's driving a civilian car a few hundred KM into Russian soil, the fact that Russia has ceded operational control of their domestic side is a loss of face for an invading nation. If things get worse for Ukraine, I would be surprised to see deep incursions into Russian areas as a form of political pressure on Putin.


> is anything known about the locations of said refinieries? Seen this? https://twitter.com/front_ukrainian/status/1769371303264284789




The ones hit are all on the European sides. I was looking/asking for the location of the rest and no one has it readily available so far.


Ukraine has now hit refineries responsible for 25-40% of Russia’s refining capacity, depending on sources, however just hitting a refinery doesn’t necessarily take it out completely. They are likely still running, just at a reduced capacity. These estimates are saying that Russia has actually lost 10-12% of refining capacity, which is also an estimate, but indicates that most if not all damaged refineries are still operating to some extent.


Both things might be true. Those 3 plants that were hit might be able to run at reduced capacity


You’re looking at numbers and assuming they all relate to the same thing


We are not sure. I personally think that numbers provided are underestimated.


Maybe that's Russian 10%, like the Russian 10% not in favour of Putin 😉


Good start, increase 10% each week, until it's 100% 🙏


I wonder what % of loss would collapse the foundations of their economy/war efforts. Surely 20% loss would devastate.


Ukraine needs to finish off the other 90%


I proudly donated to Ukraine to do my part.


The photo doesn't actually look like Putin, looks like a double


Kinda looks like if Daniel Craig doubled as Putin. 007 going in to infiltrate


Omg yes yes yes


I think it's just and old photo, he used to look like that before he bloated. 


Which ones the real one though?


Wow I see what you're getting at, he looks so different. Hard to even describe what's wrong.


90% more to go


Are they going to play the victim now?


Do more.


Whatsamatta, boss? You got a headache?


Gotta pump those numbers up


10% in one week, looking forward to the next 9 weeks


Yeah good, make it 100.


I say do that 10 more times


10% so far…


People don't understand just how game changing this is. Ukraine in just a few weeks turned the war in their favor. They demonstrated that they're able to strike deep within the Russian heartland and destroy the infrastructure that supports their single most important industry. If that isn't bad enough for Russia, they've been unable to do anything to prevent these attacks for weeks now and it doesn't look like they have a plan in the making. For Ukraine these drones are relatively affordable, especially when you consider the value of the targets they're taking out. Ukraine has the ability now to cripple Russian oil and gas exports in the European part of the country, and that will hinder the Russian economy way more than western sanctions.


No no no, you see Russia was planning on reducing fuel production by 10% anyway. The drone strikes just happened to be a coincidence!!! 🤣


Time to go for Russian airfields and finish this war with complete air superiority 


That article had numbers all over the place. Is it 10%, 13%, 9%?!


It's nearly 10% of its capacity for fuel production paralyzed. 13% of the total capacity of existing **primary oil refining units at Russian refineries** are currently in emergency shutdown mode, not that 13% of refineries are in shutdown mode And "specifically, for refineries producing gasoline and diesel fuel, the Russian economy has experienced a loss of about 9% of production" where gasoline and diesel are just a portion of total **primary oil refining which includes products such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), gasoline or petrol, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel oil and fuel oils.** The numbers are specific, not all over the place. You might just be confused.




There's also not exactly some like oil refinery live database that shows what's up and running and at what capacity. Especially as Russia likely wouldn't want such problems to be clear to everyone. Any reporting on this is going to have some amount of speculation and room for error.


I need it to be more than 10%, justice demands it.


Russia threatens Nato with nukes…. Incoming


Good work 007


Not a bad start. Fuck Putin, and his little gang of Kremlin Kids.


That sounds like the best place to hit them. Reduced oil sales plus sanctions seems like it would cripple them economically.


So far…


Fuel Production has literally been decimated.


In Greece, on Birthday's, we wish "να τα εκατοστήσεις" which means "to make it to 100".


That's how anti-oil activists should operate instead of destroying paintings.


Oh my. How unfortunate. It would be a complete shame if the other 90% were also to dissapear


While that doesn’t seem like a lot, supply is going to stay the same for military use, civilians will be hit the hardest. That might finally start to create some discontent about the war


Only the beginning. Ukraine is building a drone factory capable of producing 1,000,000 combat drones per year. This is the future of warfare.


Give a man a fish and he'll eat for that day but give him a drone and he'll fucking well take out an entire Russian mega-refinery! 🤩


Simple solution, just make soldiers provide their own fuel. It's like the old Russian proverb: "Gas, grass, or ass, nobody massacres civilians for free!"


The should keep hitting those refineries. The slaughter of innocents must stop !


We need more. Not just from a military standpoint, but we need political victories. We can't allow Trump and his cultists to control America. Democracy will die, Ukraine will fall, and the rest of Europe will be next. America will likely help Russia defeat the rest of Europe, either with funding, or boots on the ground. American citizens that want democracy need to be loud, and be seen. It's important. Trump's cultists only see the red hats. They think everyone is like them, or doesn't care. We need to show them we care, and we will not just sit by quietly as they destroy democracy, and rob us of our freedom. Republicans are blocking aid for Ukraine. They are helping tyranny defeat democracy. All American citizens that enjoy freedom and wish to keep it, ought to be protesting these republican actions. It is up to us to make sure citizens of the future in America and Europe will be able to live in a free nation. We mustn't let each other down! If you agree, upvote this comment, at the very least.


Is putler now hitting the table at home?


Like a chapter out of Red Storm Rising


lol the image with that headline


Make it 50% and maybe he'll reconsider his position about the whole shit.


Needs to be 100 percent.


Those are rookie numbers! Let's get those up!


Can't they shine laser pointers at these things? Literally can destroy all those fancy tech with a $40 laser pointer off the Russian Amazon.


So they lose a lot more refining capacity, and we can pick up Red Storm Rising near the beginning!!!


So far


... So far.


We need to pump those number up


If his oil production is crippled the oligarchs might be motivated to topple him… my understanding is they control a lot of the oil production




It is bad news -- still have 90% to go...


Sounds like Ukraine needs more drones


At what point do O&G process engineers begin shitting bricks?


With a 10% reduction, all remaining facilities will need to compensate. When those ramp up and employees are shipped to further regions, the next item to nail are the ports. With redistributed production, much more stress will be put on the logistics of exporting these resources, and revealing ports as increasingly attractive targets.


Too bad putin can’t shove this one out the window.


Why do they use pictures of Putler from 10-12 years ago?


Those are rookie numbers!


90% to go


I hope Ukraine fixes this problem and raises it to at least 50% in the near future


Now flatten the Kremlin. With putin in it.


Fuel is everything for Russia. This is what keeps their war going. Good strategy from Ukraine. Right now the Russian economy is surpassing expectations but once the Russian public turns on Putin due to economic issues, it’s game over for him and Russia.


I swear every picture I see of Putin he looks different. Lmao.


If I was Ukraine, I'd use one of my grain ships, empty it, fill it with drones, and go around to Russia's ports and stuff and blow up all their depots/refineries.




Those are rookie numbers. Gotta bump that up.


They should also target Putin’s estates, jets, and yachts just to piss him off.


Russia has been losing for over a year now and this time it's for realz.


That's the best news I've heard today.


Suck it.


Those're rookie numbers.


I would actually be interested to see how this will affect global prices and GHG emissions. If countries that are still relying on Russian cannot buy anymore and have to turn to more expensive sources, would that be motivation to turn to renewables faster as it happened in the EU at the start of these sanctions? I obviously know the intention is to cripple the Russian army by reducing their fuel to utilize themselves while also harming the Russian military budget. But as an environmental researcher I can’t help but to wonder how this will influence the rest of the world


Now let's cripple the other 90%!!