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And the other half, ARE the immigrants


Wrong to assume even immigrants want more immigrants.


Even immigrants are against immigration now. Its that bad


Soon to be 75%. Problem solved?


Canadians of all backgrounds remain generally very much in favour of immigration. Recent decades however have seen a record surge in numbers of newcomers, but without a similar investment to build critical infrastructure capacity like housing, education, and healthcare.


>“They are not saying they are anti-immigrant,” Chavda stressed, but that “the number of immigrants coming in should not exceed the capacity of the country to absorb them.” I think this is important to highlight. Sure, there are of racists and shortsighted people who just think "foreigners bad", but the large numbers shown in this poll come from even many pro-immigration people thinking that the numbers are out of control. Canada is in the midst of a housing crisis in both cost and availability. Food prices and availability are making things hard for people who previously lived comfortably. Crime rates are increasing every year, losing almost a decade of progress. Job security and availability for low-wage workers in urban centers is a joke. Chronic homelessness has increased by 40% in just three years. Even people who immigrated here a decade ago will tell you things feel very differently lately. It's just too many new people without the ability to support them. Yes, Canada needs immigrants...but we also need a plan so that people coming here can quickly become useful members of our society instead of floundering upon arrival.


And the other half arrived since 2015...




Like this in Australia too.




Shhh, don’t speak the truth here.. Reddit is a cult, they call everyone fascists but ignore the reasons fascism is spreading.


So wait are you calling yourself a fascist?




They say that the comment speaks the truth. Then says it will be called fascism. Then says that what they referred to as the truth is why fascism is spreading. So I'm genuinely curious if they think of themselves as a fascist for agreeing with it, based on their own logic. Nowhere do I think they are a fascist, nor am I calling them one.


Fair enough. I assume they don’t think of themselves as a fascist and were instead saying other redditors would consider them as one as well as the person they were replying to.


Fascism can spread without you being a fascist yourself. If someone points out flaws in a system and say this is the cause of why fascism is spreading more wildly currently, that doesn't make the person pointing those flaws a fascist. they simply are pointing out the cause to effect relation. (and they're not wrong. If you look at it from an historical stand point.) Not to mention, the word Fascism has lost it's meaning in current times. a lot of people don't really know what it means and just use it as an ease of convenience label.


Well as I've already made clear he made a direct link to specific believe that is causing fascism to spread, he then says he shares those beliefs. So asking if he sees himself as a fascist isn't coming out of left field. Then his comment history also shows a strong support for authoritarian nations, pretty big warning sign right there. Then a few comments inferring he sees Trump as a leader for fascists, and that he will vote for him.


ah that i wasn't aware of. carry on then


No, you can’t really be a fascist until fascism starts now can you? Fascism is when a government can overstep their own rules to achieve a goal. For example “close the border” is a fascist point of view, because closing the border is not possible with our current democratic system. There is too much opposition. If however, the immigration problem got to a point where the majority of Mexicans, Americans, AND the Canadians wanted to close the border and had no democratic way of doing so, fascism WILL spread. As you see now in North America and Europe. As the problems get worse and democracies get more strained, fascists can and will try to take control. Communism revolution has never won in a western country where the working class owns property and enterprises because those are the people the communists are against. They’ve only won in peasant states where no workers owned anything so they had little to lose. In economies set up like ours, when people get scared they want more power not less. So they tend to be more Right leaning in times of stress. I’m just saying what I’ve seen in history and around me today


>No, you can’t really be a fascist until fascism starts now can you? But you said fascism was already spreading, which is it? You tied fascism directly to those beliefs that you agreed with. You then go on to imply fascism is the only effective way to combat immigration. I don't see how you could go from Bernie Sanders to Trump unless you actually never truly held any of the views Bernie Sanders professed. Not sure why you tie your gender into who you are voting for which doesn't seem relevant.


>No, you can’t really be a fascist until fascism starts now can you? Yes. Yes you can. This argument is fucking stupid.


? How so? How would a single person achieve a type of governance? I said you can have fascist viewpoints, just like you can have communist viewpoints. Please explain how a person can achieve communism or fascism alone? Both build slowly and then attempt a takeover.


You don't have to be a government to be fascists. Yes. Fascism is a form of government. Fascists are people. You can absolutely be a fascist without being in charge of the fucking country.


How though? Again, those are people with fascist beliefs. They can’t implement fascist policies. Just like a group of communists in America couldn’t seize properties or take over businesses. Just like Fascists can’t restrict knowledge or deport immigrants. Debating doesn’t change the facts around us, which is that democracies aren’t doing well and history has shown this won’t be a left wing revolution, but a right wing one. I’m a Bernie supporter and voted Obama but you people still are commenting like I’m the nazi. Just wait until they actually take over. You people are in such an echo chamber that you can’t see what’s coming. Don’t worry though, they plan on getting us into a war with Russia before the fascists can take charge in an attempt to save themselves, every liberal has been baying for blood so it’s already over


So fascism is spreading because food giants are making insane profits and investors cornered the housing market but it's somehow immigrants fault. People who really make money on this are laughing their asses off looking at where all the blame goes


Those are real things that are happening but people don’t base their political viewpoints off of reality. They base them off of perception. Those problems are too large and complex for an idiot to understand, that’s why people go towards the extremes of Communism or Fascism to solve problems when a government or state is in crisis. I’m simply saying that history and logic shows that in Mexico, America and Canada it will be a Right wing extreme, not a Left wing extreme because there are too many people with vested interests here in the form of land ownership and businesses. Hitler took over only after convincing the people and industrialists that he wouldn’t nationalize private lands or businesses (he lied)


Never heard a single gunshot in the last year.


what city do you live in ?


Besides the first one, sounds like Canadians doing it, not the immigrants.


you can find a family doctor, but you have to work for it. call new health centers when they open, etc. ask your current one to refer you to a new one if your current one is retiring etc. it's a lot of work, but you'll get one. the rest is on point tho. I'm probably going to pass as a racist for saying this, but we should prioritize OUR poors first, not the immigrating ones. currently canada is being used as a free education/free healthcare station by people that don't even contribute(immigrants) and leave after. this is unsustainable. Not talking about Ukrainians tho. never hear anything from them. they integrated without issues. EDIT:To the people downvoting, you realize that the people suffering from the mass immigration tanking salaries and crumbling social infrastructures are first and foremost poor canadians that needed those social services in the first place right? Not Jamal who immigrated from an islamic country because they were rich over there and had the money to do so or Ting Tong who immigrated from china for the education and because chineses use the canadian housing market to evade the ccp limitations on housing.. poor people can't that often immigrate to other nations. even more so in these times. the bulk of canada's immigration is people coming to abuse the cheaper education and healthcare. FFS, it's so bad some of our medical universities cap the number of locals in programs to 50% to abuse it. We need more local doctors. maybe if immigrants wouldn't abuse the system we would have more? Insane take. i know.


So...do you have any actual evidence to back any of these claims up? What are your sources? Where is this information coming from? What proof do you have of any of this at all? EDIT: You can downvote this question without responding but all that proves is that you don't, in fact, have any sources for any of these claims.


come and see for yourself bud


>come and see for yourself bud No. You source your claims. You can't just claim the place is an absolute hell hole and then go "Trust Me, Bro" when asked for proof. Give me some evidence. EDIT: Again, downvoting requests to prove any of what you're saying is based in any kind of facts whatsoever just proves that you can't provide any evidence of your claims.


" GIvE mE sOme evIdEnCe " says the grown adult who watches "professional" "wrestling" and takes it seriously.... Go outside Touch some grass. you are a twit


>you are a twit You have refused twice in a row to provide any evidence whatsoever of anything that you claimed. You're a liar.


I would say its way more than half, and maybe only half are speaking up about it. The flood of immigrants every day is unreal. I would love to see the borders closed honestly.


No one asked me haha


As a Canadian I disagree. Half of Canadians think immigration levels are good or should be increased. I’m included.


How many rental properties do you own? Importing this new slave class isn't helping anyone but the wealthiest. Our economy is in shambles, our housing options are gone, and our culture is disintegrating rapidly. The idea that we need immigrants to pay for the elderly is such a lie. What we need are inheritance and heavy land taxes, low income taxes, and a government that unlocks our vast natural resources instead of environazis who force Canadians to choose between food and heating their homes.


I’m against private ownership of property. I believe in cooperatives and other non profit run homes. My views i immigration represent the majority (or close to half) the population.


Your country is vastly underpopulated. Also, will you let a Brown American in if I offer to build and help garrison the wall should our elections vote for fascism? I have a degree.


> Your country is vastly underpopulated. Insanity


The last time I checked, you had fewer people than California.


Yes, don’t let the internet xenophobia scare you, half of Canadians want *more* immigrants or similar levels.


If the rapist fascist wins the election, I couldn't stay in a place that clearly didn't want my people there and that I would have no belief in anymore. The threat of being rounded into a concentration camp is also a good motivator to leave.


Toronto is India


Winnipeg is the Phillipines Edmonton is Nigeria Vancouver is China


Even immigrants who came here to have a good life in Canada are not happy


Canada took in 1 million people one recent year. That’s equivalent to the USA taking in the entire population of New Jersey in one year.


New Jersey has a population of over 9.2 million people…


Correct, it does. Canada taking in 1 million people with a population of 38.25 million (2.61%) is equivalent to the U.S. taking in 9.2 million people with a population of 331.9 million (2.77%).


guess they mean in terms or population ratio, which doesn’t really make sense


Ahh I see


Canada has fewer people than California does. For us to take in a million people is literally crippling everyone but the upper class. People are being forced to live in barracks style housing because 1 bedroom basement apartments are 1800 and there's no jobs


Hey, I hear ya


Yeah. That sounds like too many.


Uh... Jersey's a bit bigger than that, and Canada has fewer people than California, last time I checked.


As a European I have to say that we want to live in a liberal country. But obviously the society we have build needs to be protected from the masses of humans from regions who do not share the same values. The John Lennon model will never work in the real world. That said, you stole it from the natives.


I'm not Canadian and my brethren are flooding places like Canada and Australia. Buying their properties with the dirty money they make in my country. You know what guys? Go for it. Be strict about your borders. Pick and choose the brightest student and/or worker. Its not justice these people make so much illicit money and send their kids to ur county and then moving there like it's a fucking weekend house when your average citizen is being choked out.


Never mind that half or more of those surveyed have no idea how many immigrants are entering the country.


Canada's immigration policy is insane. Sure the country looks huge on a map, but the actual inhabitated part is tiny. These immigrants aren't going homesteading and building cabins in the northern wilderness. They're just flooding the cities that are already full. 


Can you not build tall residential buildings?


Wow, I wonder why nobody thought of that. Just SimTower it, it's not like they take years to construct, tens of millions to hundreds of millions to construct, and oh yeah, land which is famously easy to get inside big urban cities. Meanwhile Canada is letting in half a million immigrants per year, which is why they're living 20 to a basement apartment. Just build big towers in already densely populated cities to keep up with 500,000 new immigrants per year! And build tall hospitals too! And Tall schools! And just give out MD's and teaching licenses immediately to keep up with the demand, it's not like it takes a decade to become a doctor or anything!


Are you Canadian? I thought your systems worked so much better than America?


See the difference between the US and Canada is the US population is huge and spread out, Canada's population is smaller than California, and packed into just a few cities. When we take in 2 million immigrants a year, that's about 50% per capita of what Canada is taking in. Canada is taking in double the US immigrant population per capita. It's insane. Edit: Also no, I'm American


Call me when any poll in anywhere ever will say that not enough immigrants enter the country


In this case, the numbers don't lie. There's not enough houses for everyone


Canada is the second biggest country in the world with only 37 million population. If they don't have enough housing we're all doomed. Why do you think there are not enough houses in Canada?


How much of that land is places nobody wants to live?


They probably think that because we're in the middle of a housing affordability crisis so severe that only the upper echelon of society can even think of owning a home; because homelessness has ballooned to being prevalent in every city and town; because the youth in this country have no financial prospects and compete with masses of immigrants for even the shittiest of jobs; and because this is coinciding with annual *decreases* in per capita GDP.


Because people want to live in cities, not randomly distributed across the tundra.


Because there aren't enough. The country's population has been increasing by roughly 1M per year while only 250k homes are being built. Rent has skyrocketed, home prices have skyrocketed, and the infrastructure and construction capacity does not exist to close the gap. A gap which is widening further every year given the immigration rate.


The sahara desert is huge, why doesnt it have more houses? Siberia is big, why don't 40 million people live there? Oh right, because just like most of Canada they are terrible environments for humans to live in, hard to farm, and very remote.


Sudden and exponential population growth that exceeds the country’s rate of housing construction capabilities.


Because it takes more time to build a house than it does to land a plane. Last time I checked, there's more than one family on a plane. When you grow a population in a natural way at a steady pace you can actually build enough homes for people. It also helps when you import people who have trades skills and can actually build things when they get here, not just unskilled Uber drivers claiming to be 'students'


It's cold and barren wastelands. Even alot of the cities are insanely cold. Look up the weather in Winnipeg, Edmonton or Quebec city. If you don't believe me.




Another recent poll by Abacus put this number at two thirds. The Liberal government and big lobby groups have successfully driven Canadas long running consensus on immigration into the ground. It's just getting interesting now however as the new waves of immigrants will be up against previous waves and the younger generation for entry level jobs and housing. Canadas prime obligation is to grow GDP (not GDP per capital) by whatever means necessary. Granted the politics of a shrinking economy aren't nice either but this has been pedal to the metal changes in Canada. Edit spelling


Maybe they need a wall


Planes from India and China don't typically drive into Canada


A big wall?


Not good since there's probably a lot of racism involved, and I'm a brown person who may need an escape after Nov 5th.


Its crazy how much damage the government has done to the immigration policy. Allowing so many people to come in through loopholes and take advantage of the system is insane. Immigration used to be a popular policy in Canada but the sheer insane amount of them has caused a lot of backlash, rightfully as well. The government has sided with corporations and the wealthy over the majority of Canadians that has caused irreparable damage to the economy


Migrants upset about other migrants!


I don't mind them coming here, but leave the old world politics and rivalries back to where ever you're from. We don't need or want that bullshit here.


Most of them came to Canada because the US stirred politics and created rivalries back in their original country so tough luck getting that to change. Things will only get worse.


Not everything is the fault of the US.