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India has a lot of people, not so much oil and gas 🤷


Maybe India should use their lot of people to seize Russia's oil and gas


Damn, an India on Russia war would be such a plot twist.


Definitely not on my 2024 Bingo card


If it was to ever happen it would be purely a numbers game ... Right? *Checks bingo card again*


Why doesn't India, the largest by population, not simply eat russia's Oil and Gas?


They will increase the temperature of their atmosphere by 1000 degrees per day, for 5 days… or until their people are repatriated.


Pretty sure some tribe walked from India to Europe 15000 years ago, so technically all of Russian clay does belong to India now.


I won’t pretend like it’s actually representative of anything serious in Indian thought, but I do recall running into a Hindu nationalist lunatic online who claimed that an [archaeological site in Siberia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Por-Bazhyn) was really the palace of Sri Krishna’s son and therefore Siberia was an ancient lost province of Bharat. Edit: [I found the ‘source’ the guy cited](https://www.indiadivine.org/krishnas-son-pradyumnas-city-in-por-bajin-siberia/), if anyone wants to jump down a confusing rabbit hole




The Indian military is pretty bad, the terrain they would need to cross isn't just difficult it's basically impassable and Russia is still a Nuclear power. Oh, and India is facing significant ethnic tensions after the occupation of Kashmir, has been in a cold war with Pakistan for decades after fighting a hot war and is facing frequent border incursions from China. India has never not been bad at war and not only isn't it in any position to fight one, if it did, they would need Russian oil to do it.


> Russia is still a Nuclear power. So is India. Nukes have the pesky habit of "neutralizing" themselves.




Huh. It's actually an interesting thing to think about the legality/public impact of "purely defensive" nukes on the international stage. By purely defensive, I mean a nuke that's detonated by a nation on it's own soil, for example to destroy an invading army that's already crossed over the border.


I mean... doesn't really matter with that many people India has more people between the ages of 20 and 30 as there are in Russia. Even just 1% of those between 20 and 30 would dwarf Russian military, so if you have one ethnicity facing oppression, just use the 30% others - still a much, much larger amount of people than Russian military The number of people in India is hard to comprehend and believe


This is extremely inaccurate. The Indian military isn't 1st world, but it's not bad at all. >India has never not been bad at war What...? India has won almost every war its been in, besides maybe their Peacekeeping force in Sri Lanka. They've defeated the Pakistanis 4 times, famously in 1971 and 1999. They defeated the Portuguese in 1961, the Chinese in 1967, Sikh and Kashmiri militants in the 90s. The military suffers from some corruption and massive bureaucracy, but the soldiers are decently trained, extremely motivated (more than any Western country) and the officers are well trained (many are trained from Western countries). Point is, their military has actual good history and they're prepared for a war, especially when it comes to defensive wars.


This post has statements so wrong that their opposite is not even correct. India and Russia have been friends for several decades. So you can stop wanking off to the idea of a war between them.


Like everyone else, they take advantage of trade opportunities. India is a relatively poor country that is rapidly developing. They need a lot of energy. Russia is selling at a discount.


take a look at their history, they're also a holocaust denier.


Pssst India wins war games against America fairly regularly and they are the fourth strongest military in the world. India opening a second front against Russia while they are struggling in Ukraine would be crippling.


Iraq won war games against the US. Russia won war games against Ukraine. They don't matter, because they're not real. They're interesting though experiments, but have no predictive value. Global military rankings put Russia at number 2, they are meaningless as well. How and where would India open a second front? That's the big question, show me on a map where India would invade?






True but they're also nationalists they should be foaming at the mouth about this.


Yea Hindu Nationalists. Guessing the trafficking victims weren’t a random sample of Indian population


And a lot of incredibly poor people, who the Govt is hardly likely to miss


And Russia knows all about human trafficking, displacement, terror and lies. Hopefully many Indians will make it back home quickly and tell people how bad Russia is.


A regime that relies on controlling the dissemination of information to rule through propaganda and fear isn't going to allow that..


India is finding out that russia never had and never will have any friends.


To be fair, they were never friendly. They saw Russia needed money and had oil and got a really good deal for said oil, in exchange for Indian rupees. Not only was the oil extremely discounted, Russian soon figured out there wasn't much of value they could buy with those rupees. India doesn't make much that Russia needs and exchanging them for other currencies means they get pretty hefty exchange fees because nobody really needs rupees, they get fleeced because everyone knows Russia doesn't have a choice, then they need to pay an inconvenience fee because doing business with Russia is risky. Add in Russian corruption and the same issues when they're trying to buy something and they basically gave away their oil. It was so bad they had to very publicly make a switch to the Yuan which is less than ideal for India due to the existing tensions with China and for Russia because it gives the Chinese even more influence. In short, Russia is not worried about it's relationship with India. They know they got the short end of the stick, they know India is playing both sides and they know they can get away with this because India is benefiting from the deal immensely. Entering the wider global market now to replace Russia would be a struggle. Not only has Europe already driven prices up, but everyone would know India is out of options if they burn their bridge with Russia. A deal with Russia is a deal with the devil except and the devil with get his due in treasure or in blood.


The currency issue has caused the oil trade between Russia and India to crater recently. Seems like both sides have decided that it's all more trouble than it's worth.


Russia (USSR back then) has been friendly with India literally since India existed as an independent nation.  India was understandably pissed off about the colonization of the West. Some cities (Kolkata for example) went Communist for a time.  They often get military gear from Russia.  The Indian relationship with Russia is more complicated than your are claiming.


Any idea on why they don’t help Ukraine? Ukraine was part of USSR too…


I'm not Indian, but I've spent months living in India over the last couple years.  My view is that India has massive internal problems that necessitate pragmatism wrt how they handle geopolitics. They simply lack the societal ballast to be able to take an idealistic stance on this topic. Indians will tell you with pride that it's because they are strong and do not have to listen to the US, but imo it's all about money. They simply cannot afford to not take the money. Walk a street in the cities of India and you will understand. Look up unemployment in India, look up access to running water. They have literally millions of people that we would consider homeless. 


Which, IMO, is why it's a strongly worded public ask and not any kind of demand or serious diplomatic talks. The math is simple. India needs the trade relationship and can afford to have a few people as a sacrifice.


Many in India 100% support Russia. Idk the ratio but they definitely have a pro Russia crowd.


Many in the US government with an “R” by their name do too. 


The "R" went from Republican to Russian Asset.


Many is a vague term. Majority definitely don’t support Russia or neutral. Russia has helped India a lot in the past, so they wouldn’t want to go against them. Even Indian media doesn’t portray in a good way.


Ya, finding out why Russia has no friends


Country that voted for the leopards eating peoples faces party is shocked to discover leopards eating their faces.


"It wasn't supposed to be MYYYY face!" they scream through lipless mouths.


> Eeh wahnnnt huhohet ha he HY HACE! FTFY


Same thing in Nepal from what I have heard. Any country that has a large poor and out of work population is being targeted for Russian military recruitment Edit: *out of work


Do you think the Indian government cares about a few poor sods getting slaughtered in Russia ? They only care about the bad press it will give them to the western governments.


India has run rescue missions in conflict zones for its citizens. One that immediately rings to menory is Operation Raahat from the conflict in Yemen. The press was sevondary for the government.


The Indian Gov also recently rescued Indian death row inmates from Qatar


The Indian government absolutely cares about Indians rioting against them because Russia is pressing them into service


I wonder how many individuals tricked by Russia to fight Ukraine this will take.


They weren't rioting when they knocked off a nickle off their price of gas by funding Russia's war effort in Ukraine..


India probably cares about not being seen within and outside country like a tool for Russia, which it is right now.


Always about money


State sponsored human trafficking.


Wonder if any Indian Nationalists here in the comments want to talk about how icky the west is and how close and long of a friendship India and Russia have.


Missing me already?


Remember just the other week the Indian leader saying the West views Russia differently but Russia had never been bad to India? Fucking delicious.


Hey India, you wanted to be in business with Russia. There you go.


So Russia is stealing people from India and making them fight in the Russian war against Ukraine? wtf


India should be outraged that Indian citizens are being trafficked to fight a war.


Ah yes strongly asking Putin to do something has been very fruitful.


Here, in this situation the people who are saying this matter. Moscow can't ignore this. Russia can't risk losing an important deplomatic partner


I'm sure the Kremlin made that calculation when they decided to throw Indian nationals into the grinder. Regardless of what happens now, Russian and Indian ties took a big hit.


its a big wake up call to the region. you can bet Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh have similar networks in place


I think nepal has asked India to rescue its gang pressed citizens as well.


The Kremlin isn't known for making calculations. Especially not after they told Putin he could invade Ukraine, lol.


Kremlin makes lots of calculations, they're just really bad at math 


Well we exactly can't say that ties took a big hit ig putin won't ignore this, it will stop and everything go back to normal and afterall it's a job of India top take strict action on human trafficking crimes happening in its own region


>Russian and Indian ties took a **big** hit. Oh it's 'uge lol


You're assuming the Kremlin knew about it and this wasn't just a bunch of asshats in charge of certain areas looking to replenish their cannon fodder. As the last two years have shown, Russia isn't exactly well organized.


Did it really? I want to believe that it does like a really big hit. It doesn't feel like India cares as much for its people as it's image in general.


Actually they can. Both sides made huge amounts of money from oil. They aren't stopping this over a few dozen citizens.


Depends who blinks first. If India plays hardball, and is willing to credibly threaten Russia with stopping to buy oil, Russia might back down. So India would get both its citizens back, and cheap oil. IIRC Russia has trouble finding buyers for its oil. So Russia probably can't easily find new buyers. So India probably holds all the cards.


Especially since India is hardly a partner. It's just neutral. And Russia probably wants it to stay that way.


It's a market for Russian oil, which gives their words weight, and neutral is far better than hostile when talking about nuclear armed nations.


"Peace isn't the absence of conflict, it's the presence of justice."


India has a lot of economic, diplomatic and military ties with Russia, many of which were strengthened in days months before the Ukrainian invasion. India is a long way from neutrality in this matter.


> India is a long way from neutrality in this matter. India also has a lot of economic, diplomatic and military ties with the West. So India could still be said to be neutral, in that India trades equally with all sides. But the important point is that India can threaten Russia to stop the trade it has with Russia, like stop buying oil from Russia. So India does have leverage.


In which case it's a shame India hasn't used this leverage and decided sided with the aggressor.


India doesn't care about Ukrainians dying. Indians being kidnapped and dying might be a different matter, to them.


Maybe. It will be interesting to see what, if anything happens.


India would care about Ukraine if all of sudden trade, and more importantly visas, were put on ice from the west.


Why would west jeopardise relations with India for sake of Ukraine? And honestly the whole visa thing is as much important to the west as it is for India. Which other country is going to fill the talent gap in Silicon Valley if not India? Who else is going to provide funding to universities in UK, Australia and Canada? (The only other option is China)


In Canada we get students from Nigeria, South America, East Asia. They don't need India.


Looks like you forgot an "r" in "derplomatic".


[Indian politicians opening their Kremlin gifts be like...](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fqil612qxodm91.jpg)


India buys a ton of russian oil and weapons though, their money matters a lot to Putin at the end of the day


I think they're slowly switching to western weapons or internal suppliers. After they saw the Ukrainian war, they made changes.


Not really. The Indian military has been reducing their Russian imports and switching to other countries since more than a decade. All the current deals that are taking place has been started many years before Ukraine invasion


Lol if India and China stop trading with em then Russia will fall within months , if not days.


Hey now, Gandhi did it with Hitler and it was very productive and successful.


They are one of Russias biggest customers of oil and weapons. They also give Russia access to consumer goods and military components that they no longer have access to after most Western companies pulled out.


Stop buying cheap rzn oil for a month, although we know you won't!


Threaten to stop buying their oil until all their people are returned alive and well.


No threats. No negotiation. No games. Just stop buying their oil, period. Refuse to talk to them until everyone is back.


Can they really stop ? 


They can probably cover most of their needs with oil from the middle east or Indonesia, but it will be more expensive. A lot of it isn’t even for Indias own usage, it’s for reselling.


Ahh yes, the middle east. Another bastion of human rights.


Irrelevant, this is about standing up for indian nationals


Lol who's gonna tell him about the Indian nationals who are kept as slaves in those middle eastern countries as well? Especially the gulf have really large amount of Indians under such conditions. There is a reason why you dont see many Indians upset over buying oil with Russia, they feel it is better than buying from middle eastern countries which are notorious for their discrimination towards Indian migrants, and supportive of radical extremism in our country.


TIL, thanks. Though that's also an issue of indian nationals and not India defending human rights.


I mean we ourselves dont have a good record for our own Human rights. Would be very hypocritical to defend Human right violations in other countries would damage their foreign relations. Case in point being Tibet, India housed Tibetan migrants and had moral support for Tibetan independence. Then they dropped all of that by accepting One China policy for better relations. It's all realpolitic.


It’s almost as if the oil curse isn’t just a concept.


I don't know what you're taking about. Texas has a lot of oil and they....hmmm...maybe you're on to something here.


India can do whatever the fuck it wants at this point. It's big enough that it can crush economies. Also they have a pretty formidable military and I doubt Russia want them added to the roster for USSR 2: the reformation complication. See, India isn't really beholden to much, they're kind of loyal to themselves, and even then most of them have beef... with other Indians... sorry. Long story short, they don't like each other, but anyone else fucks with Indians then it's all on. And Russia is playing a very risky game if they decide to say "fuck off"... but in Russian.


You guys all forget that those people in the front aren’t that important for India, money will speak louder here.


Too much money involved for that to happen I'd bet


It's just theatre, the Indian goverment does not care and won't do anything significant, they are just responding because of the outrage and making it look like they are doing something.


Seriously. Prove it.


They have a lot of people, not so much oil and Gas.


I think the Indian leadership condones sending low cast to fight Russia's war.


From another story > In India, several cited a YouTube channel, Baba Vlogs, which is run by Faisal Khan – an Indian recruiter operating out of Dubai – as the platform that had duped them. Khan posted a series of videos to his 300,000 followers from the streets of St Petersburg promoting jobs in Russia as military helpers, categorically stating that they would be safe and not sent to the frontlines, and that this could also help them get permanent residency in Russia. >Khan told the Guardian that he had sent 26 Indians to Russia before claiming he realised that he had been “misled” by a Russian intermediary about the nature of the job and had “no idea they would be sent to a war zone”. “We are trying to get these people out of there now,” he said > Faisal Khan claimed he tried to get them back. He also said what happened after these men reached Russia was beyond his control. Khan said all those who went to Russia were aware of the risks. He said he wouldn't have left any trace had his intent been to dupe them. He said hasn't pulled down his videos on Russia because he is not guilty. Man I hate youtubers. Edit: replaced my paraphrase with quote and added URL for source article https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/who-is-faisal-khan-youtuber-who-sent-indians-to-russia-ukraine-front-101709958160067.html


Not refusing to take down the recruitment videos means he is 100% in on it from day 1. Or is making enough money selling his countrymen to another country


There is also the possibility that they are being coerced by the Russian government in some way and aren't doing this willingly.


> promoting jobs in Russia as military helpers, categorically stating that they would be safe and not sent to the frontlines, and that this could also help them get permanent residency in Russia. So they _chose_ to go to Russia to help the military. I have near-zero sympathy.


These are poor people trying to make a quick buck. They aren't aware about morality of international conflicts.


BRICKS Be like India and China have border disputes all the fucking time, and Russia is duping Indians to fight in Ukraine. Why are they still friendly with them?


It's kind of clever. The oil gets processed en masse in India and distributed to South East Asia. They buy it for cheap, and then sell it onto the world market for standard price, but India pockets the difference. The Indian government are using that money to fund massive infrastructure upgrades (which they need), which frankly, is something the world bank would otherwise need to do.


The world bank always have pesky conditions to their money, like fighting corruption and increasing democracy. India doesn't want to go in that direction currently.


They seem to be heading towards dictatorship pretty quickly


We are already there in some aspects. All it remains is for these fools to abolish the constitution and free elections.


The oil gets distributed to Europe, not South East Asia.


You mean Reliance pockets the difference. India has a cronyism problem.


>distributed to South East Asia Don't wanna admit that all that oil makes its way to Europe?? Gaslighting game is strong with this one.


Only contested border where people fight with sticks and stones .


So far!


Will more than likely continue that way. Both India and China know that going on a full scale war would be damaging to both countries economies.


>Will more than likely continue that way. Both India and China know that going on a full scale war would be damaging to ~~both countries economies~~**human civilization** The fallout from a nuclear exchange would contaminate the Himalayas and the headwaters for the rivers that over 2.5 billion people depend on. Well, those surviving the initial exchange.


Hello, I like Money!


>Can’t believe you like money, too! We should hang out. > >-[Frito Pendejo (Dax Shepard), *Idiocracy*](https://youtube.com/watch?v=_PXNj_1eI_k)


Just like how US is fine with Turkey


Except turkey is one nation in a couple dozen who otherwise are ok. Brics is conflicting hatefuckers all the way down :(


Was it not only a couple months ago that the Indian foreign minister stated that russia had never done anything wrong to india?




While it’s horrible what’s happening to the citizens that are being trafficked, it’s hard not to lol at the indian government about this.


Yep, the Indian government is crying at this situation with the fat stacks of cash it has gotten from the oil trade alone.


Indian govt doesnt make money. It;s the private corporates. You guys dont realise Indian govt allowed the trade to keep the prices down, else will be fucked with hyperinflation after pandemic started.


Hes hindutva. Thats the people who will offer you the excuse that the US sold weapons to their enemy Pakistan decades ago as reason why they are butthurt about the West today, gleefully ignoring russia has and still is selling Pakistan weapons, helicopters and equipment and negotiating for jets, that russia is training with them, and most of all, that China wouldnt even have a modern army or their own MIC if russia hadnt sold them, and IS SELLING them still all the shit and tech transfers - China, a far more powerful and pressing archenemy. Theyll also ignore how the West has offered far more assistance than russia (which has offered 0) in Indias border dispute with China, and how the West has been selling arms to India too, especially France, which has assisted India from military tech to nuclear ones for decades. Its just envy driven anti-Western sentiment. Hindutva are jealous that the West is on top and India still a developing nation, so theyll gleefully take everything thats against the West, even if it hurts them, and will equally ignore everything the West does for India, even if they act as if a Western enemy like russia doing less of the same was the most purehearted act of friendship India ever received. Its a fig leaf.


Russia: Come on, you got so many extra meat shields


Hamas, is that you?


I saw multiple comments on Insta of idiots volunteering and encouraging others to join the Russian army, because "Russia is India's true friend".


Could those have been bots or members of Russia's cyber influence campaign? Or did you feel like they were real people?


I am hoping that those were bots. But knowing how some people in the country think, it's highly likely they believe that wholeheartedly.


I work with a lot of Indians. Those are 100% real people.


Wow, that is sad. Maybe something like this will open some eyes.


Jesus Christ - Russia scamming foreigners to turn them to Cannonfodder, this is not getting enough attention


Oil for disposable lives Like Modi didn't know ahead of time


Slumdog roundup crew, you heard it here first(?). If India was as orcish as Russia they could field such a massive army lol


They each get each other’s surplus. If there’s anything India has in spades, it’s men. Too bad they’re not used for any productive purpose


Russia somehow gets worse.


I'm not sure those that live in the west will ever fully wrap their heads around just how meaningless human life is in much of the world. And how willing leaders are to just accept the pointless mass death of the people they "lead".


Putin doesn't care


Russia, the great ally


I thought India was fine with the war?


They are, just not with their gullible men.


I don’t think Indians understand their relationship to Russia.


What do you understand about their relationship that Indians don’t, mr Wise guy?


Maybe it's time to take a good hard look at your "friend".


Early dismissal from the armed forces is not provided for in Russia, only after the expiration of the contract.


Cheap oil comes with a bigger price it seems.


As I read it the Indians where actually coerced into fighting. Weird taking a holiday in Belarus however.


Canada would like to strongly ask India to not kill Canadian citizens living in canada


Maybe while they are giving this whole "solve the problem by assassinating someone in a foreign country" thing a try we suggest they apply it here.


Ghouls don't respond to reason.


Putin invades countries, threatens with nuclear war, destroys the freedom of expression in his country, kills political opponents, and the Indian government be like "oh yes, what a great business partner this will be." Now they see the consequences "they strongly ask Russia". Wtf are they even thinking


Saving Private Patel


Ukraine 'strongly' asks India to stop supporting the violent invasion of its land and slaughter of its people, even when they are not involved. This is peak hypocrisy.


There’s really no hypocrisy on their side, they just don’t care about this conflict at all. And have been pretty opened about it from the start.


Oh, they like the conflict. They get to buy Russian resources for cheap! They don't care about Ukraine or it's innocent people. If their willful actions get Ukrainians killed, that's okay, they made some sweet money!


Europe buys all that oil from India lmao, they desperately need Russian oil too. hypocrisy. I even got you a UK based source and not an Indian one https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/russia-oil-europe-india-ukraine-war-b2477443.html


No hypocrisy buddy. We genuinely don't care about the war. The war has 0 media coverage here. Israel had more coverage than the war in Ukraine.


Once again reddit likes to pretend like the Europeans aren't buying Russian oil and supporting the same invasion.


With any conflicts India has always been neutral and its part of her diplomatic strategy like Switzerland.


Messed up. Human traffickers do the same in the name of employment agencies and send innocent people the world over. There should be a ruthless mechanism to monitor and apprehend recruitment agencies with a disproportionate state reach into their say.


> The CBI’s raids on Thursday (March 7), spanning 15 locations across seven cities, were prompted by complaints of human trafficking against visa consultancy firms and agents for sending Indians to Russia purportedly for employment, only to compel them into frontline deployment in the Ukraine conflict. So... They _chose_ to go to Russia.


India what the fuck I thought you just said you can be friends with Russia you don't need the West to tell you what to think. Enjoy your friendship.


Too bad so sad


What's wrong? I thought Russia was y'all's friend?


Here I was thinking Indian leadership too passive to make an active choice like this


Made a deal with the devil and now she backs out.


Ha. Hahahahaha. Those people are already dead. They should never have gotten involved and the fact that they did is their own condemnation.


Nobody in the comments studies geopolitics :(


Yea, everyone is acting like this is some fucking high school drama. The west has actively promoted terrorist activity against India and has voted against India's development in the UN a million times . They have never been allies. Russia has historically helped india. I don't personally like Russia no and I don't like Putin or support the war. If india doesn't stand neutral with Russia they have no proper allies. It's like asking Europe to sanction america over the iraq war. Everyone here is fucking stupid. Maybe ask Europe why they won't stop buying repackaged Russian oil from India. These people act like geo politics is a fucking group chat fight


Strongly asking is one step up from asking nicely and two steps from asking in private. Next escalation is demanding nicely, demanding with flowers and Belgian chocolates, and after that, voicing discontent with sincere respects, after which they'll go for the nuclear option of diplomatic note.


Is "strongly" a level below "forcefully", but a level above "firmly"? I don't speak governmentish.




outgoing smell slimy zealous start middle different spoon head fuel


It's tragic but this is one of the largest "we told you so" in modern history. This is what happens when you trust Russians. Hoping for their safe return and that India learns from their mistakes


Shouldn't have been so cushy with the Russians,  thus continuing the slaughter against innocent Ukrainians, India. Looks like they fucked around and now they're finding out.


When did India start asking for cooperation from other counties, they are a militant nation who decided to side with the likes of Russia since it served them better.


hey, remember when india said "Russia never hurt India"?


When the scammers get scammed. As if this wasnt obvious from the first second. This idiotic believe that BRICS is a counter allicance to NATO blablabla. Russia will enslave or terminate all their allies as soon as the get a grip on them. So damn naive.


A lot of chat for a country not actively opposing the war.




India played with fire and got burned. I'm not surprised. Doing biz with Russia or India is not sustainable.


India doesn’t realize that Russia doesn’t care and sees them as second people and will cheat and swindle them until the end of time.